1. 程式人生 > >12C ORA-錯誤彙總12 ORA-24280 to ORA-28709

12C ORA-錯誤彙總12 ORA-24280 to ORA-28709

ORA-24280: invalid input value for parameter string
Cause: The parameter has been provided a negative, out of range, or NULL input
Action: Correct the input value such that it is valid, and is within the range as
specified in the documentation.
ORA-24281: invalid access past the maximum size of LOB parameter string
Cause: The value of positional or size parameters exceeds the maximum allowed
LOB size of 4 Gigabytes.
Action: Correct the input values for amount and offset such that their sum is less
than or equal to 4 Gigabytes. If error occurs in a read or write loop, check the
looping conditions and/or offset increments.
ORA-24292: no more tables permitted in this sorted hash cluster
Cause: A sorted hash cluster only supports a maximum of 2 tables
Action: None
ORA-24295: max key length (string) for sorted hash cluster exceeded
Cause: Sorted hash clusters have a maximum key size
Action: None
ORA-24296: error in processing the XML configuration file string
Cause: Parameters or their values were specified incorrectly in the configuration
Action: Check and correct the configuration parameters or their values.
ORA-24300: bad value for mode
Cause: An undefined mode value was specified.
Action: Check that the correct mode is selected and that an allowed value for that
mode is specified.
ORA-24301: null host specified in thread-safe logon
Cause: An HDA was not specified in the logon call while running in a thread safe
Action: Make sure that HDA is not NULL when calling the logon routine.
ORA-24302: host connection in use by another thread
Cause: An attempt was made to use the host connection while it was in use by
another thread.
16-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Wait for another thread to finish before using this connection.
ORA-24303: call not supported in non-deferred linkage
Cause: One of the calls that is supported in deferred mode linkage exclusively
was invoked when the client was linked non-deferred.
Action: Use this call in deferred mode of linkage.
ORA-24304: datatype not allowed for this call
Cause: Data of this datatype cannot be sent or fetched in pieces.
Action: Use other bind or define calls for this datatype.
ORA-24305: bad bind or define context
Cause: The call was executed on a cursor for which this is invalid.
Action: Verify that this call is valid for this cursor. For example, Get piece
information and set piece information are valid on a cursor if appropriate binds
and defines have been done on this cursor.
ORA-24306: bad buffer for piece
Cause: A zero length buffer or a null buffer pointer was provided.
Action: Verify that the buffer pointing to this piece or its length is non-zero. The
buffer pointer for the next piece or its length can be zero if it is the last piece to be
inserted and there are no more data for the column.
ORA-24307: invalid length for piece
Cause: The length of the piece exceeded the maximum possible size.
Action: Verify that the length of this piece and the cumulative length of all the
previous pieces is not more than the desired value supplied by the application.
ORA-24308: illegal define position
Cause: Call to modify attributes was done for a non-existent position
Action: Verify that a define has been done for this position
ORA-24309: already connected to a server
Cause: This server handle is already attached to a server.
Action: Disconnect from the server and then retry the call to establish a
ORA-24310: length specified for null connect string
Cause: The connect string is null, but a length was specified for it.
Action: Set length to zero if connect string is null.
ORA-24311: memory initialization failed
Cause: Cannot initialize user memory.
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-24312: illegal parameters specified for allocating user memory
Cause: An illegal size or null pointer was specified for user memory.
Action: Specify a legal size and a valid pointer for user memory.
ORA-24313: user already authenticated
Cause: A user has already been authenticated on this service handle.
Action: Terminate the service context before using it for another user.
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-3
ORA-24314: service handle not initialized
Cause: The server context does not done exist.
Action: Establish the server context in the service context.
ORA-24315: illegal attribute type
Cause: An illegal attribute type was specified for the handle.
Action: Consult user manual to specify an attribute valid for this handle.
ORA-24316: illegal handle type
Cause: An illegal handle type was specified.
Action: Consult user manual to specify a valid handle type.
ORA-24317: define handle used in a different position
Cause: A define was done with an existing handle on a different position.
Action: Specify the same position as before on a re-define.
ORA-24318: call not allowed for scalar data types
Cause: This call is valid only for object types.
Action: Verify that the data-type for this variable is an object type
ORA-24319: unable to allocate memory
Cause: Process was unable to allocate memory to store diagnostics.
Action: Terminate other processes in order to reclaim needed memory.
ORA-24320: unable to initialize a mutex
Cause: An attempt to initialize a mutex failed.
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-24321: inconsistent parameters passed
Cause: One of the three memory function pointers is null or non-null.
Action: Verify that either all the memory functions are null or non-null.
ORA-24322: unable to delete an initialized mutex
Cause: An attempt to delete an initialized mutex failed.
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-24323: value not allowed
Cause: A null value or a bogus value was passed in for a mandatory parameter.
Action: Verify that all mandatory parameters are properly initialized.
ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
Cause: An attempt was made to use an improper service context handle.
Action: Verify that the service context handle has all the parameters initialized
prior to this call.
ORA-24325: this OCI operation is not currently allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to use a context handle outside its scope.
Action: Verify that the context handle is set to a service context handle that has
been converted to a logon data area for other OCI calls. The logon data area must
be converted back to a service context before it can be used.
16-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-24326: handle passed in is already initialized
Cause: An attempt was made to pass an initialized handle.
Action: Verify that the parameter passed in to retrieve a handle does not already
point to a handle.
ORA-24327: need explicit attach before authenticating a user
Cause: A server context must be initialized before creating a session.
Action: Create and initialize a server handle.
ORA-24328: illegal attribute value
Cause: The attribute value passed in is illegal.
Action: Consult the users manual and specify a legal attribute value for the
ORA-24329: invalid character set identifier
Cause: The character set identifier specifed is invalid
Action: Specify a valid character set identifier in the OCI call.
ORA-24330: internal OCI error
Cause: An internal OCI error has occurred.
Action: Please contact Oracle customer support.
ORA-24331: user buffer too small
Cause: The user buffer to contain the output data is too small.
Action: Specify a bigger buffer.
ORA-24332: invalid object type
Cause: An invalid object type is requested for the describe call.
Action: Specify a valid object type to the describe call.
