1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >別再眼高手低了! 這些Linq方法都清楚地掌握了嗎?

別再眼高手低了! 這些Linq方法都清楚地掌握了嗎?







  1.1:LINQLanguage Integrated Query的簡稱,它是整合在.NET程式語言(例如:C#、VB.NET等)中的一種特性,目的是為.NET Framework




    比如Array,List,XML,DOM或者是SQL Server資料表。並且它還允許適合於目標域或技術的第三方特定域操作符來擴大標準查詢操作符集,更重要的是,第三方操作符可以用它們自己的提供附加服務的實現來自由地替換標準查詢操作符,





    甚至是遠端的物件,它都採用同樣的查詢方式。就如同通過T-SQL操縱資料庫一樣,不管是OracleSyBase還是SQL Server,他們的Select語法都是一樣的。




3:C# Linq類庫







4:Linq 的種類

  1:LINQ to Objects資料來源為實現了介面IEnumerable或IQeryable的記憶體資料集合,這也是LINQ的基礎。
  2:LINQ to XML資料來源為XML文件,這裡通過XElement、XAttribute等類將XML文件資料載入到記憶體中,通過LINQ進行資料查詢。
  3:LINQ to ADO.Net



Aggregate 的使用

                List<int> listnum = new List<int>();
                for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
                //Aggregate 總數;合計
                var getAggregateData = listnum.Aggregate((a, b) =>
                      return a + b;
                Console.WriteLine("從1+2+3+**100={0}", getAggregateData);

                //Aggregate 求偶數的個數 0:表示從0開始; totalCount:記錄總的次數; gonumber:要依次遍歷的元素
                int gettotalcount = listnum.Aggregate(0, (totalCount, gonumber) =>
                       return gonumber % 2 == 0 ? totalCount += 1 : totalCount;
                Console.WriteLine("偶數的個數有:{0}個", gettotalcount);

All 的使用需要所有的條件都滿足才行,只要有一個條件不滿足就不會再執行下去

明明有兩隻豬都滿足條件,單數只查詢到老豬的資料 是不是和起初想的不一樣呢?其實想想才恍然大悟 all的含義就是全部的意思,


                List<Pig> pigs = new List<Pig> {
                    new Pig{ pid="Z003",name="老豬",age=10},
                    new Pig{ pid="Z001",name="小豬",age=1},
                    new Pig{ pid="Z002",name="青年豬",age=3},
                    new Pig{ pid="Z004",name="八戒",age=500},
                var newlist = new List<Pig>();
                var pigallConditionok = pigs.All(p =>
                    if (p.age >= 10)
                        newlist.Add(p); return true;
                    else { return false; }
                Console.WriteLine(pigallConditionok ? "所有的豬都滿足大於10歲" : "不是所有的豬都滿足大於10歲");
                Console.WriteLine($"所有的豬都滿足大於10歲的名稱有:{string.Join(", ", newlist.Select(c => c.name))},其年齡分別為:{string.Join(", ", newlist.Select(c => c.age))}");            

Any的使用 ,來確定集合是否包含任何元素

List<Pig> pigs = new List<Pig> {
                new Pig{ pid="Z003",name="老豬",age=10},
                new Pig{ pid="Z001",name="小豬",age=1},
                new Pig{ pid="Z002",name="青年豬",age=3},
                new Pig{ pid="Z004",name="八戒",age=500},
            var newlist = new List<Pig>();
            if (pigs != null && pigs.Any())
                newlist = pigs.Where(c => c.age >= 10).ToList();
                Console.WriteLine($"所有的豬都滿足大於10歲的名稱有:{string.Join(", ", newlist.Select(c => c.name))},其年齡分別為:{string.Join(", ", newlist.Select(c => c.age))}");

Append的使用將值追加到序列的末尾。 此方法不修改集合中的元素。 相反,它使用新元素建立集合的副本

List<string> liststr = new List<string> { "你好", ":" };
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", liststr));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", liststr.Append(Console.ReadLine())));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", liststr.Append(Console.ReadLine())));

