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亞馬遜echo中國使用_我需要Amazon Echo才能使用Alexa嗎?



Amazon has gone into overdrive promoting their powerful and popular voice assistant Alexa, but most people don’t realize: Alexa is more than just the Amazon Echo.

亞馬遜已經大力推廣其強大而流行的語音助手Alexa,但大多數人沒有意識到:Alexa不僅僅是Amazon Echo。

什麼是Alexa(不是) (What Alexa Is (And Isn’t))

To better understand where you can and cannot use Alexa, it’s useful to separate the software and hardware elements. In short, Alexa is Amazon’s answer to Siri, Apple’s voice assistant service. Just like Siri is available on a range of devices (and exists independently of those devices), Alexa is too.

為了更好地瞭解您可以在哪裡使用Alexa,以及在哪裡不能使用Alexa,分離軟體和硬體元素很有用。 簡而言之,Alexa是亞馬遜對蘋果語音助手服務Siri的迴應。 就像Siri在各種裝置上都可用(並且獨立於這些裝置存在)一樣,Alexa也是如此。

Alexa is a cloud-based personal voice assistant that can answer questions, control your smarthome devices with voice commands, and give you traffic and weather updates, among many other things. The voice assistant service is completely separate from the hardware.

Alexa是基於雲的個人語音助手,可以回答問題,通過語音命令控制您的智慧家居裝置,並為您提供路況和天氣更新等。 語音助手服務與硬體完全分開。

Echo, on the other hand, is a specific set of hardware productsthat Amazon built to showcase and deliver Alexa. Without Alexa, the Amazon Echo device is a nice, but overpriced Bluetooth speaker—with Alexa, however, it’s a pretty awesome addition to your home


另一方面,Echo是亞馬遜專門用來展示和交付Alexa的一組特定的硬體產品。 如果沒有Alexa,Amazon Echo裝置將是一款不錯的但價格過高的藍芽揚聲器,但與Alexa相比,它對您的家來說實在是太棒了

But you can get Alexa on products other than the Echo. Sure, in the beginning, thedistinction between the two was very blurred, since the Echo was the only Alexa-enabled product on the market. But now,Amazon has expanded their internal stable of Alexa-enabled devices,and licensed the Alexa platform for outside use as well.

但是您可以在Echo之外的其他產品上使用Alexa。 當然,起初,兩者之間的區別非常模糊,因為Echo是市場上唯一支援Alexa的產品。 但是現在,亞馬遜擴充套件了內部支援Alexa的裝置的穩定性,許可了Alexa平臺供外部使用。

您可以在哪裡訪問Alexa (Where You Can Access Alexa)

There are three distinct product tiers within the family of Alexa-enable devices. The Echo line, push-to-command line (like the Tap, Fire tablets, and Fire TV), and third-party devices with Alexa support.

支援Alexa的裝置系列中共有三個不同的產品層。 Echo行,一鍵通命令列(例如Tap,Fire平板電腦和Fire TV)以及支援Alexa的第三方裝置。

回聲線:擴音控制 (The Echo Line: Hands Free Control)

In the Amazon product family, the term “Echo” is reserved for a specific class of Alexa-enabled devices. All Echo devices sport an array of seven microphones around the top of the device that are always on and waiting for your commands.

在亞馬遜產品系列中,術語“回聲”保留給特定類別的支援Alexa的裝置。 所有Echo裝置都在裝置頂部配備了七個麥克風陣列,這些麥克風始終處於開啟狀態並等待您的命令。

There are currently two Echo devices on the market: the Amazon Echo ($180), andthe smaller (but very similar)Echo Dot($90). Bothare triggered by a wake word(usually “Alexa”) followed by a command: “Alexa, what’s the weather like today?”. Future devices that bear the “Echo” namesake will likelyalso feature the same “far-field” microphone array found in the earlier Echo models.

當前市場上有兩種Echo裝置:亞馬遜Echo (180美元)和較小(但非常相似)的Echo Dot (90美元)。 兩者都由喚醒詞(通常為“ Alexa”)觸發,然後發出命令:“ Alexa,今天的天氣如何?”。 帶有“ Echo”名稱的未來裝置可能也會具有早期Echo型號中相同的“遠場”麥克風陣列。

點選,消防平板電腦和消防電視線:一鍵式 (The Tap, Fire Tablet, & Fire TV Line: Push-to-Command)

In addition to their always-on Echo line, Amazon has several devices that support a push-to-command model of interaction with Alexa. Although the Amazon Tap($130) is also a Bluetooth speaker and is shaped somewhat like the Amazon Echo, it doesn’t bear the Echo name, nor does it have the always-on listening feature of the Echo line. Instead, you need to press a button to put the device in listening mode, after which you can say a command.

除了始終線上的Echo系列外,亞馬遜還有多種裝置支援與Alexa的一鍵式互動模型。 儘管Amazon Tap (130美元)也是藍芽揚聲器,並且外形有點像Amazon Echo,但它沒有Echo名稱,也沒有Echo系列的常開監聽功能。 取而代之的是,您需要按一個按鈕以使裝置進入監聽模式,然後您可以說出一條命令。

The Fire TV($85) and Fire TV Stick with voice remote($50) work on the same principle. While your device and television are on, you press the microphone button on your voice remote to issue commands to Alexa. The Fire TV lineup also has the bonus feature of displaying the output of most commands as cards on your TV screen.