ORA-24333: zero iteration count
Cause: An iteration count of zero was specified for the statement
Action: Specify the number of times this statement must be executed
ORA-24334: no descriptor for this position
Cause: The application is trying to get a descriptor from a handle for an illegal
Action: Check the position number.
ORA-24335: cannot support more than 1000 columns
Cause: The number of columns exceeds the maximum number supported.
Action: None
ORA-24336: invalid result set descriptor
Cause: The result set descriptor should have valid data fetched into it before it can
be converted to a statement handle
Action: Fetch valid data into the descriptor before attempting to convert it into a
statement handle
ORA-24337: statement handle not prepared
Cause: A statement cannot be executed before making preparing a request.
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-5
Action: Prepare a statement before attempting to execute it.
ORA-24338: statement handle not executed
Cause: A fetch or describe was attempted before executing a statement handle.
Action: Execute a statement and then fetch or describe the data.
ORA-24339: cannot set server group name after connecting to server
Cause: An attempt was made to set the server group in a server handle after
connecting to the server. However, once the connection is established to a server,
the server group name cannot be set anymore.
Action: Attach to the server after setting the server group name in the server
ORA-24340: cannot support more than 255 columns
Cause: The number of columns exceeds maximum supported by the server.
Action: Limit your operation to 255 columns.
ORA-24341: bad mode specified
Cause: OCI_ENV_NO_MUTEX mode was specified for a non-threaded client.
Action: OCI_ENV_NO_MUTEX may be specified when OCI_THREADED had
been specified at process initialization.
ORA-24342: unable to destroy a mutex
Cause: An attempt to destroy a mutex failed.
Action: None
ORA-24343: user defined callback error
Cause: The only valid return value for a user defined callback function is OCI_
CONTINUE or OCI_ROWCBK_DONE. Any other value will cause this error.
Action: Please insure that OCI_CONTINUE or OCI_ROWCBK_DONE is returned
from the user defined callback function.
ORA-24344: success with compilation error
Cause: A sql/plsql compilation error occurred.
Action: Return OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO along with the error code
ORA-24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occurred
Cause: A truncation or a null fetch error"
Action: Please ensure that the buffer size is long enough to store the returned
ORA-24346: cannot execute without binding variables
Cause: None of the bind variables in the SQL statement are bound.
Action: Please bind all the variables before the execute is done.
ORA-24347: Warning of a NULL column in an aggregate function
Cause: A null column was processed by an aggregate function
Action: An OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is returned.
ORA-24348: Update or Delete without Where
Cause: An update or delete was executed without where clause
Action: An OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is returned.
16-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-24349: Array DML row counts not available
Cause: One of the following occurred: -The attribute in OCIAttrGet was used
incorrectly. -The version of the database used does not support this feature -There
was an error in the array DML for all of the iterations.
Action: Ensure that the statement is an array DML and also ensure that the
database version is Oracle 12 or higher and the correct mode is used.
ORA-24350: OCI call not allowed
Cause: OCI used is not permitted from external procedures.
Action: Refer to user manual for usage restrictions.
ORA-24351: invalid date passed into OCI call
Cause: A bad date was passed into one of the OCI calls.
Action: Check your date bind values and correct them.
ORA-24352: invalid COBOL display type passed into OCI call
Cause: A bad COBOL display type was passed into one of the OCI calls.
Action: Check your COBOL display type bind values and correct them.
ORA-24353: user buffer too small to accommodate COBOL display type
Cause: User supplied buffer for a COBOL display type was too small to
accommodate fetched number.
Action: Increase the allocation for COBOL display type buffer.
ORA-24354: number fetched too large to fit in COBOL display type buffer.
Cause: The number fetched was beyond the range that can be displayed.
Action: Please check the number in the database.
ORA-24355: attempt to store a negative number in an Unsigned Display type.
Cause: An attempt was made to convert a negative number into an unsigned
display type.
Action: Please check the number in the database or change the defined datatype.
ORA-24356: internal error while converting from to COBOL display type.
Cause: An internal error was encountered during conversion to COBOL display
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-24357: internal error while converting from to OCIDate.
Cause: An internal error was encountered during conversion to OCIDate type.
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-24358: OCIBindObject not invoked for a Object type or Reference
Cause: OCIBindObject was not invoked resulting in an incomplete bind
specification for a Object Type or Reference.
Action: Please invoke the OCIBindObject call for all Object Types and References.
ORA-24359: OCIDefineObject not invoked for a Object type or Reference
Cause: OCIDefineObject was not invoked resulting in an incomplete bind
specification for a Object Type or Reference.
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-7
Action: Please invoke the OCIDefineObject call for all Object Types and
ORA-24360: Type Descriptor Object not specified for Object Bind/Define
Cause: Type Descriptor Object is a mandatory parameter for Object Types Binds
and Defines.
Action: Please invoke the OCIBindObject() or OCIDefineObject() call with a valid
Type Descriptor Object.
ORA-24361: basic bind call not invoked before invoking advanced bind call
Cause: One of the basic bind calls was not invoked on this bind handle before
performing an advanced bind call.
Action: Please invoke the advanced bind call on this bind handle only after
performing a basic bind call.
ORA-24362: improper use of the character count flag
Cause: When the character count flag is set, then the maximum size of the buffer
in the server should be specified as a non-zero value.
Action: Please use a non-zero value for the mamimum size of the buffer in the
ORA-24363: measurements in characters illegal here
Cause: Measurements in characters instead of bytes are illegal if either the server's
or client's character set is varying width.
Action: If either the client's or server's character set is varying width then do not
use the OCI_ATTR_CHAR_COUNT attribute for the bind handle. Use OCI_
ORA-24364: internal error while padding blanks
Cause: An internal error has occurred while attempting to blank pad string data.
This error should not occur normally.
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-24365: error in character conversion
Cause: This usually occurs during conversion of a multibyte character data when
the source data is abnormally terminated in the middle of a multibyte character.
Action: Make sure that all multibyte character data is properly terminated.
ORA-24366: migratable user handle is set in service handle
Cause: This occurs during user authentication, a migratable user handle has been
set in the service handle.
Action: Service handle must not be set with migratable user handle when it is
used to authenticate another user.
