1. 程式人生 > 其它 >python tkinter簡易計算器

python tkinter簡易計算器


Python tkinter簡易計算器實現


import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox, colorchooser, simpledialog
from decimal import *

def screen(root):
    root["bg"] = "white"

def help_info(): tk.messagebox.showinfo("幫助", "有問題請直接發郵件到[email protected], 竭誠為你服務。") def digit_set(): i = tk.simpledialog.askinteger(title = "請輸入保留位數", prompt = "請輸入整數") calculator.re_dg = int(i) def color(): c = tk.colorchooser.askcolor(
) calculator["bg"] = c[1] root["bg"] = c[1] #設定選單 def main_menu(): menubar = tk.Menu(root) menu_setting = tk.Menu(menubar) menubar.add_cascade(label = "settings", menu = menu_setting) menu_setting.add_command(label = "color", command =
color) menu_other = tk.Menu(menu_setting) menu_setting.add_cascade(label = "other", menu = menu_other) menu_other.add_command(label = "reserve_digit", command = digit_set) menubar.add_command(label = "help", command = help_info) root["menu"] = menubar class Calculator(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master = None): tk.Frame.__init__(self,master) self.pack() self.set_all() self.status = "input" self.re_dg = 10 self["bg"] = "white" def set_all(self): self.v1 = tk.StringVar() self.pre_input = tk.Entry(self, textvariable = self.v1) self.pre_input.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 8, padx = 3, pady = 5) self.v2 = tk.StringVar() self.cur_input = tk.Entry(self, textvariable = self.v2) self.cur_input.grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 8, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "del", fg = "OrangeRed", command = self.delete_one).grid(row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "(", command = lambda : self.press("(")).grid(row = 2, column = 2, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = ")", command = lambda : self.press(")")).grid(row = 2, column = 4, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "/", command = lambda : self.press("/")).grid(row = 2, column = 6, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "1", command = lambda : self.press("1"), bg = "Black", fg = "white").grid(row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "2", command = lambda : self.press("2"), bg = "Black", fg = "white").grid(row = 3, column = 2, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "3", command = lambda : self.press("3"), bg = "Black", fg = "white").grid(row = 3, column = 4, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "*", command = lambda : self.press("*")).grid(row = 3, column = 6, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "4", command = lambda : self.press("4"), bg = "Black", fg = "white").grid(row = 4, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "5", command = lambda : self.press("5"), bg = "Black", fg = "white").grid(row = 4, column = 2, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "6", command = lambda : self.press("6"), bg = "Black", fg = "white").grid(row = 4, column = 4, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "-", command = lambda : self.press("-")).grid(row = 4, column = 6, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "7", command = lambda : self.press("7"), bg = "Black", fg = "white").grid(row = 5, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "8", command = lambda : self.press("8"), bg = "Black", fg = "white").grid(row = 5, column = 2, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "9", command = lambda : self.press("9"), bg = "Black", fg = "white").grid(row = 5, column = 4, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "+", command = lambda : self.press("+")).grid(row = 5, column = 6, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = ".", command = lambda : self.press(".")).grid(row = 6, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "0", command = lambda : self.press("0"), bg = "Black", fg = "white").grid(row = 6, column = 2, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) tk.Button(self, text = "=", command = self.calculate ,bg = "OrangeRed", fg = "white").grid(row = 6, column = 4, columnspan = 4,sticky = tk.E + tk.W, padx = 3, pady = 5) def press(self, new): if self.status == "output": past = self.cur_input.get() self.v1.set(past) self.v2.set("") self.status = "input" string = self.cur_input.get() string += new self.v2.set(string) def delete_one(self): new = self.cur_input.get()[:-1] self.v2.set(new) def calculate(self): def precede(a, b): """Compare the prior of operator a and b""" # the prior of operator prior = ( # '+' '-' '*' '/' '(' ')' '^' '#' ('>', '>', '<', '<', '<', '>', '<', '>'), # '+' ('>', '>', '<', '<', '<', '>', '<', '>'), # '-' ('>', '>', '>', '>', '<', '>', '<', '>'), # '*' ('>', '>', '>', '>', '<', '>', '<', '>'), # '/' ('<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '=', '<', ' '), # '(' ('>', '>', '>', '>', ' ', '>', '>', '>'), # ')' ('>', '>', '>', '>', '<', '>', '>', '>'), # '^' ('<', '<', '<', '<', '<', ' ', '<', '=') # '#' ) # operator to index of prior[8][8] char2num = { '+': 0, '-': 1, '*': 2, '/': 3, '(': 4, ')': 5, '^': 6, '#': 7 } return prior[char2num[a]][char2num[b]] def operate(a, b, operator): """Operate [a operator b]""" if operator == '+': ans = a + b elif operator == '-': ans = a - b elif operator == '*': ans = a * b elif operator == '/': if b == 0: ans = "VALUE ERROR" else: ans = a / b elif operator == '^': if a == 0 and b == 0: ans = "VALUE ERROR" else: ans = a ** b return ans def calc(exp): """Calculate the ans of exp""" exp += '#' operSet = "+-*/^()#" stackOfOperator, stackOfNum = ['#'], [] pos, ans, index, length = 0, 0, 0, len(exp) while index < length: e = exp[index] if e in operSet: # calc according to the prior topOperator = stackOfOperator.pop() compare = precede(topOperator, e) if compare == '>': try: b = stackOfNum.pop() a = stackOfNum.pop() except: tk.messagebox.showinfo("提示", "格式錯誤") ans = operate(a, b, topOperator) if ans == "VALUE ERROR": tk.messagebox.showinfo("提示", "值錯誤") else: stackOfNum.append(ans) elif compare == '<': stackOfOperator.append(topOperator) stackOfOperator.append(e) index += 1 elif compare == '=': index += 1 elif compare == ' ': tk.messagebox.showinfo("提示", "格式錯誤") else: # get the next num pos = index while not exp[index] in operSet: index += 1 temp = exp[pos:index] # delete all 0 of float in the end last = index - 1 if '.' in temp: while exp[last] == '0': last -= 1 temp = exp[pos:last + 1] try: temp = Decimal(temp) except: tk.messagebox.showinfo("提示", "輸入錯誤") stackOfNum.append(temp) if len(stackOfNum) == 1 and stackOfOperator == []: return stackOfNum.pop() else: tk.messagebox.showinfo("提示", "輸入錯誤") if self.status == "input": exp = self.cur_input.get() getcontext().prec = self.re_dg self.v1.set(exp) self.v2.set(calc(exp)) self.status = "output" if __name__ == "__main__": root = tk.Tk() root.title("計算器") screen(root) main_menu() calculator = Calculator(root) calculator.mainloop()
