1. 程式人生 > >LeetCode--020--括號匹配


是否有效 exce 判斷 app bool elf stack 剔除 turn


給定一個只包括 ‘(‘‘)‘‘{‘‘}‘‘[‘‘]‘ 的字符串,判斷字符串是否有效。


  1. 左括號必須用相同類型的右括號閉合。
  2. 左括號必須以正確的順序閉合。



  遇到左括號壓入list中,遇到右括號時先判斷list是否為空,是則返回false,否則彈出一個字符與其進行比較,匹配則continue 否則返回false (32ms)

 1 class Solution(object):
 2     def isValid(self, s):
 3         """
 4         :type s: str
5 :rtype: bool 6 """ 7 lists = [] 8 i = 0 9 if len(s) == 1: 10 return False 11 elif len(s) == 0: 12 return True 13 while i < len(s): 14 c = s[i] 15 if c ==( or c == [ or c == {: 16 #
if i + 1 != len(s): 17 # if s[i+1] != ‘)‘ and s[i+1] != ‘]‘ and s[i+1] != ‘}‘: 18 # if c < s[i+1]: 19 # return False 20 #([])這種竟然算對,好吧 21 lists.append(c) 22 23 elif
c == ): 24 25 if len(lists) != 0: 26 t = lists.pop() 27 if t == (: 28 i+=1 29 continue 30 else: 31 return False 32 else: 33 return False 34 elif c == ]: 35 36 if len(lists) != 0: 37 t = lists.pop() 38 if t == [: 39 i+=1 40 continue 41 else: 42 return False 43 else: 44 return False 45 elif c == }: 46 47 if len(lists) != 0: 48 t = lists.pop() 49 if t == {: 50 i+=1 51 continue 52 else: 53 return False 54 else: 55 return False 56 i += 1 57 58 if len(lists) != 0: 59 return False 60 else: 61 return True


 1 class Solution:
 2     def isValid(self, s):
 3         """
 4         :type s: str
 5         :rtype: bool
 6         """
 7         stack = []
 8         for c in s:
 9             if c == ( or c == { or c == [:
10                 stack.append(c)
11             elif not stack:
12                 return False
13             elif c == ) and stack.pop() != (:
14                 return False
15             elif c == } and stack.pop() != {:
16                 return False
17             elif c == ] and stack.pop() != [:
18                 return False
19         return not stack


 1 class Solution(object):
 2     def isValid(self, s):
 3         """
 4         :type s: str
 5         :rtype: bool
 6         """
 7         pars = [None]
 8         parmap = {): (, }: {, ]: [}
 9         for c in s:
10             if c in parmap:
11                 if parmap[c] != pars.pop():
12                     return False
13             else:
14                 pars.append(c)
15         return len(pars) == 1



 1 class Solution(object):
 2     def isValid(self, s):
 3         """
 4         :type s: str
 5         :rtype: bool
 6         """
 7         try:
 8             stack = []
 9             for key in s :
10                 if(key == ( or key == [ or key == {):
11                     stack.append(key)
12                 else:
13                     if((key == ) and stack.pop() == () or
14                             (key == ] and stack.pop() == [) or
15                             (key == } and stack.pop() == {)):
16                         pass
17                     else:
18                         return False
19             if(len(stack) == 0):
20                 return True
21         except IndexError:
22             return False
23         return False

2018-07-22 18:48:45
