1. 程式人生 > >12C ORA-錯誤彙總2 ORA-00910 to ORA-01497

12C ORA-錯誤彙總2 ORA-00910 to ORA-01497

                ORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3ORA-00910: specified length too long for its datatypeCause: for datatypes CHAR and RAW, the length specified was > 2000; otherwise,the length specified was > 4000.Action: use a shorter length or switch to a datatype permitting a longer lengthsuch as a VARCHAR2, LONG CHAR, or LONG RAWORA-00911: invalid characterCause: identifiers may not start with any ASCII character other than letters andnumbers. $#_ are also allowed after the first character. Identifiers enclosed bydoublequotes may contain any character other than a doublequote. Alternatiequotes (q'#...#') cannot use spaces, tabs, or carriage returns as delimiters. For allother contexts, consult the SQL Language Reference Manual.Action: NoneORA-00912: input parameter too longCause: one of your input strings was too longAction: shorten the input parameter lengthORA-00953: missing or invalid index nameCause: An index name of the form [ <identifier> . ] <identifier> is expected butnot present. If OIDINDEX clause, index name must be <identifier>Action: Enter an appropriate index name.ORA-00956: missing or invalid auditing optionCause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT statement contains an invalid auditing option.Action: Use a valid option.ORA-00960: ambiguous column naming in select listCause: A column name in the order-by list matches more than one select listcolumns.Action: Remove duplicate column naming in select list.ORA-00962: too many group-by / order-by expressionsCause: The group-by or order-by column list contain more than 1000 expressions.Action: Use 1000 or less expressions in the group-by or order-by list.ORA-00964: table name not in FROM listCause: The table name referred in the select list is not specified in the from list.3-2 Oracle Database Error MessagesAction: Make sure the name is correctly specified and matches one of the namesin the from list.ORA-00965: column aliases not allowed for '*'Cause: The statement is trying to alias the * expression in the select list which isnot legal.Action: Remove the alias.ORA-00972: identifier is too longCause: An identifier with more than 30 characters was specified.Action: Specify at most 30 characters.ORA-00976: Specified pseudocolumn or operator not allowed here.Cause: LEVEL, PRIOR, ROWNUM, CONNECT_BY_ROOT, CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF or CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE was specified at an illegal location.Action: Remove LEVEL, PRIOR, ROWNUM, CONNECT_BY_ROOT,CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF or CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE.ORA-00977: duplicate auditing optionCause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT statement specifies an option more than onceAction: Either use ALL with no other auditing options or make sure no option islisted more than once.ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer validCause: A synonym did not translate to a legal target object. This could happen forone of the following reasons:1. The target schema does not exist.2. The target object does not exist.3. The synonym specifies an incorrect database link.4. The synonym is not versioned but specifies a versioned target object.Action: Change the synonym definition so that the synonym points at a legaltarget object.ORA-00981: cannot mix table and system auditing optionsCause: Table and system-wide auditing options were specified in the sameAUDIT or NOAUDIT statement.Action: You must issue table and system options in separate statements.ORA-00983: cannot audit or noaudit SYS user actionsCause: An attempt was made to AUDIT or NOAUDIT SYS user actions.Action: Execute the statement again with a valid user.ORA-00991: only MAC privileges may be granted to proceduresCause: Object privileges or non-MAC system privileges were granted to theprocedure.Action: Only grant MAC privileges using the PROCEDURE clause.ORA-01002: fetch out of sequenceCause: This error means that a fetch has been attempted from a cursor which is nolonger valid. Note that a PL/SQL cursor loop implicitly does fetches, and thusmay also cause this error. There are a number of possible causes for this error,ORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-3including: 1) Fetching from a cursor after the last row has been retrieved and theORA-1403 error returned. 2) If the cursor has been opened with the FOR UPDATEclause, fetching after a COMMIT has been issued will return the error. 3)Rebinding any placeholders in the SQL statement, then issuing a fetch beforereexecuting the statement.Action: 1) Do not issue a fetch statement after the last row has been retrieved -there are no more rows to fetch. 2) Do not issue a COMMIT inside a fetch loop fora cursor that has been opened FOR UPDATE. 3) Reexecute the statement afterrebinding, then attempt to fetch again.ORA-01010: invalid OCI operationCause: One of the following: 1) You attempted an invalid OCI operation. 2) Youare using an Oracle client application linked with version 7.1 (or higher) libraries,the environment variable ORA_ENCRYPT_LOGIN is set to TRUE, and youattempted to connect to a version 7.0 (or lower) Oracle Server. 3) You areconnected to a version 7.1 (or higher) Oracle Server, the initialization parameterDBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN is set to TRUE, and you attempted to use a databaselink pointing to a version 7.0 (or lower) Oracle Server. 4) You are connected to aversion 9.0.2(or higher) Oracle Server and you attempted to use a database linkpointing to a version 9.0.1(or lower) Oracle Server for distributed autonomoustransaction.Action: For the above causes: 1) Do not use the invalid OCI operation. 2) If you donot wish to use encrypted connect passwords in your distributed database, setORA_ENCRYPT_LOGIN to FALSE. If you wish to use encrypted connectpasswords, you must upgrade all Oracle Servers to version 7.1 (or higher). 3) Ifyou do not wish to use encrypted database links in your distributed database, setDBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN to FALSE. If you wish to use encrypted databaselinks, you must upgrade all Oracle Servers to version 7.1 (or higher). 4) Do notattempt distributed autonomous transaction on version 9.0.1(or lower) OracleServer.ORA-01016: This function can be called only after a fetchCause: Cursor in an invalid state.Action: Make sure that the oci/upi function is called after fetch.ORA-01019: unable to allocate memory in the user sideCause: The user side memory allocator returned error.Action: Increase the processes heap size or switch to the old set of calls.ORA-01022: database operation not supported in this configurationCause: The attempted database operation does not conform to the userprogramming interface (UPI) for the two communicating ORACLE servers.Action: You may need to upgrade one or more of your ORACLE servers or re-linkyour user side application with new libraries. Report the problem to WorldwideCustomer Support.ORA-01023: Cursor context not found (Invalid cursor number)Cause: The cursor number is not a valid open cursor.Action: Make sure that the cursor is open.ORA-01025: UPI parameter out of rangeCause: An integer parameter to a upi function is out of range.3-4 Oracle Database Error MessagesAction: This usually indicates an error in a tool built on top of the oracle dbms.Report the error to your customer support representative.ORA-01026: multiple buffers of size > 4000 in the bind listCause: More than one long buffer in the bind list.Action: Change the buffer size to be less than 4000 for the bind variable bound toa normal column.ORA-01027: bind variables not allowed for data definition operationsCause: An attempt was made to use a bind variable in a SQL data definitionoperation.Action: Such bind variables are not allowed.ORA-01028: internal two task errorCause: Received send long message but don't have the cursor context.Action: Report as a bug.ORA-01029: internal two task errorCause: Received a request to send the long again when there is no longAction: Report as a bugORA-01030: SELECT ... INTO variable does not existCause: The SELECT... INTO specified in the bind call does not correspond to avariable in the SQL statement.Action: If it is not possible to correct the statement, call customer support.ORA-01031: insufficient privilegesCause: An attempt was made to perform a database operation without thenecessary privileges.Action: Ask your database administrator or designated security administrator togrant you the necessary privilegesORA-01032: no such useridCause: This is an internal error message related to Export/Import.Action: Contact customer support.ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progressCause: An attempt was made to log on while Oracle is being started up orshutdown.Action: Wait a few minutes. Then retry the operation.ORA-01034: ORACLE not availableCause: Oracle was not started up. Possible causes include the following:- The SGA requires more space than was allocated for it.- The operating-system variable pointing to the instance is improperly defined.Action: Refer to accompanying messages for possible causes and correct theproblem mentioned in the other messages. If Oracle has been initialized, then onsome operating systems, verify that Oracle was linked correctly. See the platformspecific Oracle documentation.ORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-5ORA-01035: ORACLE only available to users with RESTRICTED SESSIONprivilegeCause: Logins are disallowed because an instance started in restricted mode. Onlyusers with RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege can log on.Action: Request that Oracle be restarted without the restricted option or obtainthe RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege.ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberCause: Unable to find bind context on user sideAction: Make sure that the variable being bound is in the sql statement.ORA-01037: maximum cursor memory exceededCause: Attempting to process a complex sql statement which consumed allavailable memory of the cursor.Action: Simplify the complex sql statement.ORA-01038: cannot write database file version string with ORACLE version stringCause: Attempting to write datafile headers in an old format. The new format cannot be used until after the database has been verified as being compatible with thissoftware version.Action: Open the database to advance to the new file formats, then repeat theoperation. If the operation is required before the database can be opened, then usethe previous software release to do the operation.ORA-01039: insufficient privileges on underlying objects of the viewCause: Attempting to explain plan on other people's view without the necessaryprivileges on the underlying objects of the view.Action: Get necessary privileges or do not perform the offending operation.ORA-01040: invalid character in password; logon deniedCause: There are multibyte characters in the password or some characters in thepassword are not in US7ASCII range.Action: Resubmit password with valid characters.ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn't existCause: Pointer to hstdef extension in hstdef is null.Action: Report as a bugORA-01042: detaching a session with open cursors not allowedCause: An attempt was made to detach a seesio n which had open cursors.Action: Close all the cursors before detaching the session.ORA-01043: user side memory corruption [string], [string], [string], [string]Cause: The application code corrupted some of the usr memory used by oracleAction: Make sure that the application code is not overwriting memory.ORA-01044: size string of buffer bound to variable exceeds maximum stringCause: An attempt was made to bind a buffer whose total size would exceed themaximum size allowed. Total array size for arrays is calculated as: (element_size)*(number of elements)Action: Reduce buffer size.3-6 Oracle Database Error MessagesORA-01045: user string lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon deniedCause: A connect was attempted to a userid which does not have create sessionprivilege.Action: Grant the user CREATE SESSION privilege.ORA-01048: Couldn't find the specified procedure in the given contextCause: The procedure user specified in deferred RPC doesn't exist.Action: Check to make sure that the procedure exists and is visible to thereplication process.ORA-01049: Bind by name is not spupportted in streamed RPCCause: A newer version of server is talking with this version requesting anoperation not supported in this version.Action: NoneORA-01051: deferred rpc buffer format invalidCause: The deferred rpc data in sys.def$_call is corrupted.Action: Contact your customer support representive.ORA-01052: required destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST is not specifiedCause: A valid destination for parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST wasnot specified when parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST was set totwo.Action: Either specify a value for parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST, orreduce the value for parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST to one.ORA-01055: Object datatypes not supported for bind or define in this modeCause: Bind or Define used for objects with an invalid modeAction: Change the mode.ORA-01058: internal New Upi interface errorCause: Attempt to delete non existant hstdef extension.Action: Report as a bug.ORA-01059: parse expected before a bind or executeCause: The client application attempted to bind a variable or execute a cursoropened in a PL/SQL block before the statement was parsed.Action: Ensure the statement is parsed before a bind or execute.ORA-01060: array binds or executes not allowedCause: The client application attempted to bind an array of cursors or attemptedto repeatedly execute against a PL/SQL block with a bind variable of type cursor.Action: Bind a single cursor or execute the PL/SQL block once.ORA-01061: cannot start up a V8 server using a V7 client applicationCause: You are using an Oracle client application linked with version 7 (or lower)libraries and you attempted to start up a V8 (or higher) server.Action: Use a client application linked with V8 (or higher) libraries.60ORA-01062: unable to allocate memory for define bufferCause: Exceeded the maximum buffer size for current plaformORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-7Action: Use piecewise fetch with a smaller buffer sizeORA-01070: Using an old version of Oracle for the serverCause: Using pre version of oracle for serverAction: Upgrade server to post versionORA-01071: cannot perform operation without starting up ORACLECause: ObviousAction: NoneORA-01072: cannot stop ORACLE; ORACLE not runningCause: ObviousAction: NoneORA-01073: fatal connection error: unrecognized call typeCause: An illegal internal operation was attempted.Action: Contact your customer support representative.ORA-01074: cannot shut down ORACLE; inside a login session - log off firstCause: ObviousAction: NoneORA-01075: you are currently logged onCause: Attempt to login while logged in.Action: NoneORA-01076: multiple logons per process not yet supportedCause: ObviousAction: NoneORA-01077: background process initialization failureCause: Failure during initialization of ORACLE background processes.Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack or in the tracefile.ORA-01078: failure in processing system parametersCause: Failure during processing of INIT.ORA parameters during system startup.Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack.ORA-01079: ORACLE database was not properly created, operation abortedCause: There was an error when the database or control file was created.Action: s to recreate the database or a new control file.ORA-01080: error in shutting down ORACLECause: Failure during system shutdown.Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack.ORA-01081: cannot start already-running ORACLE - shut it down firstCause: ObviousAction: None3-8 Oracle Database Error MessagesORA-01082: 'row_locking = always' requires the transaction processing optionCause: "row_locking = always" is specified in INIT.ORA file. This feature is notsupported by ORACLE without the transaction processing option.Action: Remove it from INIT.ORA file or set it to "default" or "intent".ORA-01083: value of parameter "string" is inconsistent with that of other instancesCause: The value of the given parameter is required to be the same for allinstances in the cluster database configuration. ROW_LOCKING andSERIALIZABLE are 2 examples.Action: Change the value of the parameter in INIT.ORA file to match that of othercluster database instances.ORA-01084: invalid argument in OCI callCause: The failing OCI call contains an argument with an invalid value.Action: Use valid argument values. For more information, see the Programmer'sGuide to the Oracle Call Interfaces and the appropriate programming languagesupplement.ORA-01085: preceding errors in deferred rpc to "string.string.string"Cause: Errors were encountered when the named procedure was executed as adeferred remoted procedure call.Action: Correct the cause of the preceding errors.ORA-01086: savepoint 'string' never established in this session or is invalidCause: An attempt was made to roll back to a savepoint that was neverestablished in this session, or was invalid.Action: Try rolling back to the savepoint from the session where it is established.ORA-01088: shutdown in progress - operation not permitted until restartCause: The SHUTDOWN command was used to shut down a running Oracleinstance but the shutdown operation was not complete.Action: Wait for the instance to be restarted or contact your databaseadministrator.ORA-01089: immediate shutdown or close in progress - no operations are permittedCause: The SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE command was used to shut down arunning Oracle instance, or CLOSE IMMEDIATE was used to shut down apluggable database, so your operations have been terminated.Action: Wait for the instance to be restarted, or contact your DBA.ORA-01090: shutdown in progress - connection is not permittedCause: The SHUTDOWN command was used to shut down a running ORACLEinstance, so you cannot connect to ORACLE.Action: Wait for the instance to be restarted, or contact your DBA.ORA-01091: failure during startup forceCause: Unable to destroy the old SGA.Action: Manually remove the old SGA and reissue the STARTUP commandORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forcedORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-9Cause: The instance this process was connected to was terminated abnormally,probably via a shutdown abort. This process was forced to disconnect from theinstance.Action: Examine the alert log for more details. When the instance has beenrestarted, retry action.ORA-01093: ALTER DATABASE CLOSE only permitted with no sessions connectedCause: There is at least one more session other than the current one logged intothe instance. ALTER DATABASE CLOSE is not permitted.Action: Find the other sessions and log them out and resubmit the commandORA-01095: DML statement processed zero rowsCause: During a call to OTEX, an update, delete, or insert statement beingexecuted processed zero rows. The execution of statements by OTEX was halted atthis point.Action: NoneORA-01096: program version (string) incompatible with instance (string)Cause: A program is trying to connect to an instance using a different version ofcode than the database was started with. This is not allowed.Action: Either relink the program with the same version as the database or restartthe database using the old version of code.ORA-01097: cannot shutdown while in a transaction - commit or rollback firstCause: ObviousAction: NoneORA-01099: cannot mount database in SHARED mode if started in single processmodeCause: ObviousAction: NoneORA-01100: database already mountedCause: A database is already mounted in this instance.Action: NoneORA-01101: database being created currently mounted by some other instanceCause: Some other instance has the database of same name currently mountedand you are trying to create it.Action: Either change the database name or shutdown the other instance.ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE modeCause: Some other instance has the database mounted exclusive or shared.Action: Shutdown other instance or mount in a compatible mode.ORA-01103: database name 'string' in control file is not 'string'Cause: The database name in the control file does not match your database name.Action: Either find the correct control file or change your database name.ORA-01104: number of control files (string) does not equal stringCause: The number of control files used by this instance disagrees with thenumber of control files in an existing instance.3-10 Oracle Database Error MessagesAction: Check to make sure that all control files are listed.ORA-01105: mount is incompatible with mounts by other instancesCause: An attempt to mount the database discovered that another instancemounted a database by the same name, but the mount is not compatible.Additional errors are reported explaining why.Action: See accompanying errors.ORA-01106: database must be closed before dismountingCause: ObviousAction: NoneORA-01107: database must be mounted for media recoveryCause: An attempt to perform media recovery was made but the database is notmounted.Action: Mount the database.ORA-01108: file string is in backup or media recoveryCause: Either media recovery is actively being applied to the file, or it is beingbacked up while the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode. It cannot be used fornormal database access or crash recovery.Action: Complete or cancel the media recovery session or backup.ORA-01109: database not openCause: A command was attempted that requires the database to be open.Action: Open the database and try the command againORA-01110: data file string: 'string'Cause: Reporting file name for details of another error. The reported name can beof the old file if a data file move operation is in progress.Action: See associated error message.ORA-01111: name for data file string is unknown - rename to correct fileCause: The data file was missing from a CREATE CONTROLFILE command orbackup control file recovery was done with a control file that was saved before thefile was created.Action: Rename the MISSING file to the name of the real file.ORA-01112: media recovery not startedCause: An attempt to continue media recovery is being made but media recoverywas not started.Action: NoneORA-01113: file string needs media recoveryCause: An attempt was made to online or open a database with a file that is inneed of media recovery.Action: First apply media recovery to the file.ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file string (block # string)Cause: The device on which the file resides is probably offline. If the file is atemporary file, then it is also possible that the device has run out of space. ThisORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-11could happen because disk space of temporary files is not necessarily allocated atfile creation time.Action: Restore access to the device or remove unnecessary files to free up space.ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file string (block # string)Cause: Device on which the file resides is probably offlineAction: Restore access to the deviceORA-01116: error in opening database file stringCause: Usually the file is not accessible.Action: Restore the database file.ORA-01117: adding file 'string' with illegal block size: string; limit is stringCause: An attempt was made to add a database file with a block size that isgreater than the maximum block size allowed.Action: Retry the DDL command with a smaller block size.ORA-01118: cannot add any more database files: limit of string exceededCause: There is no more room in the control file for adding database files.Action: Resize the control file or drop other tablespaces.ORA-01119: error in creating database file 'string'Cause: Usually due to not having enough space on the device.Action: NoneORA-01120: cannot remove online database file stringCause: Attempting to drop a datafile when it is onlineAction: Take file offline before dropping.ORA-01121: cannot rename database file string - file is in use or recoveryCause: Attempted to use ALTER DATABASE RENAME to rename a datafile thatis online in an open instance or is being recovered.Action: Close database in all instances and end all recovery sessions.ORA-01122: database file string failed verification checkCause: The information in this file is inconsistent with information from thecontrol file. See accompanying message for reason.Action: Make certain that the db files and control files are the correct files for thisdatabase.ORA-01123: cannot