1. 程式人生 > >12C ORA-錯誤彙總6 ORA-07500 to ORA-09859

12C ORA-錯誤彙總6 ORA-07500 to ORA-09859



                ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7
ORA-07500: scglaa: $cantim unexpected return
Cause: VMS system service $CANTIM returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07501: scgtoa: $deq unexpected return
Cause: VMS system service $DEQ returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07502: scgcmn: $enq unexpected return
Cause: VMS system service $ENQ returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07503: scgcmn: $setimr unexpected return
Cause: VMS system service $SETIMR returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07504: scgcmn: $hiber unexpected return
Cause: VMS system service $HIBER returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07505: scggt: $enq parent lock unexpected return
Cause: VMS system service $ENQ returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07506: scgrl: $deq unexpected return on lockid string
Cause: VMS system service $DEQ returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07507: scgcm: unexpected lock status condition
Cause: A global locking system service returned an unexpected value.
Action: Check for system error message (if any) and refer to VMS documentation,
or contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07508: scgfal: $deq all unexpected return
Cause: VMS system service $DEQ returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07509: scgfal: $deq parent lock unexpected return
7-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: VMS system service $DEQ returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07510: scgbrm: $getlki unexpected return on lockid string
Cause: VMS system service $GETLKI returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07511: sscggtl: $enq unexpected return for master termination lock
Cause: VMS system service $ENQ returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07512: sscggtl: $enq unexpected return for client termination lock
Cause: VMS system service $ENQ returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07513: sscgctl: $deq unexpected return on cancel of term. lock
Cause: VMS system service $DEQ returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07514: scgcan: $deq unexpected return while canceling lock
Cause: VMS system service $DEQ returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07534: scginq: $getlki unexpected return on lockid string
Cause: VMS system service $GETLKI returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07548: sftopn: Maximum number of files already open
Cause: Too many test files open
Action: This is an internal error, please report to Oracle
ORA-07549: sftopn: $OPEN failure
Cause: VMS system service $OPEN failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07550: sftopn: $CONNECT failure
Cause: VMS system service $OPEN failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07551: sftcls: $CLOSE failure
Cause: VMS system service $CLOSE failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07552: sftget: $GET failure
Cause: VMS system service $GET failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07561: szprv: $IDTOASC failure
Cause: VMS system service $IDTOASC failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-3
ORA-07562: sldext: extension must be 3 characters
Cause: An extension was found but it is of improper length
Action: This is an internal error, please report to Oracle
ORA-07563: sldext: $PARSE failure
Cause: VMS system service $PARSE failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07564: sldext: wildcard in filename or extension
Cause: A wildcard was used in the file name
Action: Reenter the file name completely
ORA-07565: sldext: $SEARCH failure
Cause: VMS system service $SEARCH failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07568: slspool: $OPEN failure
Cause: VMS system service $OPEN failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07569: slspool: $CLOSE failure
Cause: VMS system service $CLOSE failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07570: szrfc: $IDTOASC failure
Cause: VMS system service $IDTOASC failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07571: szrfc: $FIND_HELD failure
Cause: VMS system service $FIND_HELD failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07572: szrfc: insufficient rolename buffer space
Cause: An OS role name was too long.
Action: Re-define the role name to be of correct length.
ORA-07573: slkhst: could not perform host operation
Cause: VMS system service LIB$SPAWN failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07574: szrfc: $GETUAI failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETUAI failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07576: sspexst: $GETJPIW failure on process ID string
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07577: no such user in authorization file
7-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An attempt was made to set an INTERNAL password (for either DBA or
OPER privilege), but the corresponding VMS account (either ORA_<sid>_DBA or
ORA_<sid>_OPER) hasn't been created yet.
Action: Add a VMS account for ORA_<sid>_DBA and/or ORA_<sid>_OPER
before trying to set a password for them.
ORA-07578: szprv: $FIND_HELD failure
Cause: VMS system service $FIND_HELD failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07579: spini: $DCLEXH failure
Cause: VMS system service $PARSE failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07580: spstp: $GETJPIW failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07581: spstp: cannot derive SID from unexpected process name
Cause: A background process did not have name of correct form
Action: If the job name was changed, restore it, otherwise this is an internal error,
please report to Oracle.
ORA-07582: spstp: ORA_SID has illegal value
Cause: The ORA_SID must exist and be less than 6 characters
Action: Consult the VMS Installation guide for information on setting the SID.
ORA-07584: spdcr: invalid value for ORA_sid_(proc_)PQL$_item
Cause: A logical name used to set a detached process quota value has an invalid
value (probably non-numeric).
Action: Examine the values of these logical names, correct the one in error, and
ORA-07585: spdcr: $PARSE failure
Cause: VMS system service $PARSE failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07586: spdcr: $SEARCH failure
Cause: VMS system service $SEARCH failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07587: spdcr: $CREPRC failure
Cause: VMS system service $CREPRC failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07588: spdcr: $GETJPIW get image name failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07589: spdde: system ID not set
Cause: The logical name ORA_SID doesn't translate to a valid value.
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-5
Action: Check the value of ORA_SID in the process that gets the error, and correct
the installation or command procedures that caused ORA_SID to be set incorrectly.
