1. 程式人生 > >Python tornado multi task

Python tornado multi task

透過 IOLoop 的add_callback + self.finish() 可以讓 tornado 繼續在背景工作,但有一個問題是前一個工作太忙,會造成整個伺服器無法接受新的 request.


發現把某一個 function 加入 @gen.coroutine,主程式遇到這一個 function 自動變成 muti-thread .. @[email protected];


I’m not sure what the difference is between the following two functions:

 IOLoop.add_callback(callback, *args, **kwargs) 


IOLoop.spawn_callback(callback, *args, **kwargs)

You can’t get a return value, at least not in the way you’re thinking of. Your callback can’t even run until the function that called spawn_callback (i.e. on_message) returns. Just do whatever you want to do when that callback finishes in the callback itself (or pass it another callback to invoke with its result).

stack_context is an error-handling mechanism for callback-oriented code. It doesn’t let you handle exceptions in the calling function, but it does let you establish an error handler in the calling function that will “follow” the code even through a chain of multiple add_callback calls. This turned out to be confusing as often as it helped, so now that coroutines are available I recommend using coroutines as much as possible and when you do need to fall back to raw callbacks, use spawn_callback

instead of add_callback and put your try/except handler in the callback itself.

2.2 ioloop的回撥函式

1.IOLoop.add_callback(callback, args, *kwargs)


8.IOLoop.spawn_callback(callback, args, *kwargs)


No, in fact you’re guaranteed that all the functions are spawned before any of them starts running, because first does not yield between spawning func and spawning func2. You can verify this yourself by testing your code:

from tornado import gen, ioloop

def func():
    print('func started')
    yield gen.moment
    print('func done')

def func2():
    print('func2 started')
    yield gen.moment
    print('func2 done')

def first():
    for i in range(2):

    yield gen.sleep(1)


It prints:

func started
func started
func2 started
func done
func done
func2 done

See, func2 begins before the coroutines running func complete.

To accomplish what you want:

def first():
    yield [func() for i in range(2)]

This prints:

func started
func started
func done
func done
func2 started
func2 done

If you want first to wait for func2 to finish before it exits, then:

def first():
    yield [func() for i in range(2)]
    yield func2()

For more info on calling coroutines from coroutines, see my Refactoring Tornado Coroutines.


Running in the background

PeriodicCallback is not normally used with coroutines. Instead, a coroutine can contain a while True: loop and use tornado.gen.sleep:

def minute_loop():
    while True:
        yield do_something()
        yield gen.sleep(60)

# Coroutines that loop forever are generally started with
# spawn_callback().

Sometimes a more complicated loop may be desirable. For example, the previous loop runs every 60+N seconds, where N is the running time of do_something(). To run exactly every 60 seconds, use the interleaving pattern from above:

def minute_loop2():
    while True:
        nxt = gen.sleep(60)   # Start the clock.
        yield do_something()  # Run while the clock is ticking.
        yield nxt             # Wait for the timer to run out.