1. 程式人生 > >resty-limit-multiple-strategy.lua


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-- 當執行限流時,Nginx 返回的狀態碼
err_code = 403

local limit_config = {
  user_limit = {rate = 15, brust = 5},     --用戶限流維度桶設置
  priority_uri_limit = {      --指定 URI 限流維度桶設置
    [/elis_smp_portal_dmz/do/cms/getLittleRedDotInfo] = {rate = 400, brust = 50},
] = {rate = 400, brust = 50}, [/elis_smp_portal_dmz/do/home/getUpgradeReminder] = {rate = 400, brust = 50}, [/elis_smp_portal_dmz/do/userLogin/checkPluginVersion] = {rate = 400, brust = 50}, [/elis_smp_portal_dmz/do/createRYMSession] = {rate = 400, brust = 50}, [/elis_smp_portal_dmz/do/zone/queryZoneConfig
] = {rate = 400, brust = 50} }, error_status = err_code, --請求被限流時返回狀態碼 nodelay = no --是否需要不延遲處理 } --定義限流策略方法名稱 local limit_user_method = "limit_by_user" local limit_uri_method = "limit_by_priority_uri" local limit_req = require "resty.limit.req" ngx.req.read_body() --過載保護策略總開關,若開關關閉,則全部策略失效
local limit_req_store = ngx.shared.limit_req_store local overload_protection_switch = limit_req_store:get("overload_protection_switch") if (overload_protection_switch ~= nil and overload_protection_switch == "N") then ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "nginx limit strategy has been shutdown.") return end -- 獲取當前請求 URI local cur_uri = ngx.var.uri -- 執行過載操作 local is_in_black_list = limit_req_store:get("black_list:"..cur_uri) local is_rejected_uri = reject_uri_tab["rejected"..cur_uri] if (is_in_black_list ~= nil or is_rejected_uri ~= nil) then -- 攔截比例,默認全部攔截 local request_limit_percent = limit_req_store:get("reject_request_percent") if request_limit_percent == nil then request_limit_percent = 100 end local random_num = math.random(100) if random_num <= tonumber(request_limit_percent) then ngx.log(ngx.ERR,"nginx limit strategy current uri=",cur_uri," has been rejected.") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN) end end -- 執行限流策略,入參:key 和 commit,commit 默認為 true local function execute_limit_strategy(lim, key, commit, method) -- 請求流入,如果你的請求需要被延遲則返回delay>0 local delay, err = lim:incoming(key, commit) if (not delay and err == "rejected") then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "nginx limit strategy: ",method,", key: ", key, " request rate was exceeded, current request was rejected.") ngx.exit(limit_config.error_status) end -- 根據需要決定延遲或者不延遲處理 if delay > 0 then if limit_config.nodelay then -- 直接突發處理 -- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "nginx limit strategy: ", method, ", key: ", key, " request rate was exceeded, current request was rejected. delay") -- ngx.exit(error_status) else --延遲處理 ngx.sleep(delay) end end end -- 獲取限流策略的共享內存 local function get_shared_dict(shared_dict_name, rate, burst) local limit_shared_dict, err = limit_req.new(shared_dict_name, rate, burst) if not limit_shared_dict then --沒定義共享字典 ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Nginx limit shared dict:", shared_dict_name, " has not been set.") ngx.exit(error_status) end return limit_shared_dict end -- 初始化 URL 限流策略 table local uri_limit_tab = {} local user_lim if limit_config == nil then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "nginx request limit has no config info.") return else local user_limit_config = limit_config.user_limit ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG,"limit config user rate:", user_limit_config.rate, ", brust:", user_limit_config.brust) user_lim = get_shared_dict("limit_req_store",user_limit_config.rate, user_limit_config.brust) local priority_uri_limit_config = limit_config.priority_uri_limit for key, value in pairs(priority_uri_limit_config) do local rate = value.rate local brust = value.brust ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG,"limit config uri:", key, ", rate:", rate,", brust:",brust) local lim = get_shared_dict("limit_req_store",rate,brust) uri_limit_tab[key]=lim end end -- 執行指定 URI 限流策略 if uri_limit_tab[cur_uri] ~= nil then execute_limit_strategy(uri_limit_tab[cur_uri], cur_uri , true , limit_uri_method) end -- 獲取客戶端請求 IP local remote_ip = ngx.var.remote_addr local user_id local device_id local key_by_user -- 獲取用戶ID 或 設備號 local request_method = ngx.var.request_method if "GET" == request_method then user_id = ngx.req.get_uri_args()["uid"] device_id = ngx.req.get_uri_args()["deviceId"] ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "nginx request limit module GET parameter user_id: ",user_id, " header:",device_id) elseif "POST" == request_method then -- 獲取請求頭信息,如果缺少請求頭信息判斷,遇到上傳文件操作時,會引起ngx.req.get_post_args()操作異常。 local receive_headers = ngx.req.get_headers() local body_data = ngx.req.get_body_data() if not body_data or (receive_headers["content-type"] ~= nil and string.sub(receive_headers["content-type"],1,20) == "multipart/form-data;") then ngx.log(ngx.WARN,"nginx request limit module uri: ",cur_uri, " header:",receive_headers["content-type"],", body data:",body_data) return end user_id = ngx.req.get_post_args()[uid]; device_id = ngx.req.get_post_args()[deviceId]; ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "nginx request limit module POST parameter user_id: ",user_id, " device_id:",device_id) end -- 調試日誌 ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "nginx request limit module cur_uri:",cur_uri, ", user_id: ",user_id) if (user_id ~= nil or device_id ~= nil) then if user_id ~= nil then key_by_user = user_id else key_by_user = device_id end execute_limit_strategy(user_lim,key_by_user..":"..remote_ip, true, limit_user_method) end