ORA-07590: spdde: $DELPRC failure
Cause: VMS system service $DELPRC failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07591: spdde: $GETJPIW failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07592: sspgprv: Error obtaining required privileges
Cause: While obtaining needed privileges, an error was returned from
Action: This is an internal error. Please report to Oracle
ORA-07593: ssprprv: Error release privileges
Cause: While releasing privileges, an error was returned from SYS$SETPRV.
Action: This is an internal error. Please report to Oracle
ORA-07594: spiip: $GETJPIW failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07595: sppid: $GETJPIW failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07596: sptpa: $GETJPIW failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07597: spguns: $GETJPIW failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07598: spwat: $SETIMR failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07599: spwat: $SCHDWK failure
Cause: VMS system service $SCHDWK failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07600: slkmnm: $GETSYIW failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETSYIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07601: spguno: $GETJPIW failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
7-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-07602: spgto: $GETJPIW failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07605: szprv: $ASCTOID failure
Cause: VMS system service $ASCTOID failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07606: szprv: $CHKPRO failure
Cause: VMS system service $CHKPRO failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07607: szaud: $SNDOPR failure
Cause: VMS system service $SNDOPR failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07608: szprv: $GETUAI failure
Cause: VMS system service $GETUAI failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07609: szprv: $HASH_PASSWORD failure
Cause: VMS system service $HASH_PASSWORD failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07610: $GETJPIW failed in retrieving the user's MAC priviledges
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07612: $GETUAI failed in retrieving the user's clearance level
Cause: VMS system service $GETUAI failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07613: $GETJPIW failed in retrieving the user's process label
Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07614: $CHANGE_CLASS failed in retrieving the user's process label
Cause: VMS system service $CHANGE_CLASS failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to SEVMS documentation
ORA-07615: $CHANGE_CLASS failed in retrieving the specified file label
Cause: VMS system service $CHANGE_CLASSS failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to SEVMS documentation
ORA-07616: $CHANGE_CLASS failed in retrieving the specified device label
Cause: VMS system service $CHANGE_CLASS failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to SEVMS documentation
ORA-07617: $FORMAT_CLASS failed translating the binary label to a string
Cause: VMS system service $FORMAT_CLASS failed because the given binary
classification was not valid.
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-7
Action: Examine system error message and refer to SEVMS documentation
ORA-07618: $IDTOASC failed translating a secrecy level
Cause: VMS system service $IDTOASC failed while looking up the string
representation in the rights database of a secrecy level.
Action: Define the entry in the rights database which the binary label you
specified references.
ORA-07619: $IDTOASC failed translating an integrity level
Cause: VMS system service $IDTOASC failed while looking up the string
representation in the rights database of an integrity level.
Action: Define the entry in the rights database which the binary label you
specified references.
ORA-07620: smscre: illegal database block size
Cause: An illegal database block size was specified in the parameter file. It must
be positive, a multiple of 512, and less than the maximum physical i/o data size.
Action: Change db_block_size in the parameter file to conform to these limits.
ORA-07621: smscre: illegal redo block size
Cause: An illegal redo log buffer size was specified in the parameter file. It must
be positive and a multiple of 512.
Action: Change log_buffer in the parameter file to conform to these limits.
ORA-07622: smscre: $CREATE failure
Cause: While creating the system global area (SGA) backing file, VMS system
service $CREATE failed.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07623: smscre: $CRMPSC failure
Cause: While creating the system global area (SGA), VMS system service
$CRMPSC failed.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07624: smsdes: $DGBLSC failure
Cause: While deleting the system global area (SGA), VMS system service
$DGBLSC failed.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07625: smsget: $MGBLSC failure
Cause: While mapping the system global area (SGA) during logon, VMS system
service $MGBLSC failed. The usual reason is that Oracle has not been started up.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation. Start
up Oracle if it is not already started.
ORA-07626: smsget: sga already mapped
Cause: An attempt to map the SGA during logon failed because it was already
mapped. This is an internal error.
Action: Exit your program and try again, and report this to your customer
support representative.
ORA-07627: smsfre: $CRETVA failure
7-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: While unmapping the system global area (SGA) during logoff, VMS
system service $CRETVA failed.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07628: smsfre: sga not mapped
Cause: An attempt to unmap the SGA during logoff failed because it was not
mapped. This is an internal error.
Action: Exit your program and try again, and report this to your customer
support representative.
ORA-07629: smpall: $EXPREG failure
Cause: While extending the program global area (PGA), VMS system service
$EXPREG failed. This often happens when the virtual memory page count quota is
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07630: smpdal: $DELTVA failure
Cause: While deleting the program global area (PGA) during logoff, VMS system
service $DELTVA failed.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07631: smcacx: $EXPREG failure
Cause: While creating or extending a context area, VMS system service $EXPREG
failed. This often happens when the virtual memory page count quota is exceeded.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07632: smsrcx: $DELTVA failure
Cause: While deleting a context area, VMS system service $DELTVA failed.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07633: smsdbp: illegal protection value
Cause: The buffer debug function was called with an illegal value. This is an
internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07634: smsdbp: $CRETVA failure
Cause: While attempting to set protection in the database buffer debug
mechanism, VMS system service $CRETVA failed.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07635: smsdbp: $SETPRT failure
Cause: While attempting to set protection in the database buffer debug
mechanism, VMS system service $SETPRT failed.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07636: smsdbp: $MGBLSC failure
Cause: While attempting to set protection in the database buffer debug
mechanism, VMS system service $MGBLSC failed.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07637: smsdbp: buffer protect option not specified when sga created
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-9
Cause: Trying to change the buffer protect mode when the SGA was not created
with buffer protect debug option. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07638: smsget: SGA pad area not large enough for created SGA
Cause: An attempt was made to map an SGA with software in which the SGA
pad area isn't large enough.
