1. 程式人生 > >動態配置模組實現模組拖拽效果



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    var gridster;
	    // same object than generated with gridster.serialize() method
	    var gridsterJson = [
	    	var gridsterJson = ${gridsterUser.json};
		var serialization = gridsterJson;
		serialization = Gridster.sort_by_row_and_col_asc(serialization);
		$(document).ready(function () {
			gridster = $(".gridster ul").gridster({
				widget_margins: [10, 10],
				widget_base_dimensions: [140, 140],
				shift_larger_widgets_down: false,
				resize: {
	                enabled: true,
	           		stop: function(e, ui, $widget) {
				draggable: { 
					stop:function(event, ui){
			$.each(serialization, function () {
				gridster.add_widget('<li ><p>'+this.id+'</p></li>', this.size_x, this.size_y, this.col, this.row,"","","",this.id);
			$('.gridster li').dblclick(function(){
				gridster.remove_widget( this, function(){
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				gridster.add_widget('<li ><p>'+id+'</p></li>', this.size_x, this.size_y, this.col, this.row,"","","",id);
				$('.gridster li').dblclick(function(){
					gridster.remove_widget( this, function(e){
		function saveDynamicConfiguraionModule(){
			var s = gridster.serialize();
			s = JSON.stringify(s);
			s = s.replace(/"+/g,"'");
				url: "<c:url value='/management/org/DynamicConfiguraionModule/save'/>",
				type: 'post',
				dataType: 'JSON',
				success: function(data){
				error: function(){

        <div class="gridster" >
          <ul >
		<div class="gridster-list" >
          <ul >
            <li data-size_x="1" data-size_y="1" data-col="1" data-row="1" data-id="GangOfficers"><p>到崗人員</p></li>
			<li data-size_x="1" data-size_y="1" data-col="1" data-row="1" data-id="RunStatus"><p>執行狀態</p></li>
			<li data-size_x="1" data-size_y="1" data-col="1" data-row="1" data-id="TodayWeather"><p>今日天氣</p></li>
			<li data-size_x="1" data-size_y="1" data-col="1" data-row="1" data-id="TasksFull"><p>個人任務</p></li>
			<li data-size_x="1" data-size_y="1" data-col="1" data-row="1" data-id="ReservoirWaterLevel"><p>庫容水位</p></li>
			<li data-size_x="1" data-size_y="1" data-col="1" data-row="1" data-id="ElectricityGeneration"><p>電站發電量</p></li>
			<li data-size_x="1" data-size_y="1" data-col="1" data-row="1" data-id="InspectionTasks"><p>巡查任務</p></li>
/*! gridster.js - v0.7.0 - 2016-02-26 - * https://dsmorse.github.io/gridster.js/ - Copyright (c) 2016 ducksboard; Licensed MIT */!function(a, b) {
    "use strict";
    "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("gridster-coords", ["jquery"], b) : a.GridsterCoords = b(a.$ || a.jQuery)
}(this, function(a) {
    "use strict";
    function b(b) {
        return b[0] && a.isPlainObject(b[0]) ? this.data = b[0] : this.el = b,
        this.isCoords = !0,
        this.coords = {},
    var c = b.prototype;
    return c.init = function() {
        this.original_coords = this.get()
    c.set = function(a, b) {
        var c = this.el;
        if (c && !a && (this.data = c.offset(),
        this.data.width = c[0].scrollWidth,
        this.data.height = c[0].scrollHeight),
        c && a && !b) {
            var d = c.offset();
            this.data.top = d.top,
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        var e = this.data;
        return void 0 === e.left && (e.left = e.x1),
        void 0 === e.top && (e.top = e.y1),
        this.coords.x1 = e.left,
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        this.coords.cx = e.left + e.width / 2,
        this.coords.cy = e.top + e.height / 2,
        this.coords.width = e.width,
        this.coords.height = e.height,
        this.coords.el = c || !1,
    c.update = function(b) {
        if (!b && !this.el)
            return this;
        if (b) {
            var c = a.extend({}, this.data, b);
            return this.data = c,
            this.set(!0, !0)
        return this.set(!0),
    c.get = function() {
        return this.coords
    c.destroy = function() {
        delete this.el
    a.fn.coords = function() {
        if (this.data("coords"))
            return this.data("coords");
        var a = new b(this);
        return this.data("coords", a),
function(a, b) {
    "use strict";
    "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("gridster-collision", ["jquery", "gridster-coords"], b) : a.GridsterCollision = b(a.$ || a.jQuery, a.GridsterCoords)
}(this, function(a, b) {
    "use strict";
    function c(b, c, e) {
        this.options = a.extend(d, e),
        this.$element = b,
        this.last_colliders = [],
        this.last_colliders_coords = [],
    var d = {
        colliders_context: document.body,
        overlapping_region: "C"
    c.defaults = d;
    var e = c.prototype;
    return e.init = function() {
    e.overlaps = function(a, b) {
        var c = !1
          , d = !1;
        return (b.x1 >= a.x1 && b.x1 <= a.x2 || b.x2 >= a.x1 && b.x2 <= a.x2 || a.x1 >= b.x1 && a.x2 <= b.x2) && (c = !0),
        (b.y1 >= a.y1 && b.y1 <= a.y2 || b.y2 >= a.y1 && b.y2 <= a.y2 || a.y1 >= b.y1 && a.y2 <= b.y2) && (d = !0),
        c && d
    e.detect_overlapping_region = function(a, b) {
        var c = ""
          , d = "";
        return a.y1 > b.cy && a.y1 < b.y2 && (c = "N"),
        a.y2 > b.y1 && a.y2 < b.cy && (c = "S"),
        a.x1 > b.cx && a.x1 < b.x2 && (d = "W"),
        a.x2 > b.x1 && a.x2 < b.cx && (d = "E"),
        c + d || "C"
    e.calculate_overlapped_area_coords = function(b, c) {
        var d = Math.max(b.x1, c.x1)
          , e = Math.max(b.y1, c.y1)
          , f = Math.min(b.x2, c.x2)
          , g = Math.min(b.y2, c.y2);
        return a({
            left: d,
            top: e,
            width: f - d,
            height: g - e
    e.calculate_overlapped_area = function(a) {
        return a.width * a.height
    e.manage_colliders_start_stop = function(b, c, d) {
        for (var e = this.last_colliders_coords, f = 0, g = e.length; g > f; f++)
            -1 === a.inArray(e[f], b) && c.call(this, e[f]);
        for (var h = 0, i = b.length; i > h; h++)
            -1 === a.inArray(b[h], e) && d.call(this, b[h])
    e.find_collisions = function(b) {
        for (var c = this, d = this.options.overlapping_region, e = [], f = [], g = this.colliders || this.$colliders, h = g.length, i = c.$element.coords().update(b || !1).get(); h--; ) {
            var j = c.$colliders ? a(g[h]) : g[h]
              , k = j.isCoords ? j : j.coords()
              , l = k.get()
              , m = c.overlaps(i, l);
            if (m) {
                var n = c.detect_overlapping_region(i, l);
                if (n === d || "all" === d) {
                    var o = c.calculate_overlapped_area_coords(i, l)
                      , p = c.calculate_overlapped_area(o);
                    if (0 !== p) {
                        var q = {
                            area: p,
