UVA10491 - Cows and Cars(概率)
UVA10491 - Cows and Cars(概率)
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
int main () {
double n, m, k;
while (scanf ("%lf%lf%lf", &n, &m, &k) != EOF) {
double tmp1 = m + n;
double tmp2 = (m + n - k - 1.0);
double ans = n /tmp1 * (m / tmp2) + m /tmp1 * ((m - 1)/tmp2);
printf ("%.5lf\n", ans);
return 0;
UVA10491 - Cows and Cars(概率)
UVA10491 - Cows and Cars(概率)
概率題 ref block 題目 tom 告訴 top courier isp UVA10491 - Cows and Cars(概率) 題目鏈接 題目大意:給你n個門後面藏著牛。m個門後面藏著車,然後再給你k個提示。在你作出選擇後告訴你有多少個門後
UVA 10491 Cows and Cars 數學 概率
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