Raft協議實戰之Redis Sentinel的選舉Leader原始碼解析
本文從Redis Sentinel叢集選擇Leader的具體流程和原始碼分析,描述Raft協議中的選舉Leader演算法。關於Redis Sentinel的介紹可以參看本人的另一篇文章
Raft協議描述的節點共有三種狀態:Leader, Follower, Candidate。在系統執行正常的時候只有Leader和Follower兩種狀態的節點。一個Leader節點,其他的節點都是Follower。Candidate是系統執行不穩定時期的中間狀態,當一個Follower對Leader的的心跳出現異常,就會轉變成Candidate,Candidate會去競選新的Leader,它會向其他節點發送競選投票,如果大多數節點都投票給它,它就會替代原來的Leader,變成新的Leader,原來的Leader會降級成Follower。
- RequestVote是用來向其他節點發送競選投票。
- AppendEntries是當該節點得到更多的選票後,成為Leader,向其他節點確認訊息。
- 1、增加自己的term。
- 2、啟動一個新的定時器。
- 3、給自己投一票。
- 4、向所有其他節點發送RequestVote,並等待其他節點的回覆。
每個節點在一個term內只能投一票,採取先到先得的策略,Candidate前面說到已經投給了自己,Follower會投給第一個收到RequestVote的節點。每個Follower有一個計時器,在計時器超時時仍然沒有接受到來自Leader的心跳RPC, 則自己轉換為Candidate, 開始請求投票,就是上面的的競選Leader步驟。
如果多個Candidate發起投票,每個Candidate都沒拿到多數的投票(Split Vote),那麼就會等到計時器超時後重新成為Candidate,重複前面競選Leader步驟。
- 1、某個Sentinel認定master客觀下線的節點後,該Sentinel會先看看自己有沒有投過票,如果自己已經投過票給其他Sentinel了,在2倍故障轉移的超時時間自己就不會成為Leader。相當於它是一個Follower。
- 2、如果該Sentinel還沒投過票,那麼它就成為Candidate。
- 3、和Raft協議描述的一樣,成為Candidate,Sentinel需要完成幾件事情
- 1)更新故障轉移狀態為start
- 2)當前epoch加1,相當於進入一個新term,在Sentinel中epoch就是Raft協議中的term。
- 3)更新自己的超時時間為當前時間隨機加上一段時間,隨機時間為1s內的隨機毫秒數。
- 4)向其他節點發送
命令請求投票。命令會帶上自己的epoch。 - 5)給自己投一票,在Sentinel中,投票的方式是把自己master結構體裡的leader和leader_epoch改成投給的Sentinel和它的epoch。
- 4、其他Sentinel會收到Candidate的
命令。如果Sentinel當前epoch和Candidate傳給他的epoch一樣,說明他已經把自己master結構體裡的leader和leader_epoch改成其他Candidate,相當於把票投給了其他Candidate。投過票給別的Sentinel後,在當前epoch內自己就只能成為Follower。 - 5、Candidate會不斷的統計自己的票數,直到他發現認同他成為Leader的票數超過一半而且超過它配置的quorum(quorum可以參考《redis sentinel設計與實現》)。Sentinel比Raft協議增加了quorum,這樣一個Sentinel能否當選Leader還取決於它配置的quorum。
- 6、如果在一個選舉時間內,Candidate沒有獲得超過一半且超過它配置的quorum的票數,自己的這次選舉就失敗了。
- 7、如果在一個epoch內,沒有一個Candidate獲得更多的票數。那麼等待超過2倍故障轉移的超時時間後,Candidate增加epoch重新投票。
- 8、如果某個Candidate獲得超過一半且超過它配置的quorum的票數,那麼它就成為了Leader。
- 9、與Raft協議不同,Leader並不會把自己成為Leader的訊息發給其他Sentinel。其他Sentinel等待Leader從slave選出master後,檢測到新的master正常工作後,就會去掉客觀下線的標識,從而不需要進入故障轉移流程。
- failover_start_time 下一選舉啟動的時間。預設是當前時間加上1s內的隨機毫秒數
- failover_state_change_time 故障轉移中狀態變更的時間。
- failover_timeout 故障轉移超時時間。預設是3分鐘。
- election_timeout 選舉超時時間,是預設選舉超時時間和failover_timeout的最小值。預設是10s。
- failover_start_time < failover_timeout*2
- failover_start_time < failover_timeout*2
Sentinel 選舉流程原始碼解析
/* ======================== SENTINEL timer handler ==========================
* This is the "main" our Sentinel, being sentinel completely non blocking
* in design. The function is called every second.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Perform scheduled operations for the specified Redis instance. */
// 對給定的例項執行定期操作
void sentinelHandleRedisInstance(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {
/* ========== MONITORING HALF ============ */
/* ========== 監控操作 =========*/
/* Every kind of instance */
/* 對所有型別例項進行處理 */
// 如果有需要的話,建立連向例項的網路連線
// 根據情況,向例項傳送 PING、 INFO 或者 PUBLISH 命令
/* ============== ACTING HALF ============= */
/* ============== 故障檢測 ============= */
/* We don't proceed with the acting half if we are in TILT mode.
