1. 程式人生 > >Chrome外掛--》油猴的使用


以前介紹過幾款外掛, 不過都只能弄一下樣式, 遮蔽廣告而已, 沒有能自己寫指令碼的。 這不, 油猴就提供了這個功能。


同樣, 油猴外掛現在也是沒有辦法直接安裝到 Chrome 的了,


有了外掛伴侶, 安裝很簡單就不贅述了。


  1.  遮蔽 csdn 回貼框 定焦/失焦 高度變化(這個比較煩人) 的特效 :
  2.  防止 csdn 管理子選單點選後收縮。
// ==UserScript==
// @name         New Userscript
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match        https://bbs.csdn.net/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Your code here...
    // 1. 遮蔽 csdn 回貼框特效
    $("#post_body").before('<textarea class="required quoteOnly markItUpEditor" cols="40" id="post_body_tmp" maxlength="10000" rows="20" style="height: 300px;"></textarea>');
    var $txt = $("#post_body").hide();
    var $tmp = $("#post_body_tmp");
    // 2. 防止點選 管理子選單後,選單收縮。 注意替換 yenange 為自己的使用者名稱
    var urlCurr = window.location.href;
    var urlArr =[

    if($.inArray( urlCurr, urlArr )!=-1){


雖然沒有直接遮蔽那個 foucs/blur 事件,但在頁面上看來,已經沒有動態效果了, 而且最終也能正常回貼。

下面先貼出 csdn 的相關指令碼(https://csdnimg.cn/release/bbs/dist/js/apps/bbsMin-d7e7277d5f.js),


如果哪位大俠知道 如何移除 document 上的 click 事件, 或 遮蔽 左側選單點選“我回復的貼子” 之後的收縮事件,

歡迎告之, 非常感謝!


