阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-20
char * const *(*next)();
序號 | 說明 |
A | 宣告從他的名字開始讀取,然後按照優先順序順序依次讀取 |
B | 優先順序從高到低依次是:a、b、c |
a | 宣告中被括號括起來的那部分 |
b | 字尾操作符:括號表示這是一個函式,方括號表示這是一個數組 |
c | 字首操作符星號*表示:指向…的指標 |
C | 如果const和(或)volatile關鍵字的後面緊跟說明符(如int,long等),那麼它的作用於型別說明,在其他情況下,const和(或)volatile關鍵字作用於它左邊緊鄰的指標星號。 |
用上表對宣告char * const *(*next)();進行分析:
適用規則 | 解釋 |
A | 首先,看變數名“next”,並注意到它直接被括號括住 |
a | 所以,先把括號的東西作為一個整體,得出“next是指向…的指標” |
B | 然後考慮括號外面的東西,在星號字首和括號字尾之間做出選擇 |
b | b規則告訴我們優先順序較高的是右邊的函式括號,所以得出“next是一個函式指標,指向一個返回…的函式” |
c | 然後處理字首“*”,得出指標所指的內容 |
C | 最後,把“char * const”解釋為指向字元的常亮指標 |
如果你覺得分析太麻煩,這裡有一個超級方便的方法,就一個C程式,執行後直接輸入就能得出答案,例項如下: 輸入上面的例項:char * const *(*next)();得到下圖結果: 同時也能輸入一個簡單的如:int *fun(); 這個就很簡單表示:一個函式,返回一個指向int的指標。
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAXTOKENS 100 #define MAXTOKENLEN 64 enum type_tag { IDENTIFIER, QUALIFIER, TYPE }; struct token { char type; char string[MAXTOKENLEN]; }; int top = -1; struct token stack[MAXTOKENS]; struct token This; #define pop stack[top--] #define push(s) stack[++top] = s /* figure out the identifier type */ enum type_tag classify_string(void) { char *s = This.string; if (!strcmp(s, "const")) { strcpy(s, "read-only"); return QUALIFIER; } if (!strcmp(s, "volatile")) return QUALIFIER; if (!strcmp(s, "void")) return TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "char")) return TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "signed")) return TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "unsigned")) return TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "short")) return TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "int")) return TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "long")) return TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "float")) return TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "double")) return TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "struct")) return TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "union")) return TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "enum")) return TYPE; return IDENTIFIER; } /* read next token into "this" */ void gettoken(void) { char *p = This.string; /* read past any space */ while ((*p = getchar()) == ' '); if (isalnum(*p)) { /* it starts with A-Z, 0-9 read in identifier */ while (isalnum(*++p = getchar())); ungetc(*p, stdin); *p = '\0'; This.type = classify_string(); return; } if (*p == '*') { strcpy(This.string, "pointer to"); This.type = '*'; return; } This.string[1] = '\0'; This.type = *p; return; } /* the piece of code that understandeth all parsing */ void read_to_first_identifier() { gettoken(); while (This.type != IDENTIFIER ) { push(This); gettoken(); } printf("%s is ", This.string); gettoken(); } void deal_with_arrays() { while (This.type == '[') { printf("array "); gettoken(); /* a number or ']' */ if (isdigit(This.string[0])) { printf("0..%d ", atoi(This.string) - 1); gettoken(); /* read the ']' */ } gettoken(); /* read next past the ']' */ printf("of "); } } void deal_with_function_args() { while (This.type != ')') { gettoken(); } gettoken(); printf("function returning "); } void deal_with_pointers() { while (stack[top].type == '*') { printf("%s ", pop.string); } } void deal_with_declarator() { /* deal with possible array/function following identifier */ switch (This.type) { case '[' : deal_with_arrays(); break; case '(' : deal_with_function_args(); } deal_with_pointers(); /* process tokens that we stacked while reading identifier */ while (top >= 0) { if (stack[top].type == '(') { pop; gettoken(); /* read past ')' */ deal_with_declarator(); } else { printf("%s ", pop.string); } } } int main() { /* put tokens on stack until we reach identifier */ read_to_first_identifier(); deal_with_declarator(); printf("\n"); return 0; }