1. 程式人生 > >隨機數猜年齡遊戲


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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author: davie
# This is a guess the number game
import random
secretNumber = random.randint(1,20)
print("I‘m thinking of a number between 1 and 20.")

# Ask the player to guess 6 times.
for guessesTaken in range(1,7):
    print("Take a guess.")
= int(input("請輸入一個數字->:")) if guess < secretNumber: print("Your guess is too low.") elif guess > secretNumber: print("Your guess is too high.") else: break # This condition is the correct gues! if guess == secretNumber: print("Good job! You guessed my number in
"+ str(guessesTaken) + guesses!) else: print("Nope. The number I was thinking of was "+ str(secretNumber))


D:\yc\pycharm\venv\Scripts\python.exe D:/yc/pycharm/python3/test.py
Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20.
Take a guess.
Your guess is too low.
Take a guess.
->:10 Your guess is too low. Take a guess. 請輸入一個數字->:16 Your guess is too low. Take a guess. 請輸入一個數字->:18 Good job! You guessed my number in 4 guesses! Process finished with exit code 0