AsEnumerable的使用 返回型別化為 IEnumerable<T> 的輸入

 MyDog<string> mydog = new MyDog<string> { "absdsdsd", "grgrfefs", "wqethh", "mhngf" };

            //直接使用指定的委託非法MyWhere() 我們想查詢集合中包含 s的元素有哪些
            var newlistMywhere = mydog.MyWhere(c => c.Contains('s')).ToList();

            //AsEnumerable() 後 會隱藏MyDog自定義的MyWhere方法,而是使用Linq系統自帶的where方法
            var newlistLinqWhere = mydog.AsEnumerable().Where(c => c.Contains("s"));

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ; ", newlistMywhere));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" | ", newlistMywhere));

Average的使用 計算數值序列的平均值。比較簡單的使用

IEnumerable<decimal> list = new List<decimal> { 88, 70, 90, 60, 85, 100 };
            decimal avgScore = list.Average();
            Console.WriteLine("平均分是(保留小數點後兩位數):" + Math.Round(avgScore, 2));

Cast的使用 將 IEnumerable 的元素強制轉換為指定的型別

ArrayList arlist = new ArrayList { "99", "88", "100" };
            var newlist = arlist.Cast<string>().OrderByDescending(c => c).Select(c => c.ToString()).ToList();
            Console.WriteLine("強轉前: " + string.Join(" ", arlist));
            Console.WriteLine("強轉之後: " + string.Join(" ", newlist));


 List<Pig> list01 = new List<Pig> { new Pig { name = "八戒" }, new Pig { name = "喜歡" } };
            List<Pig> list02 = new List<Pig> { new Pig { name = "嫦娥仙女" }, new Pig { name = "也去過高老莊" } };

            var listname = list01.Select(c => c.name).Concat(list02.Select(a => a.name));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", listname));

Contains的使用 確定序列是否包含指定的元素。

  List<string> list = new List<string> { "小豬", "青年豬", "老豬", "八戒" };
            if (list.Contains("八戒"))
            else { Console.WriteLine("不知八戒的去向"); }

Count的使用 返回序列中的元素數量

 List<string> list = new List<string> { "小豬", "青年豬", "老豬", "八戒" };

DefaultIfEmpty 返回 IEnumerable<T> 的元素;如果序列為空,則返回一個具有預設值的單例類集合。

 List<Pig> list = new List<Pig> {
                      new Pig{pid="p001",name="小豬",age=1 },
                      new Pig{pid="p002",name="青年豬",age=2 },
                      new Pig{pid="p003",name="老豬",age=10 },
                      new Pig{pid="p004",name="八戒",age=500 },

            var newlist = list.Where(c => c.age > 500).ToList().DefaultIfEmpty().ToList();
            var newlist2 = list.Where(c => c.age > 500).ToList().DefaultIfEmpty<Pig>(list.Last()).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", newlist.Select(c => c == null ? "沒有找到實體資料" : c.name)));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", newlist2.Select(c => c.name)));

Distinct的使用 返回序列中的非重複元素。 比較簡單和好理解吧,寶寶們!

 List<string> list = new List<string> { "小豬", "青年豬", "老豬", "八戒", "青年豬", "老豬", };
            Console.WriteLine("獲取到不重複的元素有:" + string.Join(",", list.Distinct()));

ElementAt的使用 返回序列中指定索引處的元素

 public static TSource ElementAt<TSource>(this System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource> source, int index);
            List<string> list = new List<string> { "小豬", "青年豬", "老豬", "八戒", "青年豬", "老豬", };

            Console.WriteLine("ElementAt是從零開始的,集合第4個元素是{0}", list.ElementAt(3));

ElementAtOrDefault的使用 返回序列中指定索引處的元素;如果索引超出範圍,沒有發現會拋異常。

 List<string> list = new List<string> { "白菜", "蘿蔔", "西紅柿", "茄子" };
            string getstr = list.ElementAtOrDefault(5);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(getstr))
                Console.WriteLine("我比較喜歡吃的蔬菜是:" + getstr);
                Console.WriteLine("超出選擇的範圍,系統為您選擇了一個蔬菜,是:" + list.ElementAtOrDefault(3));