var CSDN = {};
function throttle(o, a, n) {
    var i, s = new Date;
    return function() {
        var t = arguments
          , e = new Date;
        n <= e - s ? (o.apply(this, t),
        s = e) : i = setTimeout(o, a)
function keyupFn() {
    if (window.localStorage) {
        var t = $(".mod_topic_wrap:first").data("topicId");
        window.localStorage.setItem(t, JSON.stringify($(".mod_topic_wrap #post_body").val()))
function SetStorage(t, e) {
    window.localStorage && localStorage.setItem(t, e)
function editStorage(t) {
    var e = $("#bbsModal input[name='reason_type']")
      , o = $("#bbsModal #reason")
      , a = $("#bbsModal #post_body")
      , n = $("#topic_title")
      , i = $("#bbsModal #topic_body")
      , s = {}
      , l = {};
    if (e.change(function() {
        s.reasonCategory = $(this).val(),
        l[t] = s,
        SetStorage(t, JSON.stringify(s))
    o.keyup(function() {
        s.reason = $(this).val(),
        l[t] = s,
        SetStorage(t, JSON.stringify(s))
    a.keyup(function() {
        s.editContent = $(this).val(),
        l[t] = s,
        SetStorage(t, JSON.stringify(s))
    n.keyup(function() {
        s.topicTitle = $(this).val(),
        l[t] = s,
        SetStorage(t, JSON.stringify(s))
    i.keyup(function() {
        s.editTopicContent = $(this).val(),
        l[t] = s,
        SetStorage(t, JSON.stringify(s))
    window.localStorage && localStorage.getItem(t)) {
        var c = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(t));
        c.reasonCategory && ($("#bbsModal input[value=" + c.reasonCategory + "]")[0].checked = !0,
        s.reasonCategory = c.reasonCategory),
        c.reason && (o.val(c.reason),
        s.reason = c.reason),
        c.editContent && (a.val(c.editContent),
        s.editContent = c.editContent),
        c.topicTitle && (n.val(c.topicTitle),
        s.topicTitle = c.topicTitle),
        c.editTopicContent && (i.val(c.editTopicContent),
        s.editTopicContent = c.editTopicContent)
function showDialog(o, a) {
    ajaxFn(o, a, function(t) {
        if ($("#bbsModalLabel").html(a),
        $("#bbsModal .modal-body").html(t),
        "edit" == o) {
            var e = $(".bbs_detail_wrap .mod_topic_wrap:first");
            editStorage("bbs_edit_reply_" + e.data("topicId") + "_" + e.data("postId")),
            checkRemainChars("#bbsModal #topic_title", "#bbsModal #title_count_notice"),
            checkRemainChars("#bbsModal #topic_body", "#bbsModal #topic_body_count_notice")
            show: "true"
function ajaxFn(t, e, o) {
    void 0 !== CFG.TOPIC_ID && $.ajax({
        type: "get",
        url: CFG.API_URL + "topics/" + CFG.TOPIC_ID + "/" + t,
        dataType: "html",
        success: function(t) {
            "" == t && "undefined" == t || o(t)
        error: function(t) {
function comAjaxFn(t, e, o, a, n) {
    if (t.preventDefault(),
    CSDN.getUserName()) {
        var i = $(e).closest(".post");
        if (i.hasClass("topic"))
            if ("舉報" == a)
                var s = i.data("postId")
                  , l = CFG.API_URL + "posts/" + s + o;
                s = i.data("topicId"),
                l = CFG.API_URL + "topics/" + s + o;
            s = i.data("postId"),
            l = CFG.API_URL + "posts/" + s + o;
            type: "get",
            url: l,
            dataType: "html",
            success: function(t) {
                "" == t && "undefined" == t || ($("#bbsModalLabel").html(a),
                $("#bbsModal .modal-body").html(t),
                "function" == typeof n && n(),
                    show: "true"
            error: function(t) {
    } else
            show: "true"
        $("#bbsModal .modal-body").html('請<a href="https://passport.csdn.net/">登入</a>')
function allCheck(t, e) {
    for (var o = document.getElementsByName(t), a = 0; a < o.length; a++)
        "checkbox" == o[a].type && (o[a].checked = e)
function checkRemainChars(t, e) {
    if ($(t).length) {
        var o = $(t).attr("maxLength")
          , a = $(t).val().length;
        a < o ? $(e).html("你還可以輸入" + (o - a) + "個字元") : $(e).html("你還可以輸入0個字元")
function geniusAjax(t, n) {
        type: "get",
        url: t,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(t) {
            if ("" != t || "undefined" != t) {
                for (var e = t.list, o = "", a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
                    o += '<dl class="genius_list"><dt><a href="' + e[a].profile_url + '" target="_blank"><img src="' + e[a].avatar_url + '"></a></dt><dd><a href="' + e[a].profile_url + '"  rel="nofollow"  target="_blank" class="user_nick_name" title="' + e[a].show_name + '">' + e[a].show_name + '</a><p class="genius_p"><b>&nbsp;</b><span><img title="專家分:' + e[a].total_tech_point + '" src="' + e[a].point_level_url + '" ></span></p><a href="javascript:;" class="genius_att" data-username="' + e[a].username + '">關注</a></dd></dl>';
        error: function(t) {
function doubleH(t, e, o) {
    var a = $(t.target);
    a.is(e) || a.is(".edit_btn_wrap span") || $(e).animate({
        height: o
    }, 300),
$.extend(CSDN, {
    getUserName: function() {
        var t = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )UserName=([^;]*)(;|$)"));
