1. 程式人生 > >How to upgrade XAMPP in Windows?

How to upgrade XAMPP in Windows?

  1. Download the latest version of XAMPP.
  2. Install it in the same drive where your old Xampp originally was.
  3. Now go to xampp folder and run the xampp control panel as Administrator.
  4. Start both Apachee and MySQL server and check whether they are working properly or not, also check PhpMyAdmin page.
  5. Now Copy the htdocs
    folder from ‘xampp-old’ folder to ‘xampp’ folder.
  6. Go to xampp\php\php.ini
  7. You can use CLI for importing database. It helps especially with very big databases. If so you can jump to step 19. If not follow the remaining steps.
  8. Now configure the php.ini file and increase the value for the following options upload_max_filesize
    ,memory_limit, post_max_size .
  9. post_max_size and memory_limit need to be larger than upload_max_filesize. Make them high enough so big files can work on the server.
  10. Go to ‘xampp\phpMyAdmin\libraries\config.default.php’
  11. Look for $cfg[‘ExecTimeLimit’] = 600;
  12. Change the value 600 to a higher value may be 6000.
  13. Now restart both Apache
    and MySQL server.
  14. Now go to phpMyAdmin
  15. Go to Import tab
  16. Import ‘all-db-dump.sql’ file through the import option directly to server.
  17. Based on how many databases you have it will take some time.
  18. If you have followed all the steps correctly you will get a success message “ Import has been successfully finished”.
  19. After that run the following command mysql_upgrade in the Shell option.
  20. Go ahead and check whether your site and databases are working properly or not.
  21. If everything is working fine than you can delete the xampp-old file.