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gis tin 否則 lease space nts err ont 4.0

http://blog.csdn.net/leshami/article/details/6032525  rman概述及體系結構

http://blog.itpub.net/23513800/viewspace-664869/  rman幫助命令


sqlplus / as sysdba
create tablespace rmans;
create user rmans identified by 123456 default tablespace rmans QUOTA UNLIMITED ON rmans;
select * from dba_roles where role like ‘%CATA%‘;
select * from dba_sys_privs WHERE GRANTEE LIKE ‘%CATA%‘;
grant recovery_catalog_owner to rmans;

drop user rmans cascade;
drop tablespace rmans including contents;
create tablespace rmans;
create user rmans identified by 123456
default tablespace rmans
quota unlimited rmans;//這一行一定要加,否則會報第一個錯(無權限的錯)
grant recovery_catalog_owner to rmans;
alter user rmans quota unlimited on rmans;//如果創建用戶時沒有加,就這樣加上去

rman catalog [email protected]

/* */
create catalog;
connect target / 這條語句是在同一個會話中操作或者下面的語句(重新連接)都可以
rman target / catalog rmans
register database;

RMAN> create catalog;

error creating config_update
ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace ‘RMANS‘

ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

alter user rmans quota unlimited on rmans;

RMAN> create catalog;

error creating db
ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object

ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

drop catalog;
drop catalog;
rman catalog [email protected]
/* */
create catlog;


RMAN> drop catalog;

recovery catalog owner is RMANS
enter DROP CATALOG command again to confirm catalog removal

RMAN> drop catalog;

recovery catalog dropped

RMAN> exit

Recovery Manager complete.
[[email protected] ~]$ rman catalog [email protected]

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Aug 14 18:34:53 2017

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

recovery catalog database Password:
connected to recovery catalog database

RMAN> create catalog;

recovery catalog created

RMAN> connect target /

connected to target database: KYC (DBID=111003738)

RMAN> register database;

database registered in recovery catalog
starting full resync of recovery catalog
full resync complete





gis tin 否則 lease space nts err ont 4.0 http://blog.csdn.net/leshami/article/details/6032525  rman概述及體系結構 http://blog.itpub.net/23513800


lec mage sql system round direct 控制文件 mar file Rman(物理備份) Rman -recover manager Rman 備份的對象 數據文件 數據文件 (

Oracle RMAN 自動恢復

oracle rman recover 歸檔日誌 自動在日常工作中,有時會需要進行Oracle數據庫恢復,比如搭建測試環境、查找歷史數據、恢復測試等.可以通過計劃任務或nohup等方式來執行恢復腳本從而提高整個操作的效率,特此記錄.這裏使用的測試環境如下:OS PlatformRed Hat Enterpri

三種Oracle RMAN備份加密策略

sid desc users 日誌備份 備份 fda clone figure 視圖 CONFIGURE ENCRYPTION FOR DATABASE OFF; # defaultCONFIGURE ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM ‘AES128‘; # def

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EBS12.2.6安裝 EBS12.2 installatio 基礎環境安裝(本ERP是通過虛擬機進行安裝) [root@localhost Downloads]# free -h total used free shared buff

oracle RMAN備份

rman備份 bsp 差異 策略 全備 left AC 系統 img 生產系統ORACLE數據庫備份實施: 采用RMAN差異增量備份 策略:每4個月一次全備;每周日RMAN0級備份、周一至周六rman1級差異增量備份; oracle RMAN備份

Oracle作業3 —— 簡單查詢

ins varchar2 table student insert core rac .com des 一、創建學生表 CREATE TABLE STUDENTS(   STU_ID NUMBER(10) CONSTRAINTS PK_STUS_ID PRIMARY KE

SP2-0157: unable to CONNECT to ORACLE after 3 attempts, exiting SQL*Plus

oracl args 重新登錄 tin ble 2-0 connect pts grep -v [oracle@jtwy02 ~]$ sqlplus ‘/as sysdba‘SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct

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9.png install top sql 連接數 rac 為我 ol7 ase 1.OS為oracle Linux 7.4 先獲取oracle-database-preinstall-18c wget http://yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol

Oracle RMAN 學習:演練進階篇

  Oracle RMAN 學習:演練進階篇 5 Rman備份演練進階篇 5.1 是否選擇增量備份  Backup命令生成的備份集中只備份了那些使用了的資料塊,備份集實際大小已經較目標資料庫的資料檔案小了很多 備份時只備份那些修改過的資料,  如果資料庫在非歸檔模式下

Oracle RMAN 學習

  Oracle RMAN 學習:三思筆記 1 進入rman   Rman--物理備份(結構/資料) 1 本地db Cmd set oracle_sid=orcl 1 rman target / Rman>     &nbs


--恢復整個資料庫 run { shutdown immediate; startup mount; restore database; recover database; alter database open; } --恢復表空間users run { sql 'alter tables

oracle rman恢復資料檔案路徑不一致

編輯恢復指令碼:vi recover.txt run{allocate channel c1 type sbt;allocate channel c2 type sbt;allocate channel c3 type sbt;allocate channel c4 type sbt;allocate ch

oracle rman恢復數據文件路徑不一致

over ora release 後臺 tar rod ada backup alloc 編輯恢復腳本:vi recover.txt run{allocate channel c1 type sbt;allocate channel c2 type sbt;allocate

Oracle RMAN 相容性 及 不同版本和不同平臺之間使用 常見問題說明

注:轉自DAVE的部落格 一.RMAN Catalog相容性 MOS的文件:RMAN Compatibility Matrix [ID 73431.1] 1.1  About RMAN Compatibility The RMAN environment can cont

Oracle Rman 增量備份與差異備份

一、增量與差異   問題: RMAN differential Backups 是什麼?它和 RMAN cumulative Backups 有啥區別?它們倆和 RMAN incremental backup 一樣嗎?   答案: D

圖解Oracle RMAN備份入門

什麼是RMAN   RMAN可以用來備份和還原資料庫檔案、歸檔日誌和控制檔案。它也可以用來執行完全或不完全的資料庫恢復。     RMAN不能用於備份初始化引數檔案和口令檔案。     RMAN啟動資料庫上的Oracle伺服器程序來進行備份或還原。備份、還原、恢復是由這些程

關於oracle rman 歸檔刪除策略

RMAN> show all; CONFIGURE ARCHIVELOG DELETION POLICY TO NONE;在oracle10g 11g 中  歸檔刪除策略 預設是沒有配置的; 那麼這時去刪除未應用過的的歸檔日誌會是怎麼一種情況: RMAN> d

Oracle RMAN恢復帶有OFFLINE資料檔案的資料庫

1、建立測試表空間及測試資料檔案 SQL> create tablespace test datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/qlotcdb/test.dbf' size 1M; SQL> create user test ide

Oracle RMAN異機恢復歸檔RMAN-07518(供日誌挖掘使用)及修改dbid步驟

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Sat Jul 16 15:35:06 2016 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.