Action: Create a smaller SGA, or relink the software with a larger pad.
ORA-07639: smscre: SGA pad area not large enough (string bytes required)
Cause: An attempt was made to create an SGA with software in which the SGA
pad area isn't large enough.
Action: Create a smaller SGA, or relink the software with a larger pad.
ORA-07640: smsget: SGA not yet valid. Initialization in progress
Cause: An attempt was made to map to the SGA while it was being initialized.
Action: Wait until initialization is complete, and try again.
ORA-07641: smscre: Unable to use the system pagefile for the SGA
Cause: The system global area (SGA) backing file could not be allocated using the
system pagefile because the system-wide limit on global pages has been exceeded.
Action: Either increase the VMS system parameter GBLPAGFIL or use a disk file
as the SGA backing file.
ORA-07642: smprtset: $CMKRNL failure
Cause: While attempting to set the protection of a region of memory, an error was
returned from the $CMKRNL system service.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07643: smsalo: SMSVAR is invalid
Cause: an internal error
Action: Report this error to Oracle Support Services, provide your INIT.ORA file.
ORA-07645: sszfsl: $CHANGE_CLASS failure
Cause: While attempting to set the label on a file, SEVMS service $CHANGE_
CLASS failed.
Action: Examine the system message and refer to SEVMS system documentation.
ORA-07646: sszfck: $CREATE failure
Cause: While attempting to create a file, VMS system service $CREATE failed.
Action: Examine the system message and refer to VMS system documentation.
ORA-07647: sszfck: $OPEN failure
Cause: While attempting to reopen a file, VMS system service $OPEN failed.
Action: Examine the system message and refer to VMS system documentation.
ORA-07650: sigunc: $GETJPIW failure
Cause: While attempting to get the user's terminal device name, user name, user
program name, or process name during logon, VMS system service $GETJPIW
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
7-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-07655: slsprom:$TRNLOG failure
Cause: While attempting to translate SYS$INPUT during a prompt for a
password, VMS system service $TRNLOG failed.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07656: slsprom:$GETDVI failure
Cause: While attempting to get device characteristics during a prompt for a
password, VMS system service $GETDVI failed.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07657: slsprom:$ASSIGN failure
Cause: While prompting for a password, VMS system service $ASSIGN failed.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07658: slsprom:$QIOW read failure
Cause: While prompting for a password, VMS system service $QIOW failed.
Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.
ORA-07665: ssrexhd: recursive exception encountered string string string string
string string
Cause: A VMS exception occurred while executing in the Oracle exception
handler. The message includes the signal number, first and second signal
arguments, and exception PC, PSL and R0. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07670: $IDTOASC failed translating a secrecy category
Cause: VMS system service $IDTOASC failed while looking up the string
representation in the rights database of a secrecy category.
Action: Define the entry in the rights database which the binary label you
specified references.
ORA-07671: $IDTOASC failed translating an integrity category
Cause: VMS system service $IDTOASC failed while looking up the string
representation in the rights database of an integrity category.
Action: Define the entry in the rights database which the binary label you
specified references.
ORA-07672: $PARSE_CLASS failed translating the string into a binary label
Cause: SEVMS system service $PARSE_CLASS failed because the given string did
not represent a valid classification.
Action: Examine system error message and refer to SEVMS documentation.
ORA-07680: sou2os: another call to Oracle currently executing
Cause: A call to the Oracle shared image entry point occurred from within the
shared image. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07681: sou2os: An error occurred while initializing Oracle
Cause: While attempting to set up the dispatch vectors for the shared image, an
error occurred. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-11
ORA-07682: sou2os: set kernel dispatch fail err
Cause: During Oracle shared image entry, a dispatch to kernel mode failed.
Action: Make sure that your shared image is installed with the CMKRNL
privilege, then contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07683: sou2os: $SETPRV reset error
Cause: During an attempt to restore user privileges at Oracle shared image exit,
VMS system service $SETPRV failed. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07684: sou2os: supervisor stack reset error
Cause: During an attempt to restore the supervisor-mode stack at Oracle shared
image exit, VMS system service $SETSTK failed. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07685: sou2os: supervisor stack set error
Cause: During an attempt to set the Oracle supervisor-mode stack at Oracle
shared image entry, VMS system service $SETSTK failed. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07700: sksarch: interrupt received
Cause: An interrupt was received while archiving the logs
Action: Retry operation
ORA-07701: sksatln: internal exception: output buffer too small
Cause: Overflow of buffer for parsing archive control text string
Action: This is an internal error, please report to Oracle
ORA-07702: unrecognized device type in archive text
Cause: Unrecognized device type in archive text
Action: This is an internal error, please report to Oracle
ORA-07703: error in archive text: need '/' after device type
Cause: The archive control text in the ARCHIVE command is invalid; the device
type (to indicate a file or tape) must be followed by a '/'.
Action: Refer to the SQLDBA Guide for the proper syntax of the text.
ORA-07704: error in archive text: need ':' after device name
Cause: The archive control text in the ARCHIVE command is invalid; the device
name must be followed by a ':'.
Action: Refer to the SQLDBA Guide for the proper syntax of the text.
ORA-07705: sksaprs: device name buffer too small
Cause: The buffer supplied for the device name is too small. This is an internal
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07706: error in archive text: need disk file name
Cause: The archive control text in the ARCHIVE command is invalid; the disk file
name is missing.