Empty的使用 返回具有指定型別引數的空 IEnumerable<T>,通常我們後端些Core WebApi 介面的時候。

//前端會要求沒有資料幫忙返回空的陣列,不要返回null,這時 Empty就可以很好的上任,也不容易跑出空指標類似的錯誤

 List<Pig> list = new List<Pig> {
                    new Pig{pid="p001",name="小豬",age=1 },
                    new Pig{pid="p002",name="青年豬",age=2 },
                    new Pig{pid="p003",name="老豬",age=10 },
                    new Pig{pid="p004",name="八戒",age=500 }
            //Enumerable.Empty<Pig>().ToList(); 會返回一個空的集合
            var newList = list.Where(c => c.age > 500).ToList() ?? Enumerable.Empty<Pig>().ToList();
            if (newList.Any() || newList.Count > 0)

Except的使用 生成兩個序列的差集

 List<int> list01 = new List<int> { 88, 66, 99, 58, 85, 69 };
            List<int> list02 = new List<int> { 78, 22, 69, 80, 88 };

            var newlist01 = list01.Except(list02);
            var newlist02 = list02.Except(list01);

            Console.WriteLine("以list01為準: " + string.Join(", ", newlist01));
            Console.WriteLine("以list02為準: " + string.Join(", ", newlist02));

First、FirstOrDefault 的使用返回序列中的第一個元素 如果 source 不包含任何元素,則該方法將引發異常。

//若要改為在源序列為空時返回預設值,請使用 FirstOrDefault 方法。

 int[] numbers = { 9, 34, 65, 92, 87, 435, 3, 54 };
            int first = numbers.First();
            Console.WriteLine("第一個是:" + first);
            Console.WriteLine("大於500的是:" + numbers.FirstOrDefault(c => c > 500));//帶條件篩選

Group 的使用分組,這個相對於其他已經簡紹的Linq方法稍微複雜些,

List<Person> plist = new List<Person> {
                new Person{ Name="小張",Age=22,Country="中國",Sex=""},
                new Person{ Name="小鄭",Age=21,Country="中國",Sex=""},
                new Person{ Name="Zhang",Age=32,Country="English",Sex=""},
                new Person{ Name="Jason",Age=29,Country="English",Sex=""},
                new Person{ Name="Luce",Age=21,Country="USA",Sex=""},
                new Person{ Name="Peter",Age=22,Country="English",Sex=""},
                new Person{ Name="Tom",Age=32,Country="English",Sex=""},
                new Person{ Name="小紅",Age=28,Country="中國",Sex=""},
                new Person{ Name="小鐘",Age=31,Country="中國",Sex=""}

           // 按照國家來分組 1

            var plistGroupByCountry = plist.GroupBy(c => c.Country).Select(c => c).ToList();
            for (int i = 0; i < plistGroupByCountry.Count; i++)
                string key = plistGroupByCountry[i].Key;
                var obj = plistGroupByCountry[i].ToList();
                Console.WriteLine("key=" + key + ",==>" + string.Join(",", obj.Select(c => c.Name)));

            //按照國家以及性別來分組 2
            var plistGroupByCountry = plist.GroupBy(c => new { c.Country, c.Sex }).Select(c => c).ToList();
            for (int i = 0; i < plistGroupByCountry.Count; i++)
                string key1 = plistGroupByCountry[i].Key.Country;
                string key2 = plistGroupByCountry[i].Key.Sex;

                var obj = plistGroupByCountry[i].ToList();
                Console.WriteLine("國家分別是:" + string.Join(",", obj.Select(c => c.Country)) + "," + "姓名分別是:" + string.Join(",", obj.Select(c => c.Name)) + "性別分別是:" + string.Join(",", obj.Select(c => c.Sex)));

