1. 程式人生 > >Memes on the Blockchain. Good idea or bad idea?

Memes on the Blockchain. Good idea or bad idea?

Cryptocurrencies are a joke in my opinion. Given all the hype around blockchain technology, people have chosen to champion crypto coins as its main use. But blockchain simply allows for a variable to be stored. That's all cryptocurrencies are; A variable that only you own and can only update based on some rules.

Blockchain provides a public data store. That is what I am using it for. Maybe memes are not the best use-case for something like this, but it's a start. Imagine if instead of memes you stored something else... For example: news articles. You could have a permanent uncensorable record of news articles. Would this be useful? Of course the argument can be made. Why don't you just rely on news organisations websites. Why don't you just rely on the information shown on your Facebook feed. Etc.

The main problem with such centralised systems, is that you have to ask if something like this is valid for an international audience. Would the memes you see in one country, be the same in another country? The same case stands for the news articles example.