Action: Refer to the SQLDBA Guide for the proper syntax of the text.
7-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-07707: error in archive text: need tape label name
Cause: The archive control text in the ARCHIVE command is invalid; the tape
label name is missing.
Action: Refer to the SQLDBA Guide for the proper syntax of the text.
ORA-07708: sksaprs: tape label name buffer too small
Cause: The buffer supplied for the tape label is too small. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07709: sksaprs: archiving to a remote host is not allowed
Cause: The user specified a remote disk for archiving via DECnet.
Action: Archive to a disk on the local host.
ORA-07710: sksaprs: file name buffer too small
Cause: The buffer supplied for the file name is too small. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07713: sksamtd: could not mount archival device (SYS$MOUNT failure)
Cause: VMS system service SYS$MOUNT failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07715: sksadtd: could not dismount archival device (SYS$DISMNT failure)
Cause: VMS system service SYS$DISMNT failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07716: sksachk: invalid device specification for ARCHIVE
Cause: VMS system service SYS$GETDVI failed"
Action: Specify a valid device in ARCHIVE control string
ORA-07717: sksaalo: error allocating memory
Cause: VMS system service LIB$GET_VM failed"
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07718: sksafre: error freeing memory
Cause: VMS system service LIB$FREE_VM failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07721: scgcm: not enough OS resource to obtain system enqueue
Cause: d by the messages SS$_EXENQLM or SS$_INSFMEM.
Action: Free up some of the required resource to allow the creation of the required
ORA-07740: slemop: incorrect handle size (programming error)
Cause: structures used for reading error message files do not match
Action: this is an internal error, please report to Oracle
ORA-07741: slemop: $OPEN failure
Cause: VMS system service $OPEN failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07742: slemop: $CONNECT failure
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-13
Cause: VMS system service $CONNECT failed
Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07743: slemop: incorrect error file attributes
Cause: An error message file is of incorrect format
Action: Unless an error file has been changed, report this to Oracle
ORA-07744: slemcl: invalid error message file handle
Cause: seal in passed in handle does not match correct value
Action: this is an internal error, please report to Oracle
ORA-07745: slemcl: $CLOSE failure
Cause: VMS system service $CLOSE failed
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07746: slemrd: invalid error message file handle
Cause: seal in passed in handle does not match correct value
Action: this is an internal error, please report to Oracle
ORA-07747: slemrd: $READ failure
Cause: VMS system service $READ failed
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07750: slemcr: fopen failure
Cause: An attempt to create a message file failed. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07751: slemcr: malloc failure
Cause: An attempt to allocate a cache for a newly-created message file failed. This
is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07753: slemcf: fseek before write failure
Cause: An attempt to seek before writing a message file cache element failed. This
is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07754: slemcf: fwrite failure
Cause: An attempt to write a message file cache element failed. This is an internal
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07755: slemcf: fseek before read failure
Cause: An attempt to seek before reading a message file cache element failed. This
is an internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07756: slemcf: fread failure
Cause: An attempt to read a message file cache element failed. This is an internal
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
7-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-07757: slemcc: invalid handle
Cause: The seal in a passed-in handle does not match correct value. This is an
internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07758: slemcw: invalid handle
Cause: The seal in a passed-in handle does not match correct value. This is an
internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07759: slemtr: invalid destination
Cause: The destination string provided to the function is too short This is an
internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07760: slemtr: $open failure
Cause: the $open service failed. This is an internal error
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-07800: slbtpd: invalid number
Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made
Action: This conversion cannot be performed
ORA-07801: slbtpd: invalid exponent
Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made
Action: This conversion cannot be performed
ORA-07802: slbtpd: overflow while converting to packed decimal
Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made
Action: This conversion cannot be performed
ORA-07803: slpdtb: invalid packed decimal nibble
Cause: An impossible request for decimal to binary conversion was made
Action: This conversion cannot be performed
ORA-07804: slpdtb: number too large for supplied buffer
Cause: An impossible request for decimal to binary conversion was made
Action: This conversion cannot be performed
ORA-07820: sspscn: SYS$CRELNM failure
Cause: An error was returned from the SYS$CRELNM function
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07821: sspsdn: SYS$DELLNM failure
Cause: An error was returned from the SYS$DELLNM function
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07822: sspscm: SYS$CREMBX failure
Cause: An error was returned from the SYS$CREMBX function while trying to
create the process dump mailbox.
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-15
ORA-07823: sspsqr: $QIO failure
Cause: An error was returned from $QIO while trying to queue a read to the
process dump mailbox.
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07824: sspain: $SETIMR failure
Cause: An error was returned from SYS$SETIMR while trying to queue a process
spin-watch timer.
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07825: sspsck: $QIO failure at AST level
Cause: An error was returned from SYS$QIO while trying to read the process
dump mailbox.
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07826: sspscm: SYS$GETDVIW failure
Cause: An error was returned from SYS$GETDVIW while trying to get
information about the process dump mailbox.
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07840: sllfop: LIB$GET_VM failure
Cause: An error was returned from LIB$GET_VM while attempting to allocate
memory for an i/o vector.
