411. Minimum Unique Word Abbreviation
A string such as "word" contains the following abbreviations:
["word", "1ord", "w1rd", "wo1d", "wor1", "2rd", "w2d", "wo2", "1o1d", "1or1", "w1r1", "1o2", "2r1", "3d", "w3", "4"]
Given a target string and a set of strings in a dictionary, find an abbreviation of this target string with the smallest possible
Each number or letter in the abbreviation is considered length = 1. For example, the abbreviation "a32bc" has length = 4.
? In the case of multiple answers as shown in the second example below, you may return any one of them.
? Assume length of target string = m, and dictionary size = n. You may assume that m ≤ 21, n ≤ 1000, and log2(n) + m ≤ 20.
"apple", ["blade"] -> "a4" (because "5" or "4e" conflicts with "blade")
"apple", ["plain", "amber", "blade"] -> "1p3" (other valid answers include "ap3", "a3e", "2p2", "3le", “3l1").
class Solution { public: string minAbbreviation(string target, vector<string>& dictionary) { if (dictionary.empty()) return to_string((int)target.size()); priority_queue<pair<int, string>, vector<pair<int, string>>, greater<pair<int, string>>> q; vector<string> abbrs = generateAbbreviations(target); for(auto abbr:abbrs) q.push({abbr.size(),abbr}); while (!q.empty()) { auto t = q.top(); q.pop(); bool no_conflict = true; for (string word : dictionary) { if (valid(word, t.second)) { no_conflict = false; break; } } if (no_conflict) return t.second; } return ""; } private: bool valid(string word, string abbr) { int m = word.size(), n = abbr.size(), p = 0, cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < abbr.size(); ++i) { if (abbr[i] >= ‘0‘ && abbr[i] <= ‘9‘) { if (cnt == 0 && abbr[i] == ‘0‘) return false; cnt = 10 * cnt + abbr[i] - ‘0‘; } else { p += cnt; if (p >= m || word[p++] != abbr[i]) return false; cnt = 0; } } return p + cnt == m; } vector<string> generateAbbreviations(string word) { vector<string>res; dfs(0,"",res,false,word); return res; } void dfs(int idx,string tmp,vector<string>&res,bool prevNum,string word) { if(idx==word.size()){ res.push_back(tmp); return; } dfs(idx+1,tmp+word[idx],res,false,word); if(!prevNum) { for(int len = 1;len+idx<=word.size();len++) { dfs(idx+len,tmp+to_string(len),res,true,word); } } } };
411. Minimum Unique Word Abbreviation