阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-20
#!/user/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- #author:M10 import random #3-1輸入整數,輸出百分位及以上的數字 ''' s = input("輸入整數哦") print(s[:-2]) ''' #3-2獲取輸入字串,按照空格分割,按行列印 ''' i = input("輸入字串") s = i.split() for j in s: print(j) ''' #3-3輸入數字1-7,輸出星期幾 """ i = int(input('input a number between 1-7:')) if i == 1: print('monday') elif i == 2: print('tuesday') elif i == 3: print('wednesday') elif i == 4: print('thursday')#後續省略 else: print('sunday') """ #3-4迴文數,正反排列相同的數 """ s = input("input a 5-num") if s[0]==s[-1] and s[1]==s[-2]: print('迴文') else: print('不是迴文') """ #3-5輸入十進位制整數,分別輸出二進位制、八進位制、十六進位制字串 """ s = int(input('a number:')) print('二進位制:{:b}'.format(s)) print('八進位制:{:o}'.format(s)) print('十六進位制:{:x}'.format(s)) """ #4-1輸入一個年份,判斷是否是閏年 """ i = int(input('input a year:')) if (i%4==0 and i%100 != 0) or i%400==0 : print(i,'閏年') else: print('不是閏年') """ #4-2最大公約數與最小公倍數 """ a,b = map(int,input('輸入兩個數,逗號分割:').split(',')) x = a*b if a>b: while True: s = a%b if s ==0: print('最大公約數:',b) print('最小公倍數:',int(x/b)) break b,a = s,b elif a<b: while True: s = b%a if s ==0: print('最大公約數:',a) print('最小公倍數',int(x/a)) break a,b = s,a else: print('最大公約數:',a)#兩數相等 print('最小公倍數',int(x/a)) """ #4-3統計不同字元個數 """ z,s,k,q = 0,0,0,0 str = input('輸入字元:') l = len(str) for i in range(l): if '0' <= str[i] <='9': z += 1 elif 'A'<=str[i]<='z': s += 1 elif str[i] == ' ': k +=1 else:q+=1 print('整數',z) print('英文字元',s) print('空格',k) print('其他',q) """ #4-4猜數有戲續 """ ran = random.randint(1,1000) count=0 while True: try: i = eval(input('pls input a num:')) except: print('型別錯誤,重新輸入') continue if type(i) != type(1): print('型別錯誤,重新') continue else: count += 1 if i >ran: print("it's bigger,{}次".format(count)) elif i<ran: print("it's smaller,{}次".format(count)) else: print("Right,{}次".format(count)) break """ #4-5羊車門問題 #十萬次隨機實驗,不換猜到車的次數為count_n,交換猜到車次數為count """ j=1 count_n = 0 count = 0 while j<=100000: j +=1 i= random.randint(0,2)#隨機猜一個數字,0車,12羊 #若猜對車則不換+1,若猜對羊則換+1 if i == 0: count_n +=1 else: count +=1 print("don't change",count_n/100000) print("change",count/100000) """
#5-1實現isNum函式 """ def isNum(s): if type(s)==type(1+1j) or type(s)==type(1) or type(s)==type(1.1): return 1 else: return 0 """ #5-2實現isPrime函式 """ def isPrime(a): try: if a%1 == 0 and a%2!=0 and a%3 !=0 and a%5 !=0 and a%7!=0: return True else: return False except: print('pls input a intger') print(isPrime(123)) """ #5-3記數函式 """ def count(s): l = len(s) count_int,count_str,count_sp,count_or = 0,0,0,0 for i in range(l): if '0'<=s[i]<='9': count_int +=1 elif 'A'<=s[i]<='z': count_str +=1 elif s[i]==' ': count_sp +=1 else: count_or +=1 print('數字、字母、空格、其他分別為:',count_int,count_str,count_sp,count_or) count('1232h1 2huuusnu2 u1ue2ue #$ ') """ #5-4列印200以內所有素數,空格分開 """ #b記錄整除次數,只能被1和自身整除的是質數 def print_prime(): for j in range(1,201): b = 0 if j == 1 : print(1,end=' ') else: for i in range(2,j+1): if j%i ==0: b += 1 if b<=1: print(j,end=' ') print_prime() """ #5-5引數為n,獲取斐波那契數列第n個數並返回 """ def Fibonacci(n): a,b=1,1 i=1 while i<n: b,a = a+b,b i +=1 print(a) Fibonacci(9) """
#6-1英文字元頻率統計 """ s = 'ahduh aidhiufhbfuh adnuasdnba' d={} for i in s: if 'a'<=i<='z': d[i]=d.get(i,0)+1 s = sorted(d,reverse=True) for i in s: print(i,d[i]) """ #6-2中文字元頻率統計 """ s = 'hsua uhduahu阿虎毒啊 阿好速度啊哈shauhdia a d i2 213231huwqusn1 我是' d = {} for i in s: d[i]=d.get(i,0)+1 s = sorted(d,reverse=True) for i in s: print(i,d[i]) """ #6-3隨機密碼的生成 """ import string d = string.digits # 輸出包含數字0~9的字串 lo = string.ascii_lowercase # 包含所有小寫字母的字串 up = string.ascii_uppercase # 包含所有大寫字母的字串 list = list(d)+list(lo)+list(up) n = len(list) st='' for j in range(0,10): for i in range(0,8): s = random.randint(0,n-1) st=st+str(list[s]) print(st) st = '' """ #6-4重複元素的判定 """ def judge_list(list): dic = {} for i in list: dic[i]=dic.get(i,0)+1 if max(dic.values())>1: print('pass') return True else: print('no pass') list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,7,8,9] judge_list(list) list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,8,123,9] judge_list(list) """ #6-5上題續 """ def judge_list(list): l1 = len(list) s=len(set(list)) if l1==s: print('pass') return True else: print('no pass') list1=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,7,8,9] judge_list(list1) list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,8,123,9] judge_list(list) """
txt = input('input a txtpath:')
str = input('input a str:')
f = open(txt,'r')
text = f.read()
for i in text:
if i==str:
s +=1
print(str,'has',s,'in txt')
input a txtpath:/Users/wangxingfan/Desktop/1.txt
input a strpath:s
s has 402 in txt
path = '/Users/wangxingfan/Desktop/1.txt'
f = open(path,'r')
str = f.read()
for i in str:
if i<'a':
s = i.lower()
elif i>='a':
s = i.upper()
import string
import numpy as np
path = '/Users/wangxingfan/Desktop/1.csv'
d = string.digits # 輸出包含數字0~9的字串
lo = string.ascii_lowercase # 包含所有小寫字母的字串
up = string.ascii_uppercase # 包含所有大寫字母的字串
list = list(d)+list(lo)+list(up)
for c in range(0,10):
j = np.random.randint(0, len(list), 10)
a = ''
for i in j:
s = list[i]+','
a = a+s
f = open(path,'a')