[leetcode]290.Word Pattern
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-10-17
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Given a pattern and a string str, find if str follows the same pattern.
Here follow means a full match, such that there is a bijection between a letter in pattern and a non-empty word in str.
Example 1:
Input: pattern = "abba", str = "dog cat cat dog"
Output: true
Example 2:
Input:pattern = "abba", str = "dog cat cat fish"
Output: false
Example 3:
Input: pattern = "aaaa", str = "dog cat cat dog"
Output: false
Example 4:
Input: pattern = "abba", str = "dog dog dog dog"
Output: false
You may assume pattern contains only lowercase letters, and str contains lowercase letters separated by a single space.
class Solution { public boolean wordPattern(String pattern, String str) { String[] arr = str.split(" "); if(pattern.length() != arr.length) return false; HashMap<Character, String> map = new HashMap<>(); for(int i = 0; i < pattern.length(); i++) { if(map.containsKey(pattern.charAt(i))) { if(!map.get(pattern.charAt(i)).equals(arr[i])) return false; } else { if(!map.containsValue(arr[i])) map.put(pattern.charAt(i),arr[i]); else return false; } } return true; } }
[leetcode]290.Word Pattern