ORA-24367: user handle has not been set in service handle
Cause: This occurs during authentication of a migratable user. the service handle
has not been set with non-migratable user handle.
Action: Service handle must be set with non-migratable user handle when it is
used to authenticate a migratable user.
ORA-24368: OCI mutex counter non-zero when freeing a handle
Cause: This is an internal OCI error.
16-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-24369: required callbacks not registered for one or more bind handles
Cause: No callbacks have been registered for one or more of the bind handles
which are part of the RETURNING clause.
Action: The bind handles which are to receive data in a DML statememt with a
RETURNING clause must have their mode set as DATA_AT_EXEC and callback
functions must be registered for these bind handles using OCIBindDynamic.
ORA-24370: illegal piecewise operation attempted
Cause: Data of a certain datatype that does not support piecewise operation is
being sent or fetched in pieces.
Action: Always set the piece value to OCI_ONE_PIECE for datatypes that does
not support piecewise operation.
ORA-24371: data would not fit in current prefetch buffer
Cause: An internal OCI error has occurred.
Action: Please contact Oracle customer support.
ORA-24372: invalid object for describe
Cause: The object to be described is not valid. It either has compilation or
authorization errors.
Action: The object to be described must be valid.
ORA-24373: invalid length specified for statement
Cause: The length specified for the statement is either 0 or too large.
Action: Specify a valid length for the statement.
ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch
Cause: The application did not define output variables for data being fetched
before issuing a fetch call or invoking a fetch by specifying a non-zero row count
in an execute call.
Action: Issue OCI define calls for the columns to be fetched.
ORA-24375: Cannot use V6 syntax when talking to a V8 server
Cause: V6 syntax is no longer supported in V8 server.
Action: Change syntax to V7 syntax or higher.
ORA-24376: cannot register/get user callback for non-environment handle
Cause: A user callback registration or get was attempted on a handle which is not
an environment handle.
Action: Pass the environment handle to register/get user callback.
ORA-24377: invalid OCI function code
Cause: An invalid function code was used to register or get user callback"
Action: Use a valid OCI function code.
ORA-24378: user callbacks not allowed for this call
Cause: An attempt was made to register a user callback for an OCI call for which
it not allowed to register user callbacks.
Action: Do not register user callback for this OCI call.
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-9
ORA-24379: invalid user callback type
Cause: An invalid type of user callback was specified.
Action: Specify a valid user callback type.
ORA-24380: invalid mode specification
Cause: The mode parameter in an OCI call is invalid
Action: Use only valid mode parameter
ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML
Cause: One or more rows failed in the DML.
Action: Refer to the error stack in the error handle.
ORA-24382: statement handled already executed or described
Cause: The Statement handle was executed or described successfuly before.
Action: Perform a OCIStmtPrepare again before OCI_PARSE_ONLY.
ORA-24383: Overflow segment of an IOT cannot be described
Cause: The name specified in the OCIDescribeAny call referred to an IOT
overflow segment.
Action: Use OCIDescribeAny to describe only documented objects.
ORA-24384: Application context size is not initialized
Cause: The size of the application context must be initialized before populating
each context element.
Action: Issue OCIAttrSet with OCI_ATTR_CTX_SIZE to initialize context size
ORA-24385: Application context size or index is not valid
Cause: The size or index of the application context must be non-zero and
Action: Use an appropriate value for the size.
ORA-24386: statement/server handle is in use when being freed
Cause: This is an internal OCI error.
Action: The user should reset in-use flag in statement handle before freeing the
ORA-24387: Invalid attach driver
Cause: Trying to attach using the wrong driver
Action: Relink the application in the right mode
ORA-24388: Unsupported functionality in fast path mode
Cause: Feature not supported in fast path mode
Action: Avoid using the functionality in this mode
ORA-24389: Invalid scrollable fetch parameters
Cause: All the requested rows in this fetch could not be received.
Action: Check the fetch orientation, scroll offset, OCI_ATTR_CURRENT_
POSITION and number of rows in OCIStmtFetch2 call. If required, change some of
above parameters and fetch again.
ORA-24390: Unsupported scrollable cursor operation
16-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The scrollable cursor execute or fetch has failed.
Action: Check the documentation for supported types, and other restrictions
while using scrollable cursors.
ORA-24391: invalid fetch operation
Cause: Scrollable cursor operation requested with non-scrollable cursor.
Action: Check if the statement was executed in the scrollable mode. Else the only
acceptable orientation is OCI_FETCH_NEXT that ignores the scroll offset
ORA-24392: no connection pool to associate server handle
Cause: OCIServerAttach called in OCI_POOL mode but no connection pool
found to associate the server handle.
Action: 1) Verify that OCIConnectionPoolCreate is called before calling
OCIServerAttach. 2) Verify that the database link specified in OCIServerAttach
matches with that of the connection pool database link.
ORA-24393: invalid mode for creating connection pool
Cause: Mode specified in OCIConnectionPoolCreate is invalid.
Action: Use a valid mode.
ORA-24394: invalid mode for destroying connection pool
Cause: Mode specified in OCIConnectionPoolDestroy is invalid.
Action: Use a valid mode.
ORA-24395: cannot reinitialize non-existent pool
Cause: OCIConnectionPoolCreate was not called in OCI_DEFAULT mode for this
pool handle.
Action: Create a connection pool prior to reinitializing it.
ORA-24396: invalid attribute set in server handle
Cause: Attribute OCI_ATTR_NONBLOCKING_MODE has been set on the server
handle and attached in OCI_POOL mode. Connection pooling does not support
non blocking mode.
Action: Do not set the OCI_ATTR_NONBLOCKING_MODE attribute on the
server handle while attaching in OCI_POOL mode.
ORA-24397: error occured while trying to free connections
Cause: An internal error occured while trying to free connections.
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-24398: connection pool already exists
Cause: A connection pool has already been created for the specified pool handle.
Action: 1) Specify a different pool handle to create a new connection pool. 2) If
you wish to modify the pool parameters, call OCIConnectionPoolCreate in OCI_
ORA-24399: invalid number of connections specified
Cause: An invalid combination of minimum, maximum and increment number of
connections was specified in the OCIConnectionPoolCreate call.
Action: Specify a valid combination of parameters.
