1. 程式人生 > >Spannable 和 Editable、SpannableString 和 SpannableString

Spannable 和 Editable、SpannableString 和 SpannableString


 * This is the interface for text that has markup objects attached to
 * ranges of it.  Not all text classes have mutable markup or text;
 * see {@link Spannable} for mutable markup and {@link Editable} for
 * mutable text.
public interface Spanned 
extends CharSequence

Spannable (可加或去除標記的字元序列)

*  This is the interface for text to which markup objects can be attached and detached. 
* Not all Spannable classes have mutable text;
 * see {@link Editable} for that.
public interface Spannable
extends Spanned

Editable (內容和標記都可變的字元序列)

 * This is the interface for text whose content and markup can be changed 
public interface Editable
extends CharSequence, GetChars, Spannable, Appendable


 * An object to which <tt>char</tt> sequences and values can be appended.
public interface Appendable 

SpannableString (內容不可變,標記可附加或去掉)

 * This is the class for text whose content is immutable but to which
 * markup objects can be attached and detached.
 * For mutable text, see {@link SpannableStringBuilder}.
public class SpannableString
extends SpannableStringInternal
implements CharSequence, GetChars, Spannable


public void setSpan(Object what, int start, int end, int flags) {
        super.setSpan(what, start, end, flags);

    public void removeSpan(Object what) {

    public final CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end) {
        return new SpannableString(this, start, end);


 * This is the class for text whose content and markup can both be changed.
public class SpannableStringBuilder implements CharSequence, GetChars, Spannable, Editable,
        Appendable, GraphicsOperations

SpannableStringBuilder有append,insert, setSpan , removeSpan方法