1. 程式人生 > 其它 >C語言_表示式計算_中綴轉字尾_多位數計算




ctype.h> #include<string.h> #define SIZE 100 //字元棧目的是進行中綴轉字尾 char stack[SIZE]; int top = -1; //整數棧目的是進行字尾表示式的計算 int stack_int[SIZE]; int top_int = -1; //字元棧操作 void push(char item) { if(top >= SIZE-1) { printf("\nStack Overflow."); } else { top = top+1; stack[top] = item;
} } //字元棧操作 char pop() { char item ; if(top <0) { printf("stack under flow: invalid infix expression"); getchar(); exit(1); } else { item = stack[top]; top = top-1; return(item); } } //整數棧操作 void push_int(int num) { if(top_int >= SIZE-1) { printf("\nStack Overflow."
); } else { top_int = top_int+1; stack_int[top_int] = num; } } //整數棧操作 int pop_int() { int num ; if(top_int <0) { printf("stack under flow: invalid infix expression"); getchar(); exit(1); } else { num = stack_int[top_int]; top_int = top_int-1; return(num); } } //funciton:判斷是否為操作符 int is_operator(char symbol) { if(symbol == '*' || symbol == '/' || symbol == '+' || symbol == '-') { return 1; } else { return 0; } } //function:確定優先順序 int precedence(char symbol) { if(symbol == '*' || symbol == '/') { return(2); } else if(symbol == '+' || symbol == '-') { return(1); } else { return(0); } } //function:中綴表示式轉字尾表示式,結果存於postfix_exp形參中 void InfixToPostfix(char infix_exp[], char postfix_exp[]) { int i, j; char item; char x; push('('); strcat(infix_exp,")"); i=0; j=0; int tag = 0; item=infix_exp[i]; while(item != '\0') { if(item == '(') { push(item); } else if( isdigit(item) || isalpha(item)) { //when meet a digit, judge if the number is bigger than 10 //if so, add ' ' before it and ' ' after it //use tag as a symbol to add the first ' ' char next = infix_exp[i+1]; while (isdigit(next)) { if (tag == 0) { postfix_exp[j++] = ' '; tag = 1; postfix_exp[j++] = item; i++; item = next; next = infix_exp[i+1]; } else { postfix_exp[j++] = item; i++; item = next; next = infix_exp[i+1]; } } //when tag equals to 1, it means a number bigger than 10 appears if (tag == 1) { tag = 0; postfix_exp[j++] = item; postfix_exp[j++] = ' '; item = next; i++; continue; } postfix_exp[j] = item; j++; } else if(is_operator(item) == 1) { x=pop(); while(is_operator(x) == 1 && precedence(x)>= precedence(item)) { postfix_exp[j] = x; j++; x = pop(); } push(x); push(item); } else if(item == ')') { x = pop(); while(x != '(') { postfix_exp[j] = x; j++; x = pop(); } } else { printf("\nInvalid infix Expression.\n"); getchar(); exit(1); } i++; item = infix_exp[i]; } if(top>0) { printf("\nInvalid infix Expression.\n"); getchar(); exit(1); } if(top>0) { printf("\nInvalid infix Expression.\n"); getchar(); exit(1); } postfix_exp[j] = '\0'; } //function:字尾表示式計算 long int EvalPostfix(char postfix[]) { int i; char ch; int val; int A, B; for ( i = 0; postfix[i] != '\0'; i++) { ch = postfix[i]; if(isdigit(ch)) { val = ch-'0'; push_int(val); } else if (ch == ' ') { i++; val = 0; ch = postfix[i]; while (ch != ' ') { val = val*10 + (postfix[i]-'0'); i++; ch = postfix[i]; } push_int(val); } else if(ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/') { A = pop_int(); B = pop_int(); switch(ch) { case '/': val = B / A; break; case '*': val = B * A; break; case '+': val = B + A; break; case '-': val = B - A; break; } push_int(val); } } return pop_int(); } int main() { char infix[SIZE], postfix[SIZE]; int value; printf("ASSUMPTION: The infix expression contains single letter variables and single digit constants only.\n"); printf("\nEnter Infix expression : "); gets(infix); InfixToPostfix(infix,postfix); printf("Postfix Expression: "); puts(postfix); value = EvalPostfix(postfix); printf("Result of expression evaluation : %d", value); system("pause"); return 0; }