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-11
ORA-24400: error occured while creating connections in the pool
Cause: The database link specified in OCIConnectionPoolCreate might be an
invalid one.
Action: Specify a valid database link.
ORA-24401: cannot open further connections
Cause: Sufficient number of connections are not present in the pool to execute the
call. No new connections can be opened as the connMax parameter supplied in
OCIConnectionPoolCreate has been reached.
Action: Call OCIConnectionPoolCreate in OCI_CPOOL_REINITIALIZE mode
and increase the value of the connMax parameter.
ORA-24402: error occured while creating connections in the pool
Cause: The username and password specified in OCIConnectionPoolCreate might
be invalid.
Action: Specify a valid username and password.
ORA-24403: error occured while trying to destroy the connection pool
Cause: Some connections in the pool were busy when an attempt to destroy the
connection pool was made.
Action: Ensure no connections from the pool are being used.
ORA-24404: connection pool does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to use the connection pool before creating it.
Action: Create the connection pool.
ORA-24405: error occured while trying to create connections in the pool
Cause: An internal error occured while creating connections in the pool.
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-24406: API mode switch is disallowed when a call is in progress.
Cause: A mode switch from OCI8 to OCI7 was attempted in a callback.
Action: The user should perform the API mode switch either prior to initiating
the top call or after the main call is done.
ORA-24407: connection pool already exists
Cause: A connection pool has already been created for the specified pool name.
Action: Specify a different pool name to create a new connection pool.
ORA-24408: could not generate unique server group name
Cause: An internal error occured while generating unique server group name.
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-24409: client cannot understand the object
Cause: The client cannot process all the new features in the object.
Action: Upgrade the client so that features like inheritance and SQLJ objects can
be used.
ORA-24410: scrollable cursor max size exceeded
Cause: Result set size exceeded the max limits.
16-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Check the documentation for allowable maximum result set size for
scrollable cursors. Re-execute with a smaller expected result set size or make the
cursor non-scrollable.
ORA-24411: Session pool already exists.
Cause: A session pool has already been created for the specified pool handle.
Action: 1) Specify a different pool handle to create a new session pool. 2) If you
wish to modify the pool parameters, call OCISessionPoolCreate in OCI_SPOOL_
ORA-24412: Cannot reinitialize non-existent pool
Cause: OCISessionPoolCreate was not called in OCI_DEFAULT mode for this
pool handle.
Action: Create a session pool prior to reinitializing it.
ORA-24413: Invalid number of sessions specified
Cause: An invalid combination of minimum, maximum and increment number of
sessions was specified in the OCISessionPoolCreate call.
Action: Specify a valid combination of parameters.
ORA-24414: Only number sessions could be started.
Cause: The number of sessions specified by the minSess parameter of
OCISessionPoolCreate could not be started, possibly because the value supplied
was larger than that supported by the server."
Action: This is a warning. Check the maximum number of sessions allowed on
the server.
ORA-24415: Missing or null username.
Cause: Username and password must be specified when pool is created in this
Action: Specify a valid username and password.
ORA-24416: Invalid session Poolname was specified.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a Session Pool that does not exist.
Action: Create a Session Pool before using it.
ORA-24417: Session pool size has exceeded the maximum limit
Cause: The number of sessions has exceeded the maximum size of the Session
Action: This is a warning. You can tune the session pool with appropriate
minimum and maximum parameters.
ORA-24418: Cannot open further sessions.
Cause: Sufficient number of sessions are not present in the pool to execute the call.
No new sessions can be opened as the sessMax parameter supplied in
OCISessionPoolCreate has been reached.
Action: Call OCISessionPoolCreate in OCI_SPOOL_REINITIALIZE mode and
increase the value of the sessMax parameter.
ORA-24419: Proxy sessions are not supported in this mode.
Cause: A proxy session was requested for from a Session Pool which does not
support proxy sessions.
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-13
Action: Do not specify mode OCI_CRED_PROXY.
ORA-24420: OCISessionRelease must be used to release this session.
Cause: The session was retrieved using OCISessionGet, and an attempt has been
made to release it using a call other than OCISessionRelease.
Action: Call OCISessionRelease.
ORA-24421: OCISessionRelease cannot be used to release this session.
Cause: The session was not retrieved using OCISessionGet, and an attempt has
been made to release it using OCISessionRelease.
Action: Release the session using an appropriate call.
ORA-24422: error occurred while trying to destroy the Session Pool
Cause: An attempt was made to destroy the session pool while some sessions in
the pool were busy.
Action: Ensure that no sessions from the pool are being used OR call
OCISessionPoolDestroy with mode set to OCI_SPD_FORCE.
ORA-24423: Cannot set the ROWID attribute - OCI_ATTR_FETCH_ROWID
Cause: An attempt was made to set the implicit ROWID attribute.
Action: Use a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE statement that has not previously been
described or executed before setting this ROWID attribute.
ORA-24424: Invalid attempt to define at position 0
Cause: An invalid attempt was made to call OCIDefineByPos for position 0.
Action: Ensure that the implicit ROWID attribute, OCI_ATTR_FETCH_ROWID, is
set on the statement handle before doing the execute.
ORA-24425: Invalid mode passed when defining at position 0
Cause: An invalid mode was passed to OCIDefineByPos.
Action: Ensure a valid mode is passed to OCIDefineByPos when defining at
position 0.
ORA-24427: Invalid attributes on user handle
Cause: Some of the attributes set on the user handle were not allowed in pooled
Action: Unset the attributes on the user handle and call OCISessionGet or use
sessions that are not pooled.
ORA-24428: Sessions with SYSDBA privileges are not supported in this mode.
Cause: A session with SYSDBA privileges was requested from a Session Pool
which does not support sessions with SYSDBA privileges.
Action: Do not specify mode OCI_SESSGET_SYSDBA.
ORA-24429: External authentication is not supported in this mode.
Cause: An externally authenticated session was requested from a Session Pool
which does not support external authentication.
Action: Do not specify mode OCI_SESSGET_CREDEXT.
ORA-24430: Null values for sqltext and key were specified.
Cause: An attempt was made to call OCIStmtPrepare2 and neither sqltext nor key
were specified.
16-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Specify valid values for sqltext or key or both.
ORA-24431: Statement does not exist in the cache
Cause: The statement that was requested for does not exist in the statement cache.
