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(1)以下代碼將secondary namenode中的元數據復制到一個時間命名的目錄下,然後通過scp命令遠程發送到其它機器

 export dirname=/mnt/tmphadoop/dfs/namesecondary/current/`date +%y%m%d%H`  
 if [ ! -d ${dirname} ]  
 mkdir  ${dirname}  
 cp /mnt/tmphadoop/dfs/namesecondary/current/*  ${dirname}  
 scp -r ${dirname} slave1:/mnt/namenode_backup/  
 rm -r ${dirname}  


0 0,8,14,20 * * * bash /mnt/scripts/namenode_backup_script.sh






 [jediael@master ~]$ hadoop fsck /  
 .........Status: HEALTHY  
  Total size:    14466494870 B  
  Total dirs:    502  
  Total files:   1592 (Files currently being written: 2)  
  Total blocks (validated):      1725 (avg. block size 8386373 B)  
  Minimally replicated blocks:   1725 (100.0 %)  
  Over-replicated blocks:        0 (0.0 %)  
  Under-replicated blocks:       648 (37.565216 %)  
  Mis-replicated blocks:         0 (0.0 %)  
  Default replication factor:    2  
  Average block replication:     2.0  
  Corrupt blocks:                0  
  Missing replicas:              760 (22.028986 %)  
  Number of data-nodes:          2  
  Number of racks:               1  
 FSCK ended at Sun Mar 01 20:17:57 CST 2015 in 608 milliseconds  
 The filesystem under path ‘/‘ is HEALTHY  

上海尚學堂 shsxt.com


/hbase/Mar0109_webpage/59ad1be6884739c29d0624d1d31a56d9/il/43e6cd4dc61b49e2a57adf0c63921c09: Under replicated blk_-4711857142889323098_6221. Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
註意,由於原來的dfs.replication為3,後來下線了一臺datanode,並將dfs.replication改為2,但原來已創建的文件也會記錄dfs.replication為3,從而出現以上錯誤,並導致 Under-replicated blocks: 648 (37.565216 %)。


 [jediael@master conf]$ hadoop fsck /hbase/Feb2621_webpage/c23aa183c7cb86af27f15d4c2aee2795/s/30bee5fb620b4cd184412c69f70d24a7 -files -blocks -racks  
3. FSCK started by jediael from / for path /hbase/Feb2621_webpage/c23aa183c7cb86af27f15d4c2aee2795/s/30bee5fb620b4cd184412c69f70d24a7 at Sun Mar 01 20:39:35 CST 2015  
4. /hbase/Feb2621_webpage/c23aa183c7cb86af27f15d4c2aee2795/s/30bee5fb620b4cd184412c69f70d24a7 21507169 bytes, 1 block(s):  Under replicated blk_7117944555454804881_3655. Target Replicas is 3 but found  replica(s).  
 0. blk_7117944555454804881_3655 len=21507169 repl=2 [/default-rack/, /default-rack/]  
 Status: HEALTHY  
  Total size:    21507169 B  
  Total dirs:    0  
  Total files:   1  
  Total blocks (validated):      1 (avg. block size 21507169 B)  
  Minimally replicated blocks:   1 (100.0 %)  
  Over-replicated blocks:        0 (0.0 %)  
  Under-replicated blocks:       1 (100.0 %)  
  Mis-replicated blocks:         0 (0.0 %)  
  Default replication factor:    2  
  Average block replication:     2.0  
  Corrupt blocks:                0  
  Missing replicas:              1 (50.0 %)  
  Number of data-nodes:          2  
  Number of racks:               1  
 FSCK ended at Sun Mar 01 20:39:35 CST 2015 in 0 milliseconds  
 The filesystem under path ‘/hbase/Feb2621_webpage/c23aa183c7cb86af27f15d4c2aee2795/s/30bee5fb620b4cd184412c69f70d24a7‘ is HEALTHY  



[jediael@master ~]$ hadoop fsck -files  
 Usage: DFSck  [-move | -delete | -openforwrite] [-files [-blocks [-locations | -racks]]]  
           start checking from this path  
         -move   move corrupted files to /lost+found  
         -delete delete corrupted files  
         -files  print out files being checked  
         -openforwrite   print out files opened for write  
         -blocks print out block report  
         -locations      print out locations for every block  
         -racks  print out network topology for data-node locations  
                 By default fsck ignores files opened for write, use -openforwrite to report such files. They are usually  tagged CORRUPT or HEALTHY depending on their block allocation status  
 Generic options supported are  
 -conf <configuration file>     specify an application configuration file  
-D <property=value>            use value for given property  
 -fs <local|namenode:port>      specify a namenode  
 -jt <local|jobtracker:port>    specify a job tracker  
 -files <comma separated list of files>    specify comma separated files to be copied to the map reduce cluster  
 -libjars <comma separated list of jars>    specify comma separated jar files to include in the classpath.  
 -archives <comma separated list of archives>    specify comma separated archives to be unarchived on the compute machines.  
The general command line syntax is  
bin/hadoop command [genericOptions] [commandOptions]  



