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什麼是Raspberry Pi及其功能,用例?

Its name is a bit strange but Raspberry Pi is the common name of series of single-board computers. The creator of the Raspberry Pi has the same name as the board where it is the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The first version of the Raspberry Pi launched in 2012 with a configuration of 700 MHz CPU, 256 MB RAM. During time 4 more main configuration is released and named with numbers like Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi 4, and low-cost version Raspberry Pi Zero. Raspberry Pi mainly designed to be cheap affordable SOC (single-board computer) which is priced around 25$ – 35$ for different versions.

它的名字有點奇怪,但是Raspberry Pi是單板計算機系列的通用名稱。 Raspberry Pi的建立者與Raspberry Pi Foundation的董事會同名。 Raspberry Pi的第一個版本於2012年釋出,配置為700 MHz CPU,256 MB RAM。 在第4階段,將釋出更多主要配置,並使用Raspberry Pi 2,Raspberry Pi 3,Raspberry Pi 4和低成本版本的Raspberry Pi Zero編號。 Raspberry Pi主要設計為廉價的負擔得起的SOC(單板計算機),不同版本的價格大約在25 $ – 35 $之間。

Raspberry Pi專案目標 (
Raspberry Pi Project Objectives)

Raspberry Pi project is launched by a foundation which has some objectives in creating the Raspberry Pi SOC.

Raspberry Pi專案由一個基金會發起,該基金會的目標是建立Raspberry Pi SOC。

  • Cheap: Raspberry Pi is designed to be cheap because everyone should easily afford it to use. Also being cheap makes it be used to build in different projects and products without cost restrictions. Making Raspberry Pi cheap also make it available around the world for different countries and poor communities.

    Cheap :Raspberry Pi旨在便宜,因為每個人都應該負擔得起使用它的費用。 便宜也使它可以用於構建不同的專案和產品而沒有成本限制。 通過降低Raspberry Pi的價格,它也可以在全球範圍內供不同國家和貧困社群使用。

  • Featureful: Raspberry Pi is designed to be featureful because it needs to be used in different projects with different features. Raspberry Pi should be used from weather applications to the projecting applications with its I/O pins and HDMI output. It should also connect different USB devices for expansion.

    Featureful :Raspberry Pi旨在具有特色功能,因為它需要在具有不同功能的不同專案中使用。 從天氣應用到投影應用,應使用Raspberry Pi的I / O引腳和HDMI輸出。 它還應連線不同的USB裝置以進行擴充套件。

  • Easy To Obtain: As the price of the Raspberry Pi is low the shipment cost also should be low. Around the world, different sellers sell it without or very low shipment costs.

    Easy To Obtain :由於Raspberry Pi的價格較低,因此運輸成本也應較低。 在世界各地,不同的賣家出售它時沒有或非常低的運輸成本。

  • Easy To Use and Program: IoT or SOC devices were hard to program and use in the past but Raspberry Pi uses generic operating systems like Debian, Ubuntu, Windows variants where most of the tools and applications can be used easily.

    Easy To Use and Program :過去很難對IoT或SOC裝置進行程式設計和使用,但是Raspberry Pi使用通用作業系統,例如Debian,Ubuntu,Windows變體,其中大多數工具和應用程式都可以輕鬆使用。

  • Boost IOT Development: IoT is a feature of IT where every object in our world should be connected to the common and most popular network internet. Raspberry Pi can connect and provide powerful features to different devices like the door, window, refrigerator, car, etc.

    Boost IOT Development :物聯網是IT的一項功能,在該功能中,我們世界上的每個物件都應連線到常見且最受歡迎的網路Internet。 Raspberry Pi可以連線門,窗戶,冰箱,汽車等不同裝置併為其提供強大的功能。

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Raspberry Pi型號和版本 (Raspberry Pi Models and Versions)

Raspberry Pi became so popular so its new versions are released regularly. REcently Raspberry Pi 4 released in June 2019. For each released, there are A and B models where A is designed to be a bit cheaper and B Model is designed to be more features.

