1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >每個人都應該有一個行車記錄儀


A clean dashcam installation

I've put Dashcams in both my car and my wife's car. It's already captured two accidents: one where I was rear-ended and one where someone fell asleep as they were driving a few cars ahead of me on the freeway.

我已經將行車記錄儀放到了我的汽車和妻子的汽車中。 它已經捕獲了兩起事故:一起是我被追尾的事故,另一起是有人在高速公路上開著我的車時睡著了。

After these two experiences, I will never drive a car without a dashcam again. Case in point - being rear-ended. I was at a red light, it turned green, and as I accelerated I got nailed from behind, pushing me into the intersection. The gent jumped out and started yelling and waving his arms, saying I backed up (!), and I said, "I'm sorry, but I've got a dashcam both front and back." He got really quiet, and then we exchanged information. When I called the insurance company on Monday and told them I had not only Dashcam footage but that the cam recorded date and time, gps coordinates, speed and 1080p video both front and back, including the face and license plate of the other driver...I had a check that Thursday afternoon.

經歷了這兩次經驗之後,如果沒有行車記錄儀,我將永遠不會開車。 一個很好的例子-被追尾。 我當時是紅燈,然後變成綠色,當我加速時,我從後面被釘住,將我推到路口。 那個紳士跳了起來,開始大喊大叫,揮舞著手臂,說我備份了!!我說:“對不起,但前後都有行車記錄儀。” 他真的很安靜,然後我們交換了資訊。 當我週一致電保險公司並告訴他們時,我不僅擁有Dashcam鏡頭,而且該凸輪還記錄了日期和時間,gps座標,前後速度和1080p視訊,包括其他駕駛員的面部和車牌。那個星期四下午我有一張支票。

I was driving at night on I5 from Seattle to Portland and noticed a truck two or three (long) car lengths ahead of me start to drift, drift, drift off to the side...and then suddenly jerk hard to the left, cross all lanes of traffic and slam into the median in a shower of sparks and eventually balance on top of the center median. While I wasn't involved in the accident, I pulled over and dropbox'ed the video to the cops right there. The officer on duty said that dashcam footage made things 100% easier.

我晚上在I5高速公路上開車,從西雅圖到波特蘭,發現前方有兩三輛(長)車長的卡車開始漂移,漂移,向側面漂移……然後突然猛地向左猛衝,橫穿所有的行車通道都猛烈地衝入中位數,最終在中位數中間保持平衡。 當我沒有捲入事故時,我停了下來,將錄影放到了警察那裡。 值班人員說,行車記錄儀鏡頭使事情變得簡單100%。

A cropped and somewhat compressed version of this video is embedded below, and also linked here. Now, it was late at night and I've cropped it, but you can see the car get "sleepy" and slowly float across all lanes to the right, hit the right side, then overcompensate and hit the center. This contradicted the driver's statement that he was hit by another car.

該視訊的裁剪和壓縮版本嵌入在下面,並在此處連結。 現在,已經很晚了,我已經把它裁剪了,但是您可以看到汽車變得“睏倦”,並緩慢地飄過右側的所有車道,撞到右側,然後過度補償並撞到了中心。 這與駕駛員關於他被另一輛汽車撞倒的說法相矛盾。

Disclaimer: This is older DR650 footage in the dead of night that's been cropped to remove identifying info. Check out this example Dashcam footage of a DR750 for a better sense of what to expect.

