1. 程式人生 > 其它 >2021-1 無向圖中v到w最短路徑 與 連通子圖的個數 c++

2021-1 無向圖中v到w最短路徑 與 連通子圖的個數 c++



標頭檔案 Paths.h

void findShortestPath(Graph& G, int s, int v) {
	Paths pathG(G, s);//預設廣搜,下面列印最短路徑
	if (pathG.hasPathto(v)) {
		for (auto& w : pathG.pathTo(v)) {
			if (w == s) printf_s("%2d "
, s); else printf_s("-%2d ", w); } printf_s("\n"); } else { printf_s("s v unconnected.\n"); } } //test int main() { Graph G("data.txt"); findShortestPath(G, 11, 4); system("pause"); return 0; }



標頭檔案 Graph.h

void dfs(Graph&, int, vector<bool>*);
int numOfConnectedSubgraphs(Graph &G) {
	int ans = 0;
	vector<bool>* marked = new vector<bool>(G.V(), false);
	for (int i = 0; i < G.V(); ++i) {
		if (!marked->at(i)) {
			dfs(G, i,marked);
ans; } } return ans; } void dfs(Graph& G, int v, vector<bool>* marked) { marked->at(v) = true; for (auto& next : G.adj(v)) { if(!marked->at(next)) dfs(G, next,marked); } } int main() { Graph G("data.txt"); cout << numOfConnectedSubgraphs(G) << endl; system("pause"); return 0; }

連通分量的API 及其實現

標頭檔案見 Graph.h


#pragma once

#define out(x) cout<<x<<" "
#define hh printf_s("\n")
class CC
	CC(Graph& G);

	bool connected(int v, int w) { return m_id->at(v) == (*m_id)[w]; }
	int count() { return m_count; }
	int id(int v) { return m_id->at(v); }
	vector<int>* m_visited = nullptr;
	vector<int>* m_id = nullptr;//屬於哪一個聯通分量: 0 ~ m_count-1
	int m_count = 0;

	void dfs(Graph& G, int start);

void testCC();


#include "CC.h"

CC::CC(Graph& G)
	int n = G.V();
	m_visited = new vector<int>(n, 0);
	m_id = new vector<int>(n, -1);

	for (int s = 0; s < n; ++s) {
		if (!m_visited->at(s)) {
			dfs(G, s);

void CC::dfs(Graph& G, int start)
	m_visited->at(start) = 1;
	m_id->at(start) = m_count;//當前深度搜索中發現的都是同一個id

	for (auto& next : G.adj(start))
		if (!m_visited->at(next)) {
			dfs(G, next);

void testCC()
	Graph G("data.txt");
	CC search(G);

	out("0 10 connected ? ");
	out((search.connected(0, 10) ? "yes" : "no")),hh;
	out("0  belongs to subG_i "), out(search.id(0)), hh;
	out("10 belongs to subG_i "), out(search.id(10)), hh;
	out("How many ConnectedSubgraphs ? "), out(search.count()), hh;