1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >用C++實現的Eratosthenes篩法程式




PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release> .\esieve.exe

Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: 1234567

Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default):

Start to work out the sum of all primes below 1234567...
95360 primes found in 15 milliseconds.

PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release> .\esieve.exe
Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: 12345678

Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default):

Start to work out the sum of all primes below 12345678...
809227 primes found in 203 milliseconds.

PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release> .\esieve.exe
Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: 123456789

Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default):

Start to work out the sum of all primes below 123456789...
7027260 primes found in 2219 milliseconds.

PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release> .\esieve.exe
Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: 1234567890

Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default):

Start to work out the sum of all primes below 1234567890...
62106578 primes found in 28297 milliseconds.

PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release>



PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release> .\esieve.exe

Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: 100

Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default): n

Start to work out all primes below 100...
25 primes found in 0 milliseconds.

PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release> .\esieve.exe

Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: 123456

Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default): n

Start to work out all primes below 123456...
11601 primes found in 0 milliseconds.

500 primes listed, 11101 left to show [c] continue; <q> quit: q

PS H:\Read\num\x64\Release>



1 typedef unsigned char u8;
2 typedef unsigned long ulong;
3 static ulong s_last = 0;
4 static u8* s_pAll = NULL;
5 static std::vector<ulong> s_vecPrime;


1 bool renewCurrentPrime(ulong& prime)
2 {
3     while (prime < s_last) {
4         ++prime;
5         if (s_pAll[prime - 1] == 1)
6             return true;
7     }
8     return false;
9 }


 1 void showDetails()
 2 {
 3     ulong pos = 0;
 4     while (true) {
 5         if (pos >= s_vecPrime.size())
 6             break;
 7         std::cout << s_vecPrime[pos++];
 8         if (pos < s_vecPrime.size())
 9             std::cout << ",";
10         if (pos % 500 == 0) {
11             printf("\n %u primes listed, %u left to show [c] continue; <q> quit: ", pos, s_vecPrime.size() - pos);
12             std::string strInput;
13             getline(std::cin, strInput);
14             if (strInput == "q")
15                 break;
16             std::cout << std::endl;
17         }
18         if (pos % 100 == 0)
19             std::cout << std::endl;
20     }
21 }


 1 int main()
 2 {
 3     printf(" Eratosthenes sieve: a method to find out all primes below the number that you specify here please: ");
 4     std::string strInput;
 5     getline(std::cin, strInput);
 6     s_last = strtoul(strInput.c_str(), 0, 10);
 7     if (s_last <= 2) {
 8         printf("\n Wrong input.\n");
 9         return 0;
10     }
11     printf("\n Only the sum of all primes needed [y/n](y as default): ");
12     getline(std::cin, strInput);
13     bool bDetail = (strInput == "n");
14     if (bDetail)
15         printf("\n Start to work out all primes below %u...\n", s_last);
16     else
17         printf("\n Start to work out the sum of all primes below %u...\n", s_last);
18     DWORD tickBegin = GetTickCount();
19     s_pAll = new u8[s_last];
20     if (!s_pAll) {
21         printf("Lack of memory.\n");
22         return 0;
23     }
25     ulong sum = 0;
26     ulong curPrime = 1;
27     memset(s_pAll, 1, s_last);
28     s_pAll[0] = 0; // set 1 non-prime
29     while (true) {
30         renewCurrentPrime(curPrime);
31         ++sum;
32         if (bDetail)
33             s_vecPrime.push_back(curPrime);
34         if (curPrime * curPrime > s_last)
35             break;
36         for (int idx = curPrime - 1; idx <= s_last - 1; idx += curPrime) {
37             s_pAll[idx] = 0;
38         }
39     }
40     /// pick up all the left primes
41     for (int idx = curPrime; idx < s_last; ++idx) {
42         if (s_pAll[idx] == 1) {
43             ++sum;
44             if (bDetail)
45                 s_vecPrime.push_back(idx + 1);
46         }
47     }
48     printf(" %u primes found in %u milliseconds.\n\n", sum, GetTickCount() - tickBegin);
49     delete []s_pAll;
50     if (bDetail)
51         showDetails();
52     return 0;
53 }


https://github.com/readalps/EratosthenesSieve上放了原始碼檔案,以及兩個執行結果檔案,其中all primes below 123456.txt裡列出了1到123456範圍內的全體素數。