Action: Please request for a valid statement.
ORA-24432: The statement that was returned is not tagged.
Cause: A tagged statement was requested for, but an untagged statement has
been returned.
Action: This is a warning. Please modify and tag the statement as desired.
ORA-24433: This statement has already been prepared using OCIStmtPrepare2.
Cause: A statement that was earlier prepared using OCIStmtPrepare2 is now
being reprepared using OCIStmtPrepare."
Action: Please use a different statement handle.
ORA-24434: OCIStmtRelease called before OCIStmtPrepare2.
Cause: An attempt was made to release a statement without first preparing it
using OCIStmtPrepare2.
Action: Call OCIStmtPrepare2 before OCIStmtRelease.
ORA-24435: Invalid Service Context specified.
Cause: The statement was prepared using a service context that is different from
the one specified in OCIStmtExecute.
Action: Please specify the same service context that the statement was prepared
ORA-24436: Invalid statement Handle.
Cause: OCIHandleFree called on a statement that was prepared using
Action: Release the statement using OCIStmtRelease.
ORA-24437: OCIStmtExecute called before OCIStmtPrepare2.
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a statement without first preparing it
using OCIStmtPrepare2.
Action: Call OCIStmtPrepare2 before OCIStmtExecute.
ORA-24438: Invalid Authentication Handle specified.
Cause: The statement was prepared using an authentication handle that is
different from the one specified in OCIStmtExecute.
Action: None
ORA-24439: success with PLSQL compilation warning
Cause: A plsql compilation warning occurred.
Action: Return OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO along with the error code.
ORA-24440: OCI Easy Install mode cannot be initialized
Cause: An internal OCI error has occurred.
Action: Please contact Oracle customer support.
ORA-24441: Invalid cookie, resend sql text
Cause: An internal OCI error has occurred.
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-15
Action: Please contact Oracle customer support.
ORA-24450: Cannot pre-process OCI statement
Cause: An error occured during statement pre-processing. E.g., SQL statement
has invalid usage of N' or Q' literals.
Action: Correct the SQL statement.
ORA-24451: string, Maximum call depth exceeded
Cause: Your program has too many levels of recursion.
Action: Restructure your program to eliminate some levels of recursion.
ORA-24452: value_sz exceeding SB4MAXVAL is not supported
Cause: value_sz specified in OCIBindByPos2, OCIBindByName2 or
OCIDefineByPos2 exceeds SB4MAXVAL and is not supported in this release.
Action: Specify a value less than or equal to SB4MAXVAL for value_sz in
OCIBindByPos2, OCIBindByName2 or OCIDefineByPos2.
ORA-24453: number of application context settings supplied during authentication
has exceeded the supported limit of number settings
Cause: The number of application context settings supplied during authentication
exceeded the specified limit.
Action: Reduce the number of application context settings that are passed during
ORA-24460: Native Net Internal Error
Cause: Internal error .
Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, please contact your
customer service representative.
ORA-24480: invalid OCI mode
Cause: An attempt was made to invoke OCI API with an invalid mode.
Action: Provide the OCI API with legitimate mode.
ORA-24481: Failed to initialize multithreaded environment
Cause: Operating system did not support multithreaded mode.
Action: Use single thread mode instead.
ORA-24482: Pool size was less than 1 in shared mode
Cause: Pool size must be positive in shared mode.
Action: Set a positive pool size.
ORA-24483: Invalid parameters were passed into environment creation call
Cause: Invalid parameters were passed into the environment creation call. Check
the passed in parameters for the following conditions: -envp should not be NULL
-xtramem_sz should not be negative -Either both xtramem_sz and usrmempp
have to be provided. Or, neither should be provided.
Action: Pass in legitimate parameters.
ORA-24484: Setting authentication handle not allowed after pool create
Cause: An attempt was made to set the authentication handle on session pool
handle after OCISessionPoolCreate.
16-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Set the authentication handle on session pool handle before calling
ORA-24485: Invalid attributes in session pool authentication handle
Cause: Some of the attributes set on the authentication handle being set on the
session pool handle are invalid.
Action: Unset the illegal attributes on the authentication handle being set on
session pool handle and then call OCIAttrSet. Refer to OCI documentation for
ORA-24486: Conflicting attributes in session pool authentication handle
Cause: Some attributes could not be set both on the authentication handle passed
to OCISessionGet and the authentication handle set on session pool handle.
Action: Unset the conflicting attributes on the authentication handle and call
ORA-24500: invalid UTF16 mode
Cause: UTF16 mode is allowed only at environment handle creation time.
Action: Remove UTF16 mode for functions other than OCIEnvCreate()
ORA-24501: invalid UTF16 string passed in
Cause: Non-UTF16 string is passed in while UTF16 string is expected
Action: Check the parameter which is actually a string
ORA-24502: codepoint length overflows
Cause: Returned buffer has more codepoints than allowed
Action: Set OCI_MAXCHAR_SIZE large enough to accommodate
ORA-24503: codepoint length overflows for piecewise operation
Cause: Accumulated codepoint length exceeds allowed codepoint length
Action: Set OCI_MAXCHAR_SIZE large enough to accommodate
ORA-24504: data length larger than expected
Cause: Incoming data larger than receiving buffer
Action: Set OCI_MAXDATA/MAXCHAR_SIZE appropriately or remove the
ORA-24505: cannot change character set id on the handle
Cause: Attempts to change character set id on non-environment handles
Action: Only try to change character set id on environment handles
ORA-24506: invalid attempt to change character set id on env handle
Cause: Attempts to change character set id after other handles have been
allocated from the env handle
Action: Change character set id after creating environment handle but before
allocating any handles from it.
ORA-24507: invalid combination of character set ids
Cause: Attempts to set one character set id as zero
Action: Set both charset and ncharset as zero or non-zero in OCIEnvNlsCreate()
ORA-24508: Buffer is not aligned correctly.
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-17
Cause: Alignment error ocurred in buffer when converting between character
Action: Align buffer appropriately. For UTF16 buffer, pass a ub2 pointer.
ORA-24509: OCI function currently not supported in UTF16 mode.
