1. 程式人生 > >Sequelize-nodejs-7-Associations



This section describes the various association types in sequelize. When calling a method such as User.hasOne(Project), we say that the User model (the model that the function is being invoked on) is the source and the Project model (the model being passed as an argument) is the target





One-To-One associations

One-To-One associations are associations between exactly two models connected by a single foreign key.




BelongsTo associations are associations where the foreign key for the one-to-one relation exists on the source model



A simple example would be a Player being part of a Team with the foreign key on the player.


const Player = this.sequelize.define('player', {/* attributes */});
const Team  = this.sequelize.define('team', {/*
attributes */}); Player.belongsTo(Team); // Will add a teamId attribute to Player to hold the primary key value for Team

Foreign keys(寫在來源模型中)

By default the foreign key for a belongsTo relation will be generated from the target model name and the target primary key name.


The default casing is camelCase however if the source model is configured with underscored: true the foreignKey will be snake_case.

命名格式預設為camelCase拼寫法(即類似myForeignKeys形式)。如果來源模型配置為underscored: true,那麼外來鍵將使用snake_case拼寫法(即類似my_foreign_keys

const User = this.sequelize.define('user', {/* attributes */})
const Company  = this.sequelize.define('company', {/* attributes */});

User.belongsTo(Company); // Will add companyId to user,外來鍵名命名為companyIdcamelCase

const User = this.sequelize.define('user', {/* attributes */}, {underscored: true})
const Company  = this.sequelize.define('company', {
  uuid: {
    type: Sequelize.UUID,
    primaryKey: true

User.belongsTo(Company); // Will add company_uuid to user,外來鍵名命名為company_uuidsnake_case

In cases where as has been defined it will be used in place of the target model name.


const User = this.sequelize.define('user', {/* attributes */})
const UserRole  = this.sequelize.define('userRole', {/* attributes */});

User.belongsTo(UserRole, {as: 'role'}); // Adds roleId to user rather than userRoleId

In all cases the default foreign key can be overwritten with the foreignKey option. When the foreign key option is used, Sequelize will use it as-is:


const User = this.sequelize.define('user', {/* attributes */})
const Company  = this.sequelize.define('company', {/* attributes */});

User.belongsTo(Company, {foreignKey: 'fk_company'}); // Adds fk_company to User


Target keys

The target key is the column on the target model that the foreign key column on the source model points to. By default the target key for a belongsTo relation will be the target model's primary key. To define a custom column, use the targetKey option.


const User = this.sequelize.define('user', {/* attributes */})
const Company  = this.sequelize.define('company', {/* attributes */});

User.belongsTo(Company, {foreignKey: 'fk_companyname', targetKey: 'name'}); // Adds fk_companyname to User




HasOne associations are associations where the foreign key for the one-to-one relation exists on the target model.


const User = sequelize.define('user', {/* ... */})
const Project = sequelize.define('project', {/* ... */})

// One-way associations




Project.hasOne(User, { foreignKey: 'initiator_id' })//這就是自己定義了外來鍵名


Project.hasOne(User, { as: 'Initiator' })

// 或者是定義一些自我引用
const Person = sequelize.define('person', { /* ... */})

Person.hasOne(Person, {as: 'Father'})
// 將會新增FatherId屬性給Person

// also possible:
Person.hasOne(Person, {as: 'Father', foreignKey: 'DadId'})


// 如果你需要連線一個表兩次,你可以連線兩次同一個表
Team.hasOne(Game, {as: 'HomeTeam', foreignKey : 'homeTeamId'});
Team.hasOne(Game, {as: 'AwayTeam', foreignKey : 'awayTeamId'});


Even though it is called a HasOne association, for most 1:1 relations you usually want the BelongsTo association since BelongsTo will add the foreignKey on the source where hasOne will add on the target.



Difference between HasOne and BelongsTo

In Sequelize 1:1 relationship can be set using HasOne and BelongsTo. They are suitable for different scenarios. Lets study this difference using an example.