* TILT happens when we find something odd with the time, like a
* sudden change in the clock. */
// 如果 Sentinel 處於 TILT 模式,那麼不執行故障檢測。
if (sentinel.tilt) {
// 如果 TILI 模式未解除,那麼不執行動作
if (mstime()-sentinel.tilt_start_time < SENTINEL_TILT_PERIOD) return;
// 時間已過,退出 TILT 模式
sentinel.tilt = 0;
sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"-tilt",NULL,"#tilt mode exited");
/* Every kind of instance */
// 檢查給定例項是否進入 SDOWN 狀態
/* Masters and slaves */
if (ri->flags & (SRI_MASTER|SRI_SLAVE)) {
/* Nothing so far. */
/* Only masters */
/* 對主伺服器進行處理 */
if (ri->flags & SRI_MASTER) {
// 判斷 master 是否進入 ODOWN 狀態
// 如果主伺服器進入了 ODOWN 狀態,那麼開始一次故障轉移操作
if (sentinelStartFailoverIfNeeded(ri))
// 強制向其他 Sentinel 傳送 SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr 命令
// 重新整理其他 Sentinel 關於主伺服器的狀態
// 執行故障轉移
// 如果有需要的話,向其他 Sentinel 傳送 SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr 命令
// 重新整理其他 Sentinel 關於主伺服器的狀態
// 這一句是對那些沒有進入 if(sentinelStartFailoverIfNeeded(ri)) { /* ... */ }
// 語句的主伺服器使用的
/* Receive the SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr reply, see the * sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels() function for more information. */ // 本回調函式用於處理SENTINEL 接收到其他 SENTINEL // 發回的 SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr 命令的回覆 void sentinelReceiveIsMasterDownReply(redisAsyncContext *c, void *reply, void *privdata) { sentinelRedisInstance *ri = c->data; redisReply *r; if (ri) ri->pending_commands--; if (!reply || !ri) return; r = reply; /* Ignore every error or unexpected reply. * 忽略錯誤回覆 * Note that if the command returns an error for any reason we'll * end clearing the SRI_MASTER_DOWN flag for timeout anyway. */ if (r->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY && r->elements == 3 && r->element[0]->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER && r->element[1]->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING && r->element[2]->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER) { // 更新最後一次回覆詢問的時間 ri->last_master_down_reply_time = mstime(); // 設定 SENTINEL 認為主伺服器的狀態 if (r->element[0]->integer == 1) { // 已下線 ri->flags |= SRI_MASTER_DOWN; } else { // 未下線 ri->flags &= ~SRI_MASTER_DOWN; } // 如果執行 ID 不是 "*" 的話,那麼這是一個帶投票的回覆 if (strcmp(r->element[1]->str,"*")) { /* If the runid in the reply is not "*" the Sentinel actually * replied with a vote. */ sdsfree(ri->leader); // 列印日誌 if (ri->leader_epoch != r->element[2]->integer) redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "%s voted for %s %llu", ri->name, r->element[1]->str, (unsigned long long) r->element[2]->integer); // 設定例項的領頭 ri->leader = sdsnew(r->element[1]->str); ri->leader_epoch = r->element[2]->integer; } } }