        return t ? t[2] : ""
    activeAttLink: function(t) {
        $(t).on("click", "a.genius_att", function(t) {
            var e = $(this);
            if (!e.hasClass("followed")) {
                var o = e.data("username");
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "//my.csdn.net/index.php/follow/do_follow",
                    data: {
                        username: o
                    dataType: "json",
                    success: function(t) {
                        1 == t.succ ? (alert("關注成功!"),
                        e.addClass("followed").text("已關注")) : alert(t.msg)
    checkFollow: function(t) {
        var e = CSDN.getUserName().toLowerCase()
          , o = $(t);
        if ("" !== e) {
            var a = o.find("a.genius_att").map(function(t, e) {
                return encodeURIComponent($(e).data("username"))
              , n = "//my.csdn.net/index.php/follow/check_is_followed_m/" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "/" + a + "?jsonpcallback=?";
            $.getJSON(n, {}, function(t) {
                $.each(t, function(t, e) {
                    1 == e && o.find("a.genius_att[data-username=" + t + "]").addClass("followed").text("已關注")
            o.find("a.att[data-username=" + e + "]").addClass("followed").text("自己")
$(function() {
    $("select.jumpMenu").change(function() {
        var t = $(this).val();
        window.location.href = 1 != t ? window.location.pathname + "?page=" + t : window.location.pathname
    0 < $("table.table_list").length && $("table.table_list tr:even").addClass("zebra"),
    "undefined" != typeof CNick && new CNick(".name2nick").showNickname()
$(function() {
    var t, e, o, a = {
        tab: function() {
            var e = $(".bbs_tab em")
              , o = $(".honour_c ul");
            e.hover(function() {
                var t = e.index(this);
        leftMenu: function() {
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                var n = $(window).height() - $(".csdn_bbs_main").offset().top;
                window.addEventListener("scroll", (o = function() {
                    if (0 < $(".csdn_bbs_main").length && 0 < $(".left_menu").length)
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                    var o = t
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                        height: "100%"
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                        top: 0
                    })) : ($(".left_menu_box").css({
                        height: "100%"
                        top: a
                    })) : ($(".left_menu_box").css({
                        height: n
                        position: "absolute",
                        top: "0px"
                a = 200,
                i = 100,
                l = new Date,
                function() {
                    var t = arguments
                      , e = new Date;
                    i <= e - l ? (o.apply(this, t),
                    l = e) : s = setTimeout(o, a)
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                    left: -210
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                    left: 0
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            var e = $(".fixed_dl");
            if (0 < e.length) {
                var o = e.offset().top;
                $(window).scroll(function() {
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                    o + 10 <= t ? e.css({
                        position: "fixed",
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                    }) : e.css({
                        position: "relative",
                        top: "0",
                        "z-index": 1
        userHead: function() {
            $(".topic_wrap .user_head").hover(function(t) {
                var o = $(this);
                o.data("allow_show", !0);
                var e = o.find(".user_material");
                if (e.length)
                else if (!o.data("fetched")) {
                    o.data("fetched", !0);
                    var a = CFG.API_URL + "users/" + o.data("username") + "/info";
                        url: a
                    }).success(function(t) {
                        t = $(t);
                        var e = "user_meterial_" + Date.now();
                        t.attr("id", e),
                        o.data("allow_show") || t.hide(),
            }, function(t) {
                var e = $(this);
                e.data("allow_show", !1),
        userLevel: function() {
            $(".topic_show_user_level").hover(function() {
            }, function() {
        dropMenu: function() {
            $(".drop_menu_wrap").hover(function() {
            }, function() {
        praise_stamp: function() {
            var t = this;
            $(".praise").hover(function() {
                t.thumbFn(this, "#csdnc-thumbsup-ok")
            }, function() {
                t.thumbFn(this, "#csdnc-thumbsup")
            $(".stamp").hover(function() {
                t.thumbFn(this, "#csdnc-thumbsdown-ok")
            }, function() {
                t.thumbFn(this, "#csdnc-thumbsdown")
        thumbFn: function(t, e) {
            $(t).find("use").attr("xlink:href", e)