                            area_coords: o,
                            region: n,
                            coords: l,
                            player_coords: i,
                            el: j
                        c.options.on_overlap && c.options.on_overlap.call(this, q),
        return (c.options.on_overlap_stop || c.options.on_overlap_start) && this.manage_colliders_start_stop(e, c.options.on_overlap_start, c.options.on_overlap_stop),
        this.last_colliders_coords = e,
    e.get_closest_colliders = function(a) {
        var b = this.find_collisions(a);
        return b.sort(function(a, b) {
            return "C" === a.region && "C" === b.region ? a.coords.y1 < b.coords.y1 || a.coords.x1 < b.coords.x1 ? -1 : 1 : (a.area < b.area,
    e.set_colliders = function(b) {
        "string" == typeof b || b instanceof a ? this.$colliders = a(b, this.options.colliders_context).not(this.$element) : this.colliders = a(b)
    a.fn.collision = function(a, b) {
        return new c(this,a,b)
function(a, b) {
    "use strict";
    a.delay = function(a, b) {
        var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
        return setTimeout(function() {
            return a.apply(null , c)
        }, b)
    a.debounce = function(a, b, c) {
        var d;
        return function() {
            var e = this
              , f = arguments
              , g = function() {
                d = null ,
                c || a.apply(e, f)
            c && !d && a.apply(e, f),
            d = setTimeout(g, b)
    a.throttle = function(a, b) {
        var c, d, e, f, g, h, i = debounce(function() {
            g = f = !1
        }, b);
        return function() {
            c = this,
            d = arguments;
            var j = function() {
                e = null ,
                g && a.apply(c, d),
            return e || (e = setTimeout(j, b)),
            f ? g = !0 : h = a.apply(c, d),
            f = !0,
function(a, b) {
    "use strict";
    "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("gridster-draggable", ["jquery"], b) : a.GridsterDraggable = b(a.$ || a.jQuery)
}(this, function(a) {
    "use strict";
    function b(b, d) {
        this.options = a.extend({}, c, d),
        this.$document = a(document),
        this.$container = a(b),
        this.$scroll_container = this.options.scroll_container === window ? a(window) : this.$container.closest(this.options.scroll_container),
        this.is_dragging = !1,
        this.player_min_left = 0 + this.options.offset_left,
        this.id = i(),
        this.ns = ".gridster-draggable-" + this.id,
    var c = {
        items: "li",
        distance: 1,
        limit: !0,
        offset_left: 0,
        autoscroll: !0,
        ignore_dragging: ["INPUT", "TEXTAREA", "SELECT", "BUTTON"],
        handle: null ,
        container_width: 0,
        move_element: !0,
        helper: !1,
        remove_helper: !0
      , d = a(window)
      , e = {
        x: "left",
        y: "top"
      , f = !!("ontouchstart" in window)
      , g = function(a) {
        return a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.slice(1)
      , h = 0
      , i = function() {
        return ++h + ""
    b.defaults = c;
    var j = b.prototype;
    return j.init = function() {
        var b = this.$container.css("position");
        this.$container.css("position", "static" === b ? "relative" : b),
        this.disabled = !1,
        d.bind(this.nsEvent("resize"), throttle(a.proxy(this.calculate_dimensions, this), 200))
    j.nsEvent = function(a) {
        return (a || "") + this.ns
    j.events = function() {
        this.pointer_events = {
            start: this.nsEvent("touchstart") + " " + this.nsEvent("mousedown"),
            move: this.nsEvent("touchmove") + " " + this.nsEvent("mousemove"),
            end: this.nsEvent("touchend") + " " + this.nsEvent("mouseup")
        this.$container.on(this.nsEvent("selectstart"), a.proxy(this.on_select_start, this)),
        this.$container.on(this.pointer_events.start, this.options.items, a.proxy(this.drag_handler, this)),
        this.$document.on(this.pointer_events.end, a.proxy(function(a) {
            this.is_dragging = !1,
            this.disabled || (this.$document.off(this.pointer_events.move),
            this.drag_start && this.on_dragstop(a))
        }, this))
    j.get_actual_pos = function(a) {
        return a.position()
    j.get_mouse_pos = function(a) {
        if (a.originalEvent && a.originalEvent.touches) {
            var b = a.originalEvent;
            a = b.touches.length ? b.touches[0] : b.changedTouches[0]
        return {
            left: a.clientX,
            top: a.clientY
    j.get_offset = function(a) {
        var b = this.get_mouse_pos(a)
          , c = Math.round(b.left - this.mouse_init_pos.left)
          , d = Math.round(b.top - this.mouse_init_pos.top)
          , e = Math.round(this.el_init_offset.left + c - this.baseX + this.$scroll_container.scrollLeft() - this.scroll_container_offset_x)
          , f = Math.round(this.el_init_offset.top + d - this.baseY + this.$scroll_container.scrollTop() - this.scroll_container_offset_y);
        return this.options.limit && (e > this.player_max_left ? e = this.player_max_left : e < this.player_min_left && (e = this.player_min_left)),
            position: {
                left: e,
                top: f
            pointer: {
                left: b.left,
                top: b.top,
                diff_left: c + (this.$scroll_container.scrollLeft() - this.scroll_container_offset_x),
                diff_top: d + (this.$scroll_container.scrollTop() - this.scroll_container_offset_y)
    j.get_drag_data = function(a) {
        var b = this.get_offset(a);
        return b.$player = this.$player,
        b.$helper = this.helper ? this.$helper : this.$player,
    j.set_limits = function(a) {
        return a || (a = this.$container.width()),
        this.player_max_left = a - this.player_width + -this.options.offset_left,
        this.options.container_width = a,
    j.scroll_in = function(a, b) {
        var c, d = e[a], f = 50, h = 30, i = "scroll" + g(d), j = "x" === a, k = j ? this.scroller_width : this.scroller_height;
        c = this.$scroll_container === window ? j ? this.$scroll_container.width() : this.$scroll_container.height() : j ? this.$scroll_container[0].scrollWidth : this.$scroll_container[0].scrollHeight;
        var l, m = j ? this.$player.width() : this.$player.height(), n = this.$scroll_container[i](), o = n, p = o + k, q = p - f, r = o + f, s = o + b.pointer[d], t = c - k + m;
        return s >= q && (l = n + h,
        t > l && (this.$scroll_container[i](l),
        this["scroll_offset_" + a] += h)),
        r >= s && (l = n - h,
        l > 0 && (this.$scroll_container[i](l),
        this["scroll_offset_" + a] -= h)),
    j.manage_scroll = function(a) {
        this.scroll_in("x", a),
