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KDE 開發入門指導(KDE Development – A Beginner's Guide)

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去年十月,我們四個充滿激情的KDE貢獻者組成的團隊彙集在位於加州山景城的Google辦公室,合力編撰一本KDE入門參考手冊。只有一天時間!?幸好我們有來自 FLOSS Manuals
的Adam Hyde 的指導,和來自 Aspiration: Better Tools for a Better World這本書的作者Gunner的靈感。

一天的計劃與組織之後,就是為期三天的艱苦工作:生成內容,編輯,編輯,還是編輯。在來自 O'Reilly Media的Andy Oram 的巨大幫助下,我們最終完成了 Beginner's Guide to KDE Development一書。之後,我們對它進行了概括,對所學的知識進行了討論,並同時線上與通過 Lulu出版社出版出版了它。



該書可在FLOSS Manuals 網站編輯,先須註冊帳號。“Write”標籤下的“All Manuals”選單有一個“KDE-Guide”列表項。編輯即時生效,章節一經儲存會立即反映到FLOSS Manuals 網站上。

另外,你也可以購買該書的 列印版本!是的,你沒理解錯,該書的硬拷貝已經可用。也可以下載其PDF或ePub格式文件,或在FLOSS Manuals 上線上閱讀。

我們團隊發現,產生這本書的整個體驗是絕對美妙的。我們終於意識到了寫出好的文件是何等的艱難。正因如此,我們向成百上千名在KDE 技術庫、使用者庫以及為編寫關聯、實時文件而努力的辛勤工作者們脫帽致敬!

特別感謝Valorie Zimmerman 對整個故事以及該開發手冊的巨大幫助。

相關評論(註釋)存放於 KDE Code of Conduct,晚些時候將會出版。

轉載請註明:Linux人社群> 英文資訊翻譯專版.編譯

KDE Development – A Beginner's Guide
Published on 2012/02/05, By: Rohan Garg

During a recent 5 day sprint, four KDE contributors planned and produced a handbook for beginning KDE developers. We had assistance from several generous organizations, worked hard, and learned a lot.

Beginning KDE Development (click for larger)

The project started when Google offered KDE an amazing opportunity to write and publish a book in less than a week. One of our young developers developed a proposal and gathered a team. Google accepted the proposal. With that we were off on an adventure and some intense, hard work.
Last October, our team of four enthusiastic KDE contributors gathered at the Google offices in Mountain View, CA to write a guide on how to get started with KDE development. In five days!? Fortunately we had guidance from Adam Hyde from FLOSS Manuals, and inspiration from Gunner of Aspiration: Better Tools for a Better World.
After planning and organizing for a day, there were 3 days of hard work: generating content, editing, editing and more editing—along with major assistance from Andy Oram of O'Reilly Media (thanks Andy!), we finalized the Beginner's Guide to KDE Development. We then recapped, discussed Lessons Learned, and published, both online and printed by Lulu.
The guide is recommended for every new contributor to KDE development. It outlines technical aspects of contributing to KDE and is a valuable first point of contact for new developers. The guide offers insights into KDE from the developer's point of view, and explains how to check out existing code, modify it and submit patches.
Currently the guide only focuses on the coding aspects of KDE. Contributors are welcome (encouraged) to expand the guide to cover other aspects of the KDE Community as well as enhance the existing content in the book. We are currently working on how to release subsequent versions.
The book can be edited on the FLOSS Manuals site by creating an account. The "All Manuals" menu under the "Write" tab has a listing for "KDE-Guide". Edits are performed in real time and reflected on the FLOSS Manuals site as soon as the chapter is saved.
What's more, you can buy the book in print! Yes, you read that right, buy a physical copy of the book in dead tree format. Download the PDF or ePub file, or read it online at Flossmanuals.
The team found that the entire experience was absolutely wonderful. We now realize how difficult it is to write good documentation. So our hats are off to the hundreds of people contributing to KDE Techbase, Userbase and writing relevant and up-to-date documentation.
Special thanks to Valorie Zimmerman for major help putting together this story and the Development Guide.
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