1. 程式人生 > >英語面試常用口語900句




可以拿來形容自己的形容詞。除開我們都熟知的一些基本的詞彙可以用來形容自己,比如honest, reliable, trustworthy等,我們還可以運用一些高階詞彙


1. committed 投入的,堅決的

例句:I am committed to meeting deadlines. 我致力於在截止期限前完成工作。

例句:I am a committed and reliable person. 我是一個有承諾並且可信賴的人。

2. accomplished 在某方面很成功,造詣很高

例句:I am highly accomplished in interpreting.


3. advanced 精通的,高階的

例句:I am an advanced English speaker. 我是一個精通英語的人。

例句:I have advanced skill in presentation. 我在演講方面的能力很高。

4. Something-oriented 以。。為嚮導的

detail-oriented 注重細節, people-oriented 以人為本。

例句:I am seeking for a company that is people-oriented. 我在尋找一個以人為本的公司。

例句:I am seeking for a company that is stuff-oriented.


例句:I am a big picture guy while I am also detail-oriented. 我是一個有大局觀的人,但同時我也是一個注重細節的人。

5. Client-oriented 以顧客為本/ Service-oriented 以服務為本

6. Something driven 表示受到的驅動或激勵

result driven, self driven, customer driven, performance driven, etc. 

例句:When I was working as a team leader, I created a result driven plan to achieve peak performance among my team members.



7. Problem solver 善於解決問題的人

8. Team player 善於團隊協作的人

9. Team leader 團隊領袖

10. Self-starter自我驅動 

例句:I am a team player. I can collaborate well with my teammates. 我是一個善於團隊協作的人,我可以和我的團隊成員合作得很好。

例句:I am a self-starter. I need only little supervision. 我是個自我驅動的人,我不太需要被監督。


11. determined 堅定的

例句:I am a determined person. 我是個堅定的人。

12. attentive 細心的

例句:I am an attentive person. 我是個細心的人

13. persistent 堅持的

14. dynamic 有活力的

15. versatile 多才多藝的

16. passionate/energetic/enthusiastic 充滿熱情的

17. diligent 勤奮的

18. motivated 積極的



19.Do you think you are introverted or extroverted


20.I am quite outgoingI think


21.I wouldn't call myself introverted though sometimes I'm reserved and enjoy staying all by myselfoften and often I like sharing activities with others


22.What kind of person do you think you are


23.What kind of people do you like to work with


24.What kind of people you find difficult to work with


25.How do you get along with others


26.I keep close contacts with my friends


27.We often get together and talk with each other



28.Which schools have you attended


29.I finished primary school in 1986and entered middle school that septemberi graduated from high school  in july of 1992 and then i entered beijing university


30.What's your major in university


31.EconomicsI'm especially interested in“economic  development of china”


32.what are your major and minor subjects


33.My major subject is economics and my minor  subject is eng-lish


34.What course do you like best


35.I was very interested in business managementand I think it's very useful for my present work



36.Have you got any experience in advertising


37.Do you have any sales experience


38.Do you have any practical experience as a  secretary


39.Yesi have been working in the public relations  section of a company in the past two years


40.YesI worked in a fashion shop last summer as  part-time salesgirl




41.I am someone who can adapt to any situation. 


42.I find opportunitieswhere other people see none


43.When could you start working?


44.Would you be able to start to work for us next month?


45.If hired, when could you start work?


46.I'd like to begin to woik any time you want.


47.We'll notify you as soon as possible. When can you start working if we decide to use you? 


48.I can unite people around a vision andmotivate a team to excellence.


49.I endeavour to deliver high-quality work on time, every time. Hiring me is the only real guarantee for results.


50.We are happy to have you with us. When could you start working?


51.I was responsible for several projects where I directed development teams. 



52.I like people who possess the "can do" spirit.


53.What do you look for in the job?


54.What advantages are you seeking from this change of job? 


55.I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it.


56.It has to bring some meaning to your life,not just a paycheck.


57.I need to get a sense of fulfillment from a job.


58.This position sounds like one that is challenging and fulfilling.


59.I look for challenges,opportunities to grow professionally and personally,and opportunities to make a difference for the company I work for and the customers it serves.


60.With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.


61.I have completed three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.


62.They say Mr.Sam is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.



63.Have you received any certificates


64.If you don't like this job, I know a couple of hungry guys that want to do. 


65.If I feel I'm making progress in the work, I think I'll work until the age limit.


66.l'd like to make good use of my specialty,taste success,and improve myself.


67.What do you plan to do to contribute to the work in our company?


68.I worked in a small company where the division of labor was very clearbut I didn’t have much chance to enrich my experience.


69.I want to give full play to my skills in my work and broaden my knowledge by gaining different experiences.

我想要在工作中充分地展示自己的 能力,也要通過獲得不同的經驗來擴充套件自己的知識。

70.I hope the company would offer me with a more reasonable salary for I have a family.



71.What do you want to get from your new job?