Suppose we have two tables to link Player and Team. Lets define their models.


const Player = this.sequelize.define('player', {/* attributes */})
const Team  = this.sequelize.define('team', {/* attributes */});

When we link two models in Sequelize we can refer them as pairs of source and target models. Like this


Having Player as the source and Team as the target



Having Team as the source and Player as the target



HasOne and BelongsTo insert the association key in different models from each other. HasOne inserts the association key in target model whereas BelongsTo inserts the association key in the source model.


Here is an example demonstrating use cases of BelongsTo and HasOne.舉例說明

const Player = this.sequelize.define('player', {/* attributes */})
const Coach  = this.sequelize.define('coach', {/* attributes */})
const Team  = this.sequelize.define('team', {/* attributes */});

Suppose our Player model has information about its team as teamId column. Information about each Team's Coach is stored in the Team model as coachId column. These both scenarios requires different kind of 1:1 relation because foreign key relation is present on different models each time.


When information about association is present in source model we can use belongsTo. In this case Player is suitable for belongsTo because it has teamId column.


Player.belongsTo(Team)  // `teamId` will be added on Player / Source model

When information about association is present in target model we can use hasOne. In this case Coach is suitable for hasOne because Team model store information about its Coach as coachId field.


Coach.hasOne(Team)  // `coachId` will be added on Team / Target model




One-To-Many associations (hasMany)

One-To-Many associations are connecting one source with multiple targets. The targets however are again connected to exactly one specific source.


const User = sequelize.define('user', {/* ... */})
const Project = sequelize.define('project', {/* ... */})

// OK. Now things get more complicated (not really visible to the user :)).
// First let's define a hasMany association
Project.hasMany(User, {as: 'Workers'})

This will add the attribute projectId or project_id to User. Instances of Project will get the accessors getWorkers and setWorkers. 


Sometimes you may need to associate records on different columns, you may use sourceKey option:


const City = sequelize.define('city', { countryCode: Sequelize.STRING });
const Country = sequelize.define('country', { isoCode: Sequelize.STRING });

// Here we can connect countries and cities base on country code
Country.hasMany(City, {foreignKey: 'countryCode', sourceKey: 'isoCode'});
City.belongsTo(Country, {foreignKey: 'countryCode', targetKey: 'isoCode'});

So far we dealt with a one-way association. But we want more! Let's define it the other way around by creating a many to many association in the next section.





Belongs-To-Many associations

Belongs-To-Many associations are used to connect sources with multiple targets. Furthermore the targets can also have connections to multiple sources.


Project.belongsToMany(User, {through: 'UserProject'});
User.belongsToMany(Project, {through: 'UserProject'});

This will create a new model called UserProject with the equivalent foreign keys projectId and userId. Whether the attributes are camelcase or not depends on the two models joined by the table (in this case User and Project).


Defining through is required. Sequelize would previously attempt to autogenerate names but that would not always lead to the most logical setups.


This will add methods getUsers, setUsers, addUser,addUsers to Project, and getProjects, setProjects, addProject, and addProjects to User.

這將會新增方法getUsers, setUsers, addUser,addUsers給Project,並新增getProjects, setProjects, addProject, and addProjects方法給User

Sometimes you may want to rename your models when using them in associations. Let's define users as workers and projects as tasks by using the alias (as) option. We will also manually define the foreign keys to use:

有時當你在關聯時使用時,你可能想要重新命名你的模型。讓我們通過使用別名 (as)選項去將users定義成workers,projects定義成tasks。我們將相互定義外來鍵來使用:

User.belongsToMany(Project, { as: 'Tasks', through: 'worker_tasks', foreignKey: 'userId' })
Project.belongsToMany(User, { as: 'Workers', through: 'worker_tasks', foreignKey: 'projectId' })

foreignKey will allow you to set source model key in the through relation. otherKey will allow you to set target model key in the through relation.


User.belongsToMany(Project, { as: 'Tasks', through: 'worker_tasks', foreignKey: 'userId', otherKey: 'projectId'})

Of course you can also define self references with belongsToMany:


Person.belongsToMany(Person, { as: 'Children', through: 'PersonChildren' })
// This will create the table PersonChildren which stores the ids of the objects.