Cause: Attempt to call an OCI function that was not supported in OCI_UTF16ID
Action: Remove the offending function or do not create an OCI environment with
OCI_UTF16ID mode or OCI_UTF16ID character set ID.
ORA-24530: User not authorized to access column value.
Cause: Column security is enabled and column value is not authorized.
Action: The program needs to handle this error and take appropriate action.
ORA-24531: Column value authorization is unknown.
Cause: Column security is unknown for the column.
Action: Verify the fetched data. It may or may not contain a meaningful value
because it is probably the result of an expression that operated on unauthorized
ORA-24536: Warning - column authorization unknown.
Cause: Column security is unknown for one or more columns.
Action: Verify the fetched data. It may or may not contain a meaningful value
because it is probably the result of an expression that operated on unauthorized
ORA-24542: PRELIM mode logon not allowed to a pluggable database
Cause: PRELIM mode logon was attempted to a pluggable database.
Action: Create PRELIM mode connections to CDB$ROOT only.
ORA-24543: instance startup or shutdown not allowed in pluggable database
Cause: An instance startup or shutdown operation was attempted when
connected to a pluggable database.
Action: Perform instance startup or shutdown operations by connecting to
ORA-24544: Oracle RAC One Node instance is already running.
Cause: An instance startup failed because an instance of the Oracle RAC One
Node database was already running on one of the cluster nodes.
Action: In Oracle RAC One Node, avoid any attempt to start a second instance by
any means while the instance is already running.
ORA-24550: unhandled signal #number received. string
Cause: Serious error: signal received
Action: Refer to the platform-specific signal code, and see if the application code
caused the error. Otherwise, record all error state and notify Oracle Support
ORA-24557: error string encountered while handling error string; exiting server
Cause: A second-level error occurred in an Oracle server process that required
that process to exit.
16-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: None. If an excessive number of incidents are dumped, contact Oracle
Support Services.
ORA-24600: could not create OCI environment
Cause: The Oracle Client library used to communicate with the database failed to
initialize correctly.
Action: Check that the Oracle environment or registry entries are consistent and
correct. If using the Oracle Instant Client, make sure the Oracle driver for MySQL
and Oracle libraries are from the same release. Make sure you have read access to
the libraries.
ORA-24601: bind buffer not allocated by caller
Cause: A valid buffer was not provided for the bind call.
Action: Provide a non-NULL pointer for the bind call and a valid length for the
ORA-24602: attempting to read with no fetch
Cause: A column was being fetched while not in fetch state.
Action: Fetch the column after fetching of the result set has started.
ORA-24750: incorrect size of attribute
Cause: Transaction ID attribute size is incorrect.
Action: Verify that the size parameter is correct.
ORA-24752: OCI_TRANS_NEW flag must be specified for local transactions
Cause: Application attempted to start a local transaction without using OCI_
Action: Use OCI_TRANS_NEW when starting local transactions.
ORA-24753: local transactions cannot be detached
Cause: An attempt to detach a local transaction was made.
Action: Local transactions may only be committed or rolled back.
ORA-24754: cannot start new transaction with an active transaction
Cause: An attempt to start a new transaction was made when there was an active
Action: Commit, rollback or detach the existing transaction before starting a new
Cause: These flags are currently not supported.
Action: None
ORA-24756: transaction does not exist
Cause: An invalid transaction identifier or context was used or the transaction has
Action: Supply a valid identifier if the transaction has not completed and retry the
ORA-24757: duplicate transaction identifier
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-19
Cause: An attempt was made to start a new transaction with an identifier already
in use by an existing transaction.
Action: Verify that the identifier is not in use.
ORA-24758: not attached to the requested transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to detach or complete a transaction that is not the
current transaction.
Action: Verify that the transaction context refers to the current transaction.
ORA-24759: invalid transaction start flags
Cause: An invalid transaction start flag was passed.
Action: Verify that only one of the following values is specified: OCI_TRANS_
ORA-24760: invalid isolation level flags
Cause: An invalid isolation level flag was passed.
Action: Verify that only one of following values - OCI_TRANS_READONLY,
ORA-24762: server failed due to unspecified error
Cause: An internal error has occured in the server commit protocol.
Action: Contact customer support.
ORA-24763: transaction operation cannot be completed now
Cause: The commit or rollback cannot be performed now because the session
cannot switch to the specified transaction.
Action: Retry the operation later.
ORA-24767: transaction branch prepare returns read-only
Cause: The transaction is read-only, or this is the outcome of an optimization for
two-phase commit protocol.
Action: None. Informational only.
ORA-24769: cannot forget an active transaction
Cause: Transaction identifier refers to an active transaction.
Action: Verify that the identifier of an active transaction was not passed as an
ORA-24770: cannot forget a prepared transaction
Cause: Transaction identifier refers to a prepared transaction.
Action: Verify that the identifier of a prepared transaction was not passed as an
ORA-24771: cannot detach, prepare or forget a local transaction
Cause: Service handle contains a local transaction context.
Action: Verify that the transaction context does not refer to a local transaction.
ORA-24772: Cannot mix tightly-coupled and loosely-coupled branches
Cause: Application attempted to start a transaction with a global transaction
identifier and a wrong option.
16-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Verify that all branches of a global transaction are started with either OCI_
TRANS_TIGHT or OCI_TRANS_LOOSE option. If the application is correct and
uses distributed updates, contact customer support.
ORA-24773: invalid transaction type flags
Cause: OCI_TRANS_TIGHT or OCI_TRANS_LOOSE mode was not specified.
Action: Verify that the right parameters are being used.
ORA-24774: cannot switch to specified transaction
Cause: The transaction specified in the call refers to a transaction created by a
different user.
Action: Create transactions with the same authentication so that they can be
ORA-24775: cannot prepare or commit transaction with non-zero lock value
Cause: An attempt was made to detach the transaction with a non-zero lock
Action: Detach the transaction with lock value set to zero and then try to prepare
or commit the transaction.
ORA-24776: cannot start a new transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to start a new transaction when session was already
attached to an existing transaction.
Action: End the current transaction before creating a new transaction.
ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowed
Cause: The transaction, which needs to be migratable between sessions, tried to
access a remote database from a non-multi threaded server process.
Action: Perform the work in the local database or open a connection to the remote
database from the client. If multi threaded server option is installed, connect to the
Oracle instance through the dispatcher.
