1. 程式人生 > >非確定有限狀態自動機的構建-NFA的定義和實現



非確定有限狀態自動機(Nondeterministic Finite Automata,NFA)由以下元素組成:

  1. 一個有限的狀態集合S
  2. 一個輸入符號集合Sigma,並且架設空字元epsilon不屬於Sigma
  3. 一個狀態遷移函式,對於所給的每一個狀態和每一個屬於Sigma或{epsilon}的符號,輸出遷移狀態的集合。
  4. 一個S中的狀態s0作為開始狀態(初始狀態)
  5. S的一個子集F,作為接受狀態(結束狀態)
  1. S={s0, s1, s2, s3, s4}
  2. Sigma={a, b}
  3. 狀態遷移函式T,且T(s0, a} = {s1}, T(s1, a) = {s2}, T(s2, b) = {s3}, T(s3, b) = {s4}
  4. s0為開始狀態
  5. {s4}為接受狀態
這樣我們就得到一個很簡單的NFA,它可以用圖來表示,如下圖圖1: NFA是一個識別器,例如圖1所示的NFA,我們從狀態s0開始,按順序輸入aabb,在輸入第一個符號a之後,狀態將從s0遷移到s1,輸入第二個符號a之後,狀態遷移到s2,輸入第三個符號b之後,狀態遷移到s3,輸入第四個符號b之後,狀態遷移到s4,而s4是接收狀態,也就是說對我們剛才輸入的aabb字串說yes,表明本NFA識別了所輸入的字串。 所謂非確定,是指在某個狀態輸入同一個符號,狀態可以遷移到不同的下一個狀態,例如圖2,在s0處輸入字元a,狀態既可以遷移為s1,也可以遷移為s3,準確的說是狀態遷移到了{s1,s3},因此圖2所示的NFA能夠接受的字串包括aa和ab。 另外,NFA的特點還在於空符號也能進行狀態遷移,例如圖3的s0,不需要任何輸入字元就可以遷移到s1,因此圖3的NFA可以識別的語言為*a*b,即0到任意多個a,接著0到任意多個b。
    This file is one of the component a Context-free Grammar Parser Generator,
    which accept a piece of text as the input, and generates a parser
    for the inputted context-free grammar.
    Copyright (C) 2013, Junbiao Pan (Email: 
[email protected]
) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package automata; import java.util.*; public class NFAState implements Comparable<NFAState> { private static int COUNT = 0; //狀態標識,每個NFA狀態節點都有唯一的數值標識 private int id; public int getId() { return this.id; } //在建立NFA狀態物件的時候,通過靜態變數生成唯一標識 public NFAState() { this.id = COUNT ++; } //遷移函式,由於遷移函式需要兩個輸入:當前狀態和輸入符號,因此在一個狀態物件內部, //遷移函式都是針對本物件的,只需要輸入符號就可以了,這裡通過Map介面實現遷移函式 protected Map<Integer, Set<NFAState>> transition = new HashMap<Integer, Set<NFAState>>(); public Map<Integer, Set<NFAState>> getTransition() { return this.transition; } //空字元遷移函式,即從當前節點經過空字元輸入所能夠到達的下一個狀態節點 protected Set<NFAState> epsilonTransition = new HashSet<NFAState>(); public Set<NFAState> getEpsilonTransition() { return this.epsilonTransition; } //向遷移函式新增一個對映,不給定下一個狀態節點 public NFAState addTransit(int input) { return addTransit(input, new NFAState()); } //向遷移函式新增一個對映,給定下一個狀態節點 public NFAState addTransit(int input, NFAState next) { Set<NFAState> states = this.transition.get(input); if (states == null) { states = new HashSet<NFAState>(); this.transition.put(input, states); } states.add(next); return next; } //向遷移函式新增一個對映,不給定下一個狀態節點 public NFAState addTransit(char input) { return addTransit(input, new NFAState()); } //向遷移函式新增一個對映,給定下一個狀態節點 //假定我們的上下文無關文法是大小寫不敏感的,當輸入字元是char型別並且是字母時, //生成大寫字母和小寫字母兩個對映 public NFAState addTransit(char input, NFAState next) { if (Character.isLetter(input)) { this.addTransit((int) (Character.toUpperCase(input)), next); this.addTransit((int)(Character.toLowerCase(input)), next); return next; } this.addTransit((int)input, next); return next; } //新增一個空字元的對映 public NFAState addTransit(NFAState next) { this.epsilonTransition.add(next); return next; } //返回遷移函式 public Set<NFAState> getTransition(int input) { return this.transition.get(input); } }
    This file is one of the component a Context-free Grammar Parser Generator,
    which accept a piece of text as the input, and generates a parser
    for the inputted context-free grammar.
    Copyright (C) 2013, Junbiao Pan (Email: [email protected])

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package automata;

import java.util.*;

import abnf.CharVal;
import abnf.NumVal;
import abnf.AbnfParser;
import abnf.RangedNumVal;
import abnf.Repeat;
import abnf.Repetition;
import abnf.Rule;
import abnf.RuleName;

public class NFA {
    private NFAState startState = null;
    public NFAState getStartState() { return startState; }

    private Set<NFAState> acceptingStates = new HashSet<NFAState>();
    public Set<NFAState> getAcceptingStates() { return acceptingStates; }
    public boolean accept(NFAState state) {
        return this.acceptingStates.contains(state);
    public void addAcceptingState(NFAState state) {

    public NFA() {
        this(new NFAState(), new NFAState());

    public NFA(NFAState startState) {
        this(startState, new NFAState());

    public NFA(NFAState startState, NFAState acceptingState) {
        this.startState = startState;

    protected void getStateSet(NFAState current, Set<NFAState> states) {
        if (states.contains(current)) return;

        Iterator<NFAState> it;

        it = current.getNextStates().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            this.getStateSet(it.next(), states);

        it = current.getEpsilonTransition().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            this.getStateSet(it.next(), states);


    public Set<NFAState> getStateSet() {
        Set<NFAState> states = new HashSet<NFAState>();
        this.getStateSet(this.getStartState(), states);
        return states;