        this.scroll_in("y", a)
    j.calculate_dimensions = function() {
        this.scroller_height = this.$scroll_container.height(),
        this.scroller_width = this.$scroll_container.width()
    j.drag_handler = function(b) {
        if (!this.disabled && (1 === b.which || f) && !this.ignore_drag(b)) {
            var c = this
              , d = !0;
            return this.$player = a(b.currentTarget),
            this.el_init_pos = this.get_actual_pos(this.$player),
            this.mouse_init_pos = this.get_mouse_pos(b),
            this.offsetY = this.mouse_init_pos.top - this.el_init_pos.top,
            this.$document.on(this.pointer_events.move, function(a) {
                var b = c.get_mouse_pos(a)
                  , e = Math.abs(b.left - c.mouse_init_pos.left)
                  , f = Math.abs(b.top - c.mouse_init_pos.top);
                return e > c.options.distance || f > c.options.distance ? d ? (d = !1,
                c.on_dragstart.call(c, a),
                !1) : (c.is_dragging === !0 && c.on_dragmove.call(c, a),
                !1) : !1
            f ? void 0 : !1
    j.on_dragstart = function(a) {
        if (a.preventDefault(),
            return this;
        this.drag_start = this.is_dragging = !0;
        var b = this.$container.offset();
        return this.baseX = Math.round(b.left),
        this.baseY = Math.round(b.top),
        "clone" === this.options.helper ? (this.$helper = this.$player.clone().appendTo(this.$container).addClass("helper"),
        this.helper = !0) : this.helper = !1,
        this.scroll_container_offset_y = this.$scroll_container.scrollTop(),
        this.scroll_container_offset_x = this.$scroll_container.scrollLeft(),
        this.el_init_offset = this.$player.offset(),
        this.player_width = this.$player.width(),
        this.options.start && this.options.start.call(this.$player, a, this.get_drag_data(a)),
    j.on_dragmove = function(a) {
        var b = this.get_drag_data(a);
        this.options.autoscroll && this.manage_scroll(b),
        this.options.move_element && (this.helper ? this.$helper : this.$player).css({
            position: "absolute",
            left: b.position.left,
            top: b.position.top
        var c = this.last_position || b.position;
        return b.prev_position = c,
        this.options.drag && this.options.drag.call(this.$player, a, b),
        this.last_position = b.position,
    j.on_dragstop = function(a) {
        var b = this.get_drag_data(a);
        return this.drag_start = !1,
        this.options.stop && this.options.stop.call(this.$player, a, b),
        this.helper && this.options.remove_helper && this.$helper.remove(),
    j.on_select_start = function(a) {
        return this.disabled || this.ignore_drag(a) ? void 0 : !1
    j.enable = function() {
        this.disabled = !1
    j.disable = function() {
        this.disabled = !0
    j.destroy = function() {
        a.removeData(this.$container, "drag")
    j.ignore_drag = function(b) {
        return this.options.handle ? !a(b.target).is(this.options.handle) : a.isFunction(this.options.ignore_dragging) ? this.options.ignore_dragging(b) : this.options.resize ? !a(b.target).is(this.options.items) : a(b.target).is(this.options.ignore_dragging.join(", "))
    a.fn.gridDraggable = function(a) {
        return new b(this,a)
    a.fn.dragg = function(c) {
        return this.each(function() {
            a.data(this, "drag") || a.data(this, "drag", new b(this,c))
function(a, b) {
    "use strict";
    "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery"), require("./jquery.draggable.js"), require("./jquery.collision.js"), require("./jquery.coords.js"), require("./utils.js")) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery", "gridster-draggable", "gridster-collision"], b) : a.Gridster = b(a.$ || a.jQuery, a.GridsterDraggable, a.GridsterCollision)
}(this, function(a, b, c) {
    "use strict";
    function d(b, c) {
        this.options = a.extend(!0, {}, g, c),
        this.options.draggable = this.options.draggable || {},
        this.options.draggable = a.extend(!0, {}, this.options.draggable, {
            scroll_container: this.options.scroll_container
        this.$el = a(b),
        this.$scroll_container = this.options.scroll_container === window ? a(window) : this.$el.closest(this.options.scroll_container),
        this.$wrapper = this.$el.parent(),
        this.$widgets = this.$el.children(this.options.widget_selector).addClass("gs-w"),
        this.$changed = a([]),
        this.w_queue = {},
        this.is_responsive() ? this.min_widget_width = this.get_responsive_col_width() : this.min_widget_width = this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0],
        this.min_widget_height = this.options.widget_base_dimensions[1],
        this.is_resizing = !1,
        this.min_col_count = this.options.min_cols,
        this.prev_col_count = this.min_col_count,
        this.generated_stylesheets = [],
        this.$style_tags = a([]),
        this.options.auto_init && this.init()
    function e(a) {
        for (var b = ["col", "row", "size_x", "size_y"], c = {}, d = 0, e = b.length; e > d; d++) {
            var f = b[d];
            if (!(f in a))
                throw new Error("Not exists property `" + f + "`");
            var g = a[f];
            if (!g || isNaN(g))
                throw new Error("Invalid value of `" + f + "` property");
            c[f] = +g
        return c
    var f = a(window)
      , g = {
        namespace: "",
        widget_selector: "li",
        static_class: "static",
        widget_margins: [10, 10],
        widget_base_dimensions: [400, 225],
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        max_cols: 1 / 0,
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        autogenerate_stylesheet: !0,
        avoid_overlapped_widgets: !0,
        auto_init: !0,
        center_widgets: !1,
        responsive_breakpoint: !1,
        scroll_container: window,
        shift_larger_widgets_down: !0,
        move_widgets_down_only: !1,
        shift_widgets_up: !0,
        show_element: function(a, b) {
            b ? a.fadeIn(b) : a.fadeIn()
        hide_element: function(a, b) {
            b ? a.fadeOut(b) : a.fadeOut()
        serialize_params: function(a, b) {
            return {
                col: b.col,
                row: b.row,
                size_x: b.size_x,
                size_y: b.size_y,
				id: b.id
        collision: {
            wait_for_mouseup: !1
        draggable: {
            items: ".gs-w:not(.static)",
            distance: 4,
            ignore_dragging: b.defaults.ignore_dragging.slice(0)
        resize: {
            enabled: !1,
            axes: ["both"],
            handle_append_to: "",
            handle_class: "gs-resize-handle",
            max_size: [1 / 0, 1 / 0],