ORA-24778: cannot open connections
Cause: The migratable transaction tried to access a remote database when the
session itself had opened connections to remote database(s).
Action: Close the connection(s) in the session and then try to access the remote
database from the migratable transaction. If the error still occurs, contact Oracle
customer support.
ORA-24779: detach not allowed with open remote cursor
Cause: The migratable transaction tried to detach from the current session while
having an open remote cursor.
Action: Close any open remote cursor prior to detach.
ORA-24780: cannot recover a transaction while in an existing transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to commit or roll back a transaction while in a
different transaction, and the transaction for which the action is requested is in a
recovery state (this happens if it is idle too long).
Action: Detach from the current transaction and retry the operation.
ORA-24781: branches don't belong to the same global transaction
Cause: The list of xids passed into kpotxmp() don't have the same gtrid
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-21
Action: None
ORA-24782: Cannot detach from a non-migratable transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to detach from a non-migrateable transaction.
Action: Either commit or rollback the transaction.
ORA-24783: Cannot switch non-migratable transactions
Cause: An attempt was made to prepare/commit a txn different from current.
Action: None
ORA-24784: Transaction exists
Cause: An attempt was made to start a transaction, while attached to a
non-migrateable transaction
Action: None
ORA-24785: Cannot resume a non-migratable transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to resume a non-migrateable transaction.
Action: None
ORA-24786: separated transaction has been completed
Cause: The current transaction has been completed by another process.
Action: Start a new transaction
ORA-24787: remote cursors must be closed before a call completes
Cause: The previous operation did not close all the remote cursors it opened.
Since separated transactions are enabled, this is not allowed.
Action: Close all remote cursors in each call, or start a regular (non-separated)
ORA-24788: cannot switch to specified transaction (server type)
Cause: The transaction specified was created by a shared server and the requestor
is a dedicated server, or the transaction was created by a dedicated server and the
requestor is a shared server.
Action: All parts of this application should connect as dedicated or as shared.
ORA-24789: start not allowed in recursive call
Cause: Oracle RM will not start/resume a branch in a recursive call
Action: Reconsider your application stack design
ORA-24790: cannot mix OCI_TRANS_RESUME and transaction isolation flags
Cause: An attempt was made to change the isolation level of an existing
Action: No action required
ORA-24791: invalid transaction start flags
Cause: An invalid transaction start flag was passed.
Action: Verify that OCI_TRANS_LOOSE was not passed along with OCI_
TRANS_JOIN, OCI_TRANS_RESUME. Also, verify that other flags (such as OCI_
TRANS_SEPARABLE) passed by the client are supported by the version of the
Oracle server.
ORA-24792: cannot mix services in a single global transaction
16-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Oracle RM will not serve global (distributed) transaction requests if
branches are created using different services
Action: Configure clients such that those participating in the same distributed
transaction use the same service name.
ORA-24794: no active DTP service found
Cause: Oracle RM will not serve global (distributed) transaction requests until
DTP services are configured in RAC. It is possible that a service was stopped while
transactions were in-flight.
Action: Provision/Start DTP services first.
ORA-24795: Illegal string attempt made
Cause: An illegal attempt was made to commit/rollback current transaction
Action: Use appropriate commit/rollback mechanism
ORA-24796: operation completed; resume of original transaction rolled back
Cause: The commit, rollback, or prepare completed successfully, but the current
transaction for this thread was rolled back.
Action: If desired, retry the current transaction. If the operation was prepare, then
end transaction appropriately with a commit or rollback operation.
ORA-24797: cannot promote the current transaction to a distributed transaction
Cause: An illegal attempt was made to promote the current transaction.
ATTR_EXTERNAL_NAME attributes have been set properly, and verify that the
current transaction has neither performed IDL or PDML operations, nor already
been a distributed transaction. Also, verify that the local transaction is in the same
isolation level if the isolation flag value is set.
ORA-24798: cannot resume the distributed transaction branch on another instance
Cause: An attempt was made to resume a distributed transaction branch that is
physically located on another RAC instance.
Action: Get a connection to the instance where the transaction branch is located.
ORA-24801: illegal parameter value in OCI lob function
Cause: One of the parameter values in the OCI lob function is illegal.
Action: Check every parameter in the OCI Lob function call to make sure they are
correct. Offsets should be greater than or equal to one.
ORA-24802: user defined lob read callback error
Cause: The only valid return value for a user defined lob read callback function is
OCI_CONTINUE. Any other value will cause this error.
Action: Verify that OCI_CONTINUE is returned from the user defined lob read
callback function.
ORA-24803: illegal parameter value in lob read function
Cause: Internal error .
Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, please contact your
customer service representative.
ORA-24804: Lob read/write functions called while another OCI LOB read/write
streaming is in progress
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-23
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Wait for the ongoing LOB streaming call to finish before issuing the next
server call, or use OCIBreak() abort the current LOB streaming call.
ORA-24805: LOB type mismatch
Cause: When copying or appending LOB locators, both source and desctination
LOB locators should be of the same type.
Action: Pass the same type of LOB locators for copying or appending.
ORA-24806: LOB form mismatch
Cause: When reading from or writing into LOBs, the character set form of the user
buffer should be same as that of the LOB.
Action: Make sure that the buffer you are using to read or write has the same
form as that of the LOB.
ORA-24807: LOB form mismatch
Cause: When copying or appending LOBs, both source and desctination LOB
locators should have the same character set form.
Action: Pass locators of the same character set form for copying or appending
ORA-24808: streaming of lob data is not allowed when using lob buffering
Cause: Attempted to stream lob data via the polling mode or a callback when lob
buffering was enabled for the input lob locator.
Action: Lob buffering is useful when reading/writing small amounts of lob data
so streaming should not be necessary. Rewrite the OCILobRead/OCILobWrite call
so that it does not use streaming. If streaming of data is required, lob buffering
should not be used. In this case, flush buffers associated with the input lob locator
as necessary, disable buffering on the input lob locator and reissue the
OCILobRead/OCILobWrite call.
ORA-24809: amount specified will not fit in the lob buffers
Cause: LOB buffering is enabled for the input lob locator so buffering will be
used. However, the amount of lob data to read or write is larger than what the lob
buffers can hold.
