1. 程式人生 > 其它 >記一次伺服器被挖礦處理過程!


  1. 首先利用watch -n 1 nvidia-smi 命令檢視GPU程序時發現幾張顯示卡佔用率都是100%

  2. 通過程序PID檢視指令碼所在路徑

    ll /proc/pid
    cd /tmp/.dev
    kill -9 pid #kill掉該程序
    rm -rf /tmp/.dev/python3 #刪除該指令碼
    #於是 開始百度 網上說是存在定時指令碼 也發現了該程序還存在父程序,沒有kill乾淨
    cat /proc/pid/status#根據子程序檢視父程序
    kill -9 PPID
    crontab -l # 列出目前的時程表
    ll -a
    #發現檔案的所有者屬於test 且建立時間為4月30號
    #然後我就開始瘋狂搜索test 和 4月30號建立的檔案
    find / -name test #查詢所有test檔案
    find /etc -mtime 12 #前【n-1,n】天的所有建立檔案
    #在/home/server/user/test目錄下發現了挖礦程式PhoenixMiner 可以斷定該挖礦是通過server使用者下面的test使用者進入到伺服器的
    #在 /root/.ssh/known_hosts檔案中植入了免密登入 不得不說非常厲害, 
    #同時利用netstat -ntu命令,發現近期訪問的也是該ip
  3. Makefile鑑賞 :感覺就是獲取伺服器的使用者、密碼、組等相關資訊的指令碼