            min_size: [1, 1]
    d.defaults = g,
    d.generated_stylesheets = [],
    d.sort_by_row_asc = function(b) {
        return b = b.sort(function(b, c) {
            return b.row || (b = a(b).coords().grid,
            c = a(c).coords().grid),
            b = e(b),
            c = e(c),
            b.row > c.row ? 1 : -1
    d.sort_by_row_and_col_asc = function(a) {
        return a = a.sort(function(a, b) {
            return a = e(a),
            b = e(b),
            a.row > b.row || a.row === b.row && a.col > b.col ? 1 : -1
    d.sort_by_col_asc = function(a) {
        return a = a.sort(function(a, b) {
            return a = e(a),
            b = e(b),
            a.col > b.col ? 1 : -1
    d.sort_by_row_desc = function(a) {
        return a = a.sort(function(a, b) {
            return a = e(a),
            b = e(b),
            a.row + a.size_y < b.row + b.size_y ? 1 : -1
    var h = d.prototype;
    return h.init = function() {
        this.options.resize.enabled && this.setup_resize(),
        this.options.resize.enabled && this.resizable(),
        this.options.center_widgets && setTimeout(a.proxy(function() {
        }, this), 0),
        f.bind("resize.gridster", throttle(a.proxy(this.recalculate_faux_grid, this), 200))
    h.disable = function() {
        return this.$wrapper.find(".player-revert").removeClass("player-revert"),
    h.enable = function() {
        return this.drag_api.enable(),
    h.disable_resize = function() {
        return this.$el.addClass("gs-resize-disabled"),
    h.enable_resize = function() {
        return this.$el.removeClass("gs-resize-disabled"),
    h.add_widget = function(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, m) {
        var j;
        c || (c = 1),
        d || (d = 1),
        e || f ? (j = {
            col: e,
            row: f,
            size_x: c,
            size_y: d
        this.options.avoid_overlapped_widgets && this.empty_cells(e, f, c, d)) : j = this.next_position(c, d);
        var k = a(b).attr({
            "data-col": j.col,
            "data-row": j.row,
            "data-sizex": c,
            "data-sizey": d,
        this.$widgets = this.$widgets.add(k),
        this.$changed = this.$changed.add(k),
        var l = parseInt(j.row) + (parseInt(j.size_y) - 1);
        return this.rows < l && this.add_faux_rows(l - this.rows),
        g && this.set_widget_max_size(k, g),
        h && this.set_widget_min_size(k, h),
        this.drag_api.set_limits(this.cols * this.min_widget_width + (this.cols + 1) * this.options.widget_margins[0]),
        this.options.center_widgets && setTimeout(a.proxy(function() {
        }, this), 0),
        this.options.show_element.call(this, k, i),
    h.set_widget_min_size = function(a, b) {
        if (a = "number" == typeof a ? this.$widgets.eq(a) : a,
            return this;
        var c = a.data("coords").grid;
        return c.min_size_x = b[0],
        c.min_size_y = b[1],
    h.set_widget_max_size = function(a, b) {
        if (a = "number" == typeof a ? this.$widgets.eq(a) : a,
            return this;
        var c = a.data("coords").grid;
        return c.max_size_x = b[0],
        c.max_size_y = b[1],
    h.add_resize_handle = function(b) {
        var c = this.options.resize.handle_append_to ? a(this.options.resize.handle_append_to, b) : b;
        return 0 === c.children("span[class~='" + this.resize_handle_class + "']").length && a(this.resize_handle_tpl).appendTo(c),
    h.resize_widget = function(a, b, c, d) {
        var e = a.coords().grid;
        this.is_resizing = !0,
        b || (b = e.size_x),
        c || (c = e.size_y),
        this.is_valid_row(e.row, c) || this.add_faux_rows(Math.max(this.calculate_highest_row(e.row, c) - this.rows, 0)),
        this.is_valid_col(e.col, c) || this.add_faux_cols(Math.max(this.calculate_highest_row(e.col, b) - this.cols, 0));
        var f = {
            col: e.col,
            row: e.row,
            size_x: b,
            size_y: c
        return this.mutate_widget_in_gridmap(a, e, f),
        d && d.call(this, f.size_x, f.size_y),
        this.is_resizing = !1,
    h.expand_widget = function(b, c, d, e, f) {
        var g = b.coords().grid
          , h = Math.floor((a(window).width() - 2 * this.options.widget_margins[0]) / this.min_widget_width);
        c = c || Math.min(h, this.cols),
        d || (d = g.size_y);
        var i = g.size_y;
        b.attr("pre_expand_col", g.col),
        b.attr("pre_expand_sizex", g.size_x),
        b.attr("pre_expand_sizey", g.size_y);
        var j = e || 1;
        d > i && this.add_faux_rows(Math.max(d - i, 0));
        var k = {
            col: j,
            row: g.row,
            size_x: c,
            size_y: d
        return this.mutate_widget_in_gridmap(b, g, k),
        f && f.call(this, k.size_x, k.size_y),
    h.collapse_widget = function(a, b) {
        var c = a.coords().grid
          , d = parseInt(a.attr("pre_expand_sizex"))
          , e = parseInt(a.attr("pre_expand_sizey"))
          , f = parseInt(a.attr("pre_expand_col"))
          , g = {
            col: f,
            row: c.row,
            size_x: d,
            size_y: e
        return this.mutate_widget_in_gridmap(a, c, g),
        b && b.call(this, g.size_x, g.size_y),
    h.fit_to_content = function(a, b, c, d) {
        var e = a.coords().grid
          , f = this.$wrapper.width()
          , g = this.$wrapper.height()
          , h = this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0] + 2 * this.options.widget_margins[0]
          , i = this.options.widget_base_dimensions[1] + 2 * this.options.widget_margins[1]
          , j = Math.ceil((f + 2 * this.options.widget_margins[0]) / h)
          , k = Math.ceil((g + 2 * this.options.widget_margins[1]) / i)
          , l = {
            col: e.col,
            row: e.row,
            size_x: Math.min(b, j),
            size_y: Math.min(c, k)
        return this.mutate_widget_in_gridmap(a, e, l),
        d && d.call(this, l.size_x, l.size_y),
    h.center_widgets = debounce(function() {
        var b, c = this.$wrapper.width();
        b = this.is_responsive() ? this.get_responsive_col_width() : this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0] + 2 * this.options.widget_margins[0];
        var d = 2 * Math.floor(Math.max(Math.floor(c / b), this.min_col_count) / 2);
        this.options.min_cols = d,
        this.options.max_cols = d,
        this.options.extra_cols = 0,
        this.cols = d;
        var e = (d - this.prev_col_count) / 2;
        return 0 > e ? (this.get_min_col() > -1 * e ? this.shift_cols(e) : this.resize_widget_dimensions(this.options),
        setTimeout(a.proxy(function() {
        }, this), 0)) : e > 0 ? (this.resize_widget_dimensions(this.options),
        setTimeout(a.proxy(function() {
        }, this), 0)) : (this.resize_widget_dimensions(this.options),
        setTimeout(a.proxy(function() {