Action: Either disable buffering on the input lob locator and reissue the command
or pass a smaller amount.
ORA-24810: attempting to write more data than indicated
Cause: While writing into a LOB, more data was supplied than indicated.
Action: If data is written in pieces, then make sure that you do not provide more
data in the pieces (cumulatively), than you indicated.
ORA-24811: less data provided for writing than indicated
Cause: While writing into a LOB, less data was provided than indicated.
Action: If writing data in single pieces, then make sure that the buffer length
specified is big enough to accommodate tha data being provided. If data is written
in pieces, then make sure that all the data has been provided before specifying
ORA-24812: character set conversion to or from UCS2 failed
Cause: If the database character set is varying-width, the CLOB/NCLOB value is
implicitly converted to or from UCS2. This implicit conversion failed.
16-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
ORA-24813: cannot send or receive an unsupported LOB
Cause: An attempt was made to send a LOB across the network, but either the
server does not support the LOB sent by the client, or the client does not support
the LOB sent by the server. This error usually occurs when the client and server
are running different versions of Oracle.
Action: Use a version of the Oracle that supports the LOB on both the client and
the server.
ORA-24814: operation not allowed for temporary LOBs
Cause: Temporary LOB locators are not allowed in the operation. For example:
OCILobAssign only takes persistent LOB locators as parameters, not temporary
Action: Use OCILobLocatorAssign for temporary LOBs instead. Note that
OCILobLocatorAssign can also be used for persistent LOBs, in which case it will
behave the same as OCILobAssign.
ORA-24815: Invalid character set form
Cause: An invalid character set form was passed into an OCI LOB function. For
example, the only valid cs form for OCILobCreateTemporary() is OCI_
Action: Specify a valid character set form.
ORA-24816: Expanded non LONG bind data supplied after actual LONG or LOB
Cause: A Bind value of length potentially > 4000 bytes follows binding for LOB or
Action: Re-order the binds so that the LONG bind or LOB binds are all at the end
of the bind list.
ORA-24817: Unable to allocate the given chunk for current lob operation
Cause: The given size is increased to accomodate the number of bytes from server
due to varying width db char/nchar set.
Action: Use smaller chunk sizes when you have character set conversion between
client/server or perform piece-wise read or write.
ORA-24818: Operation not permitted on Abstract LOBs
Cause: Abstract LOB locators were not allowed in the operation. For example,
OCILobAssign only takes persistent LOB locators as parameters, not Abstract (i.e.,
client-side created) LOBs.
Action: Avoid the operation on Abstract LOBs.
ORA-24819: Illegal reference count encountered for a temporary LOB
Cause: Internal error.
Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, contact Oracle Support
ORA-24820: Differnt LOB function called while another OCI LOB call is in
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a new OCI LOB call while another OCI
LOB call was in progress.
ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-25
Action: Wait for the ongoing LOB streaming call to finish before issuing the next
server call, or use OCIBreak() to abort the current LOB streaming call.
ORA-24850: failed to startup shared subsystem
Cause: While attempting to initialize OCI in shared mode, a problem was
encountered in starting up the shared subsystem.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer support.
ORA-24851: failed to connect to shared subsystem
Cause: While attempting to initialize OCI in shared mode, a problem was
encountered in connecting the process to the shared subsystem.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-24852: protocol error during statement execution
Cause: An internal protocol error occurred while receiving describe data from the
server during execution of a statement.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-24853: failed to connect thread to shared subsystem
Cause: While attempting to initialize OCI in shared mode, a problem was
encountered in connecting the thread to the shared subsystem.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-24854: invalid pieceinfo provided
Cause: While making the first call to write LOB data, an invalid pieceinfo value
Action: Correct the call to use OCI_ONE_PIECE or OCI_FIRST_PIECE. If using
OCCI, make sure to call writeBuffer before calling writeLastBuffer.
ORA-24900: invalid or unsupported mode parameter passed in call
Cause: The mode parameter passed into the OCI Client Notification call is
Action: Please correct the mode parameter passed into OCI.
ORA-24901: handles belonging to different environments passed into an OCI call
Cause: All handles passed into an OCI call should belong to the same
environment. In the call that returned this error, handles belonging to different
environments were passed in.
Action: Please ensure that the handle parameters in the call to come from the
same OCI Environment.
ORA-24902: invalid subscription name or name-length in subscription handle
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call does not have a proper
name or name-length attribute.
Action: Please set the name and name-length attributes using the OCIAttrSet()
ORA-24903: invalid namespace attribute passed into OCI call
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call does not have a proper
namespace attribute.
Action: Please set the namespace attribute using the OCIAttrSet() call.
16-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-24904: invalid callback attribute passed into OCI call
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call does not have a proper
callback attribute.
Action: Please set the callback attribute using the OCIAttrSet() call.
ORA-24905: invalid recipient protocol attribute passed into OCI call
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call did not have a proper
recipient protocol attribute.
Action: Please set the recipient protocol attribute using the OCIAttrSet() call.
ORA-24906: invalid recipient attribute passed into OCI call
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call did not have a proper
recipient attribute.
Action: Please set the recipient attribute using the OCIAttrSet() call.
ORA-24907: invalid pair of callback and recipient protocol attributes
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call can't have both the
callback defined and a recipient protocol other than OCI_SUBSCR_PROTO_OCI at
the same time.
Action: Please set the appropriate callback and recipient protocol attributes using
the OCIAttrSet() call.
ORA-24908: invalid recipient presentation attribute
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call does not have a valid
recipient presentation attribute.
Action: Set the recipient presentation attribute using the OCIAttrSet() call
ORA-24909: call in progress. Current operation cancelled
Cause: The OCI call was invoked when another call on the connection was in
Action: Check if the OCI call is supported when the call is in progress under
special conditions; for example, if it is being used by a signal handler.
ORA-24911: Cannot start listener thread at specified port
Cause: Thread already running at a different port.
Action: Set the correct port in the environment handle or let the system choose the
ORA-24912: Listener thread failed. string
Cause: Thread listening for event notification exited because of an error. The error
encountered is appended to the error message.
Action: The client needs to be restarted.
ORA-24915: Cannot start Listener at specified IP address