/* This function checks if there are the conditions to start the failover, * that is: * * 這個函式檢查是否需要開始一次故障轉移操作: * * 1) Master must be in ODOWN condition. * 主伺服器已經計入 ODOWN 狀態。 * 2) No failover already in progress. * 當前沒有針對同一主伺服器的故障轉移操作在執行。 * 3) No failover already attempted recently. * 最近時間內,這個主伺服器沒有嘗試過執行故障轉移 * (應該是為了防止頻繁執行)。 * * We still don't know if we'll win the election so it is possible that we * start the failover but that we'll not be able to act. * * 雖然 Sentinel 可以發起一次故障轉移,但因為故障轉移操作是由領頭 Sentinel 執行的, * 所以發起故障轉移的 Sentinel 不一定就是執行故障轉移的 Sentinel 。 * * Return non-zero if a failover was started. * * 如果故障轉移操作成功開始,那麼函式返回非 0 值。 */ int sentinelStartFailoverIfNeeded(sentinelRedisInstance *master) { /* We can't failover if the master is not in O_DOWN state. */ if (!(master->flags & SRI_O_DOWN)) return 0; /* Failover already in progress? */ if (master->flags & SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS) return 0; /* Last failover attempt started too little time ago? */ if (mstime() - master->failover_start_time < master->failover_timeout*2) { if (master->failover_delay_logged != master->failover_start_time) { time_t clock = (master->failover_start_time + master->failover_timeout*2) / 1000; char ctimebuf[26]; ctime_r(&clock,ctimebuf); ctimebuf[24] = '\0'; /* Remove newline. */ master->failover_delay_logged = master->failover_start_time; redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "Next failover delay: I will not start a failover before %s", ctimebuf); } return 0; } // 開始一次故障轉移 sentinelStartFailover(master); return 1; }
/* Setup the master state to start a failover. */ // 設定主伺服器的狀態,開始一次故障轉移 void sentinelStartFailover(sentinelRedisInstance *master) { redisAssert(master->flags & SRI_MASTER); // 更新故障轉移狀態 master->failover_state = SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_START; // 更新主伺服器狀態 master->flags |= SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS; // 更新紀元 master->failover_epoch = ++sentinel.current_epoch; sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+new-epoch",master,"%llu", (unsigned long long) sentinel.current_epoch); sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+try-failover",master,"%@"); // 記錄故障轉移狀態的變更時間 master->failover_start_time = mstime()+rand()%SENTINEL_MAX_DESYNC; master->failover_state_change_time = mstime(); }
- 2、把master的狀態改成故障轉移中SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS。
- 3、增加master的current_epoch,並賦值給failover_epoch。
- 4、把failover_start_time改成mstime()+rand()%SENTINEL_MAX_DESYNC。
- 5、把failover_state_change_time改成mstime()。
/* =============================== FAILOVER ================================= */ /* Vote for the sentinel with 'req_runid' or return the old vote if already * voted for the specifed 'req_epoch' or one greater. * * 為執行 ID 為 req_runid 的 Sentinel 投上一票,有兩種額外情況可能出現: * 1) 如果 Sentinel 在 req_epoch 紀元已經投過票了,那麼返回之前投的票。 * 2) 如果 Sentinel 已經為大於 req_epoch 的紀元投過票了,那麼返回更大紀元的投票。 * * If a vote is not available returns NULL, otherwise return the Sentinel * runid and populate the leader_epoch with the epoch of the vote. * * 如果投票暫時不可用,那麼返回 NULL 。 * 否則返回 Sentinel 的執行 ID ,並將被投票的紀元儲存到 leader_epoch 指標的值裡面。 */ char *sentinelVoteLeader(sentinelRedisInstance *master, uint64_t req_epoch, char *req_runid, uint64_t *leader_epoch) { if (req_epoch > sentinel.current_epoch) { sentinel.current_epoch = req_epoch; sentinelFlushConfig(); sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+new-epoch",master,"%llu", (unsigned long long) sentinel.current_epoch); } if (master->leader_epoch < req_epoch && sentinel.current_epoch <= req_epoch) { sdsfree(master->leader); master->leader = sdsnew(req_runid); master->leader_epoch = sentinel.current_epoch; sentinelFlushConfig(); sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+vote-for-leader",master,"%s %llu", master->leader, (unsigned long long) master->leader_epoch); /* If we did not voted for ourselves, set the master failover start * time to now, in order to force a delay before we can start a * failover for the same master. */ if (strcasecmp(master->leader,server.runid)) master->failover_start_time = mstime()+rand()%SENTINEL_MAX_DESYNC; } *leader_epoch = master->leader_epoch; return master->leader ? sdsnew(master->leader) : NULL; }
// 執行故障轉移 void sentinelFailoverStateMachine(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { redisAssert(ri->flags & SRI_MASTER); // master 未進入故障轉移狀態,直接返回 if (!(ri->flags & SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS)) return; switch(ri->failover_state) { // 等待故障轉移開始 case SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_START: sentinelFailoverWaitStart(ri); break; // 選擇新主伺服器 case SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_SELECT_SLAVE: sentinelFailoverSelectSlave(ri); break; // 升級被選中的從伺服器為新主伺服器 case SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_SEND_SLAVEOF_NOONE: sentinelFailoverSendSlaveOfNoOne(ri); break; // 等待升級生效,如果升級超時,那麼重新選擇新主伺服器 // 具體情況請看 sentinelRefreshInstanceInfo 函式 case SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_PROMOTION: sentinelFailoverWaitPromotion(ri); break; // 向從伺服器傳送 SLAVEOF 命令,讓它們同步新主伺服器 case SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_RECONF_SLAVES: sentinelFailoverReconfNextSlave(ri); break; } }
// 準備執行故障轉移 void sentinelFailoverWaitStart(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { char *leader; int isleader; /* Check if we are the leader for the failover epoch. */ // 獲取給定紀元的領頭 Sentinel leader = sentinelGetLeader(ri, ri->failover_epoch); // 本 Sentinel 是否為領頭 Sentinel ? isleader = leader && strcasecmp(leader,server.runid) == 0; sdsfree(leader); /* If I'm not the leader, and it is not a forced failover via * SENTINEL FAILOVER, then I can't continue with the failover. */ // 如果本 Sentinel 不是領頭,並且這次故障遷移不是一次強制故障遷移操作 // 那麼本 Sentinel 不做動作 if (!isleader && !(ri->flags & SRI_FORCE_FAILOVER)) { int election_timeout = SENTINEL_ELECTION_TIMEOUT; /* The election timeout is the MIN between SENTINEL_ELECTION_TIMEOUT * and the configured failover timeout. */ // 當選的時長(類似於任期)是 SENTINEL_ELECTION_TIMEOUT // 和 Sentinel 設定的故障遷移時長之間的較小那個值 if (election_timeout > ri->failover_timeout) election_timeout = ri->failover_timeout; /* Abort the failover if I'm not the leader after some time. */ // Sentinel 的當選時間已過,取消故障轉移計劃 if (mstime() - ri->failover_start_time > election_timeout) { sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"-failover-abort-not-elected",ri,"%@"); // 取消故障轉移 sentinelAbortFailover(ri); } return; } // 本 Sentinel 作為領頭,開始執行故障遷移操作... sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+elected-leader",ri,"%@"); // 進入選擇從伺服器狀態 ri->failover_state = SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_SELECT_SLAVE; ri->failover_state_change_time = mstime(); sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+failover-state-select-slave",ri,"%@"); }
