1. 程式人生 > >Amazon employees demand the firm stop selling its facial recognition tech to police

Amazon employees demand the firm stop selling its facial recognition tech to police

Over 450 Amazon employees have urged CEO Jeff Bezos to quit selling the tech giant's controversial facial recognition technology to cops. That's according to a new account, written by an anonymous Amazon employee, who joined other staffers in delivering a letter to Bezos laying out their demands. The facial recognition technology, called'Rekognition,' has been attracting scrutiny since May when the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) revealed Amazon had been selling it to several police departments around the country. Over 450 Amazon employees have urged CEO Jeff Bezos to quit selling the tech giant's controversial facial recognition technology, called Rekognition, to cops It comes a day after Bezos appeared at the Wired25 summit and defended his firm's involvement in government contracts. 'We know Bezos is aware of these concerns and the industry-wide conversation happening right now,' the employee wrote in a letter published to Medium.