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07841: sllfop: SYS$OPEN failure
Cause: An error was returned from SYS$OPEN while attempting to open the data
file for reading
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07842: sllfcl: SYS$CLOSE failure
Cause: An error was returned from SYS$CLOSE while attempting to close the
input data file
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07843: sllfcl: LIB$FREE_VM failure
Cause: An error was returned from LIB$FREE_VM while attempting to free the
memory for the i/o vector
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07844: sllfop: LIB$GET_VM failure
Cause: An error was returned from LIB$GET_VM while attempting to allocate
memory for data and index buffers
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07845: sllfcl: LIB$FREE_VM failue
Cause: An error was returned from LIB$FREE_VM while attempting to free
memory used by data and index buffers
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07846: sllfop: string byte record too big for string byte user buffer
7-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The longest record in the file will not fit into the largest data buffer that
can be allocated
Action: Modify the RMS file to have smaller records
ORA-07847: sllfop: $CONNECT failure
Cause: An error was returned by SYS$CONNECT while attempting to open the
data file
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07848: sllfrb: $GET failure
Cause: An error was returned by SYS$GET while attempting to read the data file
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07849: sllfsk: $GET failure
Cause: An error was returned by SYS$GET while attempting to skip records in the
input file
Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation
ORA-07850: sllfop: bad option
Cause: You are using a bad option to loader Fixed= is one legal option. Check
documentation for others.
Action: Check documentation
ORA-07860: osnsoi: error setting up interrupt handler
Cause: An error occurred while setting up the control interrupt handler
Action: This is an internal error. Contact your Oracle representative.
ORA-07880: sdopnf: internal error
Cause: A list of all files open by this process could not be obtained.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-08000: maximum number of session sequence lists exceeded
Cause: the sequence parent state objects for this session are all used
Action: an internal error; quit the session and begin a new one
ORA-08002: sequence string.CURRVAL is not yet defined in this session
Cause: sequence CURRVAL has been selected before sequence NEXTVAL
Action: select NEXTVAL from the sequence before selecting CURRVAL
ORA-08003: sequence string.NEXTVAL exceeds internal limits
Cause: The sequence was created with unsafe values for some of the parameters.
The calculation of NEXTVAL cannot be made because it exceeds the legal
represention size.
Action: Alter or recreate the sequence number with legal limits.
ORA-08004: sequence string.NEXTVAL string stringVALUE and cannot be
Cause: instantiating NEXTVAL would violate one of MAX/MINVALUE
Action: alter the sequence so that a new value can be requested
ORA-08005: specified row does not exist
Cause: A row with the given rowid does not exist in any of the tables given
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-17
Action: check the query for misspellings of table names and the rowid
ORA-08006: specified row no longer exists
Cause: the row has been deleted by another user since the operation began
Action: re-try the operation
ORA-08007: Further changes to this block by this transaction not allowed
Cause: Max locks have been reached for this transaction in this block
Action: Commit changes
ORA-08008: another instance is mounted with USE_ROW_ENQUEUES = string
Cause: the shared instance being started does not have the same value for use_
row_enqueues as already running instances
Action: ensure that all instances' INIT.ORA files specify the same value for the
parameter 'use_row_enqueues'
ORA-08100: index is not valid - see trace file for diagnostics
Cause: Validate Index detected an inconsistency in its argument index
Action: Send trace file to your customer support representative
ORA-08101: index key does not exist file string: (root string, node string) blocks
Cause: Internal error: possible inconsistency in index
Action: Send trace file to your customer support representative, along with
information on reproducing the error
ORA-08102: index key not found, obj# string, file string, block string (string)
Cause: Internal error: possible inconsistency in index
Action: Send trace file to your customer support representative, along with
information on reproducing the error
ORA-08103: object no longer exists
Cause: The object has been deleted by another user since the operation began, or a
prior incomplete recovery restored the database to a point in time during the
deletion of the object.
Action: Delete the object if this is the result of an incomplete recovery.
ORA-08104: this index object string is being online built or rebuilt
Cause: the index is being created or rebuild or waited for recovering from the
online (re)build
Action: wait the online index build or recovery to complete
ORA-08105: Oracle event to turn off smon cleanup for online index build
Cause: set this event only under the supervision of Oracle development
Action: debugging only
ORA-08106: cannot create journal table string.string
Cause: The online index builder could not create its journal table
Action: rename your table in conflict or rerun the SQL statement
* there may be a concurrent online index rebuild on the same object.
ORA-08108: may not build or rebuild this type of index online
7-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: only support normal index or IOT top-level index
Action: change your index type
ORA-08109: nosort is not a supported option for online index build
Cause: may not specify nosort for online index build
Action: get rid of nosort in the index creation command
ORA-08110: Oracle event to test SMON cleanup for online index build
Cause: Oracle Kernel test only
Action: Donot set this event(for test only)
ORA-08111: a partitioned index may not be coalesced as a whole
Cause: User attempted to coalesce a partitioned index using ALTER INDEX
COALESCE statement, which is illegal
Action: Coalesce the index a (sub)partition at a time (using ALTER INDEX
ORA-08112: a composite partition may not be coalesced as a whole
Cause: User attempted to coalesce a composite partition
Action: Coalesce the index a subpartition at a time (using ALTER INDEX
ORA-08113: composite partition index may not be compressed
Cause: User attempted to compress a composite partition index
Action: create uncompressed composite partition index
ORA-08114: can not alter a fake index
Cause: User attempted to alter a fake index
Action: drop fake index
ORA-08115: can not online create/rebuild this index type
Cause: User attempted to create index type that online doesnot support
Action: use offline index create/rebuild command
ORA-08116: can not acquire dml enough lock(S mode) for online index build
Cause: User attempted to create index online without allowing DML Share lock
Action: allow DML share lock on the base table
ORA-08117: Index Organized Table operation released its block pin
Cause: Block maintenance forced the release of a block pin
Action: Contact your customer support representative
ORA-08118: Deferred FK constraints cannot be enforced, index too big (string)
Cause: Deferred Foreign Key constraints cannot be enforced due to the index key
being too big and built on a non-default DB_BLOCK_SIZE.