FAILOVER <master-name>
/* Scan all the Sentinels attached to this master to check if there * is a leader for the specified epoch. * * 掃描所有監視 master 的 Sentinels ,檢視是否有 Sentinels 是這個紀元的領頭。 * * To be a leader for a given epoch, we should have the majorify of * the Sentinels we know that reported the same instance as * leader for the same epoch. * * 要讓一個 Sentinel 成為本紀元的領頭, * 這個 Sentinel 必須讓大多數其他 Sentinel 承認它是該紀元的領頭才行。 */ // 選舉出 master 在指定 epoch 上的領頭 char *sentinelGetLeader(sentinelRedisInstance *master, uint64_t epoch) { dict *counters; dictIterator *di; dictEntry *de; unsigned int voters = 0, voters_quorum; char *myvote; char *winner = NULL; uint64_t leader_epoch; uint64_t max_votes = 0; redisAssert(master->flags & (SRI_O_DOWN|SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS)); // 統計器 counters = dictCreate(&leaderVotesDictType,NULL); /* Count other sentinels votes */ // 統計其他 sentinel 的主觀 leader 投票 di = dictGetIterator(master->sentinels); while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) { sentinelRedisInstance *ri = dictGetVal(de); // 為目標 Sentinel 選出的領頭 Sentinel 增加一票 if (ri->leader != NULL && ri->leader_epoch == sentinel.current_epoch) sentinelLeaderIncr(counters,ri->leader); // 統計投票數量 voters++; } dictReleaseIterator(di); /* Check what's the winner. For the winner to win, it needs two conditions: * * 選出領頭 leader ,它必須滿足以下兩個條件: * * 1) Absolute majority between voters (50% + 1). * 有多於一般的 Sentinel 支援 * 2) And anyway at least master->quorum votes. * 投票數至少要有 master->quorum 那麼多 */ di = dictGetIterator(counters); while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) { // 取出票數 uint64_t votes = dictGetUnsignedIntegerVal(de); // 選出票數最大的人 if (votes > max_votes) { max_votes = votes; winner = dictGetKey(de); } } dictReleaseIterator(di); /* Count this Sentinel vote: * if this Sentinel did not voted yet, either vote for the most * common voted sentinel, or for itself if no vote exists at all. */ // 本 Sentinel 進行投票 // 如果 Sentinel 之前還沒有進行投票,那麼有兩種選擇: // 1)如果選出了 winner (最多票數支援的 Sentinel ),那麼這個 Sentinel 也投 winner 一票 // 2)如果沒有選出 winner ,那麼 Sentinel 投自己一票 if (winner) myvote = sentinelVoteLeader(master,epoch,winner,&leader_epoch); else myvote = sentinelVoteLeader(master,epoch,server.runid,&leader_epoch); // 領頭 Sentinel 已選出,並且領頭的紀元和給定的紀元一樣 if (myvote && leader_epoch == epoch) { // 為領頭 Sentinel 增加一票(這一票來自本 Sentinel ) uint64_t votes = sentinelLeaderIncr(counters,myvote); // 如果投票之後的票數比最大票數要大,那麼更換領頭 Sentinel if (votes > max_votes) { max_votes = votes; winner = myvote; } } voters++; /* Anyway, count me as one of the voters. */ // 如果支援領頭的投票數量不超過半數 // 並且支援票數不超過 master 配置指定的投票數量 // 那麼這次領頭選舉無效 voters_quorum = voters/2+1; if (winner && (max_votes < voters_quorum || max_votes < master->quorum)) winner = NULL; // 返回領頭 Sentinel ,或者 NULL winner = winner ? sdsnew(winner) : NULL; sdsfree(myvote); dictRelease(counters); return winner; }