        }, this), 0)),
        this.prev_col_count = d,
    }, 200),
    h.get_min_col = function() {
        return Math.min.apply(Math, this.$widgets.map(a.proxy(function(b, c) {
            return this.get_cells_occupied(a(c).coords().grid).cols
        }, this)).get())
    h.shift_cols = function(b) {
        var c = this.$widgets.map(a.proxy(function(b, c) {
            var d = a(c);
            return this.dom_to_coords(d)
        }, this));
        c = d.sort_by_row_and_col_asc(c),
        c.each(a.proxy(function(c, d) {
            var e = a(d.el)
              , f = e.coords().grid
              , g = parseInt(e.attr("data-col"))
              , h = {
                col: Math.max(Math.round(g + b), 1),
                row: f.row,
                size_x: f.size_x,
                size_y: f.size_y
            setTimeout(a.proxy(function() {
                this.mutate_widget_in_gridmap(e, f, h)
            }, this), 0)
        }, this))
    h.mutate_widget_in_gridmap = function(b, c, d) {
        var e = c.size_y
          , f = this.get_cells_occupied(c)
          , g = this.get_cells_occupied(d)
          , h = [];
        a.each(f.cols, function(b, c) {
            -1 === a.inArray(c, g.cols) && h.push(c)
        var i = [];
        a.each(g.cols, function(b, c) {
            -1 === a.inArray(c, f.cols) && i.push(c)
        var j = [];
        a.each(f.rows, function(b, c) {
            -1 === a.inArray(c, g.rows) && j.push(c)
        var k = [];
        if (a.each(g.rows, function(b, c) {
            -1 === a.inArray(c, f.rows) && k.push(c)
        i.length) {
            var l = [d.col, d.row, d.size_x, Math.min(e, d.size_y), b];
            this.empty_cells.apply(this, l)
        if (k.length) {
            var m = [d.col, d.row, d.size_x, d.size_y, b];
            this.empty_cells.apply(this, m)
        if (c.col = d.col,
        c.row = d.row,
        c.size_x = d.size_x,
        c.size_y = d.size_y,
        this.add_to_gridmap(d, b),
        this.update_widget_dimensions(b, d),
        h.length) {
            var n = [h[0], d.row, h[h.length - 1] - h[0] + 1, Math.min(e, d.size_y), b];
            this.remove_empty_cells.apply(this, n)
        if (j.length) {
            var o = [d.col, d.row, d.size_x, d.size_y, b];
            this.remove_empty_cells.apply(this, o)
        return this.move_widget_up(b),
    h.empty_cells = function(b, c, d, e, f) {
        var g = this.widgets_below({
            col: b,
            row: c - e,
            size_x: d,
            size_y: e
        return g.not(f).each(a.proxy(function(b, d) {
            var f = a(d)
              , g = f.coords().grid;
            if (g.row <= c + e - 1) {
                var h = c + e - g.row;
                this.move_widget_down(f, h)
        }, this)),
        this.is_resizing || this.set_dom_grid_height(),
    h.remove_empty_cells = function(b, c, d, e, f) {
        var g = this.widgets_below({
            col: b,
            row: c,
            size_x: d,
            size_y: e
        return g.not(f).each(a.proxy(function(b, c) {
            this.move_widget_up(a(c), e)
        }, this)),
    h.next_position = function(a, b) {
        a || (a = 1),
        b || (b = 1);
        for (var c, e = this.gridmap, f = e.length, g = [], h = 1; f > h; h++) {
            c = e[h].length;
            for (var i = 1; c >= i; i++) {
                var j = this.can_move_to({
                    size_x: a,
                    size_y: b
                }, h, i);
                j && g.push({
                    col: h,
                    row: i,
                    size_y: b,
                    size_x: a
        return g.length ? d.sort_by_row_and_col_asc(g)[0] : !1
    h.remove_by_grid = function(a, b) {
        var c = this.is_widget(a, b);
        c && this.remove_widget(c)
    h.remove_widget = function(b, c, d) {
        var e = b instanceof a ? b : a(b);
        if (0 === e.length)
            return this;
        var f = e.coords().grid;
        if (void 0 === f)
            return this;
        a.isFunction(c) && (d = c,
        c = !1),
        this.cells_occupied_by_placeholder = {},
        this.$widgets = this.$widgets.not(e);
        var g = this.widgets_below(e);
        return this.remove_from_gridmap(f),
        this.options.hide_element.call(this, e, a.proxy(function() {
            c || g.each(a.proxy(function(b, c) {
                this.move_widget_up(a(c), f.size_y)
            }, this)),
            d && d.call(this, b)
        }, this)),
    h.remove_all_widgets = function(b) {
        return this.$widgets.each(a.proxy(function(a, c) {
            this.remove_widget(c, !0, b)
        }, this)),
    h.serialize = function(b) {
        b || (b = this.$widgets);
        var c = [];
        return b.each(a.proxy(function(b, d) {
            var e = a(d);
            "undefined" != typeof e.coords().grid && c.push(this.options.serialize_params(e, e.coords().grid))
        }, this)),
    h.serialize_changed = function() {
        return this.serialize(this.$changed)
    h.dom_to_coords = function(a) {
        return {
            col: parseInt(a.attr("data-col"), 10),
            row: parseInt(a.attr("data-row"), 10),
            size_x: parseInt(a.attr("data-sizex"), 10) || 1,
            size_y: parseInt(a.attr("data-sizey"), 10) || 1,
            max_size_x: parseInt(a.attr("data-max-sizex"), 10) || !1,
            max_size_y: parseInt(a.attr("data-max-sizey"), 10) || !1,
            min_size_x: parseInt(a.attr("data-min-sizex"), 10) || !1,
            min_size_y: parseInt(a.attr("data-min-sizey"), 10) || !1,
            el: a,
			id: a.attr("data-id")
    h.register_widget = function(b) {
        var c = b instanceof a
          , d = c ? this.dom_to_coords(b) : b
          , e = !1;
        c || (b = d.el);
        var f = this.can_go_widget_up(d);
        return this.options.shift_widgets_up && f && (d.row = f,
        b.attr("data-row", f),
        this.$el.trigger("gridster:positionchanged", [d]),
        e = !0),
        this.options.avoid_overlapped_widgets && !this.can_move_to({
            size_x: d.size_x,
            size_y: d.size_y
        }, d.col, d.row) && (a.extend(d, this.next_position(d.size_x, d.size_y)),
            "data-col": d.col,
            "data-row": d.row,
            "data-sizex": d.size_x,
            "data-sizey": d.size_y
        e = !0),
        b.data("coords", b.coords()),
        b.data("coords").grid = d,
        this.add_to_gridmap(d, b),
        this.update_widget_dimensions(b, d),
        this.options.resize.enabled && this.add_resize_handle(b),
    h.update_widget_position = function(a, b) {
        return this.for_each_cell_occupied(a, function(a, c) {
            return this.gridmap[a] ? void (this.gridmap[a][c] = b) : this
    h.update_widget_dimensions = function(a, b) {