Action: First try to drop the Foreign Key and then the primary key.
ORA-08119: The new initrans will make the index too big
Cause: Specifying the initrans need additional space to hold the index key which
might make the index too big
Action: Try giving a smaller initrans value
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-19
ORA-08120: Need to create SYS.IND_ONLINE$ table in order to (re)build index
Cause: Alter index Build/Rebuild online require existing of SYS.IND_ONLINE$
Action: User/DBA needs to create sys.ind_online$ before alter the index
/rdbms/admin/catcio.sql contains script to create ind_online$.
ORA-08121: Number of indexes need to be maintained offline exceeds limit for
Cause: Too many indexes needed to be maintained. The limit is 2^16 indexes for
each DML statement
Action: Make sure the index maintainance is online. If indexes need to be
maintained offline, drop some indexes.
ORA-08122: Online (re)build of index rolled back due to DML conflict
Cause: The online (re)build journal is inconsistent with ongoing DML and cannot
be used successfully to complete the online index (re)build.
Action: Reissue the online (re)build operation, after performing any cleanup, if
ORA-08175: discrete transaction restriction violated (string)
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an action that is not currently supported
in a discrete transaction.
Action: Rollback the transaction, and retry it as a normal transaction.
ORA-08176: consistent read failure; rollback data not available
Cause: Encountered data changed by an operation that does not generate rollback
data : create index, direct load or discrete transaction.
Action: In read/write transactions, retry the intended operation. Read only
transactions must be restarted.
ORA-08177: can't serialize access for this transaction
Cause: Encountered data changed by an operation that occurred after the start of
this serializable transaction.
Action: In read/write transactions, retry the intended operation or transaction.
ORA-08178: illegal SERIALIZABLE clause specified for user INTERNAL
Cause: Serializable mode is not supported for user INTERNAL.
Action: Reconnect as another user and retry the SET TRANSACTION command.
ORA-08179: concurrency check failed
Cause: Encountered data changed by an operation that occurred after a specific
snapshot. This is usually used to indicate that a particular cached copy of a
datablock is stale. This is used for internal use for now.
Action: refresh the cached copy of the datablock and retry operation.
ORA-08180: no snapshot found based on specified time
Cause: Could not match the time to an SCN from the mapping table.
Action: try using a larger time.
ORA-08181: specified number is not a valid system change number
Cause: supplied scn was beyond the bounds of a valid scn.
Action: use a valid scn.
7-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-08182: operation not supported while in Flashback mode
Cause: user tried to do dml or ddl while in Flashback mode
Action: disable Flashback and re-attempt the operation
ORA-08183: Flashback cannot be enabled in the middle of a transaction
Cause: user tried to do Flashback in the middle of a transaction
Action: do a commit
ORA-08184: attempting to re-enable Flashback while in Flashback mode
Cause: as stated above
Action: disable first before re-enabling
ORA-08185: Flashback not supported for user SYS
Cause: user logged on as SYS
Action: logon as a different (non SYS) user.
ORA-08186: invalid timestamp specified
Cause: as stated above
Action: enter a valid timestamp
ORA-08187: snapshot expression not allowed here
Cause: A snapshot expression using AS OF was specified when not allowed.
Action: Do not use the AS OF clause
ORA-08189: cannot flashback the table because row movement is not enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Table operation on a table for
which row movement has not been enabled. Because the Flashback Table does not
preserve the rowids, it is necessary that row movement be enabled on the table.
Action: Enable row movement on the table
ORA-08190: restore point string is from a different incarnation of the database
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Table operation using a
restore point from a different incarnation of the database
Action: Provide a restore point from the current database incarnation
ORA-08191: Flashback Table operation is not supported on remote tables
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Table operation on a remote
table. This is not permitted.
Action: Do not perform a Flashback Table operation on remote tables.
ORA-08192: Flashback Table operation is not allowed on fixed tables
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Table operation on a fixed
table. This is not permitted.
Action: Do not perform a Flashback Table operation on fixed tables.
ORA-08193: Flashback Table operation is not allowed on temporary tables
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Table operation on a
temporary table. This is not permitted.
Action: Do not perform a Flashback Table operation on temporary tables.
ORA-08194: Flashback Table operation is not allowed on materialized views
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-21
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Table operation on a
materialized view. This is not permitted.
Action: Do not perform a Flashback Table operation on materialized views or
snapshot logs.
ORA-08195: Flashback Table operation is not supported on partitions
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Table operation on a partition.
This is not permitted.
Action: Do not perform a Flashback Table operation on partitions.
ORA-08196: Flashback Table operation is not allowed on AQ tables
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Table operation on AQ tables.
This is not permitted.
Action: Do not perform a Flashback Table operation on AQ tables.
ORA-08197: Flashback Table operation is not supported on clustered tables
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Table operation on a clustered
table. This is not permitted.
Action: Do not perform a Flashback Table operation on clustered tables.
ORA-08198: Flashback Table is not supported on object tables, nested tables
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Table operation on a object
table or a nested table or a table with nested table column. This is not permitted.
Action: Do not perform a Flashback Table operation on such tables.
ORA-08199: Flashback Table operation is not supported on this object
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Table operation on an object
on which the operation is not supported.