    # Makefile to (re-)generate db versions of system database files.
    # Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    # This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    # Contributed by Ulrich Drepper <[email protected]>, 1996.
    # The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    # The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    # Lesser General Public License for more details.
    # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    # License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
    # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    DATABASES = $(wildcard /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/ethers /etc/protocols \
    		       /etc/rpc /etc/services /etc/shadow /etc/gshadow \
    VAR_DB = /var/db
    AWK = awk
    MAKEDB = makedb --quiet
    all: $(patsubst %,$(VAR_DB)/%.db,$(notdir $(DATABASES)))
    $(VAR_DB)/passwd.db: /etc/passwd
    	@echo -n "$(patsubst %.db,%,$(@F))... "
    	@$(AWK) 'BEGIN { FS=":"; OFS=":" } \
    		 /^[ \t]*$$/ { next } \
    		 /^[ \t]*#/ { next } \
    		 /^[^#]/ { printf ".%s ", $$1; print; \
    			   printf "=%s ", $$3; print }' $^ | \
    	$(MAKEDB) -o $@ -
    	@echo "done."
    $(VAR_DB)/group.db: /etc/group
    	@echo -n "$(patsubst %.db,%,$(@F))... "
    	@$(AWK) 'BEGIN { FS=":"; OFS=":" } \
    		 /^[ \t]*$$/ { next } \
    		 /^[ \t]*#/ { next } \
    		 /^[^#]/ { printf ".%s ", $$1; print; \
    			   printf "=%s ", $$3; print; \
    			   if ($$4 != "") { \
    			     split($$4, grmems, ","); \
    			     for (memidx in grmems) { \
    			       mem=grmems[memidx]; \
    			       if (members[mem] == "") \
    				 members[mem]=$$3; \
    			       else \
    				 members[mem]=members[mem] "," $$3; \
    			     } \
    			     delete grmems; } } \
    		 END { for (mem in members) \
    			 printf ":%s %s %s\n", mem, mem, members[mem]; }' $^ | \
    	$(MAKEDB) -o $@ -
    	@echo "done."
    $(VAR_DB)/ethers.db: /etc/ethers
    	@echo -n "$(patsubst %.db,%,$(@F))... "
    	@$(AWK) '/^[ \t]*$$/ { next } \
    		 /^[ \t]*#/ { next } \
    		 /^[^#]/ { printf ".%s ", $$1; print; \
    			   printf "=%s ", $$2; print }' $^ | \
    	$(MAKEDB) -o $@ -
    	@echo "done."
    $(VAR_DB)/protocols.db: /etc/protocols
    	@echo -n "$(patsubst %.db,%,$(@F))... "
    	@$(AWK) '/^[ \t]*$$/ { next } \
    		 /^[ \t]*#/ { next } \
    		 /^[^#]/ { printf ".%s ", $$1; print; \
    			   printf "=%s ", $$2; print; \
    			   for (i = 3; i <= NF && !($$i ~ /^#/); ++i) \
    			     { printf ".%s ", $$i; print } }' $^ | \
    	$(MAKEDB) -o $@ -
    	@echo "done."
    $(VAR_DB)/rpc.db: /etc/rpc
    	@echo -n "$(patsubst %.db,%,$(@F))... "
    	@$(AWK) '/^[ \t]*$$/ { next } \
    		 /^[ \t]*#/ { next } \
    		 /^[^#]/ { printf ".%s ", $$1; print; \
    			   printf "=%s ", $$2; print; \
    			   for (i = 3; i <= NF && !($$i ~ /^#/); ++i) \
    			     { printf ".%s ", $$i; print } }' $^ | \
    	$(MAKEDB) -o $@ -
    	@echo "done."
    $(VAR_DB)/services.db: /etc/services
    	@echo -n "$(patsubst %.db,%,$(@F))... "
    	@$(AWK) 'BEGIN { FS="[ \t/]+" } \
    		 /^[ \t]*$$/ { next } \
    		 /^[ \t]*#/ { next } \
    		 /^[^#]/ { sub(/[ \t]*#.*$$/, "");\
    			   printf ":%s/%s ", $$1, $$3; print; \
    			   printf ":%s/ ", $$1; print; \
    			   printf "=%s/%s ", $$2, $$3; print; \
    			   printf "=%s/ ", $$2; print; \
    			   for (i = 4; i <= NF && !($$i ~ /^#/); ++i) \
    			     { printf ":%s/%s ", $$i, $$3; print; \
    			       printf ":%s/ ", $$i; print } }' $^ | \
    	$(MAKEDB) -o $@ -
    	@echo "done."
    $(VAR_DB)/shadow.db: /etc/shadow
    	@echo -n "$(patsubst %.db,%,$(@F))... "
    	@$(AWK) 'BEGIN { FS=":"; OFS=":" } \
    		 /^[ \t]*$$/ { next } \
    		 /^[ \t]*#/ { next } \
    		 /^[^#]/ { printf ".%s ", $$1; print }' $^ | \
    	(umask 077 && $(MAKEDB) -o $@ -)
    	@echo "done."
    	@if chgrp shadow $@ 2>/dev/null; then \
    	  chmod g+r $@; \
    	else \
    	  chown 0 $@; chgrp 0 $@; chmod 600 $@; \
    	  echo; \
    	  echo "Warning: The shadow password database $@"; \
    	  echo "has been set to be readable only by root.  You may want"; \
    	  echo "to make it readable by the \`shadow' group depending"; \
    	  echo "on your configuration."; \
    	  echo; \
    $(VAR_DB)/gshadow.db: /etc/gshadow
    	@echo -n "$(patsubst %.db,%,$(@F))... "
    	@$(AWK) 'BEGIN { FS=":"; OFS=":" } \
    		 /^[ \t]*$$/ { next } \
    		 /^[ \t]*#/ { next } \
    		 /^[^#]/ { printf ".%s ", $$1; print }' $^ | \
    	(umask 077 && $(MAKEDB) -o $@ -)
    	@echo "done."
    	@if chgrp shadow $@ 2>/dev/null; then \
    	  chmod g+r $@; \
    	else \
    	  chown 0 $@; chgrp 0 $@; chmod 600 $@; \
    	  echo; \
    	  echo "Warning: The shadow group database $@"; \
    	  echo "has been set to be readable only by root.  You may want"; \
    	  echo "to make it readable by the \`shadow' group depending"; \
    	  echo "on your configuration."; \
    	  echo; \
    $(VAR_DB)/netgroup.db: /etc/netgroup
    	@echo -n "$(patsubst %.db,%,$(@F))... "
    	@$(AWK) 'BEGIN { ini=1 } \
    		 /^[ \t]*$$/ { next } \
    		 /^[ \t]*#/ { next } \
    		 /^[^#]/ { if (sub(/[ \t]*\\$$/, " ") == 0) end="\n"; \
    			   else end=""; \
    			   gsub(/[ \t]+/, " "); \
    			   sub(/^[ \t]*/, ""); \
    			   if (ini == 0) printf "%s%s", $$0, end; \
    			   else printf ".%s %s%s", $$1, $$0, end; \
    			   ini=end == "" ? 0 : 1; } \
    			   END { if (ini==0) printf "\n" }' $^ | \
    	$(MAKEDB) -o $@ -
    	@echo "done."
  4. 最後將2中的檔案統統刪掉。上報網管中心,安裝防毒軟體!至此告一段落!