1. 程式人生 > >Django 使用xlwt實現從後臺mysql匯出資料到excel表

Django 使用xlwt實現從後臺mysql匯出資料到excel表

1. pip install xlwt   #安裝xlwt 模組

2. 新建excel.py

import xlwt
#from io import StringIO
from django.db import connection
from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse
    import cStringIO as stringIOModule
except ImportError:
        import StringIO as stringIOModule
    except ImportError:
        import io as stringIOModule

#from MySQLdb.cursors import DictCursor

#conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='root', passwd='zj88friend', db='zz91crm', port=3306, charset='utf8',
 #                      cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)  # 其中cursorclass設定返回資料型別為字典
#cur = conn.cursor()  # 獲取遊標

def exc_sql(sql):

    cursor = connection.cursor()


    result = cursor.fetchall()

    return result

def export_xls(request):

    response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/vnd.ms-excel')  # 指定返回為excel檔案
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename=export_list.xls'  # 指定返回檔名
    wb = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')  # 設定編碼型別為utf8
    hosttype_id1 = 1  # workstation
    hosttype_id2 = 2    #laptop
    hosttype_id3 = 3    #desktop
    hosttype_id4 = 4    #server
    hosttype_id5 = 5    #switch

    host_status1 = "in use"   # was using by users
    host_status2 = "inventory"  # in space , no user
    host_status3 = "P-Dispose"  # apply for disposal,waiting for approval
    host_status4 = "disposed"   # disposed , but it is till in use

    if request.method=='GET':
        if id == '1':
            sql = """select p.host_name ,p.service_tag,h.name , p.host_model,p.receive_date , CURDATE(),TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,p.receive_date,CURDATE()) , \
             TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,p.receive_date,CURDATE())%%12 ,u.full_name , d.dept_name,p.studio, s.sitename as location,p.host_status, \
             p.asset_code,p.remark from deviceman_pc_list as p, deviceman_user_list as u, deviceman_dept_list as d, deviceman_hosttype as h, deviceman_site as s \
              where p.user_list_id=u.id and u.dept_list_id=d.id and p.site_id=s.id and p.hosttype_id=h.id and ( hosttype_id ='%s' or hosttype_id='%s' or hosttype_id= '%s' ) \
               and (host_status = '%s' or host_status='%s' )order by h.id, p.host_name """ % (hosttype_id1, hosttype_id2, hosttype_id3, host_status1, host_status2)
            sheet = wb.add_sheet(u'01 Deployed')  # excel裡新增類別
        if id == '2':

            sql = """select p.host_name ,p.service_tag,h.name , p.host_model,p.receive_date , CURDATE(),TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,p.receive_date,CURDATE()) , \
                         TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,p.receive_date,CURDATE())%%12 ,u.full_name , d.dept_name,p.studio, s.sitename as location,p.host_status, \
                         p.asset_code,p.remark from deviceman_pc_list as p, deviceman_user_list as u, deviceman_dept_list as d, deviceman_hosttype as h, deviceman_site as s \
                          where p.user_list_id=u.id and u.dept_list_id=d.id and p.site_id=s.id and p.hosttype_id=h.id and ( hosttype_id ='%s' ) \
                           and (host_status = '%s' or host_status='%s' )order by h.id, p.host_name """ % (hosttype_id4, host_status1, host_status2)
            sheet = wb.add_sheet(u'02 Servers')  # excel裡新增類別
        if id == '3':
            sql = """select p.host_name ,p.service_tag,h.name , p.host_model,p.receive_date , CURDATE(),TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,p.receive_date,CURDATE()) , \
                         TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,p.receive_date,CURDATE())%%12 ,u.full_name , d.dept_name,p.studio, s.sitename as location,p.host_status, \
                         p.asset_code,p.remark from deviceman_pc_list as p, deviceman_user_list as u, deviceman_dept_list as d, deviceman_hosttype as h, deviceman_site as s \
                          where p.user_list_id=u.id and u.dept_list_id=d.id and p.site_id=s.id and p.hosttype_id=h.id and ( hosttype_id ='%s' ) \
                           and host_name like '%s' order by h.id, p.host_name """ % (hosttype_id1,IBM_ASS)
            sheet = wb.add_sheet(u'03 IBM Assets')  # excel裡新增類別
        if id == '4':
            sql = """select p.host_name ,p.service_tag,h.name , p.host_model,p.receive_date , CURDATE(),TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,p.receive_date,CURDATE()) , \
             TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,p.receive_date,CURDATE())%%12 ,u.full_name , d.dept_name,p.studio, s.sitename as location,p.host_status, \
             p.asset_code,p.remark from deviceman_pc_list as p, deviceman_user_list as u, deviceman_dept_list as d, deviceman_hosttype as h, deviceman_site as s \
              where p.user_list_id=u.id and u.dept_list_id=d.id and p.site_id=s.id and p.hosttype_id=h.id and ( hosttype_id ='%s' or hosttype_id='%s' or hosttype_id= '%s' ) \
               and (host_status = '%s' )order by h.id, p.host_name """ % (hosttype_id1, hosttype_id2, hosttype_id3, host_status3)
            sheet = wb.add_sheet(u'04 Pending Disposal')  # excel裡新增類別
        if id == '5':
            age_year=4  # 使用期超過四年的電腦
            public_user='Public'   # public 使用者名稱,在匯出清單時要排隊公用電腦
            sql = """select p.host_name ,p.service_tag,h.name , p.host_model,p.receive_date , CURDATE(),TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,p.receive_date,CURDATE()) , \
             TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,p.receive_date,CURDATE())%%12 ,u.full_name , d.dept_name,p.studio, s.sitename as location,p.host_status, \
             p.asset_code,p.remark from deviceman_pc_list as p, deviceman_user_list as u, deviceman_dept_list as d, deviceman_hosttype as h, deviceman_site as s \
              where p.user_list_id=u.id and u.dept_list_id=d.id and p.site_id=s.id and p.hosttype_id=h.id and ( hosttype_id ='%s' or hosttype_id='%s' or hosttype_id= '%s' ) \
               and (host_status = '%s' ) and u.user_name<>'%s' and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,p.receive_date,CURDATE())>=%s order by h.id, p.host_name """ % (hosttype_id1, hosttype_id2, hosttype_id3, host_status1,public_user,age_year)
            sheet = wb.add_sheet(u'05 Refresh List')  # excel裡新增類別
        print('error for export excel')
    #conn.cursor().execute(sql)  # 執行sql語句
    #conn.cursor().fetchall()  # 獲取查詢結果
    data_list = exc_sql(sql)