        var c = b.size_x * (this.is_responsive() ? this.get_responsive_col_width() : this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0]) + (b.size_x - 1) * this.options.widget_margins[0]
          , d = b.size_y * this.options.widget_base_dimensions[1] + (b.size_y - 1) * this.options.widget_margins[1];
        return a.data("coords").update({
            width: c,
            height: d
            "data-col": b.col,
            "data-row": b.row,
            "data-sizex": b.size_x,
            "data-sizey": b.size_y
    h.update_widgets_dimensions = function() {
        return a.each(this.$widgets, a.proxy(function(b, c) {
            var d = a(c).coords().grid;
            "object" == typeof d && this.update_widget_dimensions(a(c), d)
        }, this)),
    h.remove_from_gridmap = function(a) {
        return this.update_widget_position(a, !1)
    h.add_to_gridmap = function(a, b) {
        this.update_widget_position(a, b || a.el)
    h.draggable = function() {
        var b = this
          , c = a.extend(!0, {}, this.options.draggable, {
            offset_left: this.options.widget_margins[0],
            offset_top: this.options.widget_margins[1],
            container_width: this.cols * this.min_widget_width + (this.cols + 1) * this.options.widget_margins[0],
            limit: !0,
            start: function(c, d) {
                b.$player = a(this),
                b.$helper = a(d.$helper),
                b.helper = !b.$helper.is(b.$player),
                b.on_start_drag.call(b, c, d),
            stop: function(a, c) {
                b.on_stop_drag.call(b, a, c),
            drag: throttle(function(a, c) {
                b.on_drag.call(b, a, c),
            }, 60)
        this.drag_api = this.$el.dragg(c).data("drag")
    h.resizable = function() {
        return this.resize_api = this.$el.gridDraggable({
            items: "." + this.options.resize.handle_class,
            offset_left: this.options.widget_margins[0],
            container_width: this.container_width,
            move_element: !1,
            resize: !0,
            limit: this.options.max_cols !== 1 / 0,
            scroll_container: this.options.scroll_container,
            start: a.proxy(this.on_start_resize, this),
            stop: a.proxy(function(b, c) {
                delay(a.proxy(function() {
                    this.on_stop_resize(b, c)
                }, this), 120)
            }, this),
            drag: throttle(a.proxy(this.on_resize, this), 60)
    h.setup_resize = function() {
        this.resize_handle_class = this.options.resize.handle_class;
        var b = this.options.resize.axes
          , c = '<span class="' + this.resize_handle_class + " " + this.resize_handle_class + '-{type}" />';
        return this.resize_handle_tpl = a.map(b, function(a) {
            return c.replace("{type}", a)
        a.isArray(this.options.draggable.ignore_dragging) && this.options.draggable.ignore_dragging.push("." + this.resize_handle_class),
    h.on_start_drag = function(b, c) {
        this.highest_col = this.get_highest_occupied_cell().col,
        this.player_grid_data = this.$player.coords().grid,
        this.placeholder_grid_data = a.extend({}, this.player_grid_data),
        this.set_dom_grid_height(this.$el.height() + this.player_grid_data.size_y * this.min_widget_height),
        var d = this.player_grid_data.size_x
          , e = this.cols - this.highest_col;
        this.options.max_cols === 1 / 0 && d >= e && this.add_faux_cols(Math.min(d - e, 1));
        var f = this.faux_grid
          , g = this.$player.data("coords").coords;
        this.cells_occupied_by_player = this.get_cells_occupied(this.player_grid_data),
        this.cells_occupied_by_placeholder = this.get_cells_occupied(this.placeholder_grid_data),
        this.last_cols = [],
        this.last_rows = [],
        this.collision_api = this.$helper.collision(f, this.options.collision),
        this.$preview_holder = a("<" + this.$player.get(0).tagName + " />", {
            "class": "preview-holder",
            "data-row": this.$player.attr("data-row"),
            "data-col": this.$player.attr("data-col"),
            css: {
                width: g.width,
                height: g.height
        this.options.draggable.start && this.options.draggable.start.call(this, b, c)
    h.on_drag = function(a, b) {
        if (null  === this.$player)
            return !1;
        var c = this.options.widget_margins
          , d = this.$preview_holder.attr("data-col")
          , e = this.$preview_holder.attr("data-row")
          , f = {
            left: b.position.left + this.baseX - c[0] * d,
            top: b.position.top + this.baseY - c[1] * e
        if (this.options.max_cols === 1 / 0) {
            var g = this.placeholder_grid_data.col + this.placeholder_grid_data.size_x - 1;
            g >= this.cols - 1 && this.options.max_cols >= this.cols + 1 && (this.add_faux_cols(1),
            this.set_dom_grid_width(this.cols + 1),
            this.drag_api.set_limits(this.cols * this.min_widget_width + (this.cols + 1) * this.options.widget_margins[0])),
        this.colliders_data = this.collision_api.get_closest_colliders(f),
        this.on_overlapped_column_change(this.on_start_overlapping_column, this.on_stop_overlapping_column),
        this.on_overlapped_row_change(this.on_start_overlapping_row, this.on_stop_overlapping_row),
        this.helper && this.$player && this.$player.css({
            left: b.position.left,
            top: b.position.top
        this.options.draggable.drag && this.options.draggable.drag.call(this, a, b)
    h.on_stop_drag = function(a, b) {
        var c = this.options.widget_margins
          , d = this.$preview_holder.attr("data-col")
          , e = this.$preview_holder.attr("data-row");
        b.position.left = b.position.left + this.baseX - c[0] * d,
        b.position.top = b.position.top + this.baseY - c[1] * e,
        this.colliders_data = this.collision_api.get_closest_colliders(b.position),
        this.on_overlapped_column_change(this.on_start_overlapping_column, this.on_stop_overlapping_column),
        this.on_overlapped_row_change(this.on_start_overlapping_row, this.on_stop_overlapping_row),
        this.$changed = this.$changed.add(this.$player),
        this.placeholder_grid_data.el.coords().grid.col === this.placeholder_grid_data.col && this.placeholder_grid_data.el.coords().grid.row === this.placeholder_grid_data.row || (this.update_widget_position(this.placeholder_grid_data.el.coords().grid, !1),
        this.options.collision.wait_for_mouseup && this.for_each_cell_occupied(this.placeholder_grid_data, function(a, b) {
            if (this.is_widget(a, b)) {
                var c = this.placeholder_grid_data.row + this.placeholder_grid_data.size_y
                  , d = parseInt(this.gridmap[a][b][0].getAttribute("data-row"))
                  , e = c - d;