Raspberry Pi變得如此流行,因此其新版本會定期釋出。 最近在2019年6月釋出了Raspberry Pi4。對於每個釋出的版本,都有A和B型號,其中A設計為便宜一些,B Model設計為具有更多功能。

  • Raspberry Pi 1 Model B is released in 2012 and priced at 35$.

    Raspberry Pi 1 Model B於2012年釋出,價格為35美元。

  • Raspberry Pi 1 Model A is released in 2013 and priced as 25$

    Raspberry Pi 1 Model A於2013年釋出,價格為25 $

  • Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+ is released in 2014 and priced at 35$

    Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+於2014年釋出,價格為35 $

  • Raspberry Pi 1 Model A+ is released in 2014 and priced at 20$

    Raspberry Pi 1 Model A+於2014年釋出,價格為20美元

  • Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+ is released in 2014 and priced at 35$

    Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+於2014年釋出,價格為35 $

  • Raspberry Pi 2 Model B is released in 2015 and priced at 35$

    Raspberry Pi 2 Model B於2015年釋出,價格為35 $

  • Raspberry Pi Zero is released in 2015 and priced at 35$

    Raspberry Pi Zero於2015年釋出,價格為35 $

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is released in 2016 and priced at 35$

    Raspberry Pi 3 Model B於2016年釋出,價格為35 $

  • Raspberry Pi Zero W is released in 2017 and priced at 35$

    Raspberry Pi Zero W於2017年釋出,價格為35美元

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is released in 2018 and priced at 35$

    Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+於2018年釋出,價格為35美元

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ is released in 2019 and priced at 25$

    Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+將於2019年釋出,價格為25美元

  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is released in 2019 and priced at 35$

    Raspberry Pi 4 Model B於2019年釋出,價格為35美元

Raspberry Pi硬體規格(Raspberry Pi Hardware Specs)

Well, we have learned that there are a lot of different Raspberry Pi versions and models released in years with different specifications. In this part, we will look at Raspberry Pi 4 Model B hardware and feature specification as an example.

好吧,我們瞭解到,多年來發布了許多不同規格的Raspberry Pi版本和模型。 在這一部分中,我們將以Raspberry Pi 4 Model B硬體和功能規範為例。

  • 1.5 GHz ARMv8 64 Bit CPU

    1.5 GHz ARMv8 64位CPU
  • 1GB or 2GB or 4GB LPDDR4 RAM which depends on the model

    1GB或2GB或4GB LPDDR4 RAM,具體取決於型號
  • 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz 802.11ac Wireless Interface

    2.4 GHz和5 GHz 802.11ac無線介面
  • 1 Gb Ethernet Interface

    1 Gb乙太網介面
  • 2x USB 3.0 and 2x USB 2.0 ports

    2個USB 3.0和2個USB 2.0埠
  • 40 Pin GPIO

  • 2x micro-HDMI with 4K and 60 fps support

    2個支援4K和60 fps的微型HDMI
  • H.265 and H.264 hardware support

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Raspberry Pi用例 (Raspberry Pi Use Cases)

Raspberry Pi is designed to be generic SOC which can be used in different use cases for different purposes. Here we will list the most popular and interesting of them.

Raspberry Pi被設計為通用SOC,可以在不同的用例中出於不同的目的使用。 在這裡,我們將列出其中最受歡迎和最有趣的。

  • NAS (Network Attached Storage)

  • Smartphone by adding some basic screen

  • Multimedia theater with Kodi or similar software

  • Weather Station

  • Gaming Console

  • Tea cooker

  • Tor Client

  • Router and Switch

  • Cat Feeder

  • Pi in The Sky in the space


Raspberry Pi軟體 (Raspberry Pi Software)

Raspberry Pi is very flexible for choice for Operating System and Software. As official Raspbian or Debian for Raspberry Pi is used and provided. But there are different Linux flavors, Windows and Real-Time Operating systems that support Raspberry Pi. These operating systems and software can be downloaded from the following link.

Raspberry Pi對於作業系統和軟體的選擇非常靈活。 作為Raspberry Pi的官方Raspbian或Debian被使用和提供。 但是,支援Raspberry PiLinux版本不同,Windows和Real-Time作業系統也不同。 可以從以下連結下載這些作業系統和軟體。

Raspberry Pi軟體
Raspberry Pi Software
Raspberry Pi軟體
  • Raspberry Pi Debian (Raspbian) is officially supported by the Raspberry Pi foundation and provides Debian Linux distribution and its features.

