1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何刪除Google搜尋和Chrome瀏覽器歷史記錄?


Google and its services are at the center of our lives. Google tracks our location, behaviors, friends, calls, web activity, etc. Google Chrome is the most popular browser currently with 80% of the browser market share.

Google及其服務是我們生活的中心。 Google跟蹤我們的位置,行為,朋友,通話,網路活動等。Chrome瀏覽器是目前最受歡迎的瀏覽器,佔據了瀏覽器市場80%的份額。

Google搜尋紀錄 (Google Search History)

Google is actually a big data company where it stores a lot of user data. These data vary from Web & App Activity to Location History, Voice & Audio Activity to YouTube Search History. Google Search History is enabled by default which means all Google Search activity will be stored by Google. This data is used by Google for different purposes like Faster Search, Better Recommendations, More Personalized Experiences in different Google services like Maps, Search, etc.

Google實際上是一家儲存大量使用者資料的大資料公司。 這些資料從網路和應用活動到位置記錄,語音和音訊活動到YouTube搜尋歷史不等。 預設情況下,Google搜尋歷史記錄處於啟用狀態,這意味著所有Google搜尋活動都將由Google儲存。 Google將此資料用於不同目的,例如更快的搜尋,更好的推薦,不同的Google服務(例如地圖,搜尋等)中的更個性化的體驗。

Google Search History
Google Search History

刪除特定時間的Google搜尋記錄(Delete Specific Time Google Search History)

We will navigate to the following URL with our Google user logged in. This page provides the which also includes Google Search.




We will see a screen like this which provides our current Google search and configuration about them.


Web & App Activity

We can delete all Google Search Activity by clicking the trash icon which will delete given time periods like a single day or a week. In the following screenshot, we will delete Today Google Search history.

我們可以通過單擊垃圾桶圖示刪除所有Google搜尋活動,該圖示將刪除給定的時間段,例如一天或一週。 在以下螢幕截圖中,我們將刪除Today Google Search歷史記錄。

Google Search Activity

刪除所有Google搜尋記錄(Delete All Google Search History)

We can also delete all Google Search History. First, we will click to the right corner Delete Activity By like below.

我們還可以刪除所有Google搜尋記錄。 首先,我們將單擊右下角的“ Delete Activity By如下所示。

Delete Google Web&App Activity
刪除Google Web&App活動

We will see the following Delete by Topic or Product page. We will set Delete by date to All time. We will also change the product to the Search. Then we can click to the Delete like below.

我們將看到以下“ Delete by Topic or Product頁面。 我們會將“ Delete by date設定為“ All time 。 我們還將產品更改為Search 。 然後,我們可以單擊“ Delete如下所示。

Delete All Google Search History
Delete All Google Search History

We will see the following confirmation screen which simply informs that the deletion of the search may affect Google service quality. We will simply click to the Ok.

我們將看到以下確認螢幕,該螢幕僅通知您刪除搜尋可能會影響Google服務質量。 我們只需單擊“ Ok

Google :Search Before Deletion
.Google Search Before Deletion

Following screen the last warning about deletion where we will click to the Delete crucially.

在螢幕上,顯示有關刪除的最後警告,我們將在其中嚴重單擊“ Delete

Delete All Of Your Search Activity Confirmation
Delete All Of Your Search Activity Confirmation

3或18個月後自動刪除Google搜尋記錄(Automatically Delete Google Search History After 3 or 18 Months)

We can also delete Google Search History automatically after the specified time. We have two options where we can delete after 3 months or 18 months. First, we will click to the Choose to delete automatically like below.

我們還可以在指定時間後自動刪除Google搜尋記錄。 我們有兩個選項,可在3個月或18個月後刪除。 首先,我們將點選“ Choose to delete automatically如下所示。

Automatically Delete Google Search History
Automatically Delete Google Search History

In this example, we will select Keep for 3 months options where Google Search History logs which are older than 3 months will be deleted. Then we will click to the Next.