                this.move_widget_down(this.is_widget(a, b), e)
        this.cells_occupied_by_player = this.get_cells_occupied(this.placeholder_grid_data);
        var f = this.placeholder_grid_data.col
          , g = this.placeholder_grid_data.row;
        this.set_cells_player_occupies(f, g),
        this.$player.coords().grid.row = g,
        this.$player.coords().grid.col = f,
            "data-col": f,
            "data-row": g
            left: "",
            top: ""
        this.options.draggable.stop && this.options.draggable.stop.call(this, a, b),
        this.$player = null ,
        this.$helper = null ,
        this.placeholder_grid_data = {},
        this.player_grid_data = {},
        this.cells_occupied_by_placeholder = {},
        this.cells_occupied_by_player = {},
        this.w_queue = {},
        this.options.max_cols === 1 / 0 && this.drag_api.set_limits(this.cols * this.min_widget_width + (this.cols + 1) * this.options.widget_margins[0])
    h.on_start_resize = function(b, c) {
        this.$resized_widget = c.$player.closest(".gs-w"),
        this.resize_coords = this.$resized_widget.coords(),
        this.resize_wgd = this.resize_coords.grid,
        this.resize_initial_width = this.resize_coords.coords.width,
        this.resize_initial_height = this.resize_coords.coords.height,
        this.resize_initial_sizex = this.resize_coords.grid.size_x,
        this.resize_initial_sizey = this.resize_coords.grid.size_y,
        this.resize_initial_col = this.resize_coords.grid.col,
        this.resize_last_sizex = this.resize_initial_sizex,
        this.resize_last_sizey = this.resize_initial_sizey,
        this.resize_max_size_x = Math.min(this.resize_wgd.max_size_x || this.options.resize.max_size[0], this.options.max_cols - this.resize_initial_col + 1),
        this.resize_max_size_y = this.resize_wgd.max_size_y || this.options.resize.max_size[1],
        this.resize_min_size_x = this.resize_wgd.min_size_x || this.options.resize.min_size[0] || 1,
        this.resize_min_size_y = this.resize_wgd.min_size_y || this.options.resize.min_size[1] || 1,
        this.resize_initial_last_col = this.get_highest_occupied_cell().col,
        this.resize_dir = {
            right: c.$player.is("." + this.resize_handle_class + "-x"),
            bottom: c.$player.is("." + this.resize_handle_class + "-y")
        this.is_responsive() || this.$resized_widget.css({
            "min-width": this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0],
            "min-height": this.options.widget_base_dimensions[1]
        var d = this.$resized_widget.get(0).tagName;
        this.$resize_preview_holder = a("<" + d + " />", {
            "class": "preview-holder resize-preview-holder",
            "data-row": this.$resized_widget.attr("data-row"),
            "data-col": this.$resized_widget.attr("data-col"),
            css: {
                width: this.resize_initial_width,
                height: this.resize_initial_height
        this.options.resize.start && this.options.resize.start.call(this, b, c, this.$resized_widget),
    h.on_stop_resize = function(b, c) {
            width: "",
            height: "",
            "min-width": "",
            "min-height": ""
        delay(a.proxy(function() {
                "min-width": "",
                "min-height": ""
            this.options.resize.stop && this.options.resize.stop.call(this, b, c, this.$resized_widget),
        }, this), 300),
        this.options.max_cols === 1 / 0 && this.drag_api.set_limits(this.cols * this.min_widget_width)
    h.on_resize = function(a, b) {
        var c, d = b.pointer.diff_left, e = b.pointer.diff_top, f = this.is_responsive() ? this.get_responsive_col_width() : this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0], g = this.options.widget_base_dimensions[1], h = this.options.widget_margins[0], i = this.options.widget_margins[1], j = this.resize_max_size_x, k = this.resize_min_size_x, l = this.resize_max_size_y, m = this.resize_min_size_y, n = this.options.max_cols === 1 / 0, o = Math.ceil(d / (f + 2 * h) - .2), p = Math.ceil(e / (g + 2 * i) - .2), q = Math.max(1, this.resize_initial_sizex + o), r = Math.max(1, this.resize_initial_sizey + p), s = Math.floor(this.container_width / this.min_widget_width - this.resize_initial_col + 1), t = s * this.min_widget_width + (s - 1) * h;
        q = Math.max(Math.min(q, j), k),
        q = Math.min(s, q),
        c = j * f + (q - 1) * h;
        var u = Math.min(c, t)
          , v = k * f + (q - 1) * h;
        r = Math.max(Math.min(r, l), m);
        var w = l * g + (r - 1) * i
          , x = m * g + (r - 1) * i;
        if (this.resize_dir.right ? r = this.resize_initial_sizey : this.resize_dir.bottom && (q = this.resize_initial_sizex),
        n) {
            var y = this.resize_initial_col + q - 1;
            n && this.resize_initial_last_col <= y && (this.set_dom_grid_width(Math.max(y + 1, this.cols)),
            this.cols < y && this.add_faux_cols(y - this.cols))
        var z = {};
        !this.resize_dir.bottom && (z.width = Math.max(Math.min(this.resize_initial_width + d, u), v)),
        !this.resize_dir.right && (z.height = Math.max(Math.min(this.resize_initial_height + e, w), x)),
        q === this.resize_last_sizex && r === this.resize_last_sizey || (this.resize_widget(this.$resized_widget, q, r, !1),
            width: "",
            height: ""
            "data-row": this.$resized_widget.attr("data-row"),
            "data-sizex": q,
            "data-sizey": r
        this.options.resize.resize && this.options.resize.resize.call(this, a, b, this.$resized_widget),
        this.resize_last_sizex = q,
        this.resize_last_sizey = r
    h.on_overlapped_column_change = function(b, c) {
        if (!this.colliders_data.length)
            return this;
        var d, e = this.get_targeted_columns(this.colliders_data[0].el.data.col), f = this.last_cols.length, g = e.length;
        for (d = 0; g > d; d++)
            -1 === a.inArray(e[d], this.last_cols) && (b || a.noop).call(this, e[d]);
        for (d = 0; f > d; d++)
            -1 === a.inArray(this.last_cols[d], e) && (c || a.noop).call(this, this.last_cols[d]);
        return this.last_cols = e,
    h.on_overlapped_row_change = function(b, c) {
        if (!this.colliders_data.length)
            return this;
        var d, e = this.get_targeted_rows(this.colliders_data[0].el.data.row), f = this.last_rows.length, g = e.length;
        for (d = 0; g > d; d++)
            -1 === a.inArray(e[d], this.last_rows) && (b || a.noop).call(this, e[d]);
        for (d = 0; f > d; d++)
            -1 === a.inArray(this.last_rows[d], e) && (c || a.noop).call(this, this.last_rows[d]);
        this.last_rows = e
    h.set_player = function(b, c, d) {
        var e = this
          , f = !1
          , g = d ? {
            col: b
        } : e.colliders_data[0].el.data