    Raspberry Pi Debian(Raspbian)由Raspberry Pi基金會正式支援,並提供Debian Linux發行版及其功能。
  • Ubuntu Mate is provided with Ubuntu Distributions with simple and fast Mate Desktop.

    Ubuntu Mate隨Ubuntu發行版一起提供,具有簡單,快速的Mate Desktop。

  • Ubuntu Core is Ubuntu IoT version.

    Ubuntu Core是Ubuntu IoT版本。

  • Ubuntu Server is a specially designed Server version of the Ubuntu for the ARM architecture

    Ubuntu Server是用於ARM體系結構的Ubuntu的專門設計的伺服器版本
  • Windows 10 IoT is the Windows taste of ARM systems.

    Windows 10 IoT是ARM系統的Windows風格。

  • OSMC or Open Source Media Center is a Multimedia Distributions for TV’s.


  • LibreELEC or Kodi for multimedia box.


  • PiNet is a classroom management system.


  • RISC OS non-Linux distribution for Real-Time application usage.

    RISC OS非Linux發行版,用於實時應用程式使用。

  • Weather Station is a weather appliance

    Weather Station是氣象裝置

程式設計Raspberry Pi(Programming Raspberry Pi)

As Raspberry Pi can run Linux and Windows operating systems it supports most of the programming languages, libraries, SDKs. So we can use programming languages like Python, Java, C/C++, PHP in Raspberry Pi devices. The biggest issue is as Raspberry Pi is ARM CPU architecture which is different from popular X86 and x86_64 architectures some libraries may not be ported into the ARM. But most of them can be used without problems.

由於Raspberry Pi可以執行Linux和Windows作業系統,因此它支援大多數程式語言,庫和SDK。 因此,我們可以在Raspberry Pi裝置中使用Python,Java,C / C ++,PHP等程式語言。 最大的問題是Raspberry Pi是ARM CPU體系結構,它與流行的X86和x86_64體系結構不同,某些庫可能未移植到ARM中。 但是大多數都可以毫無問題地使用。

LEARN MORE What Does CPU(Central Processing Unit) Stand For? 瞭解更多資訊CPU(中央處理器)代表什麼?

Raspberry Pi的優勢 (Raspberry Pi Advantages)

Raspberry Pi is very popular because of its advantages over other systems or IoT devices. We will list them here.

Raspberry Pi非常受歡迎,因為它比其他系統或IoT裝置更具優勢。 我們將在這裡列出它們。

  • Price of the Raspberry Pi is very affordable which makes it the number 1 choice for the product and software developers.

    Raspberry Pi的Price非常實惠,這使其成為產品和軟體開發人員的第一選擇。

  • Size of the RaspberyPi is very convenient for different use cases especially in area restricted projects


  • Power of the Raspberry Pi is very good according to its competitors


  • Community of the Raspberry Pi is very diverse and helpful which is boosting the usage and development of the software

    Raspberry Pi的Community非常多樣化並且很有幫助,這促進了軟體的使用和開發

  • Features of the Raspberry Pi like HDMI, Gigabit Ethernet makes it useful for a diverse range of projects

    Raspberry Pi的Features (如HDMI,千兆乙太網)使其可用於各種專案

Raspberry Pi的缺點(Raspberry Pi Disadvantages)

Well I wish do not tell you disadvantages of the Raspberry Pi but there are some which are a trade-off.

好吧,我希望不要告訴您Raspberry Pi的缺點,但有些缺點需要權衡。

  • Limited resources according to Atom and other rugged boards

    根據Atom和其他堅固板的Limited resources

  • General Use makes it improper for embedded and rugged projects which requires some resistance to the outer effects like hot, cold, etc.

    General Use使其不適用於嵌入式和堅固的專案,這需要對外部影響(如熱,冷等)具有一定的抵抗力。

翻譯自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-raspberry-pi-with-its-features-uses-cases/