1. 程式人生 > >一張100px*100px的圖片在記憶體中會佔用多大記憶體


    轉: http://www.cnblogs.com/YuangPong/p/6694512.html




長度和寬度不用多做解釋 ,單位是畫素;關鍵是單位畫素佔用的位元組數如何獲得呢?


   Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(Resources res,int id,

BitmapFactory.Options opts);



ALPHA_8 Each pixel is stored as a single translucency (alpha) channel.  This is very useful to efficiently store masks for instance. No color information is stored. With this configuration, each pixel requires 1 byte of memory. 此時圖片只有alpha值,沒有RGB值,一個畫素佔用1個位元組
ARGB_4444 This field is deprecated. Because of the poor quality of this configuration, it is advised to use instead.   這種格式的圖片,看起來質量太差,已經不推薦使用。 Each pixel is stored on 2 bytes. The three RGB color channels and the alpha channel (translucency) are stored with a 4 bits precision (16 possible values.) This configuration is mostly useful if the application needs to store translucency information but also needs to save memory. It is recommended to use ARGB_8888 instead of this configuration. 一個畫素佔用2個位元組,alpha(A)值,Red(R)值,Green(G)值,Blue(B)值各佔4個bites,共16bites,即2個位元組
ARGB_8888  Each pixel is stored on 4 bytes. Each channel (RGB and alpha for translucency) is stored with 8 bits of precision (256 possible values.) This configuration is very flexible and offers the best quality. It should be used whenever possible 一個畫素佔用4個位元組,alpha(A)值,Red(R)值,Green(G)值,Blue(B)值各佔8個bites,共32bites,即4個位元組 這是一種高質量的圖片格式,電腦上普通採用的格式。它也是Android手機上一個BitMap的預設格式。
RGB_565  Each pixel is stored on 2 bytes and only the RGB channels are encoded: red is stored with 5 bits of precision (32 possible values), green is stored with 6 bits of precision (64 possible values) and blue is stored with 5 bits of precision. This configuration can produce slight visual artifacts depending on the configuration of the source. For instance, without dithering, the result might show a greenish tint. To get better results dithering should be applied. This configuration may be useful when using opaque bitmaps that do not require high color fidelity. 一個畫素佔用2個位元組,沒有alpha(A)值,即不支援透明和半透明,Red(R)值佔5個bites ,Green(G)值佔6個bites  ,Blue(B)值佔5個bites,共16bites,即2個位元組.對於沒有透明和半透明顏色的圖片來說,該格式的圖片能夠達到比較的呈現效果,相對於ARGB_8888來說也能減少一半的記憶體開銷。因此它是一個不錯的選擇。另外我們通過android.content.res.Resources來取得一個張圖片時,它也是以該格式來構建BitMap的. 從Android4.0開始,該選項無效。即使設定為該值,系統任然會採用 ARGB_8888來構造圖片


圖片格式 計算公式 佔用記憶體大小
ALPHA_8 100*100 10000b
ARGB_4444 100*100*2 20000b
ARGB_8888 100*100*4 40000b
RGB_565 100*100*2 20000b
