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蘋果市值破萬億,iPhone 會漲價嗎?

起航 before 理念 amp original 市值 pub 娛樂 recent


蘋果教父喬布斯曾經說過:“活著就是為了改變世界。”雖然他在 56 歲時就遺憾離世,但他極具創新和變革的精神早已深埋進蘋果公司的企業文化裏,影響著一代又一代的人。就在最近,這家一直努力“改變世界”的公司又刷新了世界紀錄——其市值正式突破 1 萬億美元大關,成為全球首家市值萬億的科技公司。那它是如何創下這驚人的數字呢?


Q1: 文中“mushroom”這個詞該怎麽理解?

Q2: “無所不在”、“隨處可見”用英文可以怎麽表達?

Q3: 蘋果市值突破 1 萬億美元的主要原因有哪些?


Apple breaches $1 trillion stock market valuation

蘋果市值突破 1 萬億美元大關


Apple Inc on Thursday became the first $1 trillion publicly listed U.S. company, crowning a decade-long rise fueled by its ubiquitous iPhone that transformed it from a niche player in personal computers into a global powerhouse spanning entertainment and communications.

周四,蘋果公司成為美國首家市值 1 萬億美元的上市公司,在其無處不在的 iPhone 的助推下,蘋果實現了 10 年的增長,從一家專註於個人電腦細分市場的公司,轉變為一個橫跨娛樂和通訊領域的全球巨頭。

Financial returns

are simply the result of Apple’s innovation, putting our products and customers first, and always staying true to our values,” Cook said in a memo to Apple’s more than 120,000 employees on Thursday.

周四,庫克在一份致蘋果逾 12 萬名員工的備忘錄中表示:“財務回報只是蘋果堅持創新、將產品和客戶放在首位、始終忠於我們價值觀的結果。”

Started in the garage of co-founder Steve Jobs in 1976, Apple has pushed its revenue beyond
the economic outputs of Portugal, New Zealand and other countries. Along the way, it has changed how consumers connect with one another and how businesses conduct daily commerce.

蘋果於 1976 年在聯合創始人史蒂夫·喬布斯的車庫中起步,該公司不斷地推動其營收增長,使之超過葡萄牙、新西蘭和其他國家的經濟產量。一路以來,蘋果改變了消費者彼此交流和企業開展日常商務(商務;商業;貿易)活動的方式。

In 2006, the year before the iPhone launch, Apple generated less than $20 billion in sales and net profit just shy of $2 billion. By last year, its sales had grown more than 11-fold to $229 billion—the fourth highest in the S&P 500 .SPX—and net income had mushroomed at twice that rate to $48.4 billion, making it the most profitable publicly listed U.S. company.

2006 年,即 iPhone 發布的前一年,蘋果公司的銷售額低於 200 億美元,凈利潤還不到 20 億美元。而截止去年,其銷售額增長到了逾 11 倍,達到 2290 億美元,在標準普爾 500 指數中排名第四高,其凈收入則以銷售額漲幅的兩倍的速度快速增長,達到了 484 億美元,成為利潤最高的美國上市公司。

Apple’s stock has risen over 30 percent in the past year, fueled by optimism about the iPhone X, launched a decade after the original. Also propelling Apple higher in recent months was Apple’s announcement that it earmarked $100 billion for a new share repurchase program.

蘋果公司的股票在過去一年上漲了 30% 以上,這得益於市場對 iPhone X 手機的普遍樂觀情緒,該手機是在 iPhone 原版發布十年之後推出的。而最近幾個月,蘋果還宣布將撥款 1000 億美元用於新的股票回購,這也推動了蘋果股價走高。

“The markets are starting to recognize the value of its platform and services more and more, and that’s what is being reflected in the increase in market capitalization.” said Brad Neuman, director of Market Strategy at Alger, a growth equity asset management firm in New York City.