在此示例中,我們將選擇“ Keep for 3 months選項,其中將刪除3個月以上的Google搜尋歷史記錄。 然後,我們將單擊Next

Automatically Delete Google Search History After 3 or 18 Months
Automatically Delete Google Search History After 3 or 18 Months

We will see the following screen which simply informs that given google search history is older than 3 months and will be deleted after Confirm.


Confirm Automatic Delete
Confirm Automatic Delete

And then we will see the following screen which simply shows that Preference saved.

然後,我們將看到以下螢幕,其中僅顯示了Preference saved

Save Google Activity Preferences

停用Google搜尋記錄(Disable Google Search History)

From the Web&App Activity page we will click to the pen in order to edit or disable Google Search History.

在“ Web&App活動”頁面中,我們將單擊筆以編輯或禁用Google搜尋記錄。

Disable Google Search History

We will see the following screen where it may see that Web&App Activity is enabled. In order to disable Google Search History completely, we will click to this slider which will turn off.

我們將看到以下螢幕,在該螢幕上可能會看到Web&App Activity is enabled 。 為了完全禁用Google搜尋記錄,我們將單擊此滑塊將其關閉。

Disable Google Search History Completely
Disable Google Search History Completely

We will see the following confirmation where the account name and some information is provided. We will simply click to the Pause to the bottom right corner.

我們將在提供帳戶名和一些資訊的地方看到以下確認。 我們只需單擊右下角的“ Pause即可。

Pause Web&App Activity

We can check and see that Google Search History is disabled from the following Activity Controls page.

我們可以從下面的“ Activity Controls頁面檢視並確認Google搜尋歷史記錄已被禁用。

Google瀏覽器歷史記錄 (Google Browser History)

Google Chrome is the most popular web browser currently. As a browser, the user visits are stored in Google Chrome for future use which is done by other browsers like Firefox, Opera, Windows Edge. We can access Google Chrome History with the chrome://history address or CTRL+H keyboard shortcut.

谷歌瀏覽器是當前最受歡迎的網路瀏覽器。 作為瀏覽器,使用者訪問記錄儲存在Google Chrome中,以備將來使用,這是由其他瀏覽器(如Firefox,Opera,Windows Edge)完成的。 我們可以使用chrome://history地址或CTRL+H鍵盤快捷鍵訪問Google Chrome瀏覽器歷史記錄。

Google Browser History
Google Browser History

刪除特定的Google Chrome歷史記錄(Delete Specific Google Chrome History)

We can also delete specific Google Chrome History. We will open the Google Chrome History by typing chrome://history . Then we will click to the Remove from history for specific history record.

我們還可以刪除特定的Google Chrome瀏覽器歷史記錄。 我們將通過輸入chrome://history開啟Goog​​le Chrome瀏覽器歷史chrome://history 。 然後,我們將單擊“ Remove from history歷史記錄中Remove from history以獲取特定的歷史記錄。

Delete Specific Google Chrome History
刪除特定的Google Chrome瀏覽器歷史記錄

刪除所有Google Chrome瀏覽器歷史記錄(Delete All Google Chrome History)

In order to delete all Google Chrome History, we will click the left side Clear Browsing Data button which will open a screen.

為了刪除所有的Google Chrome瀏覽器歷史記錄,我們將點選左側的Clear Browsing Data按鈕,這將開啟一個螢幕。

Delete All Google Chrome History
Delete All Google Chrome History
刪除所有Google Chrome瀏覽器歷史記錄

In the following screen, we can set some configuration while deleting the Google Chrome History. From time range we will select All time. Also, we can select another time range. Then we will click to the Clear Data from the bottom.

在以下螢幕中,我們可以在刪除Google Chrome歷史記錄時進行一些配置。 在時間範圍內,我們將選擇All time 。 另外,我們可以選擇其他時間範圍。 然後,我們將單擊底部的“ Clear Data ”。

Delete All Google Chrome History
Delete All Google Chrome History
刪除所有Google Chrome瀏覽器歷史記錄
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翻譯自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-delete-google-search-and-chrome-browser-history/