start online backup; media recovery not enabledCause: An attempt to start backup of an on-line tablespace failed because mediarecovery is not enabled.Action: Enable media recovery and retry this operation.ORA-01124: cannot recover data file string - file is in use or recoveryCause: An attempt to do media recovery found that the file was not available forrecovery. Either it is online and the database is open in some instance, or anotherprocess is curently doing media recovery on the file.Action: Do not do media recovery.ORA-01125: cannot disable media recovery - file string has online backup set3-12 Oracle Database Error MessagesCause: An attempt to disable media recovery found that an online backup is stillin progress.Action: End the backup of the offending tablespace and retry this command.ORA-01126: database must be mounted in this instance and not open in anyinstanceCause: ObviousAction: NoneORA-01127: database name 'string' exceeds size limit of string charactersCause: ObviousAction: NoneORA-01128: cannot start online backup - file string is offlineCause: An attempt to start an online backup found that one of the files is offline.Action: Bring the offending files online and retry this command or do a coldbackup.ORA-01129: user's default or temporary tablespace does not existCause: The user's default or temporary tablespace was dropped.Action: Reassign the default or temporary tablespace.ORA-01135: file string accessed for DML/query is offlineCause: Attempted to access a data file that is offlineAction: Bring the data file back onlineORA-01136: specified size of file string (string blocks) is less than original size ofstring blocksCause: A file size was specified in the AS clause of ALTER DATABASE CREATEDATAFILE, and the size was smaller the the size neededAction: Create the file with a larger size.ORA-01137: data file string is still in the middle of going offlineCause: It was not possible to get the lock for a file that is offline when attemptingto bring it online. The most likely cause is that the lock is still held by the instancethat is took it offline.Action: Wait a bit and try to online the file again.ORA-01138: database must either be open in this instance or not at allCause: The requested operation can not be done when the database is mountedbut not open in this instance, and another instance has the database open.Action: Execute the operation in an open instance, open the datbase in thisinstance, or close the database in the other instances.ORA-01139: RESETLOGS option only valid after an incomplete database recoveryCause: The RESETLOGS option was given in ALTER DATABASE OPEN, butthere has been no incomplete recovery session.Action: Retry the ALTER DATABASE OPEN without specifying RESETLOGSORA-01140: cannot end online backup - all files are offline or readonlyCause: All the files were found to be offline or readonly when attempting to endan online backup.ORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-13Action: None. Online backup does not need to be ended for this tablespace.ORA-01141: error renaming data file string - new file 'string' not foundCause: An attempt to change a data file's name in the control file failed becauseno file was found with the new name.Action: Make sure that the data file has been properly renamed by the operatingsystem and retry.ORA-01142: cannot end online backup - none of the files are in backupCause: None of the files were found to be in online backup when attempting toend an online backup.Action: None. Online backup does not need to be ended for this tablespace.ORA-01143: cannot disable media recovery - file string needs media recoveryCause: An attempt to disable media recovery found a file that needs mediarecovery, thus media recovery cannot be disabled.Action: Recover the offending file or drop the tablespace it belongs to and retrythis command.ORA-01144: File size (string blocks) exceeds maximum of string blocksCause: Specified file size is larger than maximum allowable size value.Action: Specify a smaller size.ORA-01145: offline immediate disallowed unless media recovery enabledCause: ALTER TABLESPACE ... OFFLINE IMMEDIATE or ALTER DATABASEDATAFILE ... OFFLINE is only allowed if database is in ARCHIVELOG mode.Action: Take tablespace offline normally or shutdown abort. Reconsider yourbackup strategy. You could do this if you were archiving your logs.ORA-01146: cannot start online backup - file string is already in backupCause: When starting an online backup it was noticed that an online backup wasalready started for one of the data files.Action: End the first backup before beginning another.ORA-01147: SYSTEM tablespace file string is offlineCause: A file belonging to the SYSTEM tablespace has been marked offline by theDBA.The database cannot be started until all SYSTEM tablespace files are onlineand openable.Action: Bring the file online.ORA-01148: cannot refresh file size for datafile stringCause: An operating system or device error occurred when retrieving the file'ssize. The device on which the file resides may have been offline.Action: Restore access to the device.ORA-01149: cannot shutdown - file string has online backup setCause: An attempt to shutdown normally found that an online backup is still inprogress.Action: End the backup of the offending tablespace and retry this command.ORA-01150: cannot prevent writes - file string has online backup set3-14 Oracle Database Error MessagesCause: An attempt to make a tablespace read only or offline normal found that anonline backup is still in progress. It will be necessary to write the file header to endthe backup, but that would not be allowed if this command succeeded.Action: End the backup of the offending tablespace and retry this command.ORA-01151: use media recovery to recover block, restore backup if neededCause: Error 1172 occurred.Action: This is additional information for error 1172.ORA-01152: file string was not restored from a sufficiently old backupCause: An incomplete recovery session was started, but an insufficient number oflogs were applied to make the database consistent. This file is still in the future ofthe last log applied. The most likely cause of this error is forgetting to restore thefile from a backup before doing incomplete recovery.Action: Either apply more logs until the database is consistent or restore thedatabase file from an older backup and repeat recovery.ORA-01153: an incompatible media recovery is activeCause: Attempted to start an incompatible media recovery or open resetlogsduring media recovery or RMAN backup . Media recovery sessions areincompatible if they attempt to recover the same data file. Incomplete mediarecovery or open resetlogs is incompatible with any media recovery. Backup orrestore by RMAN is incompatible with open resetlogsAction: Complete or cancel the other media recovery session or RMAN backupORA-01154: database busy. Open, close, mount, and dismount not allowed nowCause: Some operation is in progress that expects the opened/mounted state ofthis instance to remain the same.Action: Wait for the operation to complete then retry. If attempting to do ashutdown, SHUTDOWN ABORT will work. If this is a shutdown of a standbydatabase that is operating in NO DATA LOSS mode, you must shutdown theprimary database first.ORA-01155: the database is being opened, closed, mounted or dismountedCause: The requested operation needs the instance to be in a particular state butthe state is being changed.Action: Wait for the open, close, mount, or dismount to complete then retry theoperation. If necessary, a SHUTDOWN ABORT will always work.ORA-01156: recovery or flashback in progress may need access to filesCause: Either media recovery, instance recovery, or flashback was in progress. Therecovery or flashback in progress may need the files to which this operation isbeing applied.Action: Wait for recovery or flashback to complete.ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file string - see DBWR trace fileCause: The background process was either unable to find one of the data files orfailed to lock it because the file was already in use. The database will prohibitaccess to this file but other files will be unaffected. However the first instance toopen the database will need to access all online data files. Accompanying errorfrom the operating system describes why the file could not be identified.Action: Have operating system make file available to database. Then either openthe database or do ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES.ORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-15ORA-01158: database string already mountedCause: Another instance has a database by this name mounted.Action: Find which instance is still running. Perhaps you have not lost the controlfiles after all.ORA-01159: file is not from same database as previous files - wrong database idCause: Not all of the files specified in CREATE CONTROLFILE are from the samedatabase. The database ID of this file does not match that from the first filespecified.Action: Please double check the list of files provided to the CREATEORA-01160: file is not a stringCause: The named file in the DATAFILE or LOGFILE section of the CREATECONTROLFILE command does not appear to be as stated.Action: Please double check the mentioned file.ORA-01161: Database name string in the file header does not match string in theDATABASE clause.Cause: The database name provided in the DATABASE clause did not match thedatabase name found in the file header.Action: Ensure consistency of database names. Use the SET DATABASE clause ifyou are renaming the database.ORA-01162: block size string in file header does not match configured block sizesCause: CREATE CONTROLFILE discovered that the block size for this file isincompatible with any of the configured cache blocksizes in the INIT.ORA file.Action: Configure the appropriate cache for this block size using one of thevarious (db_2k_cache_size, db_4k_cache_size, db_8k_cache_size, db_16k_cache_size, db_32K_cache_size) parameters.ORA-01163: SIZE clause indicates string (blocks), but should match header stringCause: The size specified in bytes in the SIZE clause of the CREATECONTROLFILE statement does not equate to the number of blocks recorded in theheader.Action: Specify the correct filename and size ( in bytes ).ORA-01164: MAXLOGFILES may not exceed stringCause: MAXLOGFILES specified on the command line too large.Action: Resubmit the command with a smaller MAXLOGFILESORA-01165: MAXDATAFILES may not exceed stringCause: MAXDATAFILES specified on the command line too large.Action: Resubmit the command with a smaller MAXDATAFILESORA-01166: file number string is larger than string (string)Cause: File mentioned in CREATE CONTROLFILE has a file number which islarger than that specified for MAXDATAFILES or MAXLOGFILES.Action: Increase the maximum specified on the command line.ORA-01167: two files are the same file/group number or the same fileCause: There is an overlap of file numbers in the files specified on the commandline or the same file is specified twice. If they are not the exact same file then one is3-16 Oracle Database Error Messageslikely to be a backup of the other. If they are two members of the same log theymust be specified together in a group file spec. This message will also appear if thesame control file appears more than once in the control_files parameter in theinit.ora file. If this happens, check for additional error messages.Action: Confirm that the file mentioned is not a repeat of a file already mentionedin the command. If they are different files then omit the earlier backup. If they aremembers of the same log, insure they are in the same group file specification. Ifthis message appears because of a duplicate control file, check the control_filesparameter in the init.ora file and see if a file is specified more than once. If all filesnames appear to be unique, check to make sure that the actual control filesthemselves are unique. For example, in UNIX check for a symbolic or a hard linkto another control file in the list.ORA-01168: physical block size string does not match size string of other membersCause: The file is located on a device with a different physical block size than theother members in the groupAction: Use a physical device with matching block size.ORA-01169: DATAFILE number 1 not found. Must be presentCause: Datafile number 1 was not specified in a CREATE CONTROLFILEcommand.Action: Locate datafile number 1 and resubmit the CREATE CONTROLFILEcommand.ORA-01170: file not found 'string'Cause: ALL datafiles and, if NORESETLOGS, ALL logfiles MUST be accessible bythe process for CREATE CONTROLFILE.Action: The file specified probably contains a typing error. Double checkcommand and the existance of all files and then resubmit.ORA-01171: datafile string going offline due to error advancing checkpointCause: The checkpoint in the file header could not be advanced. Seeaccompanying errors for the reason. The datafile will be taken offline the same asfor a write error of a data block.Action: See accompanying errors for details. Restore access to the file, do mediarecovery, and bring it back online.ORA-01172: recovery of thread string stuck at block string of file stringCause: Crash recovery or instance recovery could not apply a change to a blockbecause it was not the next change. This can happen if the block was corruptedand then repaired during recovery.Action: Do a RECOVER DATAFILE for the file containing the block. If this doesnot resolve the problem then restore the file from a backup and recover it.ORA-01173: data dictionary indicates missing data file from system tablespaceCause: Either the database has been recovered to a point in time in the future ofthe control file or a datafile from the system tablespace was omitted from thecreate control file command previously issued.Action: For the former problem you need to recover the database from a morerecent control file.For the latter problem, simply recreate the control file checkingto be sure that you include all the datafiles in the system tablespace.ORA-01174: DB_FILES is string buts needs to be string to be compatibleORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-17Cause: The maximum number of database files supported by this instance is notthe same as for the other instances. All instances must be able to open all the filesany instance can open.Action: Change the value of the DB_FILES parameter to be compatibleORA-01175: data dictionary has more than the string files allowed by the instanceCause: The data dictionary is found to have more files than that which can besupported by this instance.Action: Shutdown the instance and restart with a larger number of db_filesORA-01176: data dictionary has more than the string files allowed by the controlfileCause: After a CREATE CONTROLFILE, the data dictionary was found to havemore data files than that supported by the control file.Action: Re-create the control file with a larger MAXDATAFILES.ORA-01177: data file does not match dictionary - probably old incarnationCause: When comparing the control file with the data dictionary after a CREATECONTROLFILE or OPEN RESETLOGS, it was noted that this datafile wasinconsistent with the dictionary. Most likely the file is a backup of a file that wasdropped from the database, and the same file number was reused for a new file. Itmay also be that an incomplete recovery stopped at a time when this file numberwas used for another datafile.Action: Do a CREATE CONTROLFILE with the correct file or none at all.ORA-01178: file string created before last CREATE CONTROLFILE, cannot recreateCause: Attempted to use ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE to recreate adatafile that existed at the last CREATE CONTROLFILE command. Theinformation needed to recreate the file was lost with the control file that existedwhen the file was added to the database.Action: Find a backup of the file, and recover it. Do incomplete recovery to timebefore file was originally created.ORA-01179: file string does not existCause: During datafile recovery, a file was listed which was not part for thedatabase.Action: Recheck the datafile name. Remember to use double quotes at theSQLDBA command line and remember that the file name is translated in theenvironment of the SQLDBA.ORA-01180: can not create datafile 1Cause: Attempting to create datafile 1 using ALTER DATABASE CREATEDATAFILE.Action: Recover file from a backup or recreate database.ORA-01181: file string created before last known RESETLOGS, cannot recreateCause: Attempted to use ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE to recreate adatafile that existed before the