If you want additional attributes in your join table, you can define a model for the join table in sequelize, before you define the association, and then tell sequelize that it should use that model for joining, instead of creating a new one:


const User = sequelize.define('user', {})
const Project = sequelize.define('project', {})
const UserProjects = sequelize.define('userProjects', {
    status: DataTypes.STRING

User.belongsToMany(Project, { through: UserProjects })
Project.belongsToMany(User, { through: UserProjects })


To add a new project to a user and set its status, you pass extra options.through to the setter, which contains the attributes for the join table


user.addProject(project, { through: { status: 'started' }})

By default the code above will add projectId and userId to the UserProjects table, and remove any previously defined primary key attribute - the table will be uniquely identified by the combination of the keys of the two tables, and there is no reason to have other PK columns. To enforce a primary key on the UserProjects model you can add it manually.

預設上面的程式碼將會新增projectId 和userId到UserProjects表中,並移除任何以前定義的主鍵屬性-表將通過兩個表的連線唯一標明,這裡沒有理由還有別的PK列。為了加強UserProjects模型中的主鍵,你可以手動新增它:

const UserProjects = sequelize.define('userProjects', {
  id: {
    type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
    primaryKey: true,
    autoIncrement: true
  status: DataTypes.STRING

With Belongs-To-Many you can query based on through relation and select specific attributes. For example using findAll with through


  include: [{
    model: Project,
    through: {
      attributes: ['createdAt', 'startedAt', 'finishedAt'],
      where: {completed: true}

Belongs-To-Many creates a unique key when primary key is not present on through model. This unique key name can be overridden using uniqueKey option.


Project.belongsToMany(User, { through: UserProjects, uniqueKey: 'my_custom_unique' })





This section concerns association scopes. For a definition of association scopes vs. scopes on associated models, see Scopes.


Association scopes allow you to place a scope (a set of default attributes for get and create) on the association. Scopes can be placed both on the associated model (the target of the association), and on the through table for n:m relations.



Assume we have tables Comment, Post, and Image. A comment can be associated to either an image or a post via commentable_id and commentable - we say that Post and Image are Commentable

ImagePost相關聯- Post和 Image是Commentable

const Comment = this.sequelize.define('comment', {
  title: Sequelize.STRING,
  commentable: Sequelize.STRING,
  commentable_id: Sequelize.INTEGER

Comment.prototype.getItem = function(options) {
  return this['get' + this.get('commentable').substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + this.get('commentable').substr(1)](options);

Post.hasMany(this.Comment, {
  foreignKey: 'commentable_id',
  constraints: false,
  scope: {
    commentable: 'post'
Comment.belongsTo(this.Post, {
  foreignKey: 'commentable_id',
  constraints: false,
  as: 'post'

Image.hasMany(this.Comment, {
  foreignKey: 'commentable_id',
  constraints: false,
  scope: {
    commentable: 'image'
Comment.belongsTo(this.Image, {
  foreignKey: 'commentable_id',
  constraints: false,
  as: 'image'

constraints: false, disables references constraints - since the commentable_id column references several tables, we cannot add a REFERENCES constraint to it. Note that the Image -> Comment and Post -> Comment relations define a scope, commentable: 'image' and commentable: 'post' respectively. This scope is automatically applied when using the association functions:

constraints: false阻止引用限制-當commentable_id列引用多個表,我們將不能夠新增REFERENCES限制給它。注意, Image -> Comment 和 Post -> Comment的關係定義了作用域,分別為commentable: 'image' commentable: 'post'

SELECT * FROM comments WHERE commentable_id = 42 AND commentable = 'image';

  title: 'Awesome!'
INSERT INTO comments (title, commentable_id, commentable) VALUES ('Awesome!', 42, 'image');

UPDATE comments SET commentable_id = 42, commentable = 'image'

The getItem utility function on Comment completes the picture - it simply converts the commentable string into a call to either getImage or getPost, providing an abstraction over whether a comment belongs to a post or an image. You can pass a normal options object as a parameter to getItem(options) to specify any where conditions or includes.