免責宣告:這是深夜中DR650的素材,已被裁剪以刪除識別資訊。 請檢視此示例DR750的Dashcam鏡頭,以更好地瞭解期望值

411gAnMBbaL I've put Blackvue Dashcams in both our cars. I put a Blackvue DR750S-2CH with Power Magic in car. A PowerMagic will power the dashcam while the car is parked, and catch anything that happens even if the car is off, and it will shut off if it detects that it's in any way discharging the 12V battery below a set voltage. I like the DR750 because it's 60fps 1080p on the front, and it can optionally buffer the video to memory so it's not beating on the SD card and shortening its life. It also has g-force and impact sensors, so as you get in the car it'll say (literally speak) "an impact was detected while in parking mode." 我已經將Blackvue Dashcams放入了我們的兩輛車中。 我將 帶有Power MagicBlackvue DR750S-2CH放入了汽車。 當汽車停放時, PowerMagic會為行車記錄 供電,即使汽車處於關閉狀態,它也能捕捉到一切情況,並且如果檢測到以某種方式將12V電池放電至低於設定電壓,它將關閉。 我喜歡DR750,因為它的前端為60fps 1080p,並且可以有選擇地將視訊緩衝到記憶體中,因此不會在SD卡上跳動並縮短其壽命。 它還具有重力感測器和撞擊感測器,因此,當您上車時,它會說(直譯為“在停車模式下檢測到撞擊”)。

My wife didn't care about these more advanced features so she got the Blackvue DR650S-2CH. It's last year's model but still does 1080p front and back. There's a main wire that handles power for the main unit (either from a 9V cigarette lighter or the PowerMagic), then there's a long, long wire that you'll fish though the plastic panels of your car that will power and run the back camera.

我的妻子並不關心這些更高階的功能,因此她得到了Blackvue DR650S-2CH 。 它是去年的型號,但仍支援1080p前後。 有一根主線用於處理主機的電源(來自9V點菸器或PowerMagic),然後有一根很長的線,您會從汽車的塑料板上釣魚,這將為後置攝像頭供電併為其供電。 。

It only took about two hours for me to install the camera, per car, and installation consisted mostly of hiding wires in the existing plastic panels and pushing the wires out of sight. The final look is very sanitary and requires zero maintenance.

我每輛汽車只安裝了兩個小時的攝像機,安裝過程主要是將電線隱藏在現有的塑料面板中,並將電線推到看不見的地方。 最終外觀非常衛生,需要零維護。

The camera has wifi built-in and there's a free app to download. You connect your phone (whenever necessary) to the camera's wifi and download videos as needed. That's why it was super easy for me to Dropbox the footage without connecting to a PC. That said, there are Blackvue desktop apps that will show you maps with your position and speed and allow you to stitch footage together. You can also stamp date, time, speed, and custom text to the footage so it's embedded in the resulting MP4s.

相機內建了wifi,並且有免費的應用程式可供下載。 您可以將手機(必要時)連線到相機的wifi,並根據需要下載視訊。 這就是為什麼在不連線PC的情況下對素材進行Dropbox超級容易的原因。 就是說,有些Blackvue桌面應用程式可以向您顯示位置和速度的地圖,並允許您將素材拼接在一起。 您還可以在素材上標記日期,時間,速度和自定義文字,以便將其嵌入到生成的MP4中。

I've had zero issues with my dashcams, and as I said, I'm sold. It's a no-brainer and frankly, it should be built into every car. I'll be installing a dashcam in whatever car my soon-to-be teenager drives, count on it.

我的行車記錄儀有零個問題,正如我所說,我被賣了。 毫無疑問,每輛汽車都應該安裝它。 我會在即將成年的少年駕駛的任何汽車上安裝行車記錄儀,請指望它。

Maybe you won't get into an accident (hopefully!) but you could catch a meteor on your dashcam!


* I use Amazon links to products. When you use them, you're supporting this blog! Thanks!

*我使用Amazon連結到產品。 當您使用它們時,就是在支援該部落格! 謝謝!

Sponsor: Get the latest JetBrains Rider for debugging third-party .NET code, Smart Step Into, more debugger improvements, C# Interactive, new project wizard, and formatting code in columns.

贊助商:獲取最新的JetBrains Rider,用於除錯第三方.NET程式碼,Smart Step Into,更多偵錯程式改進,C#Interactive,新專案嚮導以及列中的格式程式碼。

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/everyone-should-get-a-dashcam