            //按照linq to object方法來分組 3
            var newlist = (from g in plist
                           group g by new { g.Country, g.Sex } into d
                           select new
                               totalCountryCount = d.Count()
            if (newlist != null && newlist.Any())
                for (int i = 0; i < newlist.Count; i++)
                    string key_country = newlist[i].Country;
                    string key_sex = newlist[i].Sex;
                    var groupobj = plist.Where(c => c.Country == key_country && c.Sex == key_sex).ToList();
                    if (groupobj != null && groupobj.Any())
                        Console.WriteLine("============Country:{0}===Sex:{1}====================", key_country, key_sex);
                        for (int y = 0; y < groupobj.Count; y++)
                            Console.WriteLine("name:" + groupobj[y].Name + ", age=" + groupobj[y].Age + ", Country=" + key_country + ", Sex=" + key_sex);

            //Linq的Group 分組進一步延伸,來獲取更多的資訊
            var newlist = (from g in plist
                           group g by new { g.Country, g.Sex } into d
                           select new
                               totalCountryCount = d.Count(),
                               maxAge = d.Max(c => c.Age),
                               minAge = d.Min(c => c.Age),
                               sumAge = d.Sum(c => c.Age),
                               //獲取更多的資訊,不止只有 max,min,sum,avg那些聚合函式
                               info = (from t in d
                                       join c in plist on new { t.Country, t.Sex } equals new { c.Country, c.Sex } into tgdata
                                       from td in tgdata.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                       select new { td.Name, td.Age }).Distinct().ToList()
            for (int g = 0; g < newlist.Count; g++)
                string country = newlist[g].Country; string Sex = newlist[g].Sex;
                int totalCountryCount = newlist[g].totalCountryCount;
                int maxAge = newlist[g].maxAge; int minAge = newlist[g].minAge; int sumAge = newlist[g].sumAge;
                var info = newlist[g].info;
                Console.WriteLine("============{0}======{1}==============", country, Sex);
                for (int i = 0; i < info.Count; i++)
                    string name = info[i].Name;
                    int age = info[i].Age;

GroupJoin的使用 基於鍵值等同性將兩個序列的元素進行關聯,並對結果進行分組

             public static System.Linq.IQueryable<TResult> GroupJoin<TOuter,TInner,TKey,TResult> (this System.Linq.IQueryable<TOuter> outer, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TInner> inner, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<TOuter,TKey>> outerKeySelector, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<TInner,TKey>> innerKeySelector, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<TOuter,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TInner>,TResult>> resultSelector);

            List<Student> stulist = new List<Student> {
                new Student{ sid="S001",sName="小張",bookid="bk001"},
                new Student{ sid="S002",sName="小劉",bookid="bk002"},
                new Student{ sid="S003",sName="小鄭",bookid="bk003"},
                new Student{ sid="S004",sName="小李",bookid="bk004"},
                new Student{ sid="S005",sName="小趙",bookid="bk002"},
                new Student{ sid="S006",sName="小王",bookid="bk005"}
            List<Book> blist = new List<Book> {
                new Book{ bid="bk001",bName="西遊記"},
                new Book{ bid="bk002",bName="紅樓夢"},
                new Book{ bid="bk003",bName="三國演義"},
                new Book{ bid="bk004",bName="天龍八部"},
                new Book{ bid="bk005",bName="笑傲江湖"}
            var groupjoinList = stulist.GroupJoin(blist, s => s.bookid, b => b.bid, (s, _bist) => new
                //  必需要有一個欄位來接收
                booksInfo = _bist.Select(b => new

            for (int i = 0; i < groupjoinList.Count; i++)
                string sid = groupjoinList[i].sid;
                string sname = groupjoinList[i].sName;
                var bookinfo = groupjoinList[i].booksInfo;
                Console.WriteLine("======={0}=={1}==========", sid, sname);
                for (int b = 0; b < bookinfo.Count; b++)
                    string bid = bookinfo[b].bid;
                    string bname = bookinfo[b].bName;