Action: Do not perform a Flashback Table operation on such objects.
ORA-08205: ora_addr: $ORACLE_SID not set in environment
Cause: The environment variable ORACLE_SID is not set.
Action: Set the ORACLE_SID environment variable.
ORA-08206: ora_addr: cannot translate address file name
Cause: Cannot translate $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sgadef$ORACLE_SID.dbf.
Action: Ensure that ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID are properly set.
ORA-08207: ora_addr: cannot open address file
Cause: The address file could not be opened.
Action: Check that ORACLE is up. Check that the file $(ORACLE_
HOME)/dbs/sgadef$(ORACLE_SID).dbf exists and has correct permissions.
ORA-08208: ora_addr: cannot read from address file
Cause: The address file could not be read.
Action: Check that the file $(ORACLE_HOME)/dbs/sgadef$(ORACLE_SID).dbf
exists and contains a single line of text.
ORA-08209: scngrs: SCN not yet initialized
Cause: The System Commit Number has not yet been initialized.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
7-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-08210: Requested I/O error
Cause: Oracle requested that an I/O error be returned for this operation.
Action: This should not occur in normal Oracle operation. Contact support.
ORA-08230: smscre: failed to allocate SGA
Cause: The n_core system call failed, maybe due to insufficient memory.
Action: Specify a smaller number of buffers. Check INIT.ORA parameters.
ORA-08231: smscre: unable to attach to SGA
Cause: The process cannot attach to the SGA. This can happen if either the listener
can't attach, or the process cannot communicate with the listener.
Action: Verify that the instance is up and running. Contact your customer support
ORA-08232: smsdes: cannot detach from SGA
Cause: Probably, the listener process has died.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-08233: smsdes: cannot unmap SGA
Cause: The n_core system call failed while detaching from the SGA.
Action: Note nCX error returned; contact your customer support representative.
ORA-08234: smsget: cannot get instance listener address
Cause: The instance listener address cannot be read from the sgadef file.
Action: Verify $(ORACLE_HOME) and $(ORACLE_SID) are set correctly.
Additional information gives error return from ora_addr.
ORA-08235: smsget: listener not on this node
Cause: A process wishing to attach to the SGA is on a different node from its
instance's listener.
Action: Verify $(ORACLE_HOME) and $(ORACLE_SID) are set correctly. Contact
your customer support representative.
ORA-08236: smsget: cannot share subcube with listener
Cause: The n_share call failed, probably because the listener has died.
Action: Check if the listener is running, and contact your customer support
ORA-08237: smsget: SGA region not yet created
Cause: Attempting to attach to an SGA which has not yet been created.
Action: Verify that the instance is running. Contact your customer support
ORA-08238: smsfre: cannot detach from SGA
Cause: The n_core system call failed while detaching from the SGA.
Action: Check nCX error, and contact your customer support representative.
ORA-08243: recursive audit operation attempted
Cause: A recursive operation requiring audit was attempted in the middle of an
auditing operation. The most likely reason is space management operations
needed to free up space in the audit tablespace.
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-23
Action: Check space in the tablespace for SYS.AUD$ and correct the problem.
ORA-08260: ora_addr: cannot open nameserver
Cause: A process could not connect to the nameserver.
Action: Make sure the nameserver is up and running. Additional information
gives nameserver's returned status.
ORA-08261: ora_addr: cannot find name in nameserver
Cause: The listener nameserver entry for an instance could not be found.
Action: Make sure the nameserver is up and running. Additional information
gives nameserver's returned status.
ORA-08263: ora_addr: cannot free listener address
Cause: The listener nameserver entry could not be freed
Action: Additional information gives nameserver's returned status. Contact your
customer support representative.
ORA-08264: ora_addr: cannot close nameserver
Cause: The connection to the nameserver could not be closed.
Action: Additional information gives nameserver's returned status. Contact your
customer support representative.
ORA-08265: create_ora_addr: cannot open nameserver
Cause: A process could not connect to the nameserver.
Action: Make sure the nameserver is up and running. Additional information
gives nameserver's returned status.
ORA-08266: create_ora_addr: cannot register name in nameserver
Cause: The listener's addressing information could not be registered.
Action: Make sure the nameserver is up and running. Additional information
gives nameserver's returned status.
ORA-08267: destroy_ora_addr: cannot close nameserver
Cause: The connection to the nameserver could not be closed.
Action: Additional information gives nameserver's returned status. Contact your
customer support representative.
ORA-08268: create_ora_addr: cannot close nameserver
Cause: The connection to the nameserver could not be closed.
Action: Additional information gives nameserver's returned status. Contact your
customer support representative.
ORA-08269: destroy_ora_addr: cannot destroy name
Cause: The listener's addressing information could not be removed.
Action: Additional information gives nameserver's returned status. Contact your
customer support representative.
ORA-08270: sksachk: Illegal archival control string
Cause: Archive files cannot be created with the given archival control string.
Action: Check that the volume exists
ORA-08271: sksabln: Buffer size not large enough for archive control string
7-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The given archival control string expands into too many characters.
Action: Reduce archive control string length.
ORA-08274: Out of memory for environment variable
Cause: There is insufficient memory to return the requested value
Action: Reduce memory usage and retry.
ORA-08275: Environment variable unset
Cause: The requested environment variable is not set
Action: Ensure that the variable name requested is correct.
ORA-08276: No room in nameserver for pid
Cause: There is no room to record the pid for a background process
Action: Shutdown abort and restart the database.