    #sheet = wb.add_sheet(u'清單')  # excel裡新增類別

    style_heading = xlwt.easyxf("""
          name Calibri,
          colour_index white,
          bold on,
          height 0xA0;
          wrap off,
          vert center,
          horiz center;
          pattern solid,
          fore-colour 0x19;
          left THIN,
          right THIN,
          top THIN,
          bottom THIN;
    style_body = xlwt.easyxf("""
          name Calibri,
          bold off,
          height 0XA0;
          wrap on,
          vert center,
          horiz left;
          left THIN,
          right THIN,
          top THIN,
          bottom THIN;
    style_num_col = xlwt.easyxf("""
          name Arial,
          bold off,
          height 0XA0;
          wrap on,
          vert center,
          horiz left;
          left THIN,
          right THIN,
          top THIN,
          bottom THIN;
    style_green = xlwt.easyxf(" pattern: pattern solid,fore-colour 0x11;")
    style_red = xlwt.easyxf(" pattern: pattern solid,fore-colour 0x0A;")
    fmts = [
        'h:mm AM/PM',
        'h:mm:ss AM/PM',
        'M/D/YY h:mm',
    style_body.num_format_str = fmts[0]

    sheet.write(0, 0, 'Host Name', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 1, 'Service Tag', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 2, 'Type', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 3, 'Model', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 4, 'Receive Date', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 5, 'Today', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 6, 'Age(Yr)', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 7, 'Age(M)', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 8, 'Users', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 9, 'BL', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 10, 'Studio(if Applicable)', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 11, 'Location', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 12, 'Status', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 13, 'FA Code', style_heading)
    sheet.write(0, 14, 'Remark', style_heading)
    row = 1
    for list in data_list:
        sheet.write(row, 0, list[0], style_body)
        sheet.write(row, 1, list[1], style_body)
        sheet.write(row, 2, list[2], style_body)
        sheet.write(row, 3, list[3], style_body)
        sheet.write(row, 4, list[4], style_body)
        sheet.write(row, 5, list[5], style_body)
        sheet.write(row, 6, list[6], style_num_col )
        sheet.write(row, 7, list[7], style_num_col)
        sheet.write(row, 8, list[8], style_body)
        sheet.write(row, 9, list[9], style_body)
        sheet.write(row, 10, list[10], style_body)
        sheet.write(row, 11, list[11], style_body)
        sheet.write(row, 12, list[12], style_body)
        sheet.write(row, 13, list[13], style_num_col)
        sheet.write(row, 14, list[14], style_body)
        row = row + 1
    #output = StringIO.StringIO()
    output = stringIOModule.BytesIO()
    return response

3. 新建模板檔案report.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
  <title>AECOM IT Device Manager Tools</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

    <script src="/static/jquery-3.3.1.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">

function resign_confirm(var1,var2){

var result = confirm('清除計算機'+var2+'的使用者資訊?確認請點[OK]!或者點[Cancel]取消');

function collect_confirm(var1,var2){

var result = confirm('回收計算機'+var2+'、清除使用者資訊?確認請點[OK]!或者點[Cancel]取消');

function dispose_confirm(var1,var2){

var result = confirm('申請報廢計算機'+var2+'、清除使用者資訊?確認請點[OK]!或者點[Cancel]取消');

function search_confirm(){
    var vpcid1 = document.getElementsByName("pcid");
    if (vpcid1.length=0)



<div class="container">
    {%  include "headbase.html" %}
 <a href="#"   class="list-group-item active" >
  <div  class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
      <div>  <p>
          <form action="{{ acton }}?pcid={{ pcid }}" method="POST" novalidate="novalidate">
        <label> Site Code:</label> <input type="text" id="sitecode" name="sitecode" value="{{id }}" />
<div  class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">


             <td>01 Deployed (工作站、筆記本、桌上型電腦清單)</td>
                    <input type="button" value="匯出Excel" onclick="window.navigate('exportxls?id=1')" />
             <td>02 Servers (伺服器清單)</td>
                    <input type="button" value="匯出Excel" onclick="window.navigate('exportxls?id=2')" />
             <td>03 IBM Assets (IBM資產清單)</td>
                    <input type="button" value="匯出Excel" onclick="window.navigate('exportxls?id=3')" />
             <td>04 Pending Disposal (待報廢資產清單)</td>
                    <input type="button" value="匯出Excel" onclick="window.navigate('exportxls?id=4')" />

             <td>05 Refresh list (超過四年且有使用者使用的電腦)</td>
                    <input type="button" value="匯出Excel" onclick="window.navigate('exportxls?id=5')" />

           {% for user_list in users %}
             <td>{{ forloop.counter }}</td>
             <td>{{ user_list.user_name }}</td>

                    <input type="button" value="匯出Excel" onclick="" />

</td>           </tr>
            {% endfor %}

