1. 程式人生 > >凱莉·詹娜如何在 20 歲時幾乎成為億萬富翁

凱莉·詹娜如何在 20 歲時幾乎成為億萬富翁

lower beyond 一次 著名 accounts 凈資產 env ted near


最近,《福布斯》公布了 2018 年全球名人收入排行榜 TOP 100 名單,榜單涵蓋企業家、影星、運動員、作家等各界名人。其中,最讓人眼前一亮的莫過於排名第三,年齡只有 20 歲的凱莉·詹娜(Kylie Jenner)——作為卡戴珊家族裏最小的女兒,她憑借著一雙豐滿圓潤的嘴唇以及對美妝的熱愛,搖身一變,成為了身價過億的年輕富翁。


Q1: "cosmetic"和"makeup"有什麽區別?

Q2: “變現”用英文可以怎麽表達?

Q3: 凱莉·詹娜創業成功的主要原因有哪些?


Straight from the lip: how Kylie Jenner is close to becoming a billionaire
at 20

從唇出發:凱莉·詹娜如何在 20 歲時幾乎成為億萬富翁

註:lip:n 嘴唇;v 接吻;adj 唇的;口頭上的。

Kylie Jenner is on track to become the world’s youngest ever billionaire thanks to her lips and Instagram.

在她的嘴唇和社交軟件 Instagram 的助力下,凱莉·詹娜有望成為全球有史以來最年輕的億萬富翁。


Jenner, 20, the youngest member of the Kardashian-Jenner American reality TV family, is the founder and sole owner of Kylie Cosmetics, the makeup company she runs largely from her black iPhone X, with the help of her mother Kris.

20 歲的詹娜是卡戴珊-詹娜美國真人秀家族中最年輕的成員,她是凱莉化妝品的創始人和唯一所有者。在母親克裏斯的幫助下,她主要用自己的黑色 iPhone X 來經營公司。

Employing just seven full-time staff, Kylie Cosmetics has sold more than $630m of lipstick, lip liner and lip gloss and makeup since Jenner founded the business on Valentine’s Day in 2016.

自從詹娜在 2016 年情人節創立這家公司以來,凱莉化妝品僅雇傭了 7 名全職員工,就已售出超過 6.3 億美元的唇膏、唇線筆、唇彩和化妝品。

Forbes magazine, which this week featured Jenner on its cover as the face of “the era of extreme fame leverage”, estimated her “net worth” at $900m. The magazine said Kylie Cosmetics is growing at such a rate that she is likely to become a billionaire at 22—a year younger than Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was when he joined the ‘nine zeros’ club in 2008.

《福布斯》雜誌本周以詹娜為封面人物,把她喻為“極端名氣效應時代”的代表臉龐,並估計她的“凈資產”達到了 9 億美元。該雜誌稱,凱莉化妝品公司的發展速度如此之快,以至於她很可能在 22 歲時就能成為億萬富翁,比在 2008 年加入“九零”富豪俱樂部的 Facebook 創始人馬克·紮克伯格還年輕一歲。

Nearly all of Kylie Cosmetic’s sales come directly from Jenner’s social media accounts. She has 111m followers on Instagram, is one of the most viewed accounts on Snapchat, and is followed by 25m on Twitter.

幾乎所有凱莉化妝品的銷售都直接來源於詹娜的社交媒體帳戶。她在 Instagram 上擁有 1.11 億粉絲,是 Snapchat 上瀏覽量最多的賬戶之一,在 Twitter 上也有 2500 萬粉絲。

“The reigning Queen of Snapchat. Reality TV darling. Makeup mogul. She’s more than just a famous face—the youngest of the Kardashian clan, Kylie Jenner, has hustled beyond her 19 years, monetising her name and exploding it into a massive cosmetics brand,” Shopify, the Canadian online company that runs shops for Kylie says on its site. “Kylie Cosmetics entered the IRL (in real life) space for the first time ever, driving lip envy to a fever pitch.”

加拿大一家為凱莉經營商店的網絡公司 Shopify 在其網站上說:“Snapchat 的現任女王、電視真人秀的寵兒、化妝品巨頭。凱莉·詹娜不僅僅是一張著名的面孔,她是卡戴珊家族最年輕的成員,在超過 19 年的時間裏,她都在努力地追趕,把她的名氣變現,並將其快速發展成一個龐大的化妝品品牌。凱莉化妝品有史以來第一次進入了現實生活中,使大家對唇部的嫉妒達到了狂熱的程度。”

註: explode sth into ...:使某物爆發成.... space:空間

————— 文章來源 / 衛報 ?


be on track 步入正軌(形容事情發展良好)

reality TV 真人秀電視節目

sole owner 全權業主,唯一所有者

cosmetic /kɑ?z?met?k/ 可數n. 化妝品;美容品

makeup /?me?k ?p/ 不可數n. 化妝品(make sb up)

run /r?n/ v. 經營;管理 e.g. run a business

lipstick /?l?pst?k/ n. 口紅;唇膏 lip:唇部的,stick:棍子。e.g.

She was wearing red lipstick. 塗口紅

put on/apply lipstick 塗口紅

remove/take off/wipe off lipstick 擦口紅

lip liner 唇線筆

lip gloss 唇彩,亮唇膏

feature /?fi?t??r/ v. (報刊或雜誌的)特寫;專題報道 (feature n.) e.g.

Sunday Times features a report on victims of domestic violence. Times features:時報

a special feature on education

leverage /?lev?r?d?/ n. 影響力;優勢 e.g.

diplomatic leverage

political leverage

net worth 資產凈值

reigning /?re?.n??/ adj. 現任的;本屆的 e.g. the reigning world champion

mogul /?mo?ɡl/ n. 大亨;有權勢的人 e.g.

an international media mogul

Hollywood movie moguls

clan /kl?n/ n. 家族;宗族

hustle /?h?sl/ v. 奮力前行;積極進取 e.g. She is not a great actress, but she really hustles.

monetise /?mɑ?n?ta?z/ v. 使貨幣化;變現

massive /?m?s?v/ adj. 巨大的;龐大的

fever pitch 狂熱,極度興奮的狀態 e.g.at fever pitch

凱莉·詹娜如何在 20 歲時幾乎成為億萬富翁