1. 程式人生 > >【leetcode】290. Word Pattern

【leetcode】290. Word Pattern

dpa mage split tco 兩個 true lse div att





class Solution(object):
    def wordPattern(self, pattern, str):
        :type pattern: str
        :type str: str
        :rtype: bool
        words = str.split( )
if len(pattern) != len(words): return False dic_p_to_w = {} dic_w_to_p = {} for p,w in zip(pattern,words): if p not in dic_p_to_w and w not in dic_w_to_p: dic_p_to_w[p] = w dic_w_to_p[w] = p elif p in dic_p_to_w and
w in dic_w_to_p: if (dic_p_to_w[p] == w and dic_w_to_p[w] == p) == False: return False else: return False return True

【leetcode】290. Word Pattern