1. 程式人生 > 其它 >優先佇列 Implementing a generic Priority Queue in C (using heaps)

優先佇列 Implementing a generic Priority Queue in C (using heaps)


Implementing a generic Priority Queue in C (using heaps)

June 1, 2011

In Computer Science, a Priority Queue is an abstract data type, very similar to a normal Queue, but with a twist: every element has a priority attached to itself

. The rule is that an element with high priority is served before an element with low priority.

Our implementation is going to use a Binary Heap. This is fancy name for a heap structure that takes the form of a binary tree that is complete, and the key that is stored in each node is (>=) bigger than keys stored in its children.

If the keys of the parent node are (<=) than the keys of the children are called: min-heaps.


The code is available on github.

git clone https://github.com/nomemory/c-generic-pqueue.git

Afer cloning, to compile the project simply:

gcc -Wall main.c pqueue.c

If you want to understand more about writing generic code in C, please reffer to my previous article: 

Generic Data Structures in C.

Defining the dataPermalink

We start by defining some “helpful” macros:

// pqueue.h

// Debugging macro .
// Checks for a NULL pointer, and prints the error message, source file and
// line via 'stderr' .
// If the check fails the program exits with error code (-1) .
#define NP_CHECK(ptr)                                                           \
    {                                                                           \
        if (NULL == (ptr)) {                                                    \
            fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d NULL POINTER: %s n",                         \
                __FILE__, __LINE__, #ptr);                                      \
            exit(-1);                                                           \
        }                                                                       \
    }                                                                           \

#define DEBUG(msg) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, (msg))

NP_CHECK will help us check if the memory was allocated correctly. If the returning pointer ptr is NULL, it aborts the program.

The PQueue struct and the API looks like this:

// pqueue.h

// Priority Queue Structure
typedef struct PQueue_s {
    /* The actual size of heap at a certain time */
    size_t size;
    /* The amount of allocated memory for the heap */
    size_t capacity;
    /* An array of (void*), the actual max-heap */
    void **data;
    /* A pointer to a comparator function, used to prioritize elements */
    int (*cmp)(const void *d1, const void *d2);
} PQueue;

// Allocates memory for a new Priority Queue .
// Needs a pointer to a comparator function, thus establishing priorities .
PQueue *pqueue_new(int (*cmp)(const void *d1, const void *d2),
                   size_t capacity);

// De-allocates memory for a given Priority Queue 
void pqueue_delete(PQueue *q);

// Add an element inside the Priority Queue 
void pqueue_enqueue(PQueue *q, const void *data);

// Removes the element with the greatest priority from within the Queue 
void *pqueue_dequeue(PQueue *q);

You might be unfamiliar with the int (*cmp)(const void *d1, const void *d2). That’s actually a pointer to a function that compares two values. In more modern languages, this is a Comparator method.

When we are going to create the PQueue it will work like this:

// A method that compares two ints (referenced by their pointers)
int cmp_ints(const void *int1, const void *int2) {
    return *(int*) int1 - *(int*) int2;

// ...

PQueue* pq = pqueue_new(cmp_ints, 200);


Implementing the constructor-like/destructor-like methods:

* Allocates memory for a new Priority Queue structure .

* 'cmp' function:
*   returns 0 if d1 and d2 have the same priorities
*   returns [negative value] if d1 have a smaller priority than d2
*   returns [positive value] if d1 have a greater priority than d2
PQueue *pqueue_new(int (*cmp)(const void *d1, const void *d2),
                   size_t capacity) {
    PQueue *res = NULL;
    res = malloc(sizeof(*res));
    res->cmp = cmp;
    /* The inner representation of data inside the queue is an array of void* */
    res->data = malloc(capacity * sizeof(*(res->data)));
    res->size = 0;
    res->capacity = capacity;
    return (res);

* De-allocates memory for a given Priority Queue structure .
void pqueue_delete(PQueue *q) {
    if (NULL == q) {
        DEBUG("Priority Queue is already NULL. Nothing to free.");

Implementing the rest of the API:

* Adds a new element to the Priority Queue .
void pqueue_enqueue(PQueue *q, const void *data) {
    size_t i;
    void *tmp = NULL;
    if (q->size >= q->capacity) {
        DEBUG("Priority Queue is full. Cannot add another element .");
    /* Adds element last */
    q->data[q->size] = (void*) data;
    i = q->size;
    /* The new element is swapped with its parent as long as its
    precedence is higher */
    while(i > 0 && q->cmp(q->data[i], q->data[PARENT(i)]) > 0) {
        tmp = q->data[i];
        q->data[i] = q->data[PARENT(i)];
        q->data[PARENT(i)] = tmp;
        i = PARENT(i);

* Returns the element with the biggest priority from the queue .
void *pqueue_dequeue(PQueue *q) {
    void *data = NULL;
    if (q->size < 1) {         
         /* Priority Queue is empty */         
         DEBUG("Priority Queue underflow . Cannot remove another element .");         
         return NULL;     
    data = q->data[0];
    q->data[0] = q->data[q->size-1];
    /* Restore heap property */
    pqueue_heapify(q, 0);
    return (data);

* Turn an "almost-heap" into a heap .
void pqueue_heapify(PQueue *q, size_t idx) {
    /* left index, right index, largest */
    void *tmp = NULL;