1. 程式人生 > 其它 >建立clickhouse 分散式表方式 及 分散式表資料增加、更新、刪除、查詢

建立clickhouse 分散式表方式 及 分散式表資料增加、更新、刪除、查詢

技術標籤:clickhouse 列式儲存大資料clickhouse

建立clickhouse 分散式表方式 及分散式表資料增加、更新、刪除、查詢


(1)、本地表:分別在每個節點都建立本地表,或者使用 on cluster【在其中一個節點執行即可】

CREATE TABLE city_local on cluster ck_cluster_name (
`fdate` Int64,
`city_code` Int32,
`city_name` String,
`total_cnt` Int64
) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{shard}/city_local', '{replica}')
ORDER BY (fdate, city_code, city_name)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192, storage_policy = 'ssd_to_hdd';

說明:{} 裡邊表示配置檔案對應的變數



-- 推薦使用方式一,因為這樣只需要重新建立一個all與對應local表的對映關係即可

-- 方式一:

-- 示例1:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_db.city_all ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name AS test_db.city_local
ENGINE = Distributed(ck_cluster_name, test_db, city_local, fdate);

-- 示例2:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_db.city_all ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name AS test_db.city_local
ENGINE = Distributed(ck_cluster_name, test_db, city_local, rand());

-- 方式二:

CREATE TABLE city_all on cluster ck_cluster_name (
`fdate` Int64,
`city_code` Int32,
`city_name` String,
`total_cnt` Int64
) ENGINE = Distributed(ck_cluster_name, test_db, city_local, rand())


insert into city_all (fdate, city_code, city_name, total_cnt) values (20210131, 4000, 'guangzhou', 420000);

insert into city_all (fdate, city_code, city_name, total_cnt) values (20210131, 5000, 'shenzhan', 55000);

insert into city_all (fdate, city_code, city_name, total_cnt) values (20210131, 6000, 'huizhou', 65000);

insert into city_all (fdate, city_code, city_name, total_cnt) values (20210131, 7000, 'huizhou', 75000);


-- 插入資料後,查詢資料

select * from city_all;


│ 20210131 │5000 │ shenzhan│55000 │



│ 20210131 │7000 │ huizhou│75000 │



│ 20210131 │6000 │ huizhou│65000 │



│ 20210131 │4000 │ guangzhou │420000 │



-- 更新資料【生效】,通過local表來更新 同時指定上叢集名稱;如果通過all來更新則不支援會報錯

ALTER TABLE city_local ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name UPDATE total_cnt = 2222 WHERE city_name = 'huizhou';

-- 通過all來更新會報錯,An error occurred before execution: Code: 371, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Table 'city_all' isn't replicated, but shard #3 is replicated according to its cluster definition (version (official build))

-- ALTER TABLE city_all ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name UPDATE total_cnt = 3333 WHERE city_name = 'huizhou';

SELECT * FROM city_all;


│ 20210131 │4000 │ guangzhou │420000 │



│ 20210131 │6000 │ huizhou│2222 │



│ 20210131 │7000 │ huizhou│2222 │



│ 20210131 │5000 │ shenzhan│55000 │



-- 刪除資料【生效】,通過local表來刪除 同時指定上叢集名稱;如果通過all來刪除則不支援會報錯

ALTER TABLE city_local ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name DELETE WHERE city_name = 'huizhou';

-- An error occurred before execution: Code: 371, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Table 'city_all' isn't replicated, but shard #3 is replicated according to its cluster definition (version (official build))

-- ALTER TABLE city_all ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name DELETE WHERE city_name = 'huizhou';

SELECT * FROM city_all;


│ 20210131 │5000 │ shenzhan│55000 │



│ 20210131 │4000 │ guangzhou │420000 │


-- 插入資料後,查詢資料

SELECT * FROM city_all


│ 20210131 │5000 │ shenzhan│55000 │



│ 20210131 │4000 │ guangzhou │420000 │



-- 新增歷史欄位

-- mysql 新增欄位

-- ALTER TABLE test_table add age int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '年齡' after name;

-- 生效

alter table city_local ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name add column history Int32;

-- 同時支援指定在某個欄位後面新增欄位

alter table city_local ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name add column history Int32 after city_code;

-- 不生效,報錯:An error occurred before execution: Code: 371, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Table 'city_all' isn't replicated,

-- but shard #3 is replicated according to its cluster definition (version (official build)).

alter table city_all ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name add column history Int32;

-- 嘗試將city_all 刪除重建

drop table test_db.city_all ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name;

-- 重建all表,方式一:【可行】

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_db.city_all ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name AS test_db.city_local
ENGINE = Distributed(ck_cluster, test_db, city_local, rand());

│ 20210131 │5000 │ shenzhan│55000 │0 │



│ 20210131 │4000 │ guangzhou │420000 │0 │


-- 重建all表,方式二:【可行】

CREATE TABLE city_all on cluster ck_cluster_name (
`fdate` Int64,
`city_code` Int32,
`city_name` String,
`total_cnt` Int64,
`history` Int32
) ENGINE = Distributed(ck_cluster_name, test_db, city_local, rand())

│ 20210131 │5000 │ shenzhan│55000 │0 │



│ 20210131 │4000 │ guangzhou │420000 │0 │


-- 查詢表的建立語句

show create table city_local;

show create table city_all;

-- 新增欄位後,查詢資料

select * from city_all;


-- 新增欄位後,插入資料,並不對新欄位賦值,驗證可行。新增history欄位預設為0

insert into city_all (fdate, city_code, city_name, total_cnt) values (20210131, 7000, 'foshan', 75000);


│ 20210131 │7000 │ foshan│75000 │0 │



│ 20210131 │4000 │ guangzhou │420000 │0 │



│ 20210131 │5000 │ shenzhan│55000 │0 │


-- 新增欄位後,插入資料,對新欄位賦值

insert into city_all (fdate, city_code, city_name, total_cnt, history) values (20210131, 7000, 'dongguan', 85000, 2021);

-- 新增欄位後,查詢資料

select * from city_all;


│ 20210131 │4000 │ guangzhou │420000 │0 │



│ 20210131 │7000 │ dongguan│85000 │2021 │



│ 20210131 │5000 │ shenzhan│55000 │0 │



│ 20210131 │7000 │ foshan│75000 │0 │


-- 對分散式all表更新操作【不生效】An error occurred before execution: Code: 371, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Table 'city_all' isn't replicated, but shard #1 is replicated according to its cluster definition (version (official build))

ALTER TABLE city_all ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name UPDATE total_cnt = 3333 WHERE city_name = 'foshan';

-- 對分散式all表刪除資料【不生效】An error occurred before execution: Code: 371, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Table 'city_all' isn't replicated, but shard #1 is replicated according to its cluster definition (version (official build))

ALTER TABLE city_all ON CLUSTER ck_cluster_name DELETE WHERE city_name = 'foshan'


│ 20210131 │5000 │ shenzhan│55000 │0 │



│ 20210131 │7000 │ dongguan│85000 │2021 │



│ 20210131 │7000 │ foshan│75000 │0 │



│ 20210131 │4000 │ guangzhou │420000 │0 │


-- 刪除分散式表【生效】

drop table city_local on cluster ck_cluster_name;

drop table city_all on cluster ck_cluster_name;


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