Intersect的使用 生成兩個序列的交集,這個比較簡單,很好理解

int[] list01 = { 10, 2, 58, 66, 30, 24, 56 };
            int[] list02 = { 22, 30, 86, 50, 10, 99, 64, 32, 45, 2 };

            var newlist = list01.Intersect(list02);
            foreach (var item in newlist)

            List<Book> blist001 = new List<Book> {
                new Book{ bid="bk001",bName="西遊記"},
                new Book{ bid="bk002",bName="紅樓夢"},
                new Book{ bid="bk003",bName="三國演義"},
                new Book{ bid="bk004",bName="天龍八部"},
                new Book{ bid="bk005",bName="笑傲江湖"}
            List<Book> blist002 = new List<Book> {
                new Book{ bid="bk001",bName="西遊記"},
                new Book{ bid="bk002",bName="紅樓夢"},
                new Book{ bid="bk003",bName="三國演義"}
            var newbookList = blist001.Intersect(blist002);
            if (newbookList != null && newbookList.Any())
                foreach (var bookinfo in newbookList)
            Console.WriteLine("======我們 可以通過如下方法來查詢到相同的交集==============");

            var haveSameEntityList = blist001.Where(c => blist002.Exists(q => q.bid == c.bid)).ToList();
            foreach (var item in haveSameEntityList)

Join的使用 這個我們是經常使用到的,多個集合聯合查詢 基於匹配鍵對兩個序列的元素進行關聯。相對於SQL中的多表聯合查詢,只是內連線的效果

             Join<TOuter,TInner,TKey,TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IEnumerable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter,TKey>>, Expression<Func<TInner,TKey>>, Expression<Func<TOuter,TInner,TResult>>)
            List<Book> bleft = new List<Book> {
                new Book{ bid="bk001",bName="西遊記"},
                new Book{ bid="bk002",bName="紅樓夢"},
                new Book{ bid="bk003",bName="三國演義"},
                new Book{ bid="bk004",bName="天龍八部"},
                new Book{ bid="bk005",bName="笑傲江湖"}
            List<Book> bright = new List<Book> {
                new Book{ bid="bk001",bName="西遊記"},
                new Book{ bid="bk002",bName="紅樓夢"},
                new Book{ bid="bk003",bName="三國演義"}
            var _Llist = bleft.Join(bright, L => L.bid, R => R.bid, (L, R) => new { L.bid, L.bName }).ToList();
            foreach (var item in _Llist)
            var Rlist = bright.Join(bleft, L => L.bid, R => R.bid, (L, R) => new { R.bid, R.bName }).ToList();
            foreach (var item in Rlist)
            Console.WriteLine("從上面的結果可以看出 join就是內連線的效果,那左右連線要怎麼實現???告示寶寶,答案!");
            //請參考個人裡外一遍筆記,這裡就不在重複列出:參考地址: https://www.cnblogs.com/Fengge518/p/13543250.html

Last的使用 返回序列中的最後一個元素。使用起來還是比較簡單!

  int[] listint = { 66, 55, 2, 88, 10, 8, 62, 5, 66, 47, 65 };
                int last = listint.Last();
                Console.WriteLine("最後一位是:" + last);

LastOrDefault的使用 返回序列中的最後一個元素;如果未找到該元素,則返回預設值,測試同上

 int[] listint = { 66, 55, 2, 88, 10, 8, 62, 5, 66, 47, 65 };
                int last = listint.LastOrDefault();
                int newlast = listint.Where(c => c > 1000).LastOrDefault();
                Console.WriteLine("last最後一位是:" + last);
                Console.WriteLine("newlast最後一位是:" + newlast);

Reverse 的使用反轉序列中元素的順序。

 List<string> liststr = new List<string> { "I", "Love", "You" };
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", liststr));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", liststr));

Repeat的使用 生成包含一個重複值的序列。我們可以從字面上猜出,重複的含義

   IEnumerable<string> repeatStr = Enumerable.Repeat("我熱愛學習!", 6);
            foreach (var item in repeatStr)

