HTML5與Javascript 實現網頁彈球遊戲
1. 使用html 5 的canvas 技術和javascript實現彈球遊戲
1.1 html5 canvas技術的使用
<canvas bgcolor = "#FFF" id="gamePane" width="1000" height="500" tabindex="0"> Sorry, your browser doesn‘t support the HTML5 game. </canvas>
canvas = document.getElementById(‘gamePane‘); ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ballImg = new Image(); ballImg.src = "/site_media/images/kkball.ico"; ctx.drawImage(ballImg, ballX- radius, ballY-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius);
1.2 javascript彈球遊戲實現
A. 遊戲元素: 彈球,磚塊。擋板,道具。
B. 遊戲開始, 球從擋板出發。碰撞到磚塊或者遊戲邊界時會反彈,碰撞到磚塊時磚塊消失,假設磚塊隱藏了道具,道具顯示並下落,碰到擋板時會發揮道具效果。彈球碰到擋板時也會反彈,可是假設碰到下邊界則會損失遊戲生命。
C. 當磚塊全然消失時進入下一關,隨著關卡數添加。板的長度會減小。球的速度回加快。
D. 道具: 1. 使彈球速度乘以1.3;2. 使彈球速度除以1.3;3. 使板的長度乘以2。4. 使板的長度除以2;
1.2.2 畫布的刷新
interval = setInterval(draw, 3);
用戶通過鼠標進行交互,遊戲還未開始時, 球和板的x坐標都會隨鼠標x坐標變化。這時點擊鼠標左鍵,球和板的x坐標不再變化。這時能夠設置球執行方向。方向為鼠標所在位置。
canvas.addEventListener(‘mousedown‘,onMouseDown, false); canvas.addEventListener(‘mousemove‘, padMove, false); canvas.addEventListener(‘mouseup‘, start, false);
//鼠標落下點擊事件 function onMouseDown(e){ if(isStart==0){ isPressed = 1; } } //鼠標移動點擊事件 function padMove(e){ var x; x = e.layerX; x = x<padWidth/2?padWidth/2:x; x = x>(worldWidth-padWidth/2)?(worldWidth-padWidth/2):x; padX = x; if(isStart==0){ //假設遊戲還未開始,則須要又一次繪制板。假設遊戲開始了,板的繪制在draw中完畢。 if(isPressed == 0){ ballX = padX; ctx.clearRect(0, worldHeight-padHeight-2*radius, worldWidth, 2*radius); //clear the pad drawBall(); drawPad(); } } } //鼠標擡起事件函數,設置彈球角度,設置定時器定時刷新頁面。
function start(e){ if(isStart==0){ ballAngle = Math.atan((worldHeight- e.layerY)/(e.layerX - ballX)); if(ballAngle > 0){ ballAngle = - ballAngle; } else{ ballAngle = Math.PI - ballAngle; } isStart =1; isPressed = 0; interval = setInterval(draw, 3); } }
1.2.4 彈球運動與碰撞檢測
ballX = ballX + ballSpeed * Math.cos(ballAngle); ballY = ballY + ballSpeed * Math.sin(ballAngle);
//球碰撞到左右兩邊邊界 if(ballX < radius || ballX > worldWidth - radius){ ballAngle = Math.PI - ballAngle; } //球碰到上邊界 if(ballY < radius){ ballAngle = Math.PI*2 - ballAngle; } //球碰到下邊界 if(ballY > worldHeight-radius){ //假設球未碰到板上。則遊戲停止,推斷生命是否用完,用完遊戲結束 if(ballX< padX-padWidth/2 || ballX > padX + padWidth/2){ ctx.clearRect(0,0,worldWidth,worldHeight-padHeight); self.clearInterval(interval); if(life>0){ drawInfo(1); life = life -1; reset(); } else if(life ==0){ drawInfo(2); getData(); } return; } //球碰到板上 else{ ballAngle = Math.PI*2 - ballAngle; } } //推斷磚塊是否打完,假設打完進入下一關 if(count>= col*row){ ctx.clearRect(0,0,worldWidth,worldHeight-padHeight); self.clearInterval(interval); newLevel(); return; }
1.2.5 彈球與磚塊碰撞檢測。
function testCollision(){ //球的位置不可能有磚塊 if(ballY > brickHeight * row){ return; } //循環推斷彈球在那一層 for(var i = row;i>0;i--){ if((ballY-radius)<=(brickHeight*i)){ if((ballY-radius)>(brickHeight*(i-1))){ var x = Math.floor(ballX/brickWidth); if(bricks[i-1][x].isdisplay==0){ continue; } else{ bricks[i-1][x].isdisplay=0; ballAngle= Math.PI*2-ballAngle; score= score+100; count = count +1; //推斷是否有道具 if(bricks[i-1][x].tool!=0){ var brickX = bricks[i-1][x].col * brickWidth; var brickY = bricks[i-1][x].row * brickHeight; var temp = new tool(brickX, brickY, bricks[i-1][x].tool); toolArray.push(temp); } return; } } else{ continue; } } else break; } }
1.2.6 道具的實現
toolArray = new Array();