72.What do you expect from this job?


73.What is important to you in your job??


74.What brought you to our company?


75.I believe extensive experience in marketing and public relations is essential to succeed in the position.


76.The position requires planning and implementing innovative consumer campaigns.


77.Excellent organizational and communication skills are also necessary


78.These things could get out of my experience.


79.You need the desire to excel at what you do and commitment to the organizational goal.


80.As you can see in my resume,I possess what it takes to be successful in this position.



81.I'm engaged in part-time job to gain some business experience


82.Did you have any part-time job in college?


83.Did you do any summer jobs before


84.YesI worked as a waiter in a restaurant


85.Did you take on any part-time work while you were working for your last company


86.I served as a research assistant to my supervisor


87.I translated a file into English for a company.


88.What experience have you gained from your part-time work


89.Do you do a second job in addition to your fulltime job


90.Do you take on any parttime work in yourleisure time



Q:How tall are you?


A:I'm 170cm tall.


Q:Can you speak English? 


A:Yes, I am quite fluent in English.  


Q:Are you in good health?  


A:I just had a medical and was in good health


Q:Do you get angry easily?


A:No, I know how to control my temper.


Q:Do you have any nursing experience


A:I have two years of nursing experience and now I am a nurse in a hospital.


Q:What's the characteristics of flight attendants?


A:A stewardess should be friendly, polite, patient and courteous.


Q:Tell me about your work experience.


A:I have 2 years of flight attendance experience. I am polite and is told that is my advantage. I want to be a member of the team and I can make a lot of contribution.


Q:Why you want to decide on the occupation?


A:A: When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has come. My dream will come true. And I like travelling very much and I enjoy working with people. 


Q:Do you know what is the duty of the stewardess?


A:The main duty of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight.


Q:What should you do if a passenger had a accident?


A:I will do basic first aid for him / her, and ask my partner to call for assistance.


Q:If you are hired, when can you start work?


A:I can begin to work right away.


Q:I would like to ask you about your salary expectations.


A:Before discussing the salary, I need to know more about the job. Or you can tell me how much the budget is for this position and how your company's commission system works.


Q:A passenger tells you that he has contacted reservations in advance of his last three flight to confirm his sepcial meal and it has not been provided.


A:Sir ,I do apologise that you have not received your meals as ordered.I will document this in my service report and have our customer service department follow up with you.I can also provide you with their direct number if you would like to contact them as well.


Q:What are your strengths and weaknesses? 


A:One of my strengths is my friendliness and open-minded attitude and also I think I have a warm personality. But sometimes, I find it is hard to tell others when I don’t like what they are doing.   


Q:If the passenger does not understand what you saywhat do you do?


A:I’ll try to speak in another language or use gestures and draw pictures.   



91.I owe you a lot.謝謝你。

92.Thanks a million.萬分感謝。

93.Thank you indeed.真心感謝你。

94.Thank you most sincerely.非常感謝。

95.Thank you for the advice.謝謝你的建議。

96.Thank you for the interview.謝謝你面試我。

97.I wish you a great success.我祝福你們成功。

98.I appreciate your support.非常感謝你的支援。

99.I am much obliged to you.我對你深懷感激之情。

100.I can't tell you how grateful I am.感謝你的幫助。

101.It’s very kind of you to help me。你能幫助我真是太好了。

102.I don't know how to thank you enough.真不知該怎麼感謝你。

103.It is very generous of you to help me.你能慷慨相助真是太好了。

104.Thanks a lot, I look forward to the good news.謝謝,我期待著好訊息。

105.I wish you and your team a great success.祝福你以及你的團隊取得成功。

106.It was a great experience talking to you.可以與您交談是一次很棒的經歷。

107.10It is my honour to have a chance to talk to you.有機會與你交談是我的榮幸。

108.It was a pleasure getting to meet you and the team.我很高興見到了你和整個團隊。

109.I don't know how to express my gratitude to you.我不知道該如何向你表達我的感謝。

110.I enjoyed learning more about your company.我很享受對你們公司/部門的加深瞭解。

111.It's generous of you to take so much interest in my work.承蒙你對我的工作這麼操心。

112.Thank you for the chance to let me know your company.謝謝你給我瞭解你們公司的機會。

113.Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to meet me.謝謝你在百忙之中抽出時間見我。

114.I am happy to see how your team functions through teamwork.我很開心有機會看到你們團隊如何一起合作。

115.Thank you for giving me to opportunity to have an in person interview with you.感謝您給了我這個面試機會。

116.I hope that we can meet sometime in the future within the field.我希望將來的某一天可以在這個領域再次見面。

117.I feel honored to have passed the initial screening and to be on that short list. 十分榮幸通過了第一輪面試進入最終名單。

118.I would be lying if I said I was not disappointed that I was not your final choice.最後沒有被您選上,如果說我沒有失望,那我是在撒謊。

119.I want to express my thanks to you again for the opportunity and time to interview with me.我想再次對這次您給予的面試的機會以及時間表示感謝。

120.If there be a more suited position in the future,please keep me in mind.Thank you.如果將來有更適合我的職位,請您考慮我。謝謝。


I have working experience in foreign company.我有在外資公司工作的經驗。

Would you like to tell me a bit about yourself?開始不如你介紹一下自己吧。

When I accepted, I will do my best for the company.如果我被錄取了,我會為公司做到最好。

I've traveled to several countries in Asia and Europe.我曾經去過亞洲和歐洲一些國家旅行。

I'm an English major at Shanghai International Studies University.我就讀於上海外國語大學英文系。

After I graduate, I'd like to work for an international trading firm.畢業以後,我想在國際貿易公司工作。

I expect to graduate this summer, my major is international finance.預計今年夏天畢業,我的專業是國際金融。

I know first I must analysis the problem and work out its major cause.我知道我最先要做的是分析問題,找出原因。

Getting to know other cultures and peoples is a fascinating experience.瞭解其他文化和民族是一種非常美好的經歷。

I don't care the pressure and the environment, as long as I enjoy the work.我不在意壓力和環境,只要我在享受我的工作。

I have qccupational Experience Experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation.我有審計,成本會計跟稅務方面的經驗。

I think working here is the best chance to use what I have learnt in the university.我認為在這裡工作是我運用在大學裡學到的知識的最好的機會。

I really learnt a lot form this experience, especially how to assess people’s strengthen and ability.我學習了非常多的東西,特別是對人們的長處和能力的評估。

I think you likely be sent to work in an oversea branch to get experience later on once you prove your worth.我覺得當你能證明你的價值的時候,你有可能被調到外國的分部去學習經驗。

I'm a self-starter and he fully trusts my ability to work without his supervision and he values my judgment in a variety of contexts.我工作很主動,所以沒有上司的監督,我也能做好一切,由此深得上司的信賴。此外,遇到各種情況,上司也很尊重我的判斷。

I worked as a secretary to the General Manager in the sales office of a American telecommunications company.之前我在一家美國電信公司的營業廳擔任總經理祕書一職。

Since he doesn't speak Japanese, my main function is to act as liaison between him and eight Japanese staff members.因為總經理不會說日語,所以我的主要任務就是協助總經理與八位日本同事進行溝通。

In addition to general office duties, I also perform accounting, including payrolls.除了辦公室的日常事務之外, 我也做 一些與會計相關的業務,包括做工資表。

My boss frequently travels and I effectively manage the office during his absence.我的上司經常出差,在他出差期間,我就負責打理辦公室的事物。

I'm currently enrolled in night courses in business English and export-import documentation in order to prepare myself for the field.為了能在貿易領域工作,我目前在上夜校,學習商務英語和進出口文書處理。



161.When did you get married?你是什麼時候結婚的?

162.What's your marital status?你的婚姻狀況如何?

163.What does your husband do?你的丈夫從事什麼工作?

164.How long have you been married?你結婚多長時間了?

165.What is your plan for the future?你未來的計劃是什麼?

166.How do you see yourself in ten years?未來十年你如何定位你自己?

167.Do you have any plans for further education?你有計劃繼續深造嗎?

168.What is your long-range career objective?你的長遠職業目標是什麼?

169.Do you have a clear career path to follow?你想好職業發展道路了嗎?

170.What are your long-term goals set for yourself?你的長期目標是什麼?

171.Do you have a clear career path to follow?你想好職業發展道路了嗎?

172.What are your plans if you were hired?如果你被聘用,你的打算是什麼?

173.What will you do if you fail to get a job?如果你找不到工作,你會怎麼做?

174.Where do you want to be 5 years from now in your career?五年內你的事業想達到什麼水平?

175.Can you tell me if you will get married and have a baby in the near future?你在近期會結婚生孩子嗎?

176.What do you expect to achieve in your study if you are enrolled?如果你被錄取,你希望在你的學習中取得什麼成績?


177.There is no hurry to get married.不急於結婚。

178.I'd like to get an MBA eventually.我最終想取得MBA學位。

179.I'm very interested in participating in the program.我非常想參加這個專案。

180.In the long run, I hope to be an entrepreneur.長遠來看,我希望能為一名企業家。

181.I don't think I will have any baby within three years.我想3年之內我不會要小孩。

182.We planed to have a baby after buying our new apartment.我們打算買了新房後再生孩子。

183.I hope to spend a few years working in some famous companies.我希望花若干年時間在一些知名的企業工作。

184.In order to achieve this goal,I just want to work step by step.為了達到這個目標,我只想一步一步地踏實工作。

185.We are going to get married when both of our careers are staying stable.我們打算等兩個人事業都穩定下來再結婚。

186.I understand your company has a program to send selected employees to business school overseas.我知道貴公司有一個派員工到國外商學院就讀的專案,

187.I wish to move up to higher positions with acquisition of more experi¬ence in the future