紐約一家成長型股票資產管理公司 Alger 的市場策略總監 Brad Neuman 表示,“市場開始越來越意識到該公司平臺和服務的價值,其市值的增長正是反映了這一點。”


————— 文章來源 / 路透社


breach /bri?t?/ v. 突破 stock market 股票市場

Inc( Incorporated) /??k/ adj.(用在公司名稱後)組成公司的

publicly listed 公開上市

crown /kra?n/ v. 使某事完成、實現或圓滿結束 e.g.Their efforts were finally crowned with success.

decade-long 長達十年的

fuel /?fju??l/ v. 推動;刺激 e.g.Higher salaries helped to fuel inflation.

ubiquitous /ju??b?kw?t?s/ adj. 無所不在;隨處可見 e.g.Coffee shops are ubiquitous in big cities these days.

niche /ni??/ adj. 針對特定客戶群的;細分的;專營的

powerhouse /?pa??rha?s/ n. 強大的集團、組織;強國 e.g.China has been described as an ‘emerging economic powerhouse’.

span /sp?n/ v. 橫跨;遍及;囊括 e.g.His knowledge spans many different areas.

co-founder /k??‘fa?nd?/ n. 聯合創始人;共同創辦者

revenue /?rev?nu?/ n. 營業額、營收

economic outputs 經濟產量;經濟產出

along the way 在這過程中;在這期間 e.g.I‘ve been in this job for thirty years, and I‘ve learnt a good deal of expertise along the way. 專門知識或技能;專家的意見

shy of 未達到;不足;不夠 e.g.He died two days shy of his 90th birthday.

fold /fo?ld/ adj. (單詞後綴,常與數字連用構成形容詞)...倍的 e.g. threefold/fourfold

mushroom /?m??ru?m/ v. 快速生長;迅速增長 n.蘑菇 e.g.The little town mushroomed into a city

propel /pr??pel/ v. 推進;驅動 e.g. A sailing boat is propelled by wind. n. 帆船運動;(乘帆船的)航行;(輪船的)航班 v.駕駛( sail的現在分詞);起航; adj.航行的

earmark (earmark for) /??rmɑ?rk/ v. 指定(款項等)用作特定用途 e.g. The education department has earmarked£6m for the new school.

share repurchase 股票回購 market capitalization 市值

equity /?ekw?ti/ n. 股票;股本

asset /??set/ n. 資產

【Q1】請問今天新聞裏Also propelling Apple higher in recent months was Apple’s announcement that it earmarked $100 billion for a new share repurchase program. 這句話怎麽分析呢?
【Lala】這裏propel變成動名詞作主語,它後面的Apple’s announcement that 這部分是同位語從句,因為announcement 後面這一長串太長了,為了避免頭重腳輕,使句子顯得平衡些,所以就把Also propelling Apple higher in recent month當作主語,它是等同於what propelled Apple higher in recent month,而翻譯如果按原文直譯順序是:推動蘋果最近幾個月股價上漲是蘋果宣布將撥款1000億美元用於新的股票回購計劃的這則消息,換而言之,最近幾個月,蘋果宣布將撥款 1000 億美元用於新的股票回購,這也推動了蘋果股價走高。


蘋果第一臺個人電腦:Apple I

1976 年,斯蒂夫·喬布斯與斯蒂夫·沃茲尼亞克聯手推出 Apple I,這是蘋果第一次在個人電腦領域推出的產品,它在 1976 年 7 月開始以 666.66 美元的價位公開出售。雖然它不是一臺完整的電腦產品,但它為個人電腦提供了“一體式封裝”的理念。蘋果把組裝好的電腦賣出去,讓人們不再親自動手一個個的組裝零件,降低了個人電腦的門檻,而這種理念成為了個人電腦經典的銷售模式。

標準普爾 500 指數

標準普爾 500 指數是一個由 1957 年起記錄美國股市的平均記錄,記錄著美國 500 家上市公司的股票指數,為投資者提供信用評級、獨立分析研究、投資咨詢等服務。它覆蓋的所有公司,都是在美國主要交易所,如紐約證券交易所、Nasdaq 交易的上市公司。這個股票指數由標準普爾公司創建並維護。

蘋果市值破萬億,iPhone 會漲價嗎?