last known RESETLOGS.Action: Find a backup of the file, and recover it. Do incomplete recovery to timebefore file was originally created.ORA-01182: cannot create database file string - file is in use or recoveryCause: Attempted to use ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE to recreate adatafile that is online in an open instance or is being recovered.3-18 Oracle Database Error MessagesAction: Close database in all instances and end all recovery sessionsORA-01183: cannot mount database in SHARED modeCause: Some other instance has the database mounted exclusive.Action: Shutdown other instance then mount shared.ORA-01184: logfile group string already existsCause: An ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE command specified a log numberfor the new log which is already in use.Action: Specify a different logfile number, or let the database choose an unusedvalue.ORA-01185: logfile group number string is invalidCause: An ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE command specified a log numberfor the new log which is too large.Action: Specify a correct logfile number.ORA-01186: file string failed verification testsCause: The data file did not pass the checks to insure it is part of the database. Seethe accompanying error messages for the reason the verification failed.Action: Make the correct file available to the database. Then, either open thedatabase, or execute ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES.ORA-01187: cannot read from file string because it failed verification testsCause: The data file did not pass the checks to insure it is part of the database.Reads are not allowed until it is verified.Action: Make the correct file available to the database. Then, either open thedatabase, or execute ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES.ORA-01188: The block size specified string does not match header block size stringCause: The block size specified in the BLOCKSIZE clause of the CREATECONTROLFILE statement does not equate to the block size recorded in the log fileheader.Action: Specify the correct block size.ORA-01189: file is from a different RESETLOGS than previous filesCause: In a CREATE CONTROLFILE command either this file or all previous fileswere backups from before the last RESETLOGS. This may also occur if this is a filethat is offline and has been offline since before the last RESETLOGS.Action: If the file was taken offline normal before the last RESETLOGS, and is stilloffline, omit it from the CREATE CONTROLFILE command. Rename and onlinethe file after the database is open. Otherwise find the version of the mentioned fileconsistent with the rest of the datafiles and resubmit the command.ORA-01190: control file or data file string is from before the last RESETLOGSCause: Attempting to use a data file when the log reset information in the filedoes not match the control file. Either the data file or the control file is a backupthat was made before the most recent ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS.Action: Restore file from a more recent backup.ORA-01191: file string is already offline - cannot do a normal offlineCause: When attempting to do a normal tablespace offline it was discovered thatone of the files in the tablespace was already offline.ORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-19Action: Either bring the datafile online first, or use another tablespace offlineoption.ORA-01192: must have at least one enabled threadCause: You must specify at least two logfiles from at least one thread at the createcontolfile command line.Action: Find the missing logfiles and resubmit the command with the newlyfound logfiles included in the command line.ORA-01193: file string is not the same file seen at start of recoveryCause: A different copy of the file was accessed the last time media recoverylooked at the file header. A backup of the file was restored or the meaning of thefile name changed during recovery.Action: Ensure the correct file is available, then retry recovery.ORA-01194: file string needs more recovery to be consistentCause: An incomplete recovery session was started, but an insufficient number oflogs were applied to make the file consistent. The reported file was not closedcleanly when it was last opened by the database. It must be recovered to a timewhen it was not being updated. The most likely cause of this error is forgetting torestore the file from a backup before doing incomplete recovery.Action: Either apply more logs until the file is consistent or restore the file from anolder backup and repeat recovery.ORA-01195: online backup of file string needs more recovery to be consistentCause: An incomplete recovery session was started, but an insufficient number oflogs were applied to make the file consistent. The reported file is an online backupwhich must be recovered to the time the backup ended.Action: Either apply more logs until the file is consistent or restore the databasefiles from an older backup and repeat recovery.ORA-01196: file string is inconsistent due to a failed media recovery sessionCause: The file was being recovered but the recovery did not terminate normally.This left the file in an inconsistent state. No more recovery was successfullycompleted on this file.Action: Either apply more logs until the file is consistent or restore the backupagain and repeat recovery.ORA-01197: thread string only contains one logCause: During CREATE CONTROLFILE all threads represented in the logs mustbe represented by at least two logs. A "last log" and a second log. The namedthread does not contain two such logs.Action: Either find more logs from the named thread. Or use the RESETLOGSoption to CREATE CONTROLFILE.ORA-01198: must specify size for log file if RESETLOGSCause: File sizes must be given for all logfiles if doing a CREATE CONTROLFILEwith the RESETLOGS option.Action: Resubmit the command with the appropriate logfile size.ORA-01199: file string is not in online backup modeCause: Attempting to end an online backup for a file that is not in online backup.Action: Do not enter command since it is not needed.3-20 Oracle Database Error MessagesORA-01200: actual file size of string is smaller than correct size of string blocksCause: The size of the file as returned by the operating system is smaller than thesize of the file as indicated in the file header and the control file. Somehow the filehas been truncated. Maybe it is the result of a half completed copy.Action: Restore a good copy of the data file and do recovery as needed.ORA-01201: file string header failed to write correctlyCause: An I/O error was reported for the file header. The error was trapped and asecond attempt will be made.Action: The file probably will require recovery. Further error messages willindicate what is needed.ORA-01202: wrong incarnation of this file - wrong creation timeCause: The creation time in the file header is not the same as the creation time inthe control file. This is probably a copy of a file that was dropped.Action: Restore a current copy of the data file and do recovery as needed.ORA-01203: wrong incarnation of this file - wrong creation SCNCause: The creation SCN in the file header is not the same as the creation SCN inthe control file. This is probably a copy of a file that was dropped.Action: Restore a current copy of the data file and do recovery as needed.ORA-01204: file number is string rather than string - wrong fileCause: The file number in the file header is not correct. This is probably a restoredbackup of the wrong file, but from the same database.Action: Restore a copy of the correct data file and do recovery as needed.ORA-01205: not a data file - type number in header is stringCause: The file type in the header is not correct for a data file. This is probably alog file or control file. If the type is not a small non-zero positive number then theheader is corrupted.Action: Restore a copy of the correct data file and do recovery as needed.ORA-01206: file is not part of this database - wrong database idCause: The database ID in the file header does not match the database id in thecontrol file. The file may be from a different database, or it may not be a databasefile at all. If the database was rebuilt, this may be a file from before the rebuild.Note that if you see this error when the file is supposed to be plugged in fromanother database via the Transportable Tablespace feature, it means the databaseID in the file header does not match the one expected.Action: Restore a copy of the correct data file and do recovery as needed.ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file - old control fileCause: The control file change sequence number in the data file is greater than thenumber in the control file. This implies that the wrong control file is being used.Note that repeatedly causing this error can make it stop happening withoutcorrecting the real problem. Every attempt to open the database will advance thecontrol file change sequence number until it is great enough.Action: Use the current control file or do backup control file recovery to make thecontrol file current. Be sure to follow all restrictions on doing a backup control filerecovery.ORA-01208: data file is an old version - not accessing current versionORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-21Cause: The checkpoint in the file header is less recent than in the control file. Ifopening a database that is already open by another instance, or if another instancejust brought this file online, the file accessed by this instance is probably a differentversion. Otherwise, a backup of the file probably was restored while the file was inuse.Action: Make the correct file available to the database. Then, either open thedatabase, or execute ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES.ORA-01209: data file is from before the last RESETLOGSCause: The reset log data in the file header does not match the control file. If thedatabase is closed or the file is offline, the backup is old because it was takenbefore the last ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS command. If opening adatabase that is open already by another instance, or if another instance justbrought this file online, the file accessed by this instance is probably a differentversion. Otherwise, a backup of the file probably was restored while the file was inuse.Action: Make the correct file available to the database. Then, either open thedatabase, or execute ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES.ORA-01210: data file header is media corruptCause: The file header block is internally inconsistent. The beginning of the blockhas a header with a checksum and other data for insuring the consistancy of theblock. It is possible that the last disk write did not operate correctly. The mostlikely problem is that this is not a datafile for any database.Action: Have operating system make correct file available to database. If the tracefile dump indicates that only the checksum is wrong, restore from a backup anddo media recovery.ORA-01211: Oracle7 data file is not from migration to Oracle8Cause: The file is not a copy of the file LAST used under Oracle7. This datafile iseither a backup taken from before the migration, or the database was opened byOracle7 after the migration utility was run. When converting a database fromOracle7 to Oracle8, the migration program MUST be the LAST utility to access thedatabase under Oracle7. Only the datafiles that were current when the migrationwas done may be accessed by Oracle8.Action: Have operating system make correct data file available to database, orrepeat the Oracle7 to Oracle8 migration. Make sure that database is NOT openedafter migration utility is run.ORA-01212: MAXLOGMEMBERS may not exceed stringCause: MAXLOGMEMBERS specified on the command line too large.Action: Resubmit the command with a smaller MAXLOGMEMBERSORA-01213: MAXINSTANCES may not exceed stringCause: MAXINSTANCES specified on the command line too large.Action: Resubmit the command with a smaller MAXINSTANCESORA-01214: MAXLOGHISTORY may not exceed stringCause: MAXLOGHISTORY specified on the command line too large.Action: Resubmit the command with a smaller MAXLOGHISTORYORA-01215: enabled thread string is missing after CREATE CONTROLFILE3-22 Oracle Database Error MessagesCause: A CREATE CONTROLFILE statement was given which did not list all theenabled threads for the database.Action: Reissue the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement, including all enabledthreads.ORA-01216: thread string is expected to be disabled after CREATE CONTROLFILECause: A thread that was given during CREATE CONTROLFILE is enabled, butthe datafiles indicate that it should be disabled. This is probably because the logssupplied to the CREATE CONTROLFILE are old (from before the disabling of thethread).Action: This thread is not required to run the database. The CREATECONTROLFILE statement can be reissued without the problem thread, and, ifdesired, the thread can be recreated after the database is open.ORA-01217: logfile member belongs to a different logfile groupCause: A member of a multiple-member logfile group specified in a CREATECONTROLFILE is not part of the same group as previous members.Action: Group together the correct members for the CREATE CONTROLFILEcommand.ORA-01218: logfile member is not from the same point-in-timeCause: A member of a multiple-member logfile group is from a different point intime. One of the members specified may be an older (backup) copy of the log.Action: Find the correct version of the log, or leave it out of the CREATECONTROLFILE command.ORA-01219: database or pluggable database not open: queries allowed on fixedtables or views onlyCause: A query was issued against an object not recognized as a fixed table orfixed view before the database or pluggable database has been opened.Action: Re-phrase the query to include only fixed objects, or open the database orpluggable database.ORA-01220: file based sort illegal before database is openCause: A query issued against a fixed table or view required a temporary segmentfor sorting before the database was open. Only in-memory sorts are supportedbefore the database is open.Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid a large sort, increase the values of theSORT_AREA_SIZE and/or SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE initializationparameters to enable the sort to be done in memory.ORA-01221: data file string is not the same file to a background processCause: When the database writer opens the data file, it is accessing a differentphysical file than the foreground doing the recovery. The timestamp set in the fileheader by the foreground was not found by the background. It may be that thebackground process could not read the file at all.Action: Look in the DBWR trace file for the error it recieved when attempting toread the file header. Reconfigure the operating system as needed to have the filename successfully access the same file when opened by a background process.ORA-01222: MAXINSTANCES of string requires MAXLOGFILES be at least string,not stringORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-23Cause: Attemping to create a database or control file that does not have room forat least two logs per thread of redo. A thread of redo must have two online logs inorder to be enabled. It does not make sense to allow more redo threads than can besupported by the logs.Action: Either reduce the MAXINSTANCES argument or increaseMAXLOGFILES.ORA-01223: RESETLOGS must be specified to set a new database nameCause: The SET database name option was specified to CREATE CONTROLFILE,but RESETLOGS was not specified. The database name can only be changed whenopening the database with RESETLOGS.Action: Either add the RESETLOGS option or drop the SET option to CREATECONTROLFILE.ORA-01224: group number in header string does not match GROUP stringCause: Group number specified at CREATE CONTROLFILE does not match thegroup number stored in the header. Most likely the specification is wrong.Action: Omit the GROUP option or give the correct one.ORA-01225: thread number string is greater than MAXINSTANCES stringCause: The log is for a thread greater than the MAXINSTANCES argument.Action: Increase the value for MAXINSTANCES and resubmit the command.ORA-01226: file header of log member is inconsistent with other membersCause: The log file member in the accompanying error is for the same group asthe previous members, but other fields in the header are different. Either a fileheader is corrupted, or some file is a member of a deleted log.Action: Find the correct log member