1. 程式人生 > >某易52G洩露資料入庫


前段時間下載了網上流傳的 52G葫蘆娃 ,解壓之後,是txt檔案。













# coding=utf-8

import os
import time
import pymysql.cursors
import re
threading from queue import Queue from queue import Empty # 程式會根據郵箱前的賬號長度生成不同的表 # 如:[email protected],會存入 email_8 這個表 # 生成的表有 5 個欄位: # id 主鍵自增序號 # email 郵箱賬號 ,如 zhangsan # password 密碼 # email_type 郵箱型別,163 表示 163.com, 126 表示126.com,其他存全名 # remark 備註,源資料有些包含了 暱稱,MD5 等等其他資訊 # 錯誤日誌存放位置,必須是資料夾,會生成多個檔案,儲存未成功處理的資料
error_log_dir = "I:\\3_data\\error" # 原始資料位置,程式會遍歷此資料夾下的所有檔案 data_file_path = "I:\\3_data\\52G葫蘆娃" # 緩衝區大小,超出後會提交到資料庫 buf_size = 50000 # 提交佇列大小,超過後會阻塞 queue_size = 15 # 表名稱字首 table_name = "email_" # 單個錯誤日誌檔案最大行數 max_log_line_num = 400000 separators = ("------", "-----", "----", ",", "\t", "|", " "
, " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") # 資料庫連線資訊 connection = pymysql.connect(host='', user='root', password='123456', db='163_email', port=3306, charset='utf8') class DataTransfer: def __init__(self, _data_submit): self.__handler_dict = {} self.data_num = 0 self.data_submit = _data_submit def transfer_data(self, account, password, email_type, remark): self.data_num = self.data_num + 1 handler = self.__get_handler(account) handler.handle_data(account, password, email_type, remark) def flush(self): handlers = sorted(list(self.__handler_dict.values()), key=lambda x: x.table_name) for handler in handlers: handler.flush() print("\n 共插入資料 {0} 條\n".format(self.data_num)) for handler in handlers: print(" {0} 表插入資料 {1} 條".format(handler.table_name, handler.data_size)) def __get_handler(self, account): account_length = len(account) if 6 <= account_length <= 14: fw = account[0].lower() ascii_fw = ord(fw) if 48 <= ascii_fw <= 52: fw = "04" elif 53 <= ascii_fw <= 57: fw = "59" elif 97 <= ascii_fw <= 100: fw = "ad" elif 101 <= ascii_fw <= 104: fw = "eh" elif 105 <= ascii_fw <= 108: fw = "il" elif 109 <= ascii_fw <= 112: fw = "mp" elif 113 <= ascii_fw <= 116: fw = "qt" elif 117 <= ascii_fw <= 119: fw = "uw" elif 120 <= ascii_fw <= 122: fw = "xz" else: fw = "00" tn = "{0}_{1}".format(account_length, fw) else: tn = str(account_length) if tn not in self.__handler_dict: self.__handler_dict[tn] = DataHandler(account_length, table_name + tn, self.data_submit) return self.__handler_dict.get(tn) class DataHandler: CREATE_STATEMENT = "CREATE TABLE IF not exists `{0}` ( " \ "`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " \ "`email` char({1}) DEFAULT NULL, " \ "`password` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, " \ "`email_type` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, " \ "`remark` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, " \ "PRIMARY KEY (`id`), " \ "UNIQUE KEY `id_UNIQUE` (`id`) " \ ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8" INSERT_STATEMENT = "INSERT INTO {0}(email, password, email_type, remark) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" def __init__(self, _length, _table_name, _data_submit): self.__data_buf = [] self.__data_buf_count = 0 self.data_size = 0 self.length = _length self.table_name = _table_name self.data_submit = _data_submit self.__insert_statement = DataHandler.INSERT_STATEMENT.format(self.table_name) sql = DataHandler.CREATE_STATEMENT.format(self.table_name, self.length) print("+++++++++++++++++++++++ 建立表:{0} +++++++++++++++++++++++".format(self.table_name)) self.data_submit.submit_task(sql, None) def handle_data(self, account, password, email_type, remark): self.data_size = self.data_size + 1 self.__data_buf.append([account, password, email_type, remark]) self.__data_buf_count = self.__data_buf_count + 1 if self.__data_buf_count >= buf_size: self.flush() def flush(self): if not self.__data_buf_count: return try: i = self.data_submit.submit_task(self.__insert_statement, self.__data_buf) print("--------- 提交入庫任務: {0} 條資料入表 {1} ,當前佇列長度 {2} ---------".format(self.__data_buf_count, self.table_name, i)) self.__data_buf_count = 0 self.__data_buf = [] except Exception as e: error_log.log_exception(e) if self.__data_buf_count > 0: for m in self.__data_buf: error_log.log_db_error("{0},{1},{2},{3}".format(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3])) self.__data_buf_count = 0 self.__data_buf = [] class DataSubmit(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, _connection): super(DataSubmit, self).__init__() self.connection = _connection self.queue = Queue(queue_size) self.r = True self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() self.start() def exit_task(self): self.r = False try: self.join() self.connection.commit() finally: self.cursor.close() self.connection.close() def run(self): while self.r or not self.queue.empty(): try: _task = self.queue.get(timeout=1) except Empty: continue try: if _task[1]: self.cursor.executemany(_task[0], _task[1]) else: self.cursor.execute(_task[0]) self.connection.commit() except Exception as e: print("{0} -- {1}".format(_task[0], _task[1])) error_log.log_exception(e) def submit_task(self, sql, param): self.queue.put([sql, param]) return self.queue.qsize() class FileDataReader: def __init__(self, root_dir, _line_handler): self.root_dir = root_dir self.line_handler = _line_handler def read_start(self): self.__read_dir(self.root_dir) def __read_dir(self, file_dir): if os.path.isdir(file_dir): for filename in os.listdir(file_dir): path = os.path.join(file_dir, filename) if os.path.isdir(path): self.__read_dir(path) else: self.__read_file(path) else: self.__read_file(file_dir) def __read_file(self, path): print("------------- 檔案處理中:{0} -------------".format(path)) file = open(path) line = "" line_num = 0 while True: line_num += 1 try: line = file.readline() except Exception as e: error_log.log_read_error("ERROR:{0} , file = {1} , line_num = {2}".format(e, path, line_num)) if line: line = line.strip() if line: self.line_handler.handle(line) else: break class LineHandler: EMAIL_REGEXP = r"^([\w\.-]+)@([\w\.-]+)\.([\w\.]{2,6})$" # denglinglu | 46eeeb68107c0b8fe54c9d47a8c71d0e | [email protected] | 3681994 R1 = r"^.+\t\|\t[a-z0-9]{32}\t\|\t.+\t\|\t\t.+$" def __init__(self, _error_log, _data_transfer): self.error_log = _error_log self.data_transfer = _data_transfer def handle(self, line): handle = False separator = "" for s in separators: if s in line: separator = s break if separator: if separator == "," and line.endswith(","): line = line[0:-1] if separator == "----" and line.endswith("----"): line = line[0:-4] if re.match(LineHandler.R1, line): line = line.replace("\t|\t\t", "\t").replace("\t|\t", "\t") arr = line.split(separator) length = len(arr) if length == 2: handle = True self.handle_split_2(arr[0].strip(), arr[1].strip(), line) elif length == 3: handle = True self.handle_split_3(arr[0].strip(), arr[1].strip(), arr[2].strip(), line) elif length == 4: handle = True self.handle_split_4(arr[0].strip(), arr[1].strip(), arr[2].strip(), arr[3].strip(), line, separator) elif length == 5: handle = True self.handle_split_5(arr[0].strip(), arr[1].strip(), arr[2].strip(), arr[3].strip(), arr[4].strip(), line, separator) if not handle: # 太短或太長的行 直接吞掉 if 10 <= len(line) < 200: error_log.log_format_error(line) def handle_split_2(self, word1, word2, line): password = word2 if "@" in word1: # [email protected] 對應這種情況 ---- 郵箱-密碼 account_type = self.split_email(word1) if not account_type: self.error_log.log_email_format_error(line) return account = account_type[0] email_type = account_type[1] self.post(account, password, email_type, None, line) else: # ls407994769----407994769 對應這種情況 ---- 賬號-密碼 # [email protected] 要排除這種髒資料 account = word1 if "@" in password: self.error_log.log_format_error(line) return self.post(account, password, None, None, line) def handle_split_3(self, word1, word2, word3, line): # 暱稱 -- 密碼 -- 郵箱 # [email protected] 對應這種 password = word2 remark = word1 account_type = self.split_email(word3) if not account_type: self.error_log.log_email_format_error(line) return account = account_type[0] email_type = account_type[1] self.post(account, password, email_type, remark, line) def handle_split_4(self, word1, word2, word3, word4, line, separator): if word1 and word2 and word3 and word4: if "@" in word2 and len(word3) == 32: # 暱稱 -- 郵箱 -- MD5 -- 密碼 # [email protected]3e----123456 對應這種 password = word4 remark = word1 + "--" + word3 account_type = self.split_email(word2) if not account_type: self.error_log.log_email_format_error(line) return account = account_type[0] email_type = account_type[1] self.post(account, password, email_type, remark, line) elif len(word2) == 32 and "@" in word3: # 暱稱 -- MD5 -- 郵箱 -- 密碼 # [email protected]3e----123456 對應這種 password = word4 remark = word1 + "--" + word2 account_type = self.split_email(word3) if not account_type: self.error_log.log_email_format_error(line) return account = account_type[0] email_type = account_type[1] self.post(account, password, email_type, remark, line) else: self.error_log.log_format_error(line) elif separator == "\t" and word1 and word2 and not word3 and word4: # 暱稱 -- 郵箱 -- 空 -- 密碼 # [email protected] ----6021159 password = word4 remark = word1 account_type = self.split_email(word2) if not account_type: self.error_log.log_email_format_error(line) return account = account_type[0] email_type = account_type[1] self.post(account, password, email_type, remark, line) else: self.error_log.log_format_error(line) def handle_split_5(self, word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, line, separator): if separator == "\t" and word1 and word2 and word3 and not word4 and word5: # 暱稱 -- MD5 -- 郵箱 -- 空 -- 密碼 # libing879768 056094b080db1e3062a35a8a588079f5 [email protected] libing 對應這種 if len(word2) != 32: self.error_log.log_format_error(line) return password = word5 remark = word1 + "--" + word2 account_type = self.split_email(word3) if not account_type: self.error_log.log_email_format_error(line) return account = account_type[0] email_type = account_type[1] self.post(account, password, email_type, remark, line) else: self.error_log.log_format_error(line) def post(self, account, password, email_type, remark, line): if not self.valid_account(account): self.error_log.log_account_length_error(line) return if not self.valid_password(password): self.error_log.log_password_length_error(line) return if not self.valid_email_type(email_type): self.error_log.log_email_type_length_error(line) return if not self.valid_remark(remark): self.error_log.log_remark_length_error(line) return self.data_transfer.transfer_data(account, password, email_type, remark) def split_email(self, email): if re.match(LineHandler.EMAIL_REGEXP, email): arr = email.split("@") # 因為資料中 163.com 和 126.com 是最多的,所以,省一點是一點 if arr[1] == "163.com" or arr[1] == "163.COM": email_type = "163" elif arr[1] == "126.com" or arr[1] == "126.COM": email_type = "126" else: email_type = arr[1] return [arr[0], email_type] else: return None def valid_account(self, account): # 郵箱賬號長度限制在 2 -- 40 return account and 2 <= len(account) <= 40 def valid_password(self, password): # 密碼長度限制在 6 -- 40 return password and 6 <= len(password) <= 40 def valid_email_type(self, email_type): # 郵箱型別長度限制在 3 -- 40 return not email_type or 3 <= len(email_type) <= 40 def valid_remark(self, remark): # 備註長度限制在 3 -- 20 return not remark or len(remark) <= 100 class DataErrorLog: READ_ERROR = "read_error" FORMAT_ERROR = "format_error" EMAIL_FORMAT_ERROR = "email_format_error" ACCOUNT_LENGTH_ERROR = "account_length_error" PASSWORD_LENGTH_ERROR = "password_length_error" EMAIL_TYPE_LENGTH_ERROR = "email_type_length_error" REMARK_LENGTH_ERROR = "remark_length_error" DB_ERROR = "db_error" EXCEPTION = "exception" def __init__(self, log_dir): self.log_dir = log_dir if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) if not os.path.isdir(log_dir): os.remove(log_dir) os.makedirs(log_dir) self.__read_error_handler = ErrorLogHandler(log_dir, DataErrorLog.READ_ERROR) self.__format_error_handler = ErrorLogHandler(log_dir, DataErrorLog.FORMAT_ERROR) self.__email_format_error_handler = ErrorLogHandler(log_dir, DataErrorLog.EMAIL_FORMAT_ERROR) self.__account_length_error_handler = ErrorLogHandler(log_dir, DataErrorLog.ACCOUNT_LENGTH_ERROR) self.__password_length_error_handler = ErrorLogHandler(log_dir, DataErrorLog.PASSWORD_LENGTH_ERROR) self.__email_type_length_error_handler = ErrorLogHandler(log_dir, DataErrorLog.EMAIL_TYPE_LENGTH_ERROR) self.__remark_length_error_handler = ErrorLogHandler(log_dir, DataErrorLog.REMARK_LENGTH_ERROR) self.__db_error_handler = ErrorLogHandler(log_dir, DataErrorLog.DB_ERROR) self.__exception_handler = ErrorLogHandler(log_dir, DataErrorLog.EXCEPTION) def log_read_error(self, error): self.__read_error_handler.handle_log(error) def log_format_error(self, error): self.__format_error_handler.handle_log(error) def log_email_format_error(self, error): self.__email_format_error_handler.handle_log(error) def log_account_length_error(self, error): self.__account_length_error_handler.handle_log(error) def log_password_length_error(self, error): self.__password_length_error_handler.handle_log(error) def log_email_type_length_error(self, error): self.__email_type_length_error_handler.handle_log(error) def log_remark_length_error(self, error): self.__remark_length_error_handler.handle_log(error) def log_db_error(self, error): self.__db_error_handler.handle_log(error) def log_exception(self, e): text = "{0}:{1}".format(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())), e) self.__exception_handler.handle_log(text) print(text) def close(self): self.__read_error_handler.close() self.__format_error_handler.close() self.__email_format_error_handler.close() self.__account_length_error_handler.close() self.__password_length_error_handler.close() self.__email_type_length_error_handler.close() self.__remark_length_error_handler.close() self.__db_error_handler.close() self.__exception_handler.close() class ErrorLogHandler: MAX_FILE_LINE = max_log_line_num def __init__(self, dir_path, name): self.file_count = 0 self.line_count = 0 self.total_line_count = 0 self.dir_path = dir_path self.name = name self.file = None def handle_log(self, log): if not self.file or self.line_count >= ErrorLogHandler.MAX_FILE_LINE: self.file_count = self.file_count + 1 self.line_count = 0 self.file = self.__new_file("{0}_{1}".format(self.name, self.file_count)) print(log, file=self.file) self.line_count = self.line_count + 1 self.total_line_count = self.total_line_count + 1 def __new_file(self, filename): self.close() p = os.path.join(self.dir_path, filename) if os.path.exists(p): os.remove(p) print("********** 建立日誌檔案:{0} **********".format(p)) return open(p, 'a') def close(self): if self.file: self.file.close() start = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) print("############## buf_size = {0} ##############".format(buf_size)) print("############## queue_size = {0} ##############".format(queue_size)) print("############## table_name = {0} ##############".format(table_name)) print("############## max_log_line_num = {0} ##############".format(max_log_line_num)) print("############## error_log_dir = {0} ##############".format(error_log_dir)) print("############## data_file_path = {0} ##############".format(data_file_path)) print("############## separators = {0} ##############".format(separators)) data_submit = DataSubmit(connection) data_transfer = DataTransfer(data_submit) error_log = DataErrorLog(error_log_dir) line_handler = LineHandler(error_log, data_transfer) file_data_reader = FileDataReader(data_file_path, line_handler) try: file_data_reader.read_start() data_transfer.flush() finally: data_submit.exit_task() error_log.close() end = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) ms = end - start hh = int(ms / (60 * 60 * 1000)) mm = int((ms % (60 * 60 * 1000)) / (60 * 1000)) ss = int(((ms % (60 * 60 * 1000)) % (60 * 1000)) / 1000) print("\n 處理完成,用時 {0}時 {1}分 {2}秒 \n".format(hh, mm, ss))




    修改下檔案位置,就可以跑起來了。注意,跑之前,mysql 所在分割槽至少預留 100G的空間,並且,關閉mysql日誌功能。否則,根本就沒法用。

    buf_size 數值不要設定過大,不然分分鐘就爆記憶體。






    由於資料量實在太大,將郵箱賬號按長度分表,如 8 個字元的賬號 存入表 email_8 。光分長度,資料量還是太大,查詢效率太低,所以,又分了首字母,具體就看程式碼吧。





CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `query_account`(IN account_in varchar(255))
    declare t varchar(255);  # 表字首
    declare t_name varchar(255); # 表名稱
    declare account_len int;    # 輸入要查詢的賬號長度
    declare fw varchar(10);
    declare fw_ascii int;
    set t = "email_";
        if account_in is null then leave acc;
        end if;
        set account_in = trim(account_in);
        set account_len = length(account_in);
        if account_len < 2 or account_len > 40 then leave acc;
        end if;
        if account_len >= 6 and account_len <= 14 then
                set fw = lower( left(account_in, 1) );
                set fw_ascii = ord(fw);
                if fw_ascii >= 48 and fw_ascii <=52 then set fw = "04";
                elseif fw_ascii >= 53 and fw_ascii <=57 then set fw = "59";
                elseif fw_ascii >= 97 and fw_ascii <=100 then set fw = "ad";
                elseif fw_ascii >= 101 and fw_ascii <=104 then set fw = "eh";
                elseif fw_ascii >= 105 and fw_ascii <=108 then set fw = "il";
                elseif fw_ascii >= 109 and fw_ascii <=112 then set fw = "mp";
                elseif fw_ascii >= 113 and fw_ascii <=116 then set fw = "qt";
                elseif fw_ascii >= 117 and fw_ascii <=119 then set fw = "uw";
                elseif fw_ascii >= 120 and fw_ascii <=122 then set fw = "xz";
                else set fw = "00";
                end if;
                set t_name = concat(t, account_len, "_", fw);
            set t_name = concat(t, account_len);
        end if;
        set @v_sql=concat('select * from ', t_name, ' where email = ?');
        prepare stmt from @v_sql;
        SET @a = account_in;
        EXECUTE stmt USING @a;
        deallocate prepare stmt;
    END acc;



call query_account('helloworld')