1. 程式人生 > >深度學習之Bottleneck Layer or Bottleneck Features

深度學習之Bottleneck Layer or Bottleneck Features


在深度學習中經常聽聞Bottleneck Layer 或 Bottleneck  Features ,亦或 Bottleneck Block,其雖然容易理解,其意思就是輸入輸出維度差距較大,就像一個瓶頸一樣,上窄下寬亦或上寬下窄,然而其正兒八經的官方出處沒有一個能說出其所以然來,下面本文將對Bottleneck Layer 或 Bottleneck  Features ,亦或 Bottleneck Block追根溯源,使之對Bottleneck Layer 或 Bottleneck  Features ,亦或 Bottleneck Block有一個全面的認識。

首先來看一篇關於深度神經網路的有效處理 的綜述文章對Bottleneck Building Block的表述:"In order to reduce the number of weights, 1x1 filters are applied as a "bottleneck" to reduce the number of channels for each filter",在這句話中,1x1 filters 最初的出處即"Network In Network",1x1 filters 可以起到一個改變輸出維數(channels)的作用(elevation or dimensionality reduction)。下面來看一下ResNet對Bottleneck Building Block的表述:


可以看到,右圖中 1x1 filters把維度(channels)升高了,輸入輸出維度差距較大。繼續如下圖所示:

還有一篇論文 "Improved Bottleneck Features Using Pretrained Deep Neural Networks" 對Bottleneck Building Block作了簡單的描述:"Bottleneck features are generated from a multi-layer perceptron in which one of the internal layers has a small number of hidden units, relative to the size of the other layers."