Select的使用 將序列中的每個元素投影到新表單 投影

  int[] studentAges = { 18, 16, 17, 16, 22, 30, 19, 26, 33 };
            var list = studentAges.Where(c => c >= 18).Select(c => new { info = "成年的年齡有(>=18歲): " + c }).ToList();
            foreach (var obj in list)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", obj.info);

SelectMany的使用 將序列的每個元素投影到一個 IEnumerable<T> 並將結果序列組合為一個 IQueryable<T> 型別的序列。

   List<StudentBookModel> models = new List<StudentBookModel>();
            models.Add(new StudentBookModel
                sbid = "S001",
                sName = "魯智深",
                booksname = new List<Book> {
                    new Book { bid = "b001", bName = "西遊記" },new Book { bid = "b002", bName = "水滸傳" }, new Book { bid = "b003", bName = "三國演義" }
            models.Add(new StudentBookModel
                sbid = "S002",
                sName = "武僧",
                booksname = new List<Book> {
                    new Book { bid = "b004", bName = "笑傲江湖" }, new Book { bid = "b005", bName = "楚留香" },new Book { bid = "b006", bName = "射鵰英雄傳" }
            //--兩層 for迴圈找出 bid=b002,和b006 的書本資訊
                Console.WriteLine("==========foreach / for 多層迴圈=============="); //方法一:foreach / for 多層迴圈
                foreach (var item in models)
                    foreach (var book in item.booksname)
                        if ("b002".Equals(book.bid) || "和b006".Equals(book.bid))
                            Console.WriteLine("foreach / for 多層迴圈 找到書的資訊: bid:{0}, bName:{1}", book.bid, book.bName);
            Console.WriteLine("=========from S in models linq to Sql寫法==============="); //方法二: 像是些SQL那樣,很是方便,層次也比較清晰
                var booklist = (from S in models
                                from B in S.booksname
                                where new string[] { "b002", "b006" }.Contains(B.bid)
                                select new Book { bid = B.bid, bName = B.bName }).ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < booklist.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("from S in models 找到書的資訊bid:{0}, bName:{1} ", booklist[i].bid, booklist[i].bName);
                Console.WriteLine("=========SelectMany==============="); //方法三:SelectMany
                var booklist = models.SelectMany(s => s.booksname).Where(c =>
                new string[] { "b002", "b006" }.Contains(c.bid)).Select(c => new Book
                    bid = c.bid,
                    bName = c.bName
                Console.WriteLine("SelectMany 找到書的資訊: ", string.Join(" ", booklist));

SequenceEqual的使用 確定兩個序列是否相等。

 Pet p1 = new Pet { Name = "Dog", Age = 2 };
                Pet p2 = new Pet { Name = "Pig", Age = 1 };
                Pet p3 = new Pet { Name = "Cat", Age = 3 };

                List<Pet> list01 = new List<Pet> { p1, p2, p3 };
                List<Pet> list02 = new List<Pet> { p1, p2, p3 };
                List<Pet> list03 = new List<Pet> { p2, p3, p1, };
                List<Pet> list04 = new List<Pet> { p1, p3 };

                bool flag01 = list01.SequenceEqual(list02);
                bool flag02 = list01.SequenceEqual(list03);
                bool flag03 = list01.SequenceEqual(list04);
                bool flag04 = list02.SequenceEqual(list03);
                Console.WriteLine($"list01.SequenceEqual(list02) => {flag01}");
                Console.WriteLine($"list01.SequenceEqual(list03) => {flag02}");
                Console.WriteLine($"list01.SequenceEqual(list04) => {flag03}");
                Console.WriteLine($"list02.SequenceEqual(list03) => {flag04}");

Single SingleOrDefault的使用 下面是官方的解釋,由於比較簡單,這裡不再舉例說明

             *  SingleOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>)

             *  SingleOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, Boolean>>)

