1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Galahad tutorial與虛擬篩選--sybyl

Galahad tutorial與虛擬篩選--sybyl

Galahad tutorial與虛擬篩選



1 開啟 :Sybyl-x2.0;

2 點選:“Options”----“Set”----“Default Directory”,設定儲存路徑;

3 點選:“Applications”----“Pharmacophore”----“GALAHAD”;

4 在GALAHAD表單裡進行以下操作:

4.1 Spreadsheet Source點選“”,在Single Conformer Input 選擇“SLN File”,開啟“krystek.hits”,點選“Return”返回GALAHAD表單;

4.2 在krystek表單按住CTRL選擇1,3,5,7,9,11,13


4.3 在GALAHAD表單中間位置點選“Suggest from Data”,然後將Mols.Required ti Hit改為“6”;

4.4 在GALAHAD表單右上角Activity Col選擇“PIC50”;

4.5 檢查Align Molecules Using是否選擇“Features”;

4.6 在Run Name輸入檔名“krystek_align7”,然後點選“Compute”,執行大約需要15-20min,直到Command Console出現Done為止;

5 點選“File”----“Import File

”----“Files of Type”----“Spreadsheet”----“krystek_align7”----“krystek_align7.tbl”;

5.1 在krystek_align7表單選單欄點選“PMA”----“Visualize Models” (如果是通過計算,則計算完成後自動開啟PMA模型介面,此步驟為手動開啟)

5.2 在PMA Visual Analysis表單中Model可選擇瀏覽並檢查不同的模型(如果視野沒有看到模型,點選General Structure Display(眼鏡圖示),在Molecule Area Selection中選中模型,點選Center View即可);

 5.2.1 cyan for hydrophobes;
  5.2.2 magenta for donor atoms;
  5.2.3 green for acceptor atoms;
  5.2.4 yellow for six-membered rings;
  5.2.5 red for positive nitrogens;
  5.2.6 blue for negative centers;

5.3 如果在檢查模型過程中看到配體為紫色,則說明該配體沒有很好匹配該藥效團模型;

5.4 關閉PMA介面,返回krystek_align7表單,在剛才計算完成後生成了20個MODEL和12列資料,前3列為後處理過程中生成的模型屬性,中間5列為來自遺傳演算法的模型得分元件,最後4列是每個模型中各個配體的得分,因此每個單元包含7個值。(一般較好的模型為MODEL_001,綜合引數較好)

 5.4.1 “SPECIFICITY”is a logarithmic indicator of the expected discrimination for each query;
5.4.2  The actual number hit is given in the N_HITS column. Note that several models hit all seven ligands in the dataset;
5.4.3  The values in the FEATS column indicate the total number of features in the model query;
5.4.4  PARETO = the Pareto rank of the each model (see Pareto Ranking). Here, all the models have a Pareto rank of 0. This means none of the models is superior to any other when using all four criteria in columns 5-8 (ENERGY, STERICS, HBOND, and MOL_QRY);
5.4.5  ENERGY = the total energy of the model;
5.4.6  STERICS = the steric overlap for the model;
5.4.7  HBOND = the pharmacophoric concordance;
5.4.8  MOL_QRY = the agreement between the query tuplet and the pharmacophoric tuplets for the ligands as a group;

5.5 觀察MODEL_11和MODEL_14的ENERGY,MODEL_11特別高,而MODEL_14也明顯比其他模型高(High energy is often due to steric clashes);

5.6 按住CTRL鍵選擇MODEL_11和MODEL_14,然後點選選單欄“Invert Row Selection”進行反選;

5.7 點選“Scatter plot”開啟散點圖;

 5.7.1 X Axis 選擇“ENERGY”,Range改為10 to 50;
  5.7.2 Y Axis選擇“STERICS”;
  5.7.3 Color Axis選擇“MOL_QRY”;
  5.7.4 Title輸入“pareto”;
  5.7.5 點選“OK”;

5.8 較好的模型一般在左上角,ENERGY較小而STERICS較大;

5.9 可隨機挑選幾個點點選選單欄“3D”來檢視模型;

6 返回krystek_align7表單,選中“MODEL_001”,點選選單欄“PMA”----“Create UNITY Query from Model”,在Molecule Area選中M1行,點選“OK”,此時SYBYL介面會出現所生成的藥效團模型;

7 點選SYBYL介面選單欄“UNITY”----“Start UNITY Search”;

7.1 Query選擇“Flex Search”;

7.2 Option選擇“Specify”,點選旁邊的“Options”,把“Use Lipinski’s rule of 5”選擇“No”,點選“OK”;(初篩可關閉類藥5原則,否則可能得到hits)

7.3 Search Datasourse選擇“SLN File”,開啟需要篩選的數

7.4 Job輸入名字“VSsearch”,點選“OK”;

7.5 點選Sybyl介面的“UNITY”----“Search Management”可檢視進度,點選“Refresh”重新整理進度條,當“%Complete”為100.00時則完成篩選,點選“Load into Spreadsheet”可檢視Hits的分子;

8 完畢。