/* Process the INFO output from masters. */ // 從主伺服器或者從伺服器所返回的 INFO 命令的回覆中分析相關資訊 // (上面的英文註釋錯了,這個函式不僅處理主伺服器的 INFO 回覆,還處理從伺服器的 INFO 回覆) void sentinelRefreshInstanceInfo(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, const char *info) { sds *lines; int numlines, j; int role = 0; /* The following fields must be reset to a given value in the case they * are not found at all in the INFO output. */ // 將該變數重置為 0 ,避免 INFO 回覆中無該值的情況 ri->master_link_down_time = 0; /* Process line by line. */ // 對 INFO 命令的回覆進行逐行分析 lines = sdssplitlen(info,strlen(info),"\r\n",2,&numlines); for (j = 0; j < numlines; j++) { sentinelRedisInstance *slave; sds l = lines[j]; /* run_id:<40 hex chars>*/ // 讀取並分析 runid if (sdslen(l) >= 47 && !memcmp(l,"run_id:",7)) { // 新設定 runid if (ri->runid == NULL) { ri->runid = sdsnewlen(l+7,40); } else { // RUNID 不同,說明伺服器已重啟 if (strncmp(ri->runid,l+7,40) != 0) { sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+reboot",ri,"%@"); // 釋放舊 ID ,設定新 ID sdsfree(ri->runid); ri->runid = sdsnewlen(l+7,40); } } } // 讀取從伺服器的 ip 和埠號 /* old versions: slave0:<ip>,<port>,<state> * new versions: slave0:ip=,port=9999,... */ if ((ri->flags & SRI_MASTER) && sdslen(l) >= 7 && !memcmp(l,"slave",5) && isdigit(l[5])) { char *ip, *port, *end; if (strstr(l,"ip=") == NULL) { /* Old format. */ ip = strchr(l,':'); if (!ip) continue; ip++; /* Now ip points to start of ip address. */ port = strchr(ip,','); if (!port) continue; *port = '\0'; /* nul term for easy access. */ port++; /* Now port points to start of port number. */ end = strchr(port,','); if (!end) continue; *end = '\0'; /* nul term for easy access. */ } else { /* New format. */ ip = strstr(l,"ip="); if (!ip) continue; ip += 3; /* Now ip points to start of ip address. */ port = strstr(l,"port="); if (!port) continue; port += 5; /* Now port points to start of port number. */ /* Nul term both fields for easy access. */ end = strchr(ip,','); if (end) *end = '\0'; end = strchr(port,','); if (end) *end = '\0'; } /* Check if we already have this slave into our table, * otherwise add it. */ // 如果發現有新的從伺服器出現,那麼為它新增例項 if (sentinelRedisInstanceLookupSlave(ri,ip,atoi(port)) == NULL) { if ((slave = createSentinelRedisInstance(NULL,SRI_SLAVE,ip, atoi(port), ri->quorum, ri)) != NULL) { sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+slave",slave,"%@"); } } } /* master_link_down_since_seconds:<seconds> */ // 讀取主從伺服器的斷線時長 // 這個只會在例項是從伺服器,並且主從連線斷開的情況下出現 if (sdslen(l) >= 32 && !memcmp(l,"master_link_down_since_seconds",30)) { ri->master_link_down_time = strtoll(l+31,NULL,10)*1000; } /* role:<role> */ // 讀取例項的角色 if (!memcmp(l,"role:master",11)) role = SRI_MASTER; else if (!memcmp(l,"role:slave",10)) role = SRI_SLAVE; // 處理從伺服器 if (role == SRI_SLAVE) { /* master_host:<host> */ // 讀入主伺服器的 IP if (sdslen(l) >= 12 && !memcmp(l,"master_host:",12)) { if (ri->slave_master_host == NULL || strcasecmp(l+12,ri->slave_master_host)) { sdsfree(ri->slave_master_host); ri->slave_master_host = sdsnew(l+12); ri->slave_conf_change_time = mstime(); } } /* master_port:<port> */ // 讀入主伺服器的埠號 if (sdslen(l) >= 12 && !memcmp(l,"master_port:",12)) { int slave_master_port = atoi(l+12); if (ri->slave_master_port != slave_master_port) { ri->slave_master_port = slave_master_port; ri->slave_conf_change_time = mstime(); } } /* master_link_status:<status> */ // 讀入主伺服器的狀態 if (sdslen(l) >= 19 && !memcmp(l,"master_link_status:",19)) { ri->slave_master_link_status = (strcasecmp(l+19,"up") == 0) ? SENTINEL_MASTER_LINK_STATUS_UP : SENTINEL_MASTER_LINK_STATUS_DOWN; } /* slave_priority:<priority> */ // 讀入從伺服器的優先順序 if (sdslen(l) >= 15 && !memcmp(l,"slave_priority:",15)) ri->slave_priority = atoi(l+15); /* slave_repl_offset:<offset> */ // 讀入從伺服器的複製偏移量 if (sdslen(l) >= 18 && !memcmp(l,"slave_repl_offset:",18)) ri->slave_repl_offset = strtoull(l+18,NULL,10); } } // 更新重新整理 INFO 命令回覆的時間 ri->info_refresh = mstime(); sdsfreesplitres(lines,numlines); /* ---------------------------- Acting half ----------------------------- * Some things will not happen if sentinel.tilt is true, but some will * still be processed. * * 如果 sentinel 進入了 TILT 模式,那麼可能只有一部分動作會被執行 */ /* Remember when the role changed. */ if (role != ri->role_reported) { ri->role_reported_time = mstime(); ri->role_reported = role; if (role == SRI_SLAVE) ri->slave_conf_change_time = mstime(); /* Log the event with +role-change if the new role is coherent or * with -role-change if there is a mismatch with the current config. */ sentinelEvent(REDIS_VERBOSE, ((ri->flags & (SRI_MASTER|SRI_SLAVE)) == role) ? "+role-change" : "-role-change", ri, "%@ new reported role is %s", role == SRI_MASTER ? "master" : "slave", ri->flags & SRI_MASTER ? "master" : "slave"); } /* None of the following conditions are processed when in tilt mode, so * return asap. */ // 如果 Sentinel 正處於 TILT 模式,那麼它不能執行以下的語句。 if (sentinel.tilt) return; /* Handle master -> slave role switch. */ // 例項被 Sentinel 標識為主伺服器,但根據 INFO 命令的回覆 // 這個例項的身份為從伺服器 if ((ri->flags & SRI_MASTER) && role == SRI_SLAVE) { /* Nothing to do, but masters claiming to be slaves are * considered to be unreachable by Sentinel, so eventually * a failover will be triggered. */ // 如果一個主伺服器變為從伺服器,那麼 Sentinel 將這個主伺服器看作是不可用的 } /* Handle slave -> master role switch. */ // 處理從伺服器轉變為主伺服器的情況 if ((ri->flags & SRI_SLAVE) && role == SRI_MASTER) { /* If this is a promoted slave we can change state to the * failover state machine. */ // 如果這是被選中升級為新主伺服器的從伺服器 // 那麼更新相關的故障轉移屬性 if ((ri->master->flags & SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS) && (ri->master->failover_state == SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_PROMOTION)) { /* Now that we are sure the slave was reconfigured as a master * set the master configuration epoch to the epoch we won the * election to perform this failover. This will force the other * Sentinels to update their config (assuming there is not * a newer one already available). */ // 這是一個被 Sentinel 傳送 SLAVEOF no one 之後由從伺服器變為主伺服器的例項 // 將這個新主伺服器的配置紀元設定為 Sentinel 贏得領頭選舉的紀元 // 這一操作會強制其他 Sentinel 更新它們自己的配置 // (假設沒有一個更新的紀元存在的話) // 更新從伺服器的主伺服器(已下線)的配置紀元 ri->master->config_epoch = ri->master->failover_epoch; // 設定從伺服器的主伺服器(已下線)的故障轉移狀態 // 這個狀態會讓從伺服器開始同步新的主伺服器 ri->master->failover_state = SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_RECONF_SLAVES; // 更新從伺服器的主伺服器(已下線)的故障轉移狀態變更時間 ri->master->failover_state_change_time = mstime(); // 將當前 Sentinel 狀態儲存到配置檔案裡面 sentinelFlushConfig(); // 傳送事件 sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+promoted-slave",ri,"%@"); sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+failover-state-reconf-slaves", ri->master,"%@"); // 執行指令碼 sentinelCallClientReconfScript(ri->master,SENTINEL_LEADER, "start",ri->master->addr,ri->addr); // 這個例項由從伺服器變為了主伺服器,並且沒有進入 TILT 模式 // (可能是因為重啟造成的,或者之前的下線主伺服器重新上線了) } else { /* A slave turned into a master. We want to force our view and * reconfigure as slave. Wait some time after the change before * going forward, to receive new configs if any. */ // 如果一個從伺服器變為了主伺服器,那麼我們會考慮將它變回一個從伺服器 // 將 PUBLISH 命令的傳送時間乘以 4 ,給於一定緩衝時間 mstime_t wait_time = SENTINEL_PUBLISH_PERIOD*4; // 如果這個例項的主伺服器運作正常 // 並且例項在一段時間內沒有進入過 SDOWN 狀態或者 ODOWN 狀態 // 並且例項報告它是主伺服器的時間已經超過 wait_time if (sentinelMasterLooksSane(ri->master) && sentinelRedisInstanceNoDownFor(ri,wait_time) && mstime() - ri->role_reported_time > wait_time) { // 重新將例項設定為從伺服器 int retval = sentinelSendSlaveOf(ri, ri->master->addr->ip, ri->master->addr->port); // 傳送事件 if (retval == REDIS_OK) sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+convert-to-slave",ri,"%@"); } } } /* Handle slaves replicating to a different master address. */ // 讓從伺服器重新複製回正確的主伺服器 if ((ri->flags & SRI_SLAVE) && role == SRI_SLAVE && // 從伺服器現在的主伺服器地址和 Sentinel 儲存的資訊不一致 (ri->slave_master_port != ri->master->addr->port || strcasecmp(ri->slave_master_host,ri->master->addr->ip))) { mstime_t wait_time = ri->master->failover_timeout; /* Make sure the master is sane before reconfiguring this instance * into a slave. */ // 1) 檢查例項的主伺服器狀態是否正常 // 2) 檢查例項在給定時間內是否進入過 SDOWN 或者 ODOWN 狀態 // 3) 檢查例項身份變更的時長是否已經超過了指定時長 // 如果是的話,執行程式碼。。。 if (sentinelMasterLooksSane(ri->master) && sentinelRedisInstanceNoDownFor(ri,wait_time) && mstime() - ri->slave_conf_change_time > wait_time) { // 重新將例項指向原本的主伺服器 int retval = sentinelSendSlaveOf(ri, ri->master->addr->ip, ri->master->addr->port); if (retval == REDIS_OK) sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+fix-slave-config",ri,"%@"); } } /* Detect if the slave that is in the process of being reconfigured * changed state. */ // Sentinel 監視的例項為從伺服器,並且已經向它傳送 SLAVEOF 命令 if ((ri->flags & SRI_SLAVE) && role == SRI_SLAVE && (ri->flags & (SRI_RECONF_SENT|SRI_RECONF_INPROG))) { /* SRI_RECONF_SENT -> SRI_RECONF_INPROG. */ // 將 SENT 狀態改為 INPROG 狀態,表示同步正在進行 if ((ri->flags & SRI_RECONF_SENT) && ri->slave_master_host && strcmp(ri->slave_master_host, ri->master->promoted_slave->addr->ip) == 0 && ri->slave_master_port == ri->master->promoted_slave->addr->port) { ri->flags &= ~SRI_RECONF_SENT; ri->flags |= SRI_RECONF_INPROG; sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+slave-reconf-inprog",ri,"%@"); } /* SRI_RECONF_INPROG -> SRI_RECONF_DONE */ // 將 INPROG 狀態改為 DONE 狀態,表示同步已完成 if ((ri->flags & SRI_RECONF_INPROG) && ri->slave_master_link_status == SENTINEL_MASTER_LINK_STATUS_UP) { ri->flags &= ~SRI_RECONF_INPROG; ri->flags |= SRI_RECONF_DONE; sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+slave-reconf-done",ri,"%@"); } } }
/* Process an hello message received via Pub/Sub