Skip Take的使用 一起使用,分頁的效果 Skip:跳過多少資料,Take拿取多少資料

 List<int> list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 };
                var newlist01 = list.Skip(2).ToList();
                var newlist02 = list.Skip(2).Take(3).ToList();
                Console.WriteLine("原來的資料集合" + string.Join(" ", list));
                Console.WriteLine("list.Skip(2)=> " + string.Join(" ", newlist01));
                Console.WriteLine("list.Skip(2).Take(3)=> " + string.Join(" ", newlist02));

ThenBy ThenByDescending的使用 排序時繼續按照其他的欄位來排序

   List<Pig> list = new List<Pig>
                          new Pig{pid="p001",name="小豬",age=1 },
                          new Pig{pid="p004",name="八戒",age=500 },
                          new Pig{pid="p002",name="小八戒",age=100 },
                          new Pig{pid="p008",name="老年八戒",age=600 },
                          new Pig{pid="p003",name="青年豬",age=2 },
                          new Pig{pid="p003",name="老豬",age=10 },
                          new Pig{pid="p004",name="假八戒",age=-1 },
                          new Pig{pid="p008",name="成仙八戒",age=1000 }
                var newlist01 = list.OrderBy(c => c.pid).ToList();
                var newlist02 = list.OrderBy(c => c.pid).ThenBy(c => c.age).ToList();
                var newlist03 = list.OrderBy(c => c.pid).ThenByDescending(c => c.age).ToList();
                Console.WriteLine("pid asc排序:" + string.Join(" ", newlist01.Select(c => c.pid)));
                Console.WriteLine("age asc排序:" + string.Join(" ", newlist01.Select(c => c.age)));
                Console.WriteLine("pid asc排序:" + string.Join(" ", newlist02.Select(c => c.pid)));
                Console.WriteLine("age asc排序:" + string.Join(" ", newlist02.Select(c => c.age)));
                Console.WriteLine("pid asc排序:" + string.Join(" ", newlist03.Select(c => c.pid)));
                Console.WriteLine("age asc排序:" + string.Join(" ", newlist03.Select(c => c.age)));

Union 的使用生成兩個序列的並集。 類似 sql中的Unio 會去重

 int[] list01 = { 5, 6, 9, 8, 3, 1, 7 };
                int[] list02 = { 3, 6, 4, 8, 2, 5, 1, 9 };
                List<Pet> listpet01 = new List<Pet> {
                    new Pet{ Name="Dog1",Age=2},
                    new Pet{ Name="Dog2",Age=1}
                List<Pet> listpet02 = new List<Pet> {
                    new Pet{ Name="cat",Age=3},
                    new Pet{ Name="pig",Age=1},
                    new Pet{ Name="bird",Age=5}
                var newlist = list01.(list02);
                var newlist2 = listpet01.Union(listpet02).Select(c => c.Name).ToList();

                Console.WriteLine("陣列結合unio之後:" + string.Join(" ", newlist));
                Console.WriteLine("我有如下這些寵物:" + string.Join("; ", newlist2));

ToDictionary的使用 下面為官方的擴充套件方法字串

             public static System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey,TSource> ToDictionary<TSource,TKey> (this System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource,TKey> keySelector);
            List<Person> ps = new List<Person> {
                     new Person{ Name="小張",Age=22,Country="中國",Sex=""},
                     new Person{ Name="小鄭",Age=21,Country="中國",Sex=""},
                     new Person{ Name="Zhang",Age=32,Country="English",Sex=""},
                     new Person{ Name="Jason",Age=29,Country="English",Sex=""},
                     new Person{ Name="Luce",Age=21,Country="USA",Sex=""},
                     new Person{ Name="Peter",Age=22,Country="English",Sex=""},
                     new Person{ Name="Tom",Age=32,Country="English",Sex=""},
                     new Person{ Name="小紅",Age=28,Country="中國",Sex=""},
                     new Person{ Name="小鐘",Age=31,Country="中國",Sex=""}
            Dictionary<string, int> dic1 = ps.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, a => a.Age);
            Dictionary<string, Person> dic2 = ps.ToDictionary(p => p.Name);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> item in dic1)
                Console.WriteLine("key:{0},age:{1}", item.Key, item.Value);
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Person> item in dic2)
                Console.WriteLine("key:{0},age:{1},Country:{2},sex:{3}", item.Key, item.Value.Age, item.Value.Country, item.Value.Sex);