if(bricks[i-1][x].tool!=0){ var brickX = bricks[i-1][x].col * brickWidth; var brickY = bricks[i-1][x].row * brickHeight; var temp = new tool(brickX, brickY, bricks[i-1][x].tool); toolArray.push(temp); }
function testTool(){ //循環遍歷整張道具數組 for(var i = 0;i<toolArray.length;i++){ console.log("tesetool", toolArray[i].type); var temp = toolArray[i]; //道具還未落究竟部 if(temp.y<worldHeight-padHeight){ continue; } else{ //道具落到板上,推斷道具類型。發揮效果。 if(temp.x>=padX-padWidth/2 && temp.x<=padX+padWidth/2){ switch(temp.type){ case 1:{ if(ballSpeed<2.6) ballSpeed=ballSpeed*1.3; console.log("tool", temp.type); break; } case 2:{ if(ballSpeed>1.5) ballSpeed=ballSpeed/1.3; console.log("tool", temp.type); break; } case 3:{ if(padWidth<200){ padWidth = padWidth *2; } console.log("tool", temp.type); break; } case 4:{ if(padWidth>50) padWidth=padWidth /2; console.log("tool", temp.type); break; } } } toolArray.splice(i, 1); } } }
var canvas; var ctx; var ballX = 500; var ballY = 470; var ballAngle = -Math.PI/2; var radius = 20; var ballSpeed = 2; var padX = 500; //擋板位置 var padWidth = 100; var padHeight = 10; var worldWidth; var worldHeight; var interval; var score = 0; var brickWidth = 100; var brickHeight = 25; var bricks; var color; var col = 10; var row = 5; var isStart = 0; var time = 0; var life = 3; var isPressed = 0; var level = 1; var count = 0; var ballImg; var brickImg; var padImg; var tool1Img; var tool2Img; var tool3Img; var tool4Img; var toolArray; var toolLength = 30; var toolHeight = 30; var isLoad = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; var loadInterval; function brick(){ this.col = 0; this.row = 0; this.isdisplay = 1; //是否顯示 this.tool = 0; //道具類型,0 表示無道具。this.color = "#000000" } //tool: //type: //1: make the ball speed x1.3 //2: make the ball speed /1.3 //3: make the pad length twice //4: make the pad length 1/2 function tool(x , y ,type){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.type = type; } function loadImage(){ tool1Img = new Image(); tool1Img.src = "/site_media/images/tool1.png";1 tool1Img.addEventListener(‘load‘, function(){isLoad[0]=1}, false); tool2Img = new Image(); tool2Img.src = "/site_media/images/tool2.png"; tool2Img.addEventListener(‘load‘, function(){isLoad[1]=1}, false); tool3Img = new Image(); tool3Img.src = "/site_media/images/tool3.png"; tool3Img.addEventListener(‘load‘, function(){isLoad[2]=1}, false); tool4Img = new Image(); tool4Img.src = "/site_media/images/tool4.png"; tool4Img.addEventListener(‘load‘, function(){isLoad[3]=1}, false); padImg = new Image(); padImg.src = "/site_media/images/pad.png"; padImg.addEventListener(‘load‘, function(){isLoad[4]=1}, false); ballImg = new Image(); ballImg.src = "/site_media/images/kkball.ico"; ballImg.addEventListener(‘load‘, function(){isLoad[5]=1}, false); brickImg = new Image(); brickImg.src = "/site_media/images/brick.ico"; brickImg.addEventListener(‘load‘, function(){isLoad[6]=1}, false); //brickImg.addEventListener(‘load‘, init, false); loadInterval = setInterval(loadTest, 3); } //to test if all of the image is loaded function loadTest(){ var i; for(i=0;i<isLoad.length;i++){ if(isLoad[i]==0){ break; } } if(i>=isLoad.length){ self.clearInterval(loadInterval); init(); } } function GetRandomNum(Min,Max) { var Rand = Math.random(); console.log("Rand", Rand); if(Rand>0 && Rand<0.6){ return 0; } else if(Rand<=0.7){ return 1; } else if(Rand<=0.8){ return 2; } else if(Rand<=0.9){ return 3; } else if(Rand <=1){ return 4; } } function init(){ //init the game pane padWidth = 100; ballSpeed = 2; count = 0; isStart = 0; ballX = 500; ballY = 470; padX = 500; canvas = document.getElementById(‘gamePane‘); worldWidth = canvas.width; worldHeight = canvas.height; ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); toolArray = new Array(); //create the array of the bricks //canvas.addEventListener(‘keydown‘, onKeyDown, true); drawInfo(3); color = new Array("#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF", "#ff00ff") bricks = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i< row; i++){ bricks[i] = new Array(); for(var j = 0;j<col;j++){ var temp = new brick(); temp.col = j; temp.row = i; temp.isdisplay=1; temp.tool = GetRandomNum(1, 4); console.log("temp.tool", temp.tool); temp.color = color[(i*col+j)%4]; bricks[i][j]= temp; } } canvas.focus(); drawBall(); drawPad(); drawText(); drawBricks(); canvas.addEventListener(‘mousedown‘,onMouseDown, false); canvas.addEventListener(‘mousemove‘, padMove, false); canvas.addEventListener(‘mouseup‘, start, false); } function reset(){ padWidth = 100; ballSpeed =2; toolArray = new Array(); isStart=0; ballX = 500; ballY = 470; padX = 500; drawBricks(); drawBall(); drawPad(); drawText(); } function newLevel(){ padWidth = padWidth - 5; ballSpeed = ballSpeed + 0.1; if(padWidth<= 40){ drawInfo(4); getData(); return; } else{ row = row +1; level =level + 1; init(); } } function onMouseDown(e){ if(isStart==0){ isPressed = 1; } } function padMove(e){ var x; x = e.layerX; x = x<padWidth/2?padWidth/2:x; x = x>(worldWidth-padWidth/2)?(worldWidth-padWidth/2):x; padX = x; if(isStart==0){ if(isPressed == 0){ ballX = padX; ctx.clearRect(0, worldHeight-padHeight-2*radius, worldWidth, 2*radius); //clear the pad drawBall(); drawPad(); } } } function start(e){ if(isStart==0){ ballAngle = Math.atan((worldHeight- e.layerY)/(e.layerX - ballX)); if(ballAngle > 0){ ballAngle = - ballAngle; } else{ ballAngle = Math.PI - ballAngle; } isStart =1; isPressed = 0; interval = setInterval(draw, 3); } } function testCollision(){ if(ballY > brickHeight * row){ return; } for(var i = row;i>0;i--){ if((ballY-radius)<=(brickHeight*i)){ if((ballY-radius)>(brickHeight*(i-1))){ var x = Math.floor(ballX/brickWidth); if(bricks[i-1][x].isdisplay==0){ continue; } else{ bricks[i-1][x].isdisplay=0; ballAngle= Math.PI*2-ballAngle; score= score+100; count = count +1; if(bricks[i-1][x].tool!=0){ var brickX = bricks[i-1][x].col * brickWidth; var brickY = bricks[i-1][x].row * brickHeight; var temp = new tool(brickX, brickY, bricks[i-1][x].tool); toolArray.push(temp); } return; } } else{ continue; } } else break; } } function testTool(){ for(var i = 0;i<toolArray.length;i++){ console.log("tesetool", toolArray[i].type); var temp = toolArray[i]; if(temp.y<worldHeight-padHeight){ continue; } else{ if(temp.x>=padX-padWidth/2 && temp.x<=padX+padWidth/2){ switch(temp.type){ case 1:{ if(ballSpeed<2.6) ballSpeed=ballSpeed*1.3; console.log("tool", temp.type); break; } case 2:{ if(ballSpeed>1.5) ballSpeed=ballSpeed/1.3; console.log("tool", temp.type); break; } case 3:{ if(padWidth<200){ padWidth = padWidth *2; } console.log("tool", temp.type); break; } case 4:{ if(padWidth>50) padWidth=padWidth /2; console.log("tool", temp.type); break; } } } toolArray.splice(i, 1); } } } function postData(){ var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST","../storeScore/",true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); var text = "score="+score; xmlhttp.send(text) } function getData(){ var url = "../storeScore/"+score+"/"; window.location = url; } function drawInfo(num){ ctx.font = ‘50pt Calibri‘; ctx.fillStyle = "#E67E22"; var text="One life lost!" if (num ==2){ text = "Game over!" } else if(num ==3){ text = "Level "+ level; } else if(num ==4){ text = "Congratulations!" } ctx.fillText(text, 350, 250); } function drawBall(){ ctx.drawImage(ballImg, ballX- radius, ballY-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius); } function drawBricks(){ for(var i =0;i<row;i++){ for(var j=0;j<col;j++){ if(bricks[i][j].isdisplay ==1){ ctx.fillStyle = bricks[i][j].color; var x = bricks[i][j].col * brickWidth; var y = bricks[i][j].row * brickHeight; //ctx.fillRect(x, y, brickWidth, brickHeight); ctx.drawImage(brickImg, x, y, brickWidth, brickHeight); } } } } function drawPad(){ //ctx.fillStyle = "#0000FF"; ctx.clearRect(0, worldHeight-padHeight, worldWidth, padHeight); //clear the pad //ctx.fillRect(padX-padWidth/2, worldHeight-padHeight, padWidth, padHeight); ctx.drawImage(padImg, padX-padWidth/2, worldHeight-padHeight, padWidth, padHeight); } function drawText(){ ctx.font = ‘15pt Calibri‘; ctx.fillStyle = "black"; var text= "level:"+level; ctx.fillText(text, 900, 370) text = "life: " + life; ctx.fillText(text, 900, 430); text = ‘point:‘+score; ctx.fillText(text, 900, 390); var min; if(time > 60){ min =Math.floor(time/60); } else{ min =0; } var sec = Math.floor(time % 60); if(min <10){ tMin = ‘0‘+ min; } else tMin = ‘‘+min; if(sec<10){ tSec = ‘0‘+sec; } else tSec=‘‘+ sec; text = ‘time: ‘+ tMin +":"+tSec; ctx.fillText(text, 900, 410); } function drawTool(){ for(var i =0;i<toolArray.length;i++){ switch(toolArray[i].type){ case 1:{ ctx.drawImage(tool1Img, toolArray[i].x, toolArray[i].y, 30, 30); break; } case 2:{ ctx.drawImage(tool2Img, toolArray[i].x, toolArray[i].y, 30, 30); break; } case 3:{ ctx.drawImage(tool3Img, toolArray[i].x, toolArray[i].y, 30, 30); break; } case 4:{ ctx.drawImage(tool4Img, toolArray[i].x, toolArray[i].y, 30, 30); break; } } toolArray[i].y = toolArray[i].y+1; } } function draw(){ //first clear the canvas ctx.clearRect(0,0,worldWidth,worldHeight-padHeight); //ball drawBall(); drawPad(); drawBricks(); drawTool(); drawText(); //flush the position of the ball ballX = ballX + ballSpeed * Math.cos(ballAngle); ballY = ballY + ballSpeed * Math.sin(ballAngle); //test the collision of the brick and the ball testCollision(); testTool(); if(ballX < radius || ballX > worldWidth - radius){ ballAngle = Math.PI - ballAngle; } if(ballY < radius){ ballAngle = Math.PI*2 - ballAngle; } if(ballY > worldHeight-radius){ if(ballX< padX-padWidth/2 || ballX > padX + padWidth/2){ ctx.clearRect(0,0,worldWidth,worldHeight-padHeight); self.clearInterval(interval); if(life>0){ drawInfo(1); life = life -1; reset(); } else if(life ==0){ drawInfo(2); getData(); } return; } else{ ballAngle = Math.PI*2 - ballAngle; } } if(count>= col*row){ ctx.clearRect(0,0,worldWidth,worldHeight-padHeight); self.clearInterval(interval); newLevel(); return; } time = time +0.003; }
HTML5與Javascript 實現網頁彈球遊戲