        popFn: function() {
            $(".bbs_drop_menu li");
            var t = $(".pop_close")
              , e = this;
            t.on("click", function(t) {
        popShow: function() {
            var t = $(".bbs_popup_wrap");
            var e = t.height();
                marginTop: -e / 2
        popHide: function() {
        addPad: function() {
            $(".topic_l").each(function() {
                $(this).find(".close_topic").length && $(this).addClass("topic_owner")
    $(".bbs_drop_menu li").each(function() {
        var t = $(this).attr("type")
          , e = $(this).find("a").text();
        null != t && "" != t && $(this).on("click", function() {
            showDialog(t, e)
    $(".topic_wrap").delegate(".quote", "click", function(t) {
        var n = $(this).closest(".post");
        if (!n.data().isTopicLocked) {
            var e = $(this).parents(".mod_topic_wrap").data("postId");
            $.getJSON(CFG.API_URL + "posts/" + e + ".json", function(t) {
                var e = t.content
                  , o = n.find(".post_info")
                  , a = $("#post_body");
                e = o.hasClass("floorOwner") ? "[quote=引用 樓主 " + o.data("nickname") + " 的回覆:]\n" + e + "[/quote]" : "[quote=引用 " + o.data("floor") + " 樓 " + o.data("nickname") + " 的回覆:]\n" + e + "[/quote]",
                "" !== a.val() && (e = "\n\n" + e),
                a.focus().val(a.val() + e)
    $(".topic_wrap").delegate(".report_spam", "click", function(t) {
        var e = $(this).closest(".post");
        if (e.hasClass("topic"))
            var o = e.data("topicId");
            o = e.data("postId");
        comAjaxFn(t, this, "/report?topic_id=" + o, "舉報")
    $(".topic_wrap").delegate(".mana_edit", "click", function(t) {
        var e = $(this).closest(".post")
          , o = "bbs_edit_reply_" + e.data("topicId") + "_" + e.data("postId");
        comAjaxFn(t, this, "/edit", "編輯", function() {
            e.hasClass("topic") ? (checkRemainChars("#bbsModal #topic_title", "#bbsModal #title_count_notice"),
            checkRemainChars("#bbsModal #topic_body", "#bbsModal #topic_body_count_notice")) : checkRemainChars("#bbsModal #post_body", "#bbsModal #edit_body_count_notice")
    t = $(".mod_topic_wrap #post_body"),
    e = $(".mod_topic_wrap:first").data("topicId"),
    window.localStorage && localStorage.getItem(e) && t.val(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(e))),
    $(".mod_topic_wrap #post_body").on("keyup", throttle(keyupFn, 200, 600)),
    $(".topic_wrap").delegate(".mana_del", "click", function(t) {
        comAjaxFn(t, this, "/destroy_edit", "刪除")
    $("#forums_search").on("click", function(t) {
        $("#subSearch").is(":hidden") && $("#subSearch").show(),
    $("#subSearch").on("click", "li", function(t) {
        var e = $(this).text();
    a.checkAll = (o = !1,
    void $("#checkbox_btn").on("click", function() {
        o ? (allCheck("forums_del", !1),
        o = !1) : (allCheck("forums_del", !0),
        o = !0)
    $("#week .change_group").on("click", function() {
        geniusAjax(CFG.API_URL + "change_rank_group?group=weeks", "#week .genius_c")
    $("#month .change_group").on("click", function() {
        geniusAjax(CFG.API_URL + "change_rank_group?group=months", "#month .genius_c")
    $("#bbs_genius .change_group").on("click", function() {
        geniusAjax(CFG.API_URL + "change_rank_group?group=total", "#bbs_genius .genius_c")
    (function(t) {
        for (var e = document.cookie.split("; "), o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
            var a = e[o].split("=");
            if (a[0] == t && "UD" == t)
                return decodeURIComponent(a[1]);
            if (a[0] == t)
                return decodeURI(a[1])
    )("UserName") || function() {
        var t = $("#bbs_detail_wrap");
        if (0 < t.length) {
            var e = $(window).height()
              , o = 1.2 * e;
            CSDN.getUserName() ? (t.removeAttr("style"),
            $(".hide_topic_box").remove()) : (t.css({
                height: o,
                overflow: "hidden"
            t.append('<div class="hide_topic_box"> <div class="hide_topic_b"> <label class="show_topic js_show_topic"><span>檢視全部</span><svg class="icon" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#csdnc-chevrondown"></use></svg></label></div></div>')),
            $(".js_show_topic").on("click", function() {
                return t.removeAttr("style"),
                setTimeout(function() {
                    n = parseInt(c.offset().top)
                }, 500),
    var n, i, s, l, c = $(".post_feed_box");
    c.length && setTimeout(function() {
        n = parseInt(c.offset().top)
    }, 1e3);
    !function() {
        var e = $("#bbs_title_bar");
        if (e.length && c.length) {
            var o = parseInt(e.offset().top);
            $(window).scroll(function() {
                var t = $(this).scrollTop();
                o <= t && t < n - 300 ? (e.addClass("title_bar_fixed"),
                $(".bbs_title_h").show()) : (e.removeClass("title_bar_fixed"),
    i = window.localStorage,
    $(".icon_fullScreen").on("click", function() {
        var t = $(this).parents("html");