Sum,Min,Max,Average等的使用 這些還是比較簡單,還是簡單舉例一下吧,看到的寶寶們是否會點個贊啊?嘻嘻

            List<decimal> listdecime = new List<decimal> { 58m, 66, 90m, 60, 88m, 70m, 99m, 76m, 83m };
            decimal maxScore = listdecime.Max();
            decimal minScore = listdecime.Min();
            decimal sumScore = listdecime.Sum();
            decimal avgScore = listdecime.Average();
            decimal avgScoreFromart = Math.Round(avgScore, 2);
            Console.WriteLine("最大分數{0},最小分數{1},總分數{2},平均分數{3},保留數字後兩位小數點{4}", maxScore, minScore, sumScore, avgScore, avgScoreFromart);

ToLookup的使用 從 IEnumerable<T> 生成一個泛型 Lookup<TKey,TElement>,寶寶表示沒有看懂?啥東東? 我這裡就給寶寶們列舉一個案例demo

  List<Pig> stulist = new List<Pig> {
                new Pig{pid="P001",name="小豬1",age=1 },
                new Pig{pid="P002",name="小豬2",age=2 },
                new Pig{pid="P001",name="小豬1",age=1 },
                new Pig{pid="P002",name="小豬2",age=2 },
                new Pig{pid="P001",name="小豬1",age=1 },
                new Pig{pid="P003",name="小豬3",age=3 },
                new Pig{pid="P003",name="小豬3",age=3 },
                new Pig{pid="P001",name="小豬1",age=1 },
                new Pig{pid="P004",name="小豬4",age=4 },
                new Pig{pid="P003",name="小豬3",age=3 }
            // 這裡就不在輸出GroupBy了,stulist.GroupBy(p => p.pid).ToList();
            List<IGrouping<string, Pig>> Luplist = stulist.ToLookup(p => p.pid).ToList();
            var newlist = stulist.ToLookup(c => c.pid, p => new { p.pid, p.name, p.age }).ToList();

            foreach (var item in Luplist)
                Console.WriteLine("========key:{0}==========", item.Key);
                foreach (var info in item)
                    Console.WriteLine("pid:{0}, name:{1}, age:{2}", info.pid, info.name, info.age);

Zip的使用 類似拉鍊的效果 將指定函式應用於兩個序列的對應元素,以生成結果序列,啥東東??

第一眼還以為是壓縮的啥東東, 後來仔細看文件才清白,完全就不是一回事,嘻嘻!
            string[] listPerson = { "孫悟空", "豬八戒", "沙悟淨", "唐三藏", "白骨精", "如來佛" };
            int[] ages = { 600, 500, 400, 1000, 300, 1100 };
            IEnumerable<(string, int)> listobj = listPerson.Zip(ages);//這裡故意寫出前面的型別是為了方便了返回的型別是啥
            foreach (var item in listobj)
                Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0}, 年齡:{1}", item.Item1, item.Item2);


 class Pet
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public int Age { get; set; }
        class Student
            public string sid { get; set; }
            public string sName { get; set; }
            public string bookid { get; set; }

        class StudentBookModel

            public string sbid { get; set; }
            public string sName { get; set; }
            public List<Book> booksname { get; set; }
        class Book
            public string bid { get; set; }
            public string bName { get; set; }

        class Person
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public int Age { get; set; }
            public string Country { get; set; }
            public string Sex { get; set; }

        class MyDog<T> : List<T>
            public IEnumerable<T> MyWhere(Func<T, bool> func)
                return Enumerable.Where(this, func);

        class Pig
            public string pid { get; set; }
            public string name { get; set; }
            public int age { get; set; }
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