ORA-08277: Cannot set environment variable
Cause: There is insufficient memory to expand the environment.
Action: Reduce memory usage and retry.
ORA-08278: Cannot get CPU statistics
Cause: Could not retrieve CPU times because n_stat failed.
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-08308: sllfop: Cannot open file
Cause: Oracle could not open a file.
Action: Check the Unix errno returned as additional information.
ORA-08309: sllfop: Cannot fstat file
Cause: Oracle could not obtain information about an open file.
Action: Check the Unix errno returned as additional information.
ORA-08310: sllfop: Bad value for recsize
Cause: An illegal value for the record size was specified.
Action: Specify a value for the recsize option that is greater than 0.
ORA-08311: sllfop: bad value for maxrecsize
Cause: An illegal value for the maximum record size was specified.
Action: Specify a value for the maxrecsize option that is greater than 0.
ORA-08312: sllfop: unrecognized processing option
Cause: An unrecognized processing option was specified.
Action: Check the Oracle for nCUBE 2 User's Guide for valid options.
ORA-08313: sllfop: could not allocate buffers
Cause: Memory for the load buffers could not be allocated.
Action: Reduce the maximum record size. Eliminate any unnecessary processes
on your current node before running SQL*Loader again.
ORA-08314: sllfcf: Error closing file
Cause: An error occurred trying to close a file.
Action: Check the Unix errno returned as additional information.
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-25
ORA-08315: sllfrb: Error reading file
Cause: An error occurred trying to read from a file.
Action: Check the Unix errno returned as additional information.
ORA-08316: sllfsk: Error seeking in file.
Cause: The lseek system call returned an error.
Action: Check the Unix errno returned as additional information.
ORA-08317: sllfsk: Error seeking in file.
Cause: The lseek system call returned an error.
Action: Check the Unix errno returned as additional information.
ORA-08318: sllfsk: Error reading file
Cause: An error occurred trying to read from a file.
Action: Check the Unix errno returned as additional information.
ORA-08319: sllfsk: Error reading file
Cause: An error occurred trying to read from a file.
Action: Check the Unix errno returned as additional information.
ORA-08320: scnget: Call to scnget before scnset or scnfnd.
Cause: An internal error
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
Cause: An internal error
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-08322: scnmin: open/convert of bias lock failed
Cause: A call to the lkmgr failed to open and convert the bias lock
Action: Check to make sure the lkmgr is up.
ORA-08323: scnmin: close of bias lock failed
Cause: A call to the lkmgr failed to close the bias lock
Action: Check to make sure the lkmgr is up.
ORA-08330: Printing not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to automatically spool a file to the printer
Action: None
ORA-08331: Wait operation timed out
Cause: Oracle timed out waiting for an event
Action: Contact your Oracle support representative
ORA-08332: rollback segment #string specified not available
Cause: (same as 1545)
Action: (same as 1545). Also, make sure you have created enough rollback
segments for the number of instances you are trying to start.
ORA-08340: This command not allowed on nCUBE, only one thread is ever used.
Cause: An illegal command was executed for the nCUBE platform.
7-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: There is no need to issue this command.
ORA-08341: On nCUBE, this command can only be executed from instance 1.
Cause: A command that can only be issued on instance 1 was issued elsewhere.
Action: Log on to instance 1 and repeat the command.
ORA-08342: sropen: failed to open a redo server connection
Cause: An error occurred trying to connect to the redo server.
Action: The OS specific error message should tell you what to do.
ORA-08343: srclose: failed to close a redo server connection
Cause: An error occurred trying to close the redo server connection.
Action: The OS specific error message should tell you what to do.
ORA-08344: srapp: failed to send redo data to the redo server
Cause: An error occurred trying to send redo to the redo server.
Action: The OS specific error message should tell you what to do.
ORA-08401: invalid compiler name: string
Cause: An invalid compiler name <compname> was passed to a UTL_PG
conversion routine.
Action: Correct the compiler name parameter in the PL/SQL code that called the
conversion routine.
ORA-08412: error encountered in WMSGBSIZ, size for WMSGBLK is not big
enough for warning message
Cause: The WMSGBSIZ is the maximun size for warning message block, it is
recommanded to be 1024 bytes to 8 kbytes.
Action: Defined WMSGBLK of size between 1k to 8k bytes and update the
WMSGBSIZ to the sizeof(WMSGBLK).
ORA-08413: invalid compiler type in FORMAT parameter at string
Cause: An invalid compiler type is defined in format control block. The format
control block is invalid.
Action: Check to be sure that the format parameter was built by MAKE_RAW_
was not accidentally overwritten or modified by the PL/SQL procedure.
ORA-08414: error encountered in string
Cause: The function <routine> returned an error. Where <routine> may be: RAW_
Action: to take.
ORA-08429: raw data has invalid digit in display type data
Cause: The input raw buffer passed to a UTL_PG RAW_TO_NUMBER conversion
routine contained invalid data. The picture mask parameter specified a digit, but
the corresponding input from the raw data did not contain a valid digit.
Action: Either the input data is incorrect, or the picture mask is incorrect. Correct
the appropriate item.
ORA-07500 to ORA-09859 7-27
ORA-08430: raw data missing leading sign
Cause: The input raw buffer passed to a UTL_PG RAW_TO_NUMBER conversion
routine had no leading sign, but the mask options parameter specified a leading
Action: Correct the input raw data or the mask options so that they match.
ORA-08431: raw data missing zero as defined in picture