        if (t.hasClass("csdn_editor_fullscreen")) {
            if (t.removeClass("csdn_editor_fullscreen"),
            i.getItem("sTop")) {
                var e = i.getItem("sTop");
        } else {
            var o = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
            i.setItem("sTop", o),
    s = $(".post_body"),
    l = s.find("img"),
    s.length && l.each(function(t, e) {
        0 == e.src.split("//")[1].indexOf("img-bbs.csdn.net") && $(this).addClass("csdn-preview-img")
    function() {
        var t = $("#topic_body")
          , e = $("#post_body");
        if (t.length) {
            var o = t.height();
            t.on("focus", function() {
                    height: 2 * o
                }, 300)
            $(document).on("click", function(t) {
                doubleH(t, "#topic_body", "200px")
        if (e.length) {
            setTimeout(function() {
                var t = e.height();
                e.on("focus", function() {
                        height: 2 * t
                    }, 300)
                $(document).on("click", function(t) {
                    doubleH(t, "#post_body", "100px")
            }, 1e3)
    var r;
    (r = $(".reply_topic")).length && (CSDN.getUserName() ? r.removeAttr("data-bind-login") : r.attr("data-bind-login", !0),
    r.on("click", function(t) {
        if (CSDN.getUserName()) {
            var e = window.location.href;
            e.indexOf("#new_post") < 0 && (e.indexOf("#post-") < 0 ? e += "#new_post" : (windowH = e.split("#"),
            e = windowH[0] + "#new_post")),
            $(this).attr("href", e)
        } else
var AutoTag = function(t) {
    if (!jQuery)
        return console.error("需要引用jquery"),
    var i = this
      , s = {
        tagBox: $("div.tag-box"),
        iptTags: $("#hidTags"),
        addBtn: $("#addTag"),
        splitStr: ",",
        maxTagLen: 5,
        funAfterEditor: null,
        funAfterDel: null,
        isEditorble: !0,
        quickNext: [13, 188, 229]
    t && $.extend(s, t),
    s.isEditorble && s.tagBox.on("click", "span.name", function() {
        $(this).prop("contenteditable", !0);
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    s.tagBox.on("keyup", "span.name", function(e) {
        if (void 0 !== s.quickNext.find(function(t) {
            return t == e.which
        }) && (13 !== (e = e).which && (this.innerText = this.innerText.substring(0, this.innerText.length - 1)),
        0 < s.quickNext.length && l())) {
            var t = s.addTag("");
    s.tagBox.on("keydown", "span.name", function(t) {
        if (t.stopPropagation(),
        13 === t.which)
            return !1
    var l = function() {
        var t = !0;
        return 0 < s.maxTagLen && (s.tagBox.find("div.tag").length === s.maxTagLen ? (s.addBtn.prop("disabled", !0),
        t = !1) : (s.addBtn.prop("disabled", !1),
        t = !0)),
      , c = function() {
        var o = s.tagBox.find("span.name")
          , a = ""
          , n = s.splitStr;
        o.text(function(t, e) {
            30 < e.length && (e = e.substring(0, 30)),
            a += (0 < t ? n : "") + e
        i.allTagsVal = a,
      , o = function(t) {
        var a = s.funAfterEditor
          , n = s.iptTags.val()
          , e = t;
        setTimeout(function() {
            e.one("focusout", function() {
                var e = $(this).text().trim()
                  , t = new RegExp("," + e + "$|^" + e + ",|," + e + ",|^" + e + "$","i");
                if (!e || t.test(n))
                    if (e) {
                        var o = n.split(",").findIndex(function(t) {
                            return t === e
                        $(this).parent().index("div.tag") !== o && $(this).parent().remove()
                    } else
                    $(this).prop("contenteditable", !1),
                    null !== a && a($(this).parent("div.tag"), e);
        }, 100)
    return s.setlocalstorage = function() {
        window.localStorage && localStorage.setItem("invite_reply", s.iptTags.val())
    s.addTag = function(t) {
        var e = $('<div class="tag"><span class="name" ' + (t ? "" : 'contenteditable="true"') + '></span><svg class="icon icon-guanbi" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#csdnc-delete"></use></svg></div>');
        return e.find("span.name").text(t),
    s.addBtn.click(function() {
        var t = s.addTag("");
        return o(t.find("span.name")),
    s.tagBox.on("click", ".icon-guanbi", function(t) {
        var e, o;
        e = $(this).parent(),
        o = e.find("span.name").text(),
        null !== s.funAfterDel && s.funAfterDel(o),
    i.allTagsVal = "",
    i.loadTags = function(t) {
        if (t)
            for (var e = t.split(s.splitStr), o = s.funAfterEditor, a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
                var n = s.addTag(e[a]);
                i.allTagsVal = t,
                null !== o && o(n, e[a])
    window.localStorage && localStorage.getItem("invite_reply") && i.loadTags(localStorage.getItem("invite_reply")),
    i.addTag = function(t) {
        if (l()) {
            var e = s.addTag(t);
            return c(),
            s.funAfterEditor(e, t),
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