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jmeter --- 監控器 Plugins (&jconsole)

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  1. 官網上下載JMeterPlugins: http://www.jmeter-plugins.org/
  2. 解壓之後放到安裝目錄下(如我的安裝路徑如下:D:\apache-jmeter-2.13\lib\ext)
  3. 運行Jmeter打開監視器的菜單,超多個監視器映入眼簾




PerfMon Server Agent


You do not need any root/admin privilege. You can just unzip the the ServerAgent-X.X.X.zip somewhere on the server. Then launch the agent using startAgent.shscript on Unix, or startAgent.bat script on Windows.

The agent is written in Java, so you will need JRE 1.4+ to run it. Note you can create yourself the agent package which includes its own JRE so you don‘t have to install java on the server (We tested it on windows platform). To do this, just create a JRE folder in the agent folder and copy one installed JRE inside. Change the java command inside the .bat file to the path to the java executable and it will work.

Once the agent is running, you can use the PerfMon Metrics Collector Listener to connect to the agents. You can add multiple servers to monitor, one graph can display several kinds of metrics (cpu, memory, etc...), auto-zooming rows for best view.


To start the agent, simply run startAgent bat/sh file. It will open UDP/TCP server ports where JMeter will connect and query the metrics. Some information will be printed to standard output, informing you on problems gathering metrics (logging verbosity regulated with --loglevel parameter


You can specify the listening ports as arguments (0 disables listening), default is 4444:

$ ./startAgent.sh --udp-port 0 --tcp-port 3450
INFO    2011-11-25 19:02:14.315 [kg.apc.p] (): Binding TCP to 3450

You can use the --auto-shutdown option when starting the agent to automatically stop it once the test is finished. It is recommended to use this feature only with TCP connections:

$ undera@undera-HP:/tmp/serverAgent$ ./startAgent.sh --udp-port 0 --auto-shutdown
INFO    2011-11-25 19:48:59.321 [kg.apc.p] (): Agent will shutdown when all clients disconnected
INFO    2011-11-25 19:48:59.424 [kg.apc.p] (): Binding TCP to 4444

You can use the --sysinfo option to view available system objects:

$ ./startAgent.sh --sysinfo
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.517 [kg.apc.p] (): *** Logging available processes ***
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.542 [kg.apc.p] (): Process: pid=24244 name=bash args=-bash
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.543 [kg.apc.p] (): Process: pid=25086 name=dash args=/bin/sh ./startAgent.sh --sysinfo
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.543 [kg.apc.p] (): Process: pid=25088 name=java args=java -jar ./CMDRunner.jar --tool PerfMonAgent --sysinfo
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.549 [kg.apc.p] (): *** Logging available filesystems ***
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.551 [kg.apc.p] (): Filesystem: fs=/dev type=devtmpfs
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.551 [kg.apc.p] (): Filesystem: fs=/ type=ext4
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.551 [kg.apc.p] (): Filesystem: fs=/var/run type=tmpfs
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.551 [kg.apc.p] (): Filesystem: fs=/home type=ext4
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.552 [kg.apc.p] (): Filesystem: fs=/var/lock type=tmpfs
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.552 [kg.apc.p] (): Filesystem: fs=/proc type=proc
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.553 [kg.apc.p] (): *** Logging available network interfaces ***
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.554 [kg.apc.p] (): Network interface: iface=lo addr= type=Local Loopback
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.554 [kg.apc.p] (): Network interface: iface=eth0 addr= type=Ethernet
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.555 [kg.apc.p] (): *** Done logging sysinfo ***
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:25.555 [kg.apc.p] (): Binding UDP to 4444
INFO    2011-11-25 19:51:26.560 [kg.apc.p] (): Binding TCP to 4444

The --interval <seconds> argument can be used to change metrics collection frequency.

Using Server Agent With Other Applications

Server Agent uses simple plain-text protocol, anyone can use agent‘s capabilities implementing client, based on kg.apc.perfmon.client.Transport interface. If anyone‘s interested, start the topic on the support forums and I‘ll describe how to connect third-party client app to agent.

ServerAgent has simple text protocol and can work on UDP and TCP transports. Most of cases will use TCP.

To have your first talk with the agent, start it locally. Then use telnet utility to connect to it:

user@ubuntu:~$ telnet localhost 4444
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is ‘^]‘.

If connection has succeeded, you should see "Accepting new TCP connection" message in ServerAgent console log. Type "test" and press Enter in telnet chat, server should answer with short "Yep":


Type "exit":

Connection closed by foreign host.

That‘s it. You sending a command line, server answering. Command line consists of command, sometimes with parameters. Parameters are separated from command with a colon sign.

Possible commands are:

  • exit - terminates current client session and closes connection to agent, no parameters
  • test - test if server is alive, no parameters
  • shutdown - terminate all client connections and shutdown agent process, no parameters
  • interval - change metrics reporting interval used in ‘metrics‘ command, single parameter is integer value in seconds. Interval can be changed in the middle of metrics reporting. Example: interval:5
  • metrics - starts automatic metrics collection, parameters are metrics list to collect, described below. Example: metrics:cpu
  • metrics-single - calls single metric collection iteration. Example: metrics-single:memory

Specifying Metrics

Metrics list consists of metric specifications, separated by TAB character. Metric collection output consists of float values, TAB separated. Example:


Each metric specification consists of several fields, colon-separated. Short example:

metrics-single:cpu:idle    memory:free
80.02238388360381    57.52359562205553

Fields number is metric-type specific. Possible metric types are:

  • cpu
  • memory
  • swap
  • disks
  • network
  • tcp
  • tail
  • exec
  • jmx

Fields corresponding to each metric type are described at metrics page. Last example (Yep, ServerAgent can be shell exec vulnerability. If you have issue with this, ask me and I‘ll introduce ‘secure‘ mode, disabling insecure metric types):

metrics-single:exec:/bin/sh:-c:free | grep Mem | awk ‘{print $7}‘



這裏監控內存我們使用的是:jp@gc - PerfMon Metrics Collectot







本文轉自: 清明-心若淡定 https://www.cnblogs.com/saryli/p/5434927.html

jmeter --- 監控器 Plugins (&jconsole)