or omit this member from the command.ORA-01227: log string is inconsistent with other logsCause: The log file in the accompanying error is inconsistent with the contents ofother logs given in the CREATE CONTROLFILE command. Either a file header iscorrupted, or some file is an old copy rather than the current version. The problemmay not be with the log listed since all that can be detected is that there is aninconsistancy. All log files listed in the command must be the current versions ofthe online logs.Action: Find the correct online logs or use the RESETLOGS option.ORA-01228: SET DATABASE option required to install seed databaseCause: The SET DATABASE option was not included in the CREATECONTROLFILE command when installing a seed database. The database does nothave a database ID because it is intended to be installed at multiple sites, and eachsite needs to be a different database with its own database id. Both the SETDATABASE and RESETLOGS options must be specified to create the control filefor this database.Action: Resubmit command with the SET DATABASE and RESETLOGS options.ORA-01229: data file string is inconsistent with logsCause: The data file in the accompanying error is inconsistent with the contents ofthe logs given in the CREATE CONTROLFILE command. The most likely cause isthat one or more of the online logs was missing from the command. It is alsopossible that one or more of the logs is an old copy rather than the current version.3-24 Oracle Database Error MessagesAll online log files must be listed in the command and must be the currentversions of the online logs.Action: Find the correct online logs or use the RESETLOGS option.ORA-01230: cannot make read only - file string is offlineCause: An attempt to make a tablespace read only found that one of its files isoffline.Action: Bring the file online and retry this command.ORA-01231: cannot make read write - file string is offlineCause: An attempt to make a tablespace read write found that one of its files isoffline.Action: Bring the file online and retry this command.ORA-01232: cannot start online backup - file string is being made read-onlyCause: An attempt to start an online backup found that one of the files is intransition to read-only mode.Action: Wait for the transition to complete and then retry the command, if this isan ALTER DATABASE BEGIN BACKUP command, or take the backup withoutany begin or end commands, if this is an ALTER TABLESPACE BEGIN BACKUPcommand.ORA-01233: file string is read only - cannot recover using backup control fileCause: An attempt to do media recovery using a backup control file found thatone of the files is marked read only. Read only files do not normally need to berecovered, but recovery with a backup control file must recover all online files.Action: If the file really is read only, take it offline before the recovery, and bringthe read only tablespace online after the database is open. If the file does needrecovery use a control file from the time the file was read-write. If the correctcontrol file is not available, use CREATE CONTROLFILE to make one.ORA-01234: cannot end backup of file string - file is in use or recoveryCause: Attempted to end an online backup of file when the file is busy. Someoperation such as recovery or rename may be active, or there may still be someinstance that has the database open with this file online.Action: If there is an instance with the database open then the backup can beended there by using the ALTER TABLESPACE command. Otherwise wait for thecompletion of the other operation.ORA-01235: END BACKUP failed for string file(s) and succeeded for stringCause: One or more of the files in an end backup command failed. Some otherfiles given in the same command may have succeeded.Action: See the accompanying error messages for the reason the backups couldnot be ended. Any files not listed in the error messages were successful.ORA-01236: Error string occurred during initialization of file header accessCause: The indicated error occurred while doing initialization processing of fileheaders.Action: The error indicated should be corrected. An attempt is made to recoverfrom this error by using a slower access algorithm.ORA-01237: cannot extend datafile stringCause: An operating system error occurred during the resize.ORA-00910 to ORA-01497 3-25Action: Fix the cause of the operating system error and retry the command.ORA-01238: cannot shrink datafile stringCause: An operating system error occurred during the resize.Action: The error is ignored, operation continues normally.ORA-01239: database must be in ARCHIVELOG mode to use external cacheCause: An online file uses an external cache, but the database is inNOARCHIVELOG mode. Since an external cache may require media recovery thiscan not be allowed.Action: Change database to be in ARCHIVELOG mode or do not use an externalcache.ORA-01240: too many data files to add in one commandCause: The command specifies adding more data files than can be done in onecommand. It is necessary to fit all the file names into one log entry, but that wouldmake the entry too large.Action: If this is a CREATE TABLESPACE command, create with fewer files thenadd the other files later. If this is an ADD DATAFILE command, break it up intomultiple commands.ORA-01241: an external cache has diedCause: The external cache may have been restarted.Action: Take the file mentioned in the error stack offline, perform media recovery,bring the file online, and retry the attempted operation. You may also restart allinstances to make sure they access all data files through consistent external caches.ORA-01242: data file suffered media failure: database in NOARCHIVELOG modeCause: The database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode and a database file wasdetected as inaccessible due to media failure.Action: Restore accessibility to the file mentioned in the error stack and restart theinstance.ORA-01243: system tablespace file suffered media failureCause: A system tablespace file was detected as inaccessible due to media failure.Action: Restore accessibility to the file mentioned in the error stack and restart theinstance.ORA-01244: unnamed datafile(s) added to control file by media recoveryCause: Media recovery with a backup control file or a control file that was rebuilt,encountered the creation of a datafile that was not in the control file. An entry hasbeen added to the control file for the new datafiles, but with the file nameUNNAMEDnnnn, where nnnn is the file number. Attached errors describe the filenames that were originally used to create the files.Action: Rename the files to valid file names and resume recovery. If necessary thecommand ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE may be used to create a filesuitable for recovery and do the rename. If the file is not going to be recoveredthen take it offline with the FOR DROP option.ORA-01245: offline file string will be lost if RESETLOGS is doneCause: Attempting to do an OPEN RESETLOGS with a file that will be lostbecause it is offline. The file was not taken offline with the FOR DROP option.3-26 Oracle Database Error MessagesAction: Either bring the file online and recover it, or take it offline with the FORDROP option.ORA-01246: recovering files through TSPITR of tablespace stringCause: The files named in the accompanying errors are backups that were madebefore a tablespace point in time recovery of this tablespace. They cannot berecovered to a time after the point in time recovery.Action: Restore more recent backups and recover them.ORA-01247: database recovery through TSPITR of tablespace stringCause: Recovery of the whole database encountered redo indicating there was apoint in time recovery of the tablespace. The new version of the files in thetablespace should be included in the recovery, but that was not done.Action: If the tablespace should not be recovered, take its file offline for drop. If itshould be recovered, then restore or rename as needed and restart the recovery.ORA-01248: file string was created in the future of incomplete recoveryCause: Attempting to do a RESETLOGS open with a file entry in the control filethat was originally created after the UNTIL time of the incomplete recovery.Allowing such an entry may hide the version of the file that is needed at this time.The file number may be