          , h = g.col
          , i = g.row || c;
        this.player_grid_data = {
            col: h,
            row: i,
            size_y: this.player_grid_data.size_y,
            size_x: this.player_grid_data.size_x
        this.cells_occupied_by_player = this.get_cells_occupied(this.player_grid_data),
        this.cells_occupied_by_placeholder = this.get_cells_occupied(this.placeholder_grid_data);
        var j = this.get_widgets_overlapped(this.player_grid_data)
          , k = this.player_grid_data.size_y
          , l = this.player_grid_data.size_x
          , m = this.cells_occupied_by_placeholder
          , n = this;
        if (j.each(a.proxy(function(b, c) {
            var d = a(c)
              , e = d.coords().grid
              , g = m.cols[0] + l - 1
              , o = m.rows[0] + k - 1;
            if (d.hasClass(n.options.static_class))
                return !0;
            if (n.options.collision.wait_for_mouseup && n.drag_api.is_dragging)
                n.placeholder_grid_data.col = h,
                n.placeholder_grid_data.row = i,
                n.cells_occupied_by_placeholder = n.get_cells_occupied(n.placeholder_grid_data),
                    "data-row": i,
                    "data-col": h
            else if (e.size_x <= l && e.size_y <= k)
                if (n.is_swap_occupied(m.cols[0], e.row, e.size_x, e.size_y) || n.is_player_in(m.cols[0], e.row) || n.is_in_queue(m.cols[0], e.row, d))
                    if (n.is_swap_occupied(g, e.row, e.size_x, e.size_y) || n.is_player_in(g, e.row) || n.is_in_queue(g, e.row, d))
                        if (n.is_swap_occupied(e.col, m.rows[0], e.size_x, e.size_y) || n.is_player_in(e.col, m.rows[0]) || n.is_in_queue(e.col, m.rows[0], d))
                            if (n.is_swap_occupied(e.col, o, e.size_x, e.size_y) || n.is_player_in(e.col, o) || n.is_in_queue(e.col, o, d))
                                if (n.is_swap_occupied(m.cols[0], m.rows[0], e.size_x, e.size_y) || n.is_player_in(m.cols[0], m.rows[0]) || n.is_in_queue(m.cols[0], m.rows[0], d))
                                    for (var p = 0; l > p; p++)
                                        for (var q = 0; k > q; q++) {
                                            var r = m.cols[0] + p
                                              , s = m.rows[0] + q;
                                            if (!n.is_swap_occupied(r, s, e.size_x, e.size_y) && !n.is_player_in(r, s) && !n.is_in_queue(r, s, d)) {
                                                f = n.queue_widget(r, s, d),
                                                p = l;
                                    n.options.move_widgets_down_only ? j.each(a.proxy(function(b, c) {
                                        var d = a(c);
                                        n.can_go_down(d) && d.coords().grid.row === n.player_grid_data.row && !n.is_in_queue(g, e.row, d) && (n.move_widget_down(d, n.player_grid_data.size_y),
                                        n.set_placeholder(h, i))
                                    })) : f = n.queue_widget(m.cols[0], m.rows[0], d);
                                f = n.queue_widget(e.col, o, d);
                            f = n.queue_widget(e.col, m.rows[0], d);
                        f = n.queue_widget(g, e.row, d);
                    n.options.move_widgets_down_only ? j.each(a.proxy(function(b, c) {
                        var d = a(c);
                        n.can_go_down(d) && d.coords().grid.row === n.player_grid_data.row && !n.is_in_queue(d.coords().grid.col, e.row, d) && (n.move_widget_down(d, n.player_grid_data.size_y),
                        n.set_placeholder(h, i))
                    })) : f = n.queue_widget(m.cols[0], e.row, d);
                n.options.shift_larger_widgets_down && !f && j.each(a.proxy(function(b, c) {
                    var d = a(c);
                    n.can_go_down(d) && d.coords().grid.row === n.player_grid_data.row && (n.move_widget_down(d, n.player_grid_data.size_y),
                    n.set_placeholder(h, i))
        f && this.can_placeholder_be_set(h, i, l, k)) {
            for (var o in this.w_queue) {
                var p = parseInt(o.split("_")[0])
                  , q = parseInt(o.split("_")[1]);
                "full" !== this.w_queue[o] && this.new_move_widget_to(this.w_queue[o], p, q)
            this.set_placeholder(h, i)
        if (!j.length) {
            if (this.options.shift_widgets_up) {
                var r = this.can_go_player_up(this.player_grid_data);
                r !== !1 && (i = r)
            this.can_placeholder_be_set(h, i, l, k) && this.set_placeholder(h, i)
        return this.w_queue = {},
            col: h,
            row: i
    h.is_swap_occupied = function(a, b, c, d) {
        for (var e = !1, f = 0; c > f; f++)
            for (var g = 0; d > g; g++) {
                var h = a + f
                  , i = b + g
                  , j = h + "_" + i;
                if (this.is_occupied(h, i))
                    e = !0;
                else if (j in this.w_queue) {
                    if ("full" === this.w_queue[j]) {
                        e = !0;
                    var k = this.w_queue[j]
                      , l = k.coords().grid;
                    this.is_widget_under_player(l.col, l.row) || delete this.w_queue[j]
                i > parseInt(this.options.max_rows) && (e = !0),
                h > parseInt(this.options.max_cols) && (e = !0),
                this.is_player_in(h, i) && (e = !0)
        return e
    h.can_placeholder_be_set = function(a, b, c, d) {
        for (var e = !0, f = 0; c > f; f++)
            for (var g = 0; d > g; g++) {
                var h = a + f
                  , i = b + g
                  , j = this.is_widget(h, i);
                i > parseInt(this.options.max_rows) && (e = !1),
                h > parseInt(this.options.max_cols) && (e = !1),
                this.is_occupied(h, i) && !this.is_widget_queued_and_can_move(j) && (e = !1)
        return e
    h.queue_widget = function(a, b, c) {
        var d = c
          , e = d.coords().grid
          , f = a + "_" + b;
        if (f in this.w_queue)
            return !1;
        this.w_queue[f] = d;
        for (var g = 0; g < e.size_x; g++)
            for (var h = 0; h < e.size_y; h++) {
                var i = a + g
                  , j = b + h
                  , k = i + "_" + j;
                k !== f && (this.w_queue[k] = "full")
        return !0
    h.is_widget_queued_and_can_move = function(a) {
        var b = !1;
        if (a === !1)
            return !1;
        for (var c in this.w_queue)
            if ("full" !== this.w_queue[c] && this.w_queue[c].attr("data-col") === a.attr("data-col") && this.w_queue[c].attr("data-row") === a.attr("data-row")) {
                b = !0;
                for (var d = this.w_queue[c], e = par