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深度學習: CV頂會 & CV頂刊

CV三大會議 CVPR: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (每年,6月開會) ICCV: International Conference on Computer Vision (奇數年,10月開會) ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision (偶數年,3月截稿,9月開會) CV兩大頂刊 TPAMI: IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence TIP: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 計算機視覺會議列表 A類 ICCV: International Conference on Computer Vision CVPR: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition AAAI: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning NIPS: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems ACM MM: ACM International Conference on Multimedia B類 ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision C類 ACCV: Asian Conference on Computer Vision ICPR: International Conference on Pattern Recognition BMVC: British Machine Vision Conference 計算機視覺刊物列表 A類 TPAMI: IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence IJCV: International Journal of Computer Vision TIP: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing B類 CVIU: Computer Vision and Image Understanding PR: Pattern Recognition C類 IET-CVI: IET Computer Vision IVC: Image and Vision Computing IJPRAI: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Machine Vision and Applications PRL: Pattern Recognition Letters 追論文技巧 個人的一點心得: arXiv就是用來佔坑的,不建議刷; 會議論文代表了經過同行認可的高質量論文,且時效性很高。但是數量依然不少,依然需要甄別選讀; 建議關注“新智元”、“機器之心”、“雷鋒網”等優質公眾號,可以第一時間接收到最新且最值得一讀的論文推送; 期刊發表的論文都是經過時間考驗的,都會比會議晚個一年半~兩年,時效性差,不建議關注。 [1] 計算機視覺頂尖期刊和會議有哪些 [2] cvpr中poster,oral,spotlight的區別是什麼 [3] AI學術會議Deadline清單 [4] CVPR 2018 --------------------- 本文來自 JNingWei 的CSDN 部落格 ,全文地址請點選:https://blog.csdn.net/jningwei/article/details/80074917?utm_source=copy