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STM32 ADC 解讀


The ADC can be powered-on by setting the ADON bit in the ADC_CR2 register.

When the ADON bit is set for the first time, it wakes up the ADC from Power Down mode

Conversion starts when ADON bit is set for a second time by software after ADC power-up time (tSTAB).(相當於第一次置位ADON是power on  adc module,第二次置位ADON才是啟動ADC轉換)

reset ADON bit 就停止ADC功能,停止後功耗很低,幾個微安。


ADC clock 來自PCLK2,(APB2), RCC controller 有專用的ADC prescaler


16路multiplexed channels

AD轉換分為2組類別:regular group  and injected group<轉換先後順序、轉換數量設定>

regular group 由最多16個conversions組成,their order in the conversion sequence must be selected in the ADC_SQRx registers

The total number of conversions in the regular group must be written in the L[3:0] bits inthe ADC_SQR1 register

injected group 由最多4個conversion組成,the injected channels andtheir order in the conversion sequence must be selected in the ADC_JSQR register.The total number of conversions in the injected group must be written in the L[1:0] bits in the ADC_JSQR register.

(4)STM32內建的溫度感測器被置於ADC module<只在ADC1>,

連線到 ADCx_IN16,而內部參考電壓連線到ADCx_IN17。這兩個channel可以被設定為 injected channel 或 regular channel

The Temperature sensor is connected to channel ADCx_IN16 and the internal reference voltage VREFINT is connected to ADCx_IN17. These two internal channels can be selected and converted as injected or regular channels.

(5)單次轉換模式 CONT bit =0

通過置位ADON bit 觸發轉換(僅限 regular channel),還有通過外部觸發轉換。DATA REG , EOC BIT ,EOCIE


(6)連續轉換模式 CONT bit =1

通過 ADON觸發,或者外部觸發轉換


(7)ADC 初始化完後,要一個等待時間。

he ADC needs a stabilization time of tSTAB before it starts converting accurately.

(8)analog watchdog

analog watchdog status bit will be set ,if 低於或高過設定的閥值電壓。


hese thresholds are programmed in the 12 least significant bits of the ADC_HTR and ADC_LTR 16-bit registers


(9)scan mode

this mode is used to scan a group of analog channels