Fire TV ($ 85)和帶語音遙控器的Fire TV Stick ($ 50)的工作原理相同。 開啟裝置和電視後,按語音遙控器上的麥克風按鈕即可向Alexa發出命令。 Fire TV陣容還具有將大多數命令的輸出作為卡顯示在電視螢幕上的額外功能。

Amazon’s $49 Fire Tablet, Fire HD 8 ($89), and Fire HD 10 ($229) all come with Alexa as well, and you simply hold down the home button as you say your command. You can also use your Fire tablet as a secondary Alexa device of sorts using Voicecast, which will automatically wake up your Fire tablet and show you more details from a voice command you gave to your Echo.

亞馬遜的49美元的Fire TabletFire HD 8 (89美元)和Fire HD 10 (229美元)也都附帶了Alexa,您只需按命令的同時按住主螢幕按鈕即可。 您還可以使用Voicecast將Fire平板電腦用作次要的Alexa輔助裝置,該裝置將自動喚醒Fire平板電腦,並向您傳送給Echo的語音命令向您顯示更多詳細資訊。

第三方路線:增長空間 (The Third-Party Line: Room For Growth)

Although Amazon has talked about third-party integration since the beginning (they’re heavily invested in promoting Alexa as the personal/smarthome voice assistant of the future), we’ve only recently seen a third-party entrant into the market.


The recently-released Triby bluetooth speaker($170) features complete integration with the Alexa system, including wake word detection like the Echo. There’s currently no set terminology for third party devices to identify themselves as voice-controlled or push-to-command, so it’s up to you to carefully read the product description to ensure you get a product that meets your needs.

最近釋出的Triby藍芽揚聲器(170美元)具有與Alexa系統的完全整合,包括像Echo這樣的喚醒詞檢測功能。 當前沒有用於第三方裝置將其標識為語音控制或一鍵通命令的固定術語,因此您需要仔細閱讀產品說明,以確保獲得滿足您需求的產品。

Ford is also integrating Alexa into its Ford Sync platform, and there’s even a cool-looking lamp made by GE that includes Alexa.

福特還將Alexa整合到其Ford Sync平臺中,甚至還有GE生產酷炫燈,其中包括Alexa。

Amazon is heavily promotingAlexa as a product for third-party devices, soexpect to this market significantly expand in the future. Heck, if you have a little technical know-how, you can even create your own push-to-talk Alexa device with a Raspberry Pi.

亞馬遜大力推廣Alexa作為用於第三方裝置的產品,因此期望該市場在未來會大大擴充套件。 哎呀,如果您有一點技術知識,您甚至可以使用Raspberry Pi建立自己的一鍵通Alexa裝置

難以訪問Alexa的地方 (Where It’s Difficult To Access Alexa)

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While you can access Alexa from both Amazon’s products and now third-party devices, there’s one place—rather curiously—that’s quite difficult to access Alexa: your phone. Despite the fact that there is an Alexa app available for Android, Fire OS, and iOS, it exists solely for you to install your Alexa devices, tweak settings, and review information the Alexa-enabled devices share with you.

雖然您既可以從亞馬遜的產品也可以從現在的第三方裝置訪問Alexa,但有一個地方(相當奇怪的是),很難訪問Alexa:您的手機。 儘管事實上有適用於Android,Fire OS和iOS的Alexa應用程式,但它僅是供您安裝Alexa裝置,調整設定以及檢視與Alexa共享的裝置資訊。

However, youcan’tuse the Alexa app to actually ask Alexa questions. Though we’re certain Amazon has their motives for this design choice, we certainly hope they include the functionality in the future. After all, there’s nothing more ubiquitous than the smartphone, and if they want as many people as possible integrating Alexa into their lives (especially as an alternative to Siri and Google Now), then integrating Alexa right into an app that people always have with them would be a smart move.

但是,您不能使用Alexa應用程式實際詢問Alexa問題。 儘管我們確定亞馬遜有選擇這種設計的動機,但我們當然希望它們將來包括這些功能。 畢竟,沒有什麼比智慧手機更普及了,如果他們希望有儘可能多的人將Alexa融入生活(尤其是作為Siri和Google Now的替代品),然後將Alexa正確地整合到人們經常與他們在一起的應用將是一個明智的舉動。

Although Amazon doesn’t include access to the Alexa service directly through their own application, they apparently have no restrictions on third parties doing so. You can get third-party apps that allow you to use Alexa right on your phone.

儘管亞馬遜不包括直接通過自己的應用程式訪問Alexa服務,但顯然他們對第三方沒有任何限制。 您可以獲得允許您直接在手機上使用Alexa的第三方應用程式。

With any confusion over where you can and can’t use Alexa out of the way, it’s time to focus on the fun stuff you can do with Alexa–like controlling your entire Kodi media center with your voice.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/253719/do-i-need-an-amazon-echo-to-use-alexa/
