Tempter of the Bone【DFS+奇偶剪枝】scanf會WA!!!
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-12
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#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <limits> #include <vector> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <set> #include <map> #define lowbit(x) ( x&(-x) ) #define pi 3.141592653589793 #define e 2.718281828459045 using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int dir[4][2]= { -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0 }; int N, M, T, ex, ey; char mp[9][9]; bool within(int x, int y) { return x>=1 && x<=N && y>=1 && y<=M; } bool flag=false; void dfs(int x, int y, int t) { if(flag) return; if(x==ex && y==ey && t==T) { flag=true; return; } int less_need=(T-t)-abs(x-ex)-abs(y-ey); if( less_need<0 || (less_need&1) ) return; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { if(mp[x+dir[i][0]][y+dir[i][1]]!='X' && within(x+dir[i][0], y+dir[i][1])) { mp[x+dir[i][0]][y+dir[i][1]]='X'; dfs(x+dir[i][0], y+dir[i][1], t+1); mp[x+dir[i][0]][y+dir[i][1]]='.'; if(flag) return; } } return; } int main() { while(scanf("%d%d%d", &N, &M, &T)!=EOF) { if(!N && !M && !T) break; int sx=0, sy=0, wall=0; for(int i=1; i<=N; i++) { for(int j=1; j<=M; j++) { cin>>mp[i][j]; if(mp[i][j]=='S') { sx=i; sy=j; } else if(mp[i][j]=='D') { ex=i; ey=j; } else if(mp[i][j]=='X') wall++; } } if(N*M - wall <= T) { printf("NO\n"); continue; } flag=false; mp[sx][sy]='X'; dfs(sx, sy, 0); if(flag) printf("YES\